1、Lesson EightClaim and Agency 索赔与代理 ContentsSection1Memory Training记忆力训练Section4Tips and Skills技巧点拨Section3Interpreting Practices口译实战Section2Skills and Drills技巧与操练Section5Expansion拓展材料Directions:Work in pairs, read the pairs of words and one minute later use the left line to recall the right one. Mem
2、ory Training记忆力训练Game 8-Imaginationcoffeebrandy cigarettetopmodel wifivilla pubdancing beachsunrise lampbook sofaclock kitchenwine pineChristmas seasurfing flowermedal supermarketcart elevatorshopping notebookbusinesstrip babysunshine whitecollarfastfood shipcustoms paperpicture fireworkceremony wed
3、dingfuneral shoesclimbing bicyclehealth 数字笔记和口译(二)日期的记录与口译 通常年、月、日用阿拉伯数字作记录,但年份中的前两位数视特定情况决定是否省略。 如果所讲年份不属于同一世纪或近几个世纪,最好把4位数全部记录下来,以免混淆。如 1997年4月23日,按顺序可写作97-4-23,而1697年4月23日,则最好写作1697-4-23。 日期的英文表达一般是月-日-年,年按前后分为两组,每一组数字都按基数来读, “日” 用序数词。 如1997年4月23日读作“April the twenty third, nineteen ninety-seven”。
4、如果年的后两位数为“零”,则读为hundred, 即1900年读为nineteen hundred,第三个数字为零,“读 为ou。如1908年读为nineteen o eight.SKILLS AND DRILLS技巧与操练倍数、分数、小数点的记录与口译 1. 倍数 表示倍数的增加,英语中通常可用“times asas.”或“times larger than”来表示。记录时可用符号“” 或“”。译为“是的几倍”或“比大N-1倍”。如: A is 2 times as large as B. 记为: A2B 译为: A是B的两倍或A比B大一倍。表示倍数的减少,英语中可以用“.times sma
5、ller (less) than.” ,但在汉语中“减少几倍”的说法不符合习惯。汉语中应该用“减少几分之几”来表示。记为: N1,译为“是的 1 ” N N 或“比少N1”。如: N SKILLS AND DRILLS技巧与操练(1)A is 4 times smaller than B. 正确的译法应为: A比B少四分之三,或A是B的四分之一。 (2)The GNP of 1980 was 3 times less than that of 1990. 应为:1980年的GNP比1990年的GNP少三分之二,或1980年的GNP是1990年的GNP 的三分之一。还有一些常用表达需牢记,如表达
6、“两倍”用twice,“三倍”用three times;“增加两倍”用 double;“增加三倍”用triple,“翻番”用double,“翻两番” 用quadruple。SKILLS AND DRILLS技巧与操练2. 分数 表示分数时,分子和分母分别由基数词和序数词表示,但分母有单数与复数之分。分子 为“2”以上的数字时,分母加“s”。记录时可使用数学符号来表示。请看下面的例子: 记录为 译为 十分之一 1/10 one tenth 十分之七 7/10 seven tenths 二分之一 1/2 a half 四分之三 3/4 three quarters比较复杂的分数如: 57239,读
7、作fifty seven over two hundred and thirty nine。SKILLS AND DRILLS技巧与操练3. 小数 表示小数时,小数点前面的数字和基数词的读法相同;小数点后的数字则必须一一读出“0”在小数点前读“zero/nought” ,在小数点后读“ou”。如: 0.049(zeronought)point o four nine 4.73four point seven three 6.09six point o nineSKILLS AND DRILLS技巧与操练百分数、折扣的记录与口译 1. 百分数 百分数记录为“”,读作percent,不论多少均用单
8、数形式,不能加“s”。 0.68 zero point six eight percent 百分之零点六八 0.4% zero point four percent 百分之零点四 3.05% three point o five percent 百分之三点零五 6 six percent 百分之六 369 three hundred and sixty nine percent 百分之三百六十九 331/3% thirty-three and one third percent 百分之三十三又三分之一SKILLS AND DRILLS技巧与操练2. 折扣 折扣的记录一般采用百分数,用英文表达为
9、“ % discount/off”。 如打7折,译为“30 percent discount”或者“30percentoff” .注意数字所代表的意义 口译中一定要记住数字的单位和其代表的含义,如人民币、美元,否则记下一堆数字也 毫无意义。试看下面这段话中数字的意义。 广西同190多个国家和地区的5000多家客户建立贸易关系,还在美国、日本、法国、德 国、新加坡、巴拿马、冈比亚等国家和我国港澳台地区设有62家贸易机构。“八五”期间,广西 进出口总额104.1亿美元。进入“九五”时期后仍保持良好势头。SKILLS AND DRILLS技巧与操练Directions:Listen and take
10、 down the figures you hear. Check answers with your partners. Try tointerpret them.Drill 1Skills and Drills技巧与操练Skills and Drills技巧与操练Scripts: 1/3 5/8 6/15 2 3/5 4 5/6 48/3221.88% 0.00037% 27.49% 0.456% 106.4%0.8米 0.25公斤 0.72公里 51.74公斤 56.38吨 26.92公顷3.5万 19.05万 53.96万 802.55万 849.49万 3.9亿 7.07亿 81.3
11、7亿 56. 09亿 702.05亿 8010.05亿Skills and Drills技巧与操练Reference version 参考译文:one third one half one forth three fourths five eighths six fifteenths two and third fifths four and five sixths forty eight thirty secondstwenty one point double eight percent decimal triple zero three seven percenttwenty seven
12、 point four nine percent decimal four five six percentone hundred and six point four percentdecimal eight meters decimal two five kilogram zero point seven two kilometer fifty one point seven four kilogram fifty six point three eight tons twenty six point nine two hectaresSkills and Drills技巧与操练Refer
13、ence version 参考译文:thirty five thousand one hundred nine thousand and five hundredfive hundred thirty nine thousand and six hundred eight million twenty five thousand and five hundred 7million four hundred ninety four thousand and nine hundred three hundred and seventy million seven hundred and seven
14、 millioneight billion one hundred and thirty seven million five billion six hundred and nine millionseventy billion two hundred and five million eight hundred and ten billion and five millionSkills and Drills技巧与操练Directions:Listen to the sentences and take down the date mentioned for each conference
15、. Then compare notes with your partners.Drill 2Skills and Drills技巧与操练Skills and Drills技巧与操练Scripts:1. 新华网北京11月13日电,2015中国国际矿业大会13日在北京召开。2. 11月6日,第二届贵州旅游产业发展大会在黔南州荔波大七孔景区举行。3. 11月9日下午,第四届中国国际服务外包大会在西安高新区胜利闭幕。4. Baidu World Conference was held on August 9th, 2015 in Jiali Center, Beijing.5. It is repo
16、rted that on Thursday, March 23th, 2014, the First SME E-Commerce Development Conference sponsored by “E-Commerce World” was held in Beijing.6. The 62nd Session of the United Nations (UN) General Assembly was held on September 18th, this year in New York City.Skills and Drills技巧与操练Directions:Listen
17、to the four paragraphs and take notes. Then reproduce them.Drill 3Skills and Drills技巧与操练Scripts:1 2015年越南进口各类原装汽车12.5万辆,金额29.85亿美元,分别同比增长77%和89%。原装车辆进口大幅增长主要由于市场对9座以下乘用车和卡车需求不断扩大。其中,9座以下乘用车进口5.14万辆,金额3.63亿美元,分别增长63%和47%;原装卡车进口4.89万辆,金额12.99亿美元,分别增长79%和97%。2. 2015年,新加坡对华投资扭转了过去三年下降的局面。2011年以后,新加坡对华投资
18、规模持续扩大。2013年新加坡对华投资73.27亿美元,同比增长12.06%,成为中国最大的投资来源国。目前,新加坡在中国累计投资已经近550亿美元,有超过23,000个项目,金额已超过欧盟28国对华实际投入外资金额的总和。Skills and Drills技巧与操练3Sales for the year 2013 increased by 60% over the previous year, gross margin increased from 46.5% to 48.2% of sales and 65.8% over 2012, as a result of 1.7% reducti
19、on in cost of sales.4PBIT improved from 14.99% to 20.61% of sales due to 1.7% improvement in gross margin and 4% reduction in operation expenses. PBIT in 2001 is 120% over 2000.Skills and Drills技巧与操练Directions:Listen to the two paragraphs and take notes. Then interpret them.Drill 4Skills and Drills技
20、巧与操练Scripts:1.美国国债已经达到27000亿美元,占其国内生产总值的56%,年平均利息1500亿美元。加拿大国债占其国内生产总值的69.5%,巴西6.1%, 德国44.1%, 法国37.2%, 意大利96.5%, 日本67.3%。2. Growth rate of world population at present is 1.2%, growth rate of the most underdeveloped countries is the highest, up to 2.4% while that of developed and less developed count
21、ries is 0.25% and 1.46% respectively.Skills and Drills技巧与操练Reference version 参考译文1. American national debt has added up to US$ 2,700 billion, or about 56 percent of the United States gross domestic product, with an annual interest of US$ 150 billion. Canadas national debt is 69.5 percent of its gros
22、s domestic product; Britain, 6.1%; Germany, 44.1%; France, 37.2%; Italy, 96.5%; and Japan, 67.3%.2目前世界人口增长率为1.2%,其中大多数不发达国家的人口增长率最高,达到2.4%, 发达及欠发达国家的人口增长率分别为0.25%和1.46%。Claim索赔索赔是指受损方向违约方提出损害赔偿的要求。在国际贸易中,根据损失的原因和责任,索赔的对象也需要被正确地确定。一般属于承保范围内的货物损失,索赔的对象是保险公司;属于因承运人过失所造成的货物损失,索赔对象是承运人;属于合同当事人责任的,索赔对象就是对
23、应的责任人。由于牵涉的因素较多,索赔是国际贸易活动中耗时、费力的一个环节。口译员进行相关业务口译前,若能了解清楚索赔对象、索赔期限、索赔依据、仲裁机构等问题,在进行口译工作时,就能比较轻松地应对。Interpreting Practices口译实战Directions:Work in pairs, practise the following words and expressions, and then give quick response to them.Interpreting Practices口译实战Directions: Work in pairs and interpret t
24、he sentences. Interpreting Practices口译实战1. They seemed in good condition when we received them the day before yesterday. 2. Well give your claim our careful consideration. 3. We appreciate your positive action towards this affair. 4. You have a full set of solution to the incident,which makes us con
25、fident in you. 5. 我们已调查情况,找出了劣质的原因。 6. 我们已采取措施改正,你放心,不会再出现类似情况了。 7. 如果发现货物的数量与合同的规定不符,你们应在收到货物后30天内告知我方。 8. 你们应凭检验机构出具的检验证书立即以书面方式将赔偿要求通知我方。Interpreting Practices口译实战Reference version 参考译文:1. 前天我们收到货物时,货物状况良好2. 我们一定会就你们提出的索赔做仔细调查。3. 我们很赞赏你们对此事件采取的积极措施。4. 你们对意外的发生有着充分的解决办法,这点让我们很放心。5. We have looked
26、into the case and found the reason for the inferior quality.6. We have taken measures to put things right and assure you that similar case will in no case happen again.7. If the quantity discrepancies were found out not in conformity with the stipulation of the contract, you should inform us within
27、30 days after the receipt of the goods. 8. You shall notify us the compensation requirement in a written form promptly with an inspection certificate issued by the inspection authorities.Procedures: Step1: According to the following post-it notes, work in groups. Step2 :Digest the dialogue and then
28、interpret the sentences in it. Step3 :Evaluate each others job. Step4 :Listen to the recording and drill by yourself.Mr. Rydell, the Purchase Manager of Hobby craft, UK, is making a claim against Yanlong Art and Craft Company. Mr. Yi, the Sales Manager from Yanlong Art and Craft Company, is trying t
29、o solve the problem now.Interpreting Practices口译实战Interpreting Practices口译实战(At the teleconference) Mr. Rydell: Mr. Yi: Mr. Rydell: Mr. Yi: Mr. Rydell: Mr. Yi: Mr. Rydell: Mr. Yi: I have something very unpleasant to talk over with you, Mr. Yi.哦?什么事?The goods have been shipped to the destination. The
30、y seemed in good condition when we received them the day before yesterday. We unpacked and unfortunately found goods in two cartons did not match the quality of the samples.很遗憾。我们一定会就你们提出的索赔做仔细的调查。Thankyou.有时候,船运公司或保险公司应负责赔偿。 I know. But the packages were in sound condition. It was the quality that
31、we claimed for. 我明白。我向你们保证我方会及时处理。我们会调查清楚,尽快给你们答复。Interpreting Practices口译实战(One day later) Mr. Yi: Mr. Rydell: Mr. Yi: Mr. Rydell: Mr. Yi: Mr. Rydell: Mr. Rydell,我们已调查情况,找出了劣质的原因。Yes?是工厂工人质量检查时疏忽了。我们已安排发运正确的货物到你方港口。20 天内就会到达你处。希望没给你带来什么不便。 It is good to find the reason. You know these coming two mo
32、nths are the selling season for the goods of this nature. I do hope they can reach us in due time and be on the market for the season. 我真的很抱歉给你们带来了不便。 我们已采取措施改正,你放心,不会再出现 类似情况了。 Hope so. How about the wrong goods? Shall we deliver them back to you?Interpreting Practices口译实战 Mr. Rydell: Mr. Yi: Mr. R
33、ydell: Mr. Yi: 没必要这么做。如你们接受这些货物,我们可以给你们打6折。 Thats acceptable.希望这次不愉快的事件不会影响我们将来的生意。Of course not. We appreciate your positive action towards this affair.Reference Version 参考译文(视频会议中)Mr. Rydell: I have something very unpleasant to talk over with you, Mr. Yi.I: 李经理,我有件不愉快的事跟你说。Mr. Yi: 哦?什么事?I: Oh? Wha
34、ts it?Mr. Rydell: The goods have been shipped to the destination. They seemed in good condition when we received them the day before yesterday. We unpacked and unfortunately found goods in two cartons did not match the quality of the samples.I: 货物已运到目的地。前天收到货物时状况良好。我们打开包装,结果发现两箱货物的质量跟样品质量不符。Interpre
35、ting Practices口译实战Mr. Yi: 很遗憾。我们一定会就你们提出的索赔做仔细的调查。I: Im so regretful. Well give your claim our careful consideration. Mr. Rydell: Thank you.I: 谢谢。Mr. Yi: 有时候,船运公司或保险公司应负责赔偿。 I: Sometimes the shipping company or insurance company is found to be responsible for the claim.Mr. Rydell: I know. But the pa
36、ckages were in sound condition. It was the quality that we claimed for.I: 我知道。但货物包装完整,状况良好。我们是对质量提出索赔。Mr. Yi: 我明白。我向你们保证我方会及时处理。我们会调查清楚,尽快给你们答复。Interpreting Practices口译实战I: I see. Well, I assure you of our prompt attention. We will investigate it and give you a reply soon.(一天后)Mr. Yi: Mr. Rydell,我们已
37、调查情况,找出了劣质的原因。I: Mr. Rydell, we have looked into the case and found the reason for the inferior quality.Mr. Rydell: Yes?I:是什么?Mr. Yi: 是工厂工人质量检查时疏忽了。我们已安排发运正确的货物到你方港口。20天内就会到达你处。希望没给你带来什么不便。Interpreting Practices口译实战I: There is an overlook on quality check on part of the staff in the factory. We have
38、 arranged the dispatch of correct quality to your port. They will reach you in no more than 20 days. I hope it will not cause any inconvenience to you.Mr. Rydell: It is good to find the reason. You know these coming two months are the selling season for the goods of this nature. I do hope they can r
39、each us in due time and be on the market for the season.I: 找到原因就好。你知道,接下来的两个月是这种产品的销售季节。我真的希望这些货能准时到达我处,赶上销售季节上市。Mr. Yi: 我真的很抱歉给你们带来了不便。我们已采取措施改正,你放心,不会再出现类似情况了。Interpreting Practices口译实战I: Im really regretful for the inconvenience. We have taken measures to put things right and assure you that simi
40、lar case will in no case happen again.Mr. Rydell: Hope so. How about the wrong goods? Shall we deliver them back to you?I:希望如此。发运错的货物怎么办? 我们把它们运回去给你们吗?Mr. Yi: 没必要这么做。如你们接受这些货物,我们可以给你们打6 折。I: No need to do so. If you could accept the goods, we can offer you a 40% discount.Mr. Rydell: Thats acceptable
41、.I: 可以接受。Mr. Yi: 希望这次不愉快的事件不会影响我们将来的生意。Interpreting Practices口译实战I: I do hope this unpleasant incident will not affect our business in future. Mr. Rydell: Of course not. We appreciate your positive action towards this affair. I: 当然不会。我们很赞赏你们对此事件采取的积极措施。 Interpreting Practices口译实战Interpreting Practic
42、es口译实战Directions:Listen to a passage for three times. For the first time, please listen and take notes on the following pad, then reproduce it to your partner; for the second time, interpret what you hear whenever it pauses; for the third time, listen and follow the reader with a 4-7 word span.Inter
43、preting Practices口译实战Scripts:Claims occur frequently in international trade. There are different kinds of claim: claims on quality, claims on short-weight, claims on delayed shipment and claims on damage. Once a claim occurs, the buyer shall lodge a claim within the stipulated time, usually within 6
44、0 days after the arrival of goods against the seller supported by materials issued by inspection institutes concerned. Upon the receipt of the claim, the seller will make a careful investigation into the case to find out the party that shall be responsible for the claim and notify the buyer if he en
45、tertains the claim or not. When the seller is proved to be responsible, he should make compensation as agreed.Interpreting Practices口译实战 Reference version 参考译文:国际贸易中经常发生索赔现象。索赔有几种不同的类型: 质量索赔、短重索赔、延期装运索赔、损坏索赔等。一旦发生索赔,买方应在规定的时间内,通常是到货后60天内向卖方提出索赔,并出具有关检验机构的证明材料,卖方收到索赔信后应着手进行详细调查,查明需负责的一方,并向买方表明接受索赔与否。
46、如果查明是卖方负责,须按商定数额进行赔偿。 Agency代理代理是指出口人通过签订代理协议,将商品委托给国外客户(代理人),委托其在一定地区和一定时间内为出口人代售商品、招揽生意或处理相关事宜的一种贸易做法。代理的种类可大致分为:总代理(General Agency)、独家代理(Sole Agency)、普通代理(Agency)。口译员在做译前准备时,应熟悉、了解任务所涉及的代理种类,代理协议中涉及的地点、时间要求、产品名称、招揽订单等内容。Interpreting Practices口译实战Directions:Work in pairs, practise the following wo
47、rds and expressions, and then give quick response to them.Interpreting Practices口译实战Directions: Work in pairs and interpret the sentences. Interpreting Practices口译实战1. 等时机成熟时,我们将考虑委托你为我方在那个地区的独家代理。 2. 暂时把代理问题搁置下来了。 3. 那么你们建议的协议年销售量是多少? 4. 我们的佣金一般是百分之十五,佣金的多少是由年销售量的大小来决定。 5. We did hope we could be a
48、ppointed as your agent at the very beginning of your putting goods on market. 6. It is hopeful that annual turnover for the next 3 years will increase greatly. 7. We can do a substantial job and push your products vigorously. 8. We can renew the agreement of agency on its expiry.Interpreting Practic
49、es口译实战Reference version 参考译文:1. When opportunity matures, we would consider making you our sole agent for the region.2. We left aside the problem of agency.3. Then what annual turnover would you suggest for the agreement?4. Our usual practice is 15%. Commissions depend on the quantity of goods order
50、ed. 5. 我们真的希望在将产品投入市场之初担任你们的代理。6. 接下来的3年里年销售量有望快速增长。7. 我们可以做大量的工作,大力推广你们的产品。8. 代理合同到期后,我们可以再签Procedures: Step1: According to the following post-it notes, work in groups. Step2 :Digest the dialogue and then interpret the sentences in it. Step3 :Evaluate each others job. Step4 :Listen to the recording