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1、第 1 页 共 2 页2019 年全国硕士研究生招生考试初试试题【B】卷科目代码:817科目名称:写作与翻译考生须知考生须知1 答案须写在答题纸密封线内,写在试题卷、草稿纸等均视为无效。2 答题时一律使用蓝或黑色钢笔、签字笔书写。3 交卷时,请本人将答题纸放入试题袋内,密封后在封条与试卷袋骑缝处亲笔签名。一、汉译英题(每小题 20 分,共 2 小题,共 40)1 1雨声渐渐地住了,窗帘后隐隐地透过清光来。推开窗户一看,呀,云儿散了,树叶上的残滴,映着月光,好似萤火千点,闪闪烁烁地动着。凭窗站了一会儿,微微地觉得凉意侵人,转过身来,忽然眼花缭乱,屋子里别的东西,都隐在光云里;一片幽辉,只浸着墙上

2、画中的安琪儿,这白衣的安琪儿,抱着花儿,扬着翅儿,向着我微微地笑。2 2一杯茶,加上一点烤面包或饼干,再和朋友闲谈几句,这种光景在英国下午四五点钟的时候,到处可见。不论是在英王居住的白金汉宫,或是在寻常百姓的家里,都是一样的。对于在机关里做打字员一类工作的女性,忙了一天而得到半小时的休息,去喝一杯茶,实在是一种受欢迎的调剂。甚至在前线的士兵,如果形势允许,也要抽空去喝一杯茶。这原是英国牢不可破的传统。二、英译汉题(每小题 30 分,共 2 小题,共 60)1 1Because of the business over his becoming an associate professor, H

3、ung-chien hadalways regarded Kao Sung-nien with a certain rancor and so had as little to do with him aspossible. He had never expected Kao to be so congenial. As a student of biology, Kao knewthat “the survival of the fittest” was ordained by nature. He was quite confident of his ownability to adapt

4、 to the environment and to know what to say to whom on which occasion. Likethe head instructor of the 200, 000 imperial troops referred to in ancient novels as “an expertin all eighteen of the military arts,” Kao Sung-nien, as president, was “fluent” in thedisciplines of all three colleges and all t

5、en departments of the school. “Fluent,” that is, in thesense of flowing smoothly, as in “the free flow of trains” or “a smooth intestinal flow.” A few“brief remarks” would go in through the ears and flow directly out of the mouth withoutstopping for a moment in the brain. One day the Political Scien

6、ce Association held itsinaugural meeting and had asked him to give a speech. He could speak volubly on第 2 页 共 2 页international relations, comparing Fascism with Communism, but maintaining that, in thefinal analysis, Chinas present political system was the best. The next day the Literary StudyGroup w

7、as having a social gathering. In his hortatory speech, besides saying poetry and songswere “the soul of the people,” and literature was a “tool for psychological reconstruction,” heencouragedtheaudiencetobecomeIndiasTagore,EnglandsShakespeare,Frances-uh-Frances Rousseau (also pronounced loso), Germa

8、nys Goethe, and Americas -American writers were too numerous. The day after at the Physics Clubs meeting to welcomenew members, having no atomic bomb to talk about yet, he could only call out a few times tothe theory of relativity, making Einstein, all the way on the other side of the ocean, run a f

9、everin his right ear and even sneeze. Besides this, he could even say “Shit” once or twice during achat with the military instructor. Surprised and delighted, the instructor looked at him withnew respect and considered him one of his own. Today Kao was having an informal meal witha few close friends

10、 with women present beside, so of course he adapted differently bycracking jokes and poking fun2. The increased use of low-energy transportation options such as bicycle sharing, busrapid transit and traditional subways are providing city dwellers with more flexible, cheaper,and less polluting option

11、s. For instance, China will be building over 87 new mass transit raillines of nearly 2,500 km of length in the next five years alone. If construction continues onthis pace, then Chinas cities will have half of the worlds metro tracks by 2050. Some novelmass transit concepts have also emerged, such a

12、s on-demand buses developed by theUniversity of Tokyo, which replace fixed-route bus lines, by dynamically routing pick-upsand drop-offs based on user demand. These systems improve operational efficiency andreduce carbon emissions by eliminating unnecessary stops.三、写作题(每小题 50 分,共 1 小题,共 50)You are required to write an essay of about 600 words in English based on the title below.Please write your essay on the Answer Sheet, using facts, evidence and your own ideas,knowledge and experience to support your views.Internet + Translation


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