Unit 4 Body language Discover useful structures ppt课件 -(2022新)人教版高中英语选择性必修第一册.pptx

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Unit 4 Body language Discover useful structures ppt课件 -(2022新)人教版高中英语选择性必修第一册.pptx_第1页
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Unit 4 Body language Discover useful structures ppt课件 -(2022新)人教版高中英语选择性必修第一册.pptx_第2页
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Unit 4 Body language Discover useful structures ppt课件 -(2022新)人教版高中英语选择性必修第一册.pptx_第3页
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Unit 4 Body language Discover useful structures ppt课件 -(2022新)人教版高中英语选择性必修第一册.pptx_第4页
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Unit 4 Body language Discover useful structures ppt课件 -(2022新)人教版高中英语选择性必修第一册.pptx_第5页
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1、Unit 4 Body language Discover useful structures Di动名词作宾语、表语、定语动名词作宾语、表语、定语Find sentences with two kinds of -ing forms in the text and name their different functions.1. We can learn a lot about what people are thinking by watching their body language.2. The crucial thing is using body language in a w

2、ay that is appropriate to the culture you are in.一、课本链接一、课本链接动名词短语作介词宾语动名词短语作介词宾语动名词短语作表语动名词短语作表语3. For example, making eye contactlooking into someones eyesin some countries is a way to display interest.4. In Japan, it may demonstrate respect to look down when talking to an older person.5. In Japan

3、, someone who witnesses another person employing the gesture might think it means money.两个动名词短语分别作主语和同位语两个动名词短语分别作主语和同位语现在分词短语作时间状语现在分词短语作时间状语现在分词短语作后置语现在分词短语作后置语6. In France, a person encountering an identical gesture may interpret it as meaning zero.7. However, you should avoid making this guestur

4、e in Brazil and Germany, as it is not considered polite.8. In many countries, shaking ones head means “no”, and nodding means “yes”. 现在分词短语作后置语现在分词短语作后置语动名词短语作宾语动名词短语作宾语两个动名词短语分别作主语两个动名词短语分别作主语9. Elsewhere, people favour shaking hands, bowing from the waist, or nodding the head when they meet someon

5、e else.10. Placing your hands together and resting them on the side of your head while closing your eyes means “sleep”.11. A good way of saying “I am full” is moving your hand in circles over your stomach after a meal.三个动名词短语分别作宾语三个动名词短语分别作宾语两个动名词短语(一个概念)作宾语两个动名词短语(一个概念)作宾语两个动名词短语分别作介词宾语和两个动名词短语分别作介

6、词宾语和表语表语12. Experts suggest smiling at yourself in the mirror to make yourself feel happier and stronger.13. And if we are feeling down or lonely there is notheing better than seeing the smiling face of a good friend.动名词短语分别作宾语动名词短语分别作宾语动名词短语作介词动名词短语作介词than宾语,宾语, 现在分现在分词短语词短语smiling作前置定语作前置定语二二. 动名词

7、作宾语动名词作宾语 1.下列动词后只用动名词作宾语。下列动词后只用动名词作宾语。 如如: suggest, advise, recommend, propose(提议提议), enjoy, dislike, mind, finish, imagine, practise, admit, deny (否否认认), allow, permit, forbid (禁止禁止) , ban, keep (on), consider, stop, quit, forgive, excuse, pardon, appreciate (感激感激), advocate(倡导倡导), would/should l

8、ike/love/ pefer/ hate, understand, include, involve, avoid, delay(延误延误), postpone (推迟推迟), miss(错过错过), escape, risk(冒险冒险), cant help(情不自禁情不自禁), give up, put off (推迟推迟)等等。等等。 Would you mind waiting just a few minutes? She didnt mind being kept waiting. Father suggested going by bus. 2. 大部分介词后只用动名词作宾语大

9、部分介词后只用动名词作宾语, 如:如:feel like, think of/about, insist on, carry on, look forward to, object to(反对反对), stick to, pay attention to, get down to, settle down to , adjust to, adapt (oneself) to, devote to, be/get used to, by, for, in, without, before, after, about, etc. He insisted on solving it in his o

10、wn way. He has devoted his life to finding ways to grow more rice. Thank you for telling me the news. What about inviting Jack to the party? I can hardly imagine Peter _ across the Atlantic Ocean in five days. A. sail B. sailing C. to sail D. to have sailed 【考例【考例1】 She apologized for _ the meeting.

11、 A. having not being able to attend B. being not able to attend C. not being able to attend D. being able not to attend 【考例【考例2】The job market has changed and our apporach_ work must change as well.A. of findingB. to findC. to findingD. finding【考例【考例3】3.下下列动词后只用列动词后只用it 作形式宾语,动作形式宾语,动名词作真正宾语名词作真正宾语。

12、 think consider find feel no useno goodworthwhile funa waste of time/moneydoing sth.it I find it no use advising him to change his mind. I think it no good trying once more. 4. 动名词和不定式作宾语的区别:动名词和不定式作宾语的区别:1) 下列动词后跟动名词和跟不定式下列动词后跟动名词和跟不定式作宾语区别不大。作宾语区别不大。 A. sth. want/need/require/deserve doing/to be d

13、one 表示表示“需要被需要被 ” Plants need/require/want watering. to be watered But: The museum is worth visiting. Do all these clothes need _ (wash) ? Yes. But the washing machine has broken down and needs _ (repair) now, so Im afraid I need _ (wash) them by hand. 【考例【考例4】washing/to be washedrepairing/to be rep

14、airedto wash B. begin, start, continue, like, love, prefer, hate, intend, fear propose (=intend) cant stand/bear (不能忍受不能忍受) But: would/should like/love/pefer/ hate to do sth. 希望、更希望、不希望某人做某事希望、更希望、不希望某人做某事to do sth. =doing sth. 2)下列动词或短语后跟动名词和跟下列动词或短语后跟动名词和跟不定式区别较大,须注意。不定式区别较大,须注意。 forget/remember d

15、oing/having done 忘记忘记/记得做过某事记得做过某事 forget/remember to do sth. 忘记忘记/记得要做某事记得要做某事go on doing 继续做原来做的事继续做原来做的事go on to do 接着做另一件事接着做另一件事 mean doing 意味着做某事意味着做某事mean to do 想要做某事想要做某事 stop doing 停止做某事停止做某事stop to do 停下来开始做别的事停下来开始做别的事 try doing 试着做某事试着做某事try to do 努力做某事努力做某事be used to doing 习惯于做某事习惯于做某事

16、be used to do 被用来做某被用来做某事事cant help doing 禁不住做某事禁不住做某事cant help (to) do 不能帮助做某事不能帮助做某事 regret doing/having done 后悔做过某事后悔做过某事 regret to say/hear/learn/tell you遗憾地说遗憾地说/听到听到/了解到了解到/告诉你告诉你 be sure of/about doing sth. 对对有把握有把握 be sure to do sth. 一定会做发生某事一定会做发生某事 be afraid of doing sth. 担心会发生某事担心会发生某事;不敢

17、做某事不敢做某事 be afraid to do sth. 不敢做某事不敢做某事 be interested in doing sth. 对做某事感兴趣对做某事感兴趣 be interested to know/see/find/ hear/learn/read 因知道因知道/听到听到/看看到到/了解到了解到/读到而感兴趣读到而感兴趣 allow/ permit/advise/forbid(禁止禁止) doing sth. (宾语宾语) sb./sth. to do sth. (宾语补足语宾语补足语) We dont allow smoking here We dont allow anybo

18、dy to smoke here When asked by the police, he said that he remembered _ at the party, but not _. A. to arrive; leaving B. to arrive; to leaving C. arriving; leaving D. arriving; to leave【考例【考例5】 Have you forgotten _$1000 from me last month? Will you please remember _ it tomorrow? A. borrowing; to br

19、ing B. to borrow; bring C. borrowed; bringing D. borrowing; bringing【考例【考例6】三、三、动名词作表语动名词作表语1. 动名词作表语时放在系动词动名词作表语时放在系动词be之之后,用来泛指后,用来泛指经常性、习惯性或经常性、习惯性或抽象的行为抽象的行为,以说明主语的,以说明主语的内容内容。如:。如: Her hobby is painting. 她的业余爱好是画画。她的业余爱好是画画。 =Painting is her hobby. My favourite sport is swimming. 我最喜爱的运动是游泳我最喜爱

20、的运动是游泳。 One of her duties is delivering newspapers. 她的职责之一是送报纸。她的职责之一是送报纸。 One of my bad habits is staying up late playing games. 我的一个熬夜玩游戏。我的一个熬夜玩游戏。 My job is looking after the children. 我的工作就是照顾这些孩子。我的工作就是照顾这些孩子。 2. 动名词作表语与进行时、现在分词作动名词作表语与进行时、现在分词作表语以及不定式作表语的区别:表语以及不定式作表语的区别: I m looking after th

21、e children My job is very tiring/interesting. (现在进行时现在进行时)(现在分词作表语表示主语的特征现在分词作表语表示主语的特征) Her hobby is painting. My goal is to provide humans with a life of high quality.(具体将来行为,主语通常为:具体将来行为,主语通常为:goal, aim, purpose, plan, decision, hope, wish, ambition, etc.)(经常性、习惯性或抽象的行为经常性、习惯性或抽象的行为) Johns bad ha

22、bit is _ without thorough understanding. A. read B. being read C. to be read D. reading【考例【考例3】三、动名词作定语三、动名词作定语 一般只有单个的动名词位于一般只有单个的动名词位于被修饰被修饰名词的前面,表示被修饰词的名词的前面,表示被修饰词的作用作用(用途用途)或功能或功能。如:。如:a sleeping car =a car for sleeping卧铺车厢卧铺车厢(动名词作定语,表示作用或功能)(动名词作定语,表示作用或功能) Compare:a sleeping baby 正在睡觉的婴儿正在睡觉

23、的婴儿 =a baby who is sleeping (现在分词作定语,表示正在进行的(现在分词作定语,表示正在进行的动作)动作)drinking water =water for drinking 饮用水饮用水a drinking horse =a horse that is drinking a swimming pool 游泳池游泳池a swimming boy 正在游泳的男孩正在游泳的男孩a waiting room候车室候车室a waiting car正在等待的汽车正在等待的汽车a flying suit 飞行服飞行服a flying bird 一只飞鸟一只飞鸟a walking

24、stick 手杖手杖a walking dictionary 活字典活字典a changing room 更衣室更衣室a changing situation 正在变化的形势正在变化的形势a living room 起居室起居室living things 生物生物working conditions 工作环境工作环境working people 劳动人民劳动人民 (现在分词作定语,表示经常性动作(现在分词作定语,表示经常性动作)a washing/sewing machine 洗衣缝纫机洗衣缝纫机a weaving girl 织女织女 另外:另外:a reading room 阅览室阅览室a

25、writing desk 写字台写字台a publishing company 出版公司出版公司building materials建筑材料建筑材料 a sleeping baby 正在睡觉的婴儿正在睡觉的婴儿 =a baby who is sleeping (现在分词作定语,表示正在进行的(现在分词作定语,表示正在进行的动作)动作)drinking water =water for drinking 饮用水饮用水a drinking horse =a horse that is drinking a swimming pool 游泳池游泳池a swimming boy 正在游泳的男孩正在游泳

26、的男孩a waiting room候车室候车室a waiting car正在等待的汽车正在等待的汽车a flying suit 飞行服飞行服a flying bird 一只飞鸟一只飞鸟a walking stick 手杖手杖a walking dictionary 活字典活字典a changing room 更衣室更衣室a changing situation 正在变化的形势正在变化的形势a living room 起居室起居室living things 生物生物working conditions 工作环境工作环境working people 劳动人民劳动人民 (现在分词作定语,表示经常性动

27、作(现在分词作定语,表示经常性动作)a washing/sewing machine 洗衣缝纫机洗衣缝纫机a weaving girl 织女织女 另外:另外:a reading room 阅览室阅览室a writing desk 写字台写字台a publishing company 出版公司出版公司building materials建筑材料建筑材料 Toms/Tom my/me 作用:作主语、宾语或表语作用:作主语、宾语或表语doing being done四、动名词复合结构四、动名词复合结构 动名词逻辑主语:名动名词逻辑主语:名名词所有格名词所有格或或普通格;普通格; 形容词性物质代词或宾

28、格形容词性物质代词或宾格1. 动名词复合结构动名词复合结构作主语和表语时,动作主语和表语时,动名词逻辑主语只用所有格形式。名词逻辑主语只用所有格形式。 Marys coming home late made her mother angry. His going there wont do any harm. The main trouble is their working without a plan. 2. 作宾语时,口语或非正式语中,多采作宾语时,口语或非正式语中,多采用名词普通格和人称代词宾格。用名词普通格和人称代词宾格。 I wonder, Mr Adams, if youd mi

29、nd us/our asking a few questions. They are proud of their son/their sons being praised before the whole school.3. 当逻辑主语是无生命的名词或较长名词当逻辑主语是无生命的名词或较长名词或不定代词时,此刻只用普通格。或不定代词时,此刻只用普通格。 Is there any hope of our team winning the game? Many people are against new drugs being tested on animals. =Many people a

30、re against testing new drugs on animals. Do you remember Mary and her mother coming to see us last June? I dont like anybody troubling me when I am working. I hate others gossiping.4. there be 的动名词复合结构为的动名词复合结构为there being Whats the chance of there being a storm tomorrow? 1.Teenagers live very busy

31、lives and often forget _ (think) about their diets and exercise.2.Ill never forget _ (see) my daughter dance in public for the first time.3.We regret _ (inform) you that your application has been rejected.一、单项填空一、单项填空to thinkseeingto inform4.I regret _ (spend) so much money on a car.5.With so much w

32、ork to do,I cant help _(look) after the children.6.I didnt mean_(eat) anything but the ice cream looked so good that I couldnt help_ (try) it.7.Keep in mind that forgiveness doesnt necessarily mean_(accept) the actions of the person who upsets you. spendingto lookto eattryingaccepting8. John isnt he

33、re. Try _ (phone) his home nuber.9. Try not _ (become) a man of success but rather try _ (become) a man of value.10. No matter how bad the wather was, she never stopped _ (run).11. She freqently stopped _ (take) pictures when visiting the museum.phoningto becometo becomerunningto take12. After he fi

34、nished _(do) maths homework, he went on _ (write) a composition.doingto write1. I have _ (装修完我的房子了).2. I have _ (戒烟酒了).3. He _(不断点头nod).4. Would you mind _ _ (明天给我打电话)?finished decorating my housegiven up/stopped/quit smokingkept noddingringing/calling me uptomorrow二、完成句子二、完成句子5. The thief _ _(承认偷了汽

35、车).6. The doctor _ _ (建议多运动).7. I find _ _(劝他改变想法没有用).admitted stealing/having stolen the caradvised/suggestedexercising moreit no use/useless advising him to change his mind it no use/useless trying to persuading him to change his mind8. I think _ _in the newspaper (在报纸上刊登广告是浪费钱).9. Im looking forw

36、ard _ _(与家人团聚).10. What I dislike is_ late.(熬夜).it (is) a waste of money putting an advertisementto reuniting withstaying up too late/getting together with my family It must have been about two in the morning _ I returned home. I tried _ (wake) up my wife by _ (ring) the doorbell, _ she was fast asl

37、eep, so I got a ladder from the shed in the garden, put it _三、语法填空(一)三、语法填空(一) the wall, and began _ (climb) towards the bedroom window. I was almost there _ a sarcastic voice below said, “I dont think the windows need _ (clean) at this time of the night.” I looked down and nearly fell off the ladde

38、r _ I saw a policeman. I immediately regretted _ (answer) in the way I did, but I said, “I enjoy _(clean) windows at night.” “So _ I,” answered the policeman in the same tone. “Excuse my _ (interrupt) you. I hate _ (interrupt) a man when hes busy _ (work), but would you mind _ (come) with me to the

39、station?” “Well, Id prefer _ (stay) here.” I said. “ You see, Ive _(forget) my key.” “Your what? He called. “My key,” I shouted. _ (fortune), the shouting woke up my wife _ opened the window just as the policeman started _ (climb) towards me. It must have been about two in the morning _ I returned h

40、ome. I tried _ (wake) up my wife by _ (ring) the doorbell, _ she was fast asleep, so I got a ladder from the shed in the garden, put it _whento wakeringingbutagainst三、语法填空(一)三、语法填空(一) the wall, and began _ (climb) towards the bedroom window. I was almost there _ a sarcastic voice below said, “I dont

41、 think the windows need _ (clean) at this time of the night.” I looked down and nearly fell off the ladder _ I saw a policeman. climbingwhencleaningwhen I immediately regretted _ (answer) in the way I did, but I said, “I enjoy _(clean) windows at night.” “So _ I,” answered the policeman in the same

42、tone. “Excuse my _ (interrupt) you. I hate _ (interrupt) aansweringcleaningdointerruptingto interrupt man when hes busy _ (work), but would you mind _ (come) with me to the station?” “Well, Id prefer _ (stay) here.” I said. “ You see, Ive _(forget) my key.” “Your what? He called. workingcomingto sta

43、yforgotten “My key,” I shouted. _ (fortune), the shouting woke up my wife _ opened the window just as the policeman started _ (climb) towards me.Fortunatelywhoto climb/climbing I crossed the street to avoid (1) _ (meet) him, but he saw me and came (2) _ (run) towards me. It was no use (3) _ (pretend

44、) that I had not seen him, so I waved to him. I never enjoy (4) _ (meet) Nigel Dykes. He never has anything (5) _ (do). 语法填空(二)语法填空(二) No matter (6) _ busy you are, he always insists on (7) _ (come) with you. I had to think of a way (8) _ (prevent) him from (9) _ (follow) me around all morning. Hell

45、o, Nigel, I said, Fancy (10) _ (meet) you here. Hi, Elizabeth, Nigel answered. I was just wondering how to spend the morninguntil I saw you. Youre not busy (11) _ (do) anything, are you? No, not at all, I answered. Im going to . Would you mind my (12) _ (come) with you? he asked, before I had finish

46、ed (13) _ (speak). Not at all. I lied, but Im going to the dentist. Then Ill come with you, he answered. Theres always plenty (14) _ (read) in the (15) _ (wait) room! I crossed the street to avoid (1) _ (meet) him, but he saw me and came (2) _ (run) towards me. It was no use (3) _ (pretend) that I h

47、ad not seen him, so I waved to him. I never enjoy (4) _ (meet) Nigel Dykes. He never has anything (5) _ (do). 语法填空(二)语法填空(二)meetingrunningpretendingmeetingto do No matter (6) _ busy you are, he always insists on (7) _ (come) with you. I had to think of a way (8) _ (prevent) him from (9) _ (follow) m

48、e around all morning. Hello, Nigel, I said, Fancy (10) _ (meet) you here. Hi, Elizabeth, Nigel answered. I was just wondering how to spend howcomingto preventfollowingmeeting the morninguntil I saw you. Youre not busy (11) _ (do) anything, are you? No, not at all, I answered. Im going to . Would you

49、 mind my (12) _ (come) with you? he asked, before I had finished (13) _ (speak). doingcomingspeaking Not at all. I lied, but Im going to the dentist. Then Ill come with you, he answered. Theres always plenty (14) _ (read) in the (15) _ (wait) room!to readwaitingThank you扫码关注英语学科网服务号,第一时间获取资源更新通知扫码关注英语学科网服务号,第一时间获取资源更新通知关注英语学科网服务号,提供一对一优质人工服务,减少资源检索时间。关注英语学科网服务号,提供一对一优质人工服务,减少资源检索时间。


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