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1、2022 年九年级五月模拟 ( 四)英语试题注意事项:1. 本试卷共 8 页,总分 120 分,考试时间 120 分钟.2. 答题前,考生务必将姓名、准考证号填写在试卷和答题卡相应位置上.3. 答选择题时,每小题选出答案后,用 2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案 标号涂黑;答非选择题时,考生务必将答案写在答题卡上.写在本试卷上 无效.4. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回.听力部分. 听句子,选出句中所包含的信息.( 共 5 小题,每小题 1 分,计 5 分)1. A. classB. grassC. glass2. A. put outB. turn onC. tidy up3. A.

2、make a mistakeB. give a speechC. tell a story4. A. We know math well.B. Kim does well in math.C. I am good at math.5. A. Mike is worrying about the exam.B. Mike has passed the exam.C. Mike failed the exam. 听句子,选出该句的最佳答语.( 共 5 小题,每小题 1 分,计 5 分)6. A. Thank you.B. Yes, please.C. Here you are.7. A. Well

3、 done.B. Good luck.C. Sounds good.8. A. Youre welcome.B. Never mind.C. With pleasure.9. A. It is 20 dollars.B. You can buy it.C. It is useful.10. A. How about going to a bookstore?B. Where is the bus stop?C. Whose book is it?. 听对话和问题,选择正确答案.( 共 8 小题,每小题 1 分,计 8 分)11. Which animal does Cindy want to

4、see?A.B.C.12. What are they doing?A.B.C.13. Where are the two speakers?A. In the classroom.B. In the bookstore.C. In the library.14. Who will go to the cinema with William ?A. Williams parents.B. Williams sister.C. Lisas sister.)页共(页第题试语英15. What are they talking about?A. Outdoor games.B. Weekend pl

5、ans.C. Farm animals.16. What does Lucy think of her trip?A. Terrible.B. Boring.C. Wonderful.17. Why does Lucy come to Andys house?A. To thank him with a present.B. To have some coffee with him.C. To invite him to attend a meeting.18. What did Andy buy for Lucy?A. Books.B. Flowers.C. A painting. 听短文和

6、问题,选择正确的答案.( 共 7 小题,每小题 1 分,计 7 分)19. Where is the hotel?A. It Is near a mountain.B. It is near the sea.C. It is near a river.20. Which will Kevin have for free?A. Breakfast.B. Lunch.C. Supper.21. When will Kevin arrive at the hotel?A. On May 7th.B. On May 6th.C. On May 5th.22. How long does David d

7、o exercise in the morning?A. For one and a half hours.B. For half an hour.C. For an hour.23. How does David usually go to school?A. By car.B. By bus.C. On foot.24. What sport does David like best?A. Volleyball.B. Football.C. Basketball.25. What does David encourage us to do?A. To do more sports.B. T

8、o play with friends.C. To get up early. 听短文填空 ( 共 5 小题,每小题 1 分,计 5 分)I n f o r m a t i o nS h e e tTopic:26.ClubMeet:27. onmorningTime:28. atPlace:29. in the schoolBring:30. a笔试部分. 单项选择 ( 共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,计 10 分)31. Space Day of China fallsApril 24th every year.A. byB. atC. onD. in32. Annas aunt isEn

9、glish teacher. We all like her.A. yourB. ourC. hisD. her)页共(页第题试语英33. It snowed. However, the cleaners were still on duty in the street.A. clearlyB. heavilyC. wiselyD. actively34. The doctors worked for ten hours,nobody had a rest.A. soB. orC. forD. but35. Whats that terrible noise?Its Nancy. Shethe

10、 piano.A. practicedB. was practicingC. is practicingD. has practiced36. Just wait and see. Class Fivethe basketball game.A. winsB. wonC. will winD. has won37. Lifebe easy or difficult, sometimes it depends on how you look at it.A. canB. needC. mustD. should38. Put on your scarf when going out. Today

11、 is theday of the week.A. colderB. coldestC. warmerD. warmest39. Serving chopsticks and spoonsin many restaurants to reduce the spread of diseases.A. usedB. were usedC. useD. are used40. How do we turn on the camera?Iyou, werent you listening?A. tellB. am tellingC. have toldD. will tell. 完形填空 ( 共 10

12、 小题,每小题 1 分,计 10 分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项.When she was very young, Severn CullisSuzuki learned that the United Nations Assembly ( 大会)was going to meet in Brazil. Severn41that she wanted not only to go there but also to saysomething. She started to raise money for the42. When she was 12, s

13、he had enough for the11 000kilometre journey.Severn was sure that she had43to say. When she made her fiveminute speech to the UNAssembly, she tried very44to make a difference. She talked about environmental problems like45and the hunting of animals. She also talked about the situation of children in

14、 many parts of theworld, especially46children who dont have enough to eat. She compared them with children inricher countries who have more than they need and throw things47. Severns questions were achallenge to the worlds leaders questions about why the grownups who48the world donttake more care of

15、 it and of the people who live in it. Many people who heard her speech were crying atthe end, and everyone49with thunderous applause ( 掌声 ) when she finished.Severn showed that young people can make a difference50theyre brave enough to believein themselves. Who knows? Perhaps you could be another Se

16、vern.41. A. regrettedB. refusedC. doubtedD. decided42. A. courseB. partyC. tripD. game43. A. somethingB. anythingC. everythingD. nothing44. A. hardlyB. hardC. fastD. well45. A. communicationB. educationC. pollutionD. vacation46. A. strongB. weakC. richD. poor47. A. overB. awayC. upD. on48. A. stopB.

17、 missC. holdD. manage49. A. stood upB. gave upC. grew upD. broke up50. A. thoughB. ifC. whetherD. unless)页共(页第题试语英. 阅读理解 ( 共 15 小题,每小题 2 分,计 30 分 )阅读 A、B、C、D 四篇材料,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项.ANowadays, people around the world are working to help our planet. Four teenagers are being interviewed on TV about

18、their contribution to the world.R e p o r t e r:We know you did something good and special for our planet. Would you like to say something?S t e v e n:When I was eleven, I started a group to teach kids about pandas. I also sold toy pandas to raisemoney to protect pandas in danger. I hope to encourag

19、e more people to care about pandas.K a t h y:I am fourteen years old now. I set up an organization to educate people about growing rightplant in right places. I also wrote a book to help people learn what plants are native ( 本土的 ) to their area. I think it is not only good for nature but also good f

20、or us.L i n d a:I am thirteen and I invented a machine called SuperE last year. It collects heat from fields tomake electricity. My invention creates electricity in a way that is less harmful to the environment.P a t r i c k:At the age of twelve, I joined the Ocean Heroes Camp. I started a project a

21、nd picked up plastic waste around nearby lakes with my friends. I believe this project will reduce plastic wasteand pollution.51. Who started a group to teach kids about pandas?A. PatrickB. LindaC. KathyD. Steven52. When did Linda invented SuperE?A. At the age of fourteen.B. At the age of thirteen.C

22、. At the age of twelve.D. At the age of eleven.53. What was the goal of Patricks project?A. To use heat to make electricity.B. To learn about native plants.C. To protect pandas in danger.D. To fight plastic pollution.BI usually took a bus to school. I found that most passengers were silent and never

23、 had a conversation with anyone else.About a year ago, an old man got on the bus and said loudly to the driver, “ Good morning!”Mostpeople looked up, wondering why, and the bus driver didnt take it seriously and just replied in a coldvoice, “ Mmhmm” . The next day, the man got on and again he said i

24、n a loud voice, “ Good morning!”to the driver. Another “ Mmhmm” . By the fifth day, the driver finally answered him with a little happy“ Good morning!” . Then the man said, “ My name is Benny.”The driver told the man that he was Sam.That was the first time any of us had heard the drivers name and so

25、on people began to talk toeach other and say hello to Sam and Benny. Soon Benny spread his happy “ Good morning!”to thewhole bus. Within a few days, his “ Good morning!”was returned by a lot of “ Good morning!”and thewhole bus seemed to be friendlier. People got to know each other.“ Benny truly show

26、ed friendship among us with a simple Good morning! , ”I thought.Then suddenly, Benny stopped showing up. Everyone began to ask about Benny, wondering whathappened to him. No one knew what to do and the bus got quiet again. So, last week, I started to actlike Benny and say “ Good morning!”to everyone

27、 and the whole bus cheered up again. Hopefully, Benny could come back to see his “ Good morning!”mattered a lot.)页共(页第题试语英Sometimes we see some strangers so many times that we know their faces well,but we never even say hello to them. By saying hello, friendship starts to grow, and sunshine comes to

28、 the world around us, and love spreads over the community we are in. Why not start a “ hello”today?54. At first, passengers wereon the bus.A. friendlyB. strictC. quietD. strange55. With the first “ Mmhmm” ,the driver.A. didnt care about Bennys “ Good morning!”B. wanted to know more about BennyC. was

29、 happy with Bennys actionD. remembered Benny at once56. Why did the writer start to act like Benny?A. Because he thought what Benny did was interesting.B. Because he wanted to cheer up the whole bus again.C. Because Benny asked him to say “ Good morning!” .D. Because he liked to make friends with st

30、rangers.CIt is necessary for students to learn some team skills like developing relationships, communicating well with others and solving problems. Here are two fun team activities.Activity 1: Water Relay ( 接力赛 )ToolsTwo large buckets ( 水桶 ) to hold waterOne small bucket for each team memberInstruct

31、ionsFill one large bucket with water.Make holes in the bottom of the small buckets. Have the team members line up between the two large buckets.Pass the water from one large bucket to the other, using small buckets. Try to keep as muchwater as possible.Why Its FunIts fun to workout away to lose as l

32、ittle water as possible.Its water. Isnt it fun to get you wet on a hot summer day?Activity 2: Truth and LieThis activity will allow team members to learn about each other.InstructionsHave each team member think of three pieces of information about themselves, and one of them is a lie.Each team membe

33、r tells the group all the three pieces of information. Let the other teammembers guess which is the lie.Why Its FunStudents love talking about themselves and this gives them the chance to do so.Members can learn about each other.Members will be surprised at what others think of them.)页共(页第题试语英57. Ho

34、w many team skills does the writer mention ( 提及 ) in Paragraph 1?A. Five.B. Three.C. Two.D. One.58. What tools are needed for each member in Water Relay?A. Two small buckets.B. One small bucket.C. Two large buckets.D. One large bucket.59. In order to win Water Relay, what should the team members do?

35、A. Pass the large bucket to the other member fast.B. Pass the water as slowly as possible.C. Lose as little water as possible.D. Get themselves wet.60. It is fun to play Truth and Lie because team members can.A. learn all the information about othersB. tell lies to surprise othersC. share love with

36、each otherD. talk about themselvesD“ Bing Dwen Dwen”and “ Shuey Rhon Rhon”are the mascots ( 吉祥物)for the 2022 BeijingWinter Olympic Games and the Paralympics ( 残奥会) . Here are their selfintroductions.Hi! Im Bing Dwen Dwen. I have a cartoon image ( 形象)of apanda wearing a spacesuit, which looks like a

37、winter sports athlete fromthe future. “ Bing”means “ ice”in Chinese, which is a symbol of wintersports. “ Dwen Dwen” suggests health and shows the spirit of theOlympics, including a strong mind and a healthy body.Hello! My name is Shuey Rhon Rhon. I look like a red lantern, justlike the lanterns han

38、ging on homes and streets to celebrate Chinese NewYear. On my head are paper cuts of pigeons. “ Shuey”means “ snow”inChinese. “ Rhon Rhon”are two different Chinese characters with thesame pronunciation. ShueyRhonRhonsymbolizescommunicationamong different cultures.The idea behind these two mascots is

39、 to connect traditional Chinese culture with the Games. Thepanda is designed with its modem appearance to show our great expectations for the Games and ourwelcome to the whole world. The vivid red image of “ Rhon Rhon”reminds people of the celebrationof Chinas Spring Festival.61. “ Bing Dwen Dwen”is

40、 a cartoon image of.A. a pandaB. a pigeonC. a lanternD. a spacesuit62. What does “ Dwen Dwen”show?A. The cool spacesuit.B. The same pronunciation.C. The different characters.D. The spirit of the Olympics.63. What does the mascot “ Shuey Rhon Rhon”symbolize?A. The strong mind of all athletes.B. Athle

41、tes from different cultures.C. The friendliness of the Olympics.D. Communication among different cultures.64. The idea behind the two mascots is to.A. stress the importance of healthB. show traditional Chinese cultureC. celebrate Chinas Spring FestivalD. introduce ways of communication65. Where can

42、you probably find this article?A. An advertisement.B. A storybook.C. A sports magazine.D. A science book.)页共(页第题试语英. 任务型阅读 ( 共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,计 10 分)阅读下面短文,根据要求完成 6670 题.Exams are a fact of school life for most people. Almost everyone worries about them and feelsstressed. A little stress caused by the

43、 exams is useful. But too much stress can stop you working to thebest of your abilities, so its important not to let it get out of control. Here are some ideas to help youdeal with exam stress.The keys to being prepared for exams and avoiding unnecessary exam stress are knowing whatyou need to know,

44、 planning and preparing for your revision, and giving yourself enough time to do it.Make a weekbyweek revision timetable chart to display ( 陈列)in your work space. Include thetopics you need to cover for each subject.About 12 weeks before your first exam,record the dates and times for each of your ex

45、ams inyour planner or diary and make a copy to put on your wall at home.During your exam period, you want your brain to work at its very best, so build in relaxation timebefore bed, avoid late night revision and try to go to bed early so you get enough sleep. If you havedifficulty answering a questi

46、on, leave it and move on to the next one. Dont spend time consideringhow to answer them too long.You are not alone while dealing with the stress. Call psychological ( 心理的 )hotline to shareyour worries and get help from others going through the same experience. Remember that there is lifeafter exams.

47、 Things may feel stressful right now, but it wont last forever. And then the rest of your lifewill still be there.66、67 题完成句子;68 题简略回答问题;69 题找出并写下全文的主题句;70 题将文中画线句子译成汉语.66.may make you not work as well as you can.67. Make a revision timetable for everyto display in your work space.68. When do you re

48、mind yourself of the dates and times for each exam ?69.70. 词语运用 ( 共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,计 10 分)根据短文内容及所给提示,补全文中单词或用所给单词的正确形式填空.Hey! Human Beings!We are bats ( 蝙蝠) ! Many of you are now afraid of us, arent you? There has been a terrible71.( ill ) around the world recently. Many people say the virus ( 病毒 )7

49、2.( come ) from us bats. They believe we are the killers! We are angry about this! Its totally unfair!We bats have lived 73.earth for 50 million years. How 74. lhave the humans beenhere? We have developed a great ability to stop virus entering our body. In other 75.( word ) ,we can live with many vi

50、ruses. How about you? Let us tell you: Some of these viruses are deadly andthey can 76.( easy ) kill you!Yes, we are very dangerous. We know this, 77.we try to stay away from you. Welook ugly. Thats because we want you to hate us. We come out only at nightwhen most of you are78.( sleep ) .However, s


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