1、第1页共2页三 峡 大 学2017年硕士研究生入学考试试题(A卷)科目代码: 891 科目名称: 翻译与写作 考试时间为3小时,卷面总分为 150 分答案必须写在答题纸上I. Please translate the following passages into Chinese.( 40 points) At the start of the 21st century, humankind finds itself on a non-sustainable coursethe course that, unless it is changed, could lead to grand sca
2、le catastrophes. At the same time, we are unlocking formidable new capabilities that lead to more exciting lives and glorious civilizations. This could be either humanitys last century or the century that sets the world on a course toward a spectacular future. We live on a small, beautiful and a tot
3、ally isolated planet, but its population is becoming too large; enormous new consumer societies are growing, of which China is the largest; and technology is becoming powerful enough to wreck the planet. We are traveling at breakneck speed into an age of the extremesextremes in wealth and poverty, e
4、xtremes in technology and the experiments that scientists want to perform, extreme forces of globalism, weapons of mass destruction and terrorists acting in the name of religion. If we are to survive, we have to learn how to manage this situation. Formidable(难以克服的) problems confront us, but this is
5、a book about solutionsmany solutions. With these solutions we will bring about the change in course, a great 21st century transition. If we get it right, we have an extraordinary future. If we get it wrong, we face an irreversible disruption that could set humanity back centuries. A drastic change i
6、s needed in the first half of that 21st century to set the stage for extraordinary events in the rest of the century. Humankind has been able to thrive for thousands of years because nature provided it with resources like topsoil(表层土), underground water, fish in the oceans, minerals, oil and wetland
7、s, but these resources are finite, like cookies in a jar. We are using up many of these resources, and some dont have substitutes. (quoted from the “foreword” of the book The Meaning of the 21st Century, by James Martin) 第 2 页II. Please translate the following passage into English. (40 points)公元1405
8、年7月11日,地球蓝色的海洋上,出现了一支庞大的船队,前后有208艘船,这是有史以来最大的一支船队,船上所载的各类人员有两万七千五百多人,也是有史以来最多的航海人员。船队由一位名叫郑和的人统帅。船队带着中国这个古老国家的瓷器、丝绸、茶叶等数不尽的珍奇,穿越岛屿众多的南海、马六甲海峡(the Strait of Malacca),横渡印度洋,到达亚洲、非洲等的很多国家。在此后的28年间,都是由郑和统领,一共七下西洋,前后出海的人员有十万多人,访问了三十多个国家,这就是历史上的“郑和下西洋”。这支航海船队的统领郑和,出身穆斯林家庭,同时也信奉佛教和妈祖,是明代永乐皇帝的近侍。因为“有智略,知兵习战
9、”,他得到皇帝的信任,得以七次受命带领舰队下西洋。III. Composition: In this part, you are required to write an essay based on the following material. (70 points)The term “artificial intelligence” was coined at a conference in 1956. Recently, intelligent machine-robots have been gradually marching into humans world and exert
10、ing impact on humans life in varying aspects. In 2016, Googles AlphaGo program beat one of the best master Go players, Lee Se-dol, which was seen by the whole human world as a landmark moment and a great breakthrough for artificial intelligence after IBMS Deep Blue supercomputer beat the world champ
11、ion, Garry Kasparov, in 1997. The rise of intelligent robots is approaching. Will it pose a threat to humans survival or a blessing for humans future? What will the future world look like? What kind of attitude should human beings adopt towards artificial intelligence? Please write an essay to elaborate your ideas on this topic with logical reasoning and abundant details. The essay should be no less than 600 words.