Unit 3Using Language Writingppt课件-(2022新)人教版高中英语选择性必修第一册.pptx

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1、Using LanguageUsing Language(2)Explore theme parks and write about a park选择性必修第一册 Unit 31. To summarize the main idea of the text and analyse its writing purpose.2. To figure out the structure and the language features of the text.3. To talk about the theme park impressing you most and write an intr

2、oduction about a theme park you like.Teaching Objectives:Lead-inWhat is a theme park? A theme park has a certain idea or a certain theme that the whole park is based on, like sports theme parks, history or culture theme parks.Which theme park have you been to? What kind of activities do you like mos

3、t?roller coasterperformanceMerry-go-roundparadeRead for information1. Read the text quickly and answer the questions. 1. What the text mainly talk about?The passage mainly introduces three theme parks, including their names, and the activities you can experience.Visitors. The writers purpose is to a

4、ppeal to visitors to visit by introducing three theme parks.2. Who are the target readers? What is the writers purpose of writing this text?3. What is the meaning of the title”Theme parks-fun and more than fun”?It means you can not only have fun but also learn something in a theme park.2. Read Para.

5、 2 carefully and complete the table. Name/LocationThemeActivities you may experienceDisneyland(various locations)Travel through spaceVisit a pirate shipMeet an adorable fairytale or cartoonsWander around the fantasy amusement park,.Enjoy exciting rides from.to.CartoonsVideo Time : Find out the Activ

6、ities you read in Para. 2 Name/LocationThemeActivities you may experience3. Read Para. 3 carefully and complete the table. Dollywood in the Smoky Mountains in the southeastern USAWatch famous country music groups performanceTry some candySee skilled workers make wood.Ride on the only steam engine.Ri

7、de on the ThunderheadCultureVideo Time : Find out the Activities you read in Para. 3 Name/LocationThemeActivities you may experience4. Read Para. 4 carefully and complete the table. Chimelong OceanKingdom in Zhuhai ChinaWalk under the Whale Shark Aquarium and see up to.Watch the dolphin and sea lion

8、 shows.See all kinds of interesting animals.Get turned upside down.or get wet.See splded Journey of Lights Parade.Enjoy tasty food for every appetite in the restautantsSea creaturesVideo Time : Find out the Activities you read in Para. 4 _adj.有特定主题的n主题;主题思想_adj.极好的;极大的;难以置信的_vi.有吸引力;呼吁;n吸引力; 呼吁;_n.海

9、盗;盗版者_adj.可爱的;讨人喜爱的_n.游荡;闲逛 vi.闲逛;漫游_n.娱乐(活动);愉悦_adj.巨大的;极大的_vt.& vi.(使)摆动;摇摆;转弯 _n.铁;铁器;熨斗vt.& vi.(用熨斗)熨;烫平themeincredibleappealingpirateadorableadorewanderamusementenormousiron5. Key words and phrases. _n.时尚;时兴;流行款式_adj.稀少的;珍贵的;(肉)半熟的_n.蒸汽;水蒸气vi.蒸发;冒水汽_adj.极佳的;卓越的_adj.(近)极地的;南极(或北极)的;磁极的_adj.壮丽的;雄

10、伟的;极佳的;非常好的_n.展览;陈列;展览品vt.显示;陈列_n.食欲;胃口;强烈欲望_n.娱乐;招待;娱乐活动;文娱节目_n.(书、报纸印刷页上的)栏;专栏;柱(形物)fashionraresteamsuperbpolarsplendiddisplayappetiteentertainmentcolumn因而出名有吸引力;呼吁;上诉;打动对.熟悉实现不仅仅表演节目一年到头;终年达到(某数量、程度等);直到颠倒;倒转;翻转寻找;探索be famous forappeal tobe familiar with come true more thanput on performancesall

11、year round up toupside down look for 6. Find out the adjectives, if-clauses, imperatives, etc. in the text, and then discuss how they are used and what they add to the text. Para.Adjective If-clause imperativeother1(动词-ing形式)2(动词-ing形式)various,different,famous,biggest,longest,incrediblefamiliar,magi

12、cal,adorable,possible,exciting,enormous,scarySomeparksarefamousforhaving.Travelling.,visiting.ormeeting.(Ifyouwant.,)cometoDisneyland!Ifyouwanttohavefun.(none)(none)Para. Adjective If-clause imperativeother3(动词-ing形式)4(动词-ing形式)beautiful,unique,traditional,famous,old-fashioned,rareonly,special,super

13、b,old,world-famous,longestsmallest,historical.leading,largest,educational,fun,interesting,exciting,splendid,tasty.Ifitisocean.(Ifitis.,)cometoChimelongOceanKingdom.Visiting.andtrying.Ridingon.stillworking.isaspecialtreat.Watching.isbotheducationalandfan.CometoDollywood.(none)Writing task1. Choose th

14、e park you wish to write about, and make a mind map about the park.2. Use adjectives, if-clauses, imperatives, and v-ing if possible.Use what you have learnt to write an introdution to a park.写作指导 : 地点介绍类或旅游景点类的作文属于说明文,写此类文章时应注意以下几点:1. 写作内容通常包括地理位置、面积、人口、气候特征、历史、 特产 等。也可适当融入人文风貌,简单介绍该地区的民间风俗及人们的 生活方

15、式等,但要抓住该地区的主要特征,描写详略得当。2. 写作时要遵循一定的顺序。描写时找准切入点,再由这个点展开(时 间或空间顺序)。3. 时态常用一般现在时,人称常用第三人称。4. 注意行文的连贯性,句子之间、段落之间要衔接紧密,过渡自然,可 用一些常用关联词或词组来体现这种逻辑性。常用表达1: 表示位置/面积1. 介绍某地所处的地理位置及以什么闻名等,常用语句:.is/lies地点状语位于.belocated/situated地点状语坐落于3.某地 is located in ., covering an area of .坐落于., 占地面积为.which covers an area of

16、.九寨沟国家公园位于四川省,占地720平方公里。Jiuzhaigou National Park is located in sichuang province , covering an area of 720 square kilometers.位于中国的杭州西湖,被誉为 “人间天堂”。Located in Hangzhou ,east China , the West Lake , Xi Hu ,is prasied as “heaven on earth”.河北海滨国家森林公园位于秦皇岛北戴河区,占地1600多公顷。HebeiCoastalNationalForestParkisloc

17、atedinBeidaiheDistrict,Qianghuangdaocity,coveringanareaof1600hectares2. 介绍某地历史背景,常用语句:1.某地+has a long history of . years.2. 某地+is a place with . history .某地是具有.年代的地方。3. 某地+ date back to 追溯到常用表达2: 历史背景The old tower has a long history of 2000 years.古塔有2000年的历史。2. 介绍某地人口和历史背景,常用语句:常用表达: 人口+历史背景1.It has

18、 a population of . with a history of .永福县有着2000年的历史,人口约为28万。Yongfu country has a population of nearly 280,000 with a history of 2000 years .1. is famous /well-known for /as 某地因.而闻名。2, 某地 +be rich/abundant in 某地含有丰富的,盛产.常用表达: 资源特色Hangzhou, located in the southeast of China, is famous/well-known for i

19、ts beautiful West Lake.位于中国东南部的杭州因美丽的西湖而闻名。1.There are many places of interest ,such as .有很多的名胜,比如.2.某地 has many places of interest , which is.某地有许多的名胜,其中就有常用表达: 列举“风景名胜”There are many places of interest , such as the Great Wall ,the West Lake and so on.中国有很多的名胜,比如长城,西湖等.北京有很多的名胜,其中就有紫荆城。Beijing has

20、 many places of interest ,among which is the Forbidden city.纽约,美国东部,面积 约1214平方公里,人口 19000000 ,美国最大的城市 the east of Amercia , New York , covers an area of about 1214 square kilometers a population of 19 million , is the biggest city in Amercia,Located inwhichwith北京,中国北部,面积 约16,000平方公里,人口 15000000 ,中国的

21、首都。Located in the north of China, Beijing ,which covers an area of more than 16000 square kilometers with a population of 15 million , is the captical of China.纽约,美国东部,面积 约1214平方公里,人口 19000000 ,美国最大的城市 the east of Amercia , New York , covers an area of about 1214 square kilometers a population of 19

22、 million , is the biggest city in Amercia,Located inwhichwith广州,中国南部,面积,7434平方公里,人口 超过10,000,000 中国第三大城市Located in the sotuth of China, Guangzhou,which covers an area of more than 7437 square kilometers with a population of 10 million , is the third largest city in China.假定你是秦皇岛市的一名中学生李华,请根据以下要点向准备来










32、ecanmakeyourtripmoreenjoyable.Imsureyoullhaveagoodtime.Iamlookingforwardtoyourarrival.Yourssincerely,LiHua 假定你是秦皇岛市的一名中学生李华,请根据以下要点向准备来你校作交换生的英国同学介绍一下位于秦皇岛旅游区著名的河北海滨国家森林公园。写作题目要点:1. 位于秦皇岛市北戴河区,占地1,600多公顷;2. 森林茂密,栖息着多种珍稀动物,鸟类380余种,占河北省鸟类总数 的90%多;3. 欢迎游览。注意: 1. 词数100左右; 2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。参考词汇:公顷hectar

33、e拓展练习: Located in Beidaihe District, Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Coastal National Forest Park is an incredible tourist attraction in China. It is a park best known for its thick forest and abundance of rare animals, especially varieties of birds. Covering more than 1,600 hectares, the park is home to ov

34、er 380 varieties of birds, which account for more than 90% of the whole amount of bird kinds in Hebei Province. It appeals to tourists from all over the world with its breathtaking beauty. Hebei Coastal National Forest Park is thought to be a must for bird watchers. Taking a walk in such a forest is

35、 not just a time for relaxation. You will find your trip here enjoyable and rewarding.Sample writing: Located in the northeast of Shanxi Province, Mount Wutai is one of the worlds five famous Buddhist Holly Lands. Mount Wutai mainly consists of five peaks and their tops are as flat as a pancake, so

36、they are named “Mount Wutai”. The peaks are heavy with snow all the year round and the slopes are surrounded with trees, making it a famous summer resort. There are fifty-eight temples now. There used to be at least three hundred temples there. Mount Wutai is not only famous for its fantastic natural landscape, but also for its ancient buildings, historical relics and rich Buddhist culture.Its really a great tourist attraction to visit.Mount WutaiHomework:1.2.Thanks


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