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1、第1页共 4 页三 峡 大 学2016年硕士研究生入学考试试题(A卷)科目代码: 891 科目名称: 英美文学及比较文学 考试时间为3小时,卷面总分为150分答案必须写在答题纸上IChoose the One that best completes the sentence.(20 points) 1. English Renaissance period was an age of _. .A. prose and novelB. poetry and dramaC. essays and journalsD. ballads and songs2. _ was used by certai

2、n seventeenth-century poets, such as John Donne. In his A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning, Donne compares the souls of lovers to compasses.A.The image B. The symbolC.The conceit D. The pun 3. In A Modest Proposal, the authors proposal is that _.A. the government should carry out family planningB. t

3、he parents should let their children workC. the parents should send their children to schoolD. the poor should sell their children to the rich as food4. The publication of _, which was the joint work of William Wordsworth and Samuel T. Coleridge, marked the beginning of the Romantic Age in England.

4、A. Lyrical Ballads B. The Rime of the Ancient MarinerC. Don Juan D. Queen Mab5. In A Tale of Two Cities, the “two cities” refer to London and _.A. Dublin B. ParisC. New York D. Vienna6. In Pride and Prejudice, Elizabeth Bennet stands for _.A .prejudice. B. pride C. love D. hatred 第 2 页7. In 1954, _

5、was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature for his “mastery of the art of narrative and for the influence that he has exerted on contemporary style”.A. Jack London B. Ernest Hemingway C. William Faulkner D. Ezra Pound8. “I become a transparent eye-ball.I am nothing. I see all. The currents of the Un

6、iversal Being circulate through me;I am a particle of God.” This statement expresses the idea of _.A Modernism B Puritanism C Transcendentalism D Naturalism9. Lincoln once met Harriet Beecher Stowe and said to her: “So this is the little lady who made this big war!” Which of the following books is w

7、ritten by the little lady?A The Sound and the Fury B Uncle Toms CabinC The Declaration of Independence D Tom Jones10. Which of the following is not true as far as Whitmans poetry is concerned?A He found poetic material in the common American daily life.B His images are concrete and American.C His po

8、etry is free verse.D He observed carefully the “iamb” with its regular rising and falling patterns.II. Read the following excerpts and answer the following questions. (30 points) (Write your answer on the answer sheet)Excerpt 1:The apparition of these faces in the crowd;Petals on a wet, black bough.

9、Questions: 1 Who is the writer of this poem? (1)2 What is the title of this poem? (1)3 What is writers main contribution to American literature? (3)4 How do you appreciate this poem? (10)第 3 页Excerpt 2:Rebeccas object in her journey to London was to effect a kind of compromise with her husbands nume

10、rous creditors,and by offering them a dividend of ninepence or a shilling in the pound,to secure a return for him into his own country. It does not become us to trace the steps which she took in the conduct of this most difficult negotiation;but having shown them to their satisfaction that the sum w

11、hich she was empowered to offer was all her husbands available capital,and having convinced them that Colonel Crawley would prefer a perpetual retirement on the Continent to a residence in this country with his debts unsettled;having proved to them that there was no possibility of money accruing to

12、him from other quarters,and no earthly chance of their getting a larger dividend than that which she was empowered to offer, she brought the Colonels creditors unanimously to accept her proposals, and purchased with fifteen hundred pounds of ready money more than ten times that amount of debts.Quest

13、ions: 1. The passage is taken from a novel entitled Vanity Fair which was the peak of Thackerays literary career. Where was the title taken from? (2)2. The subtitle of the book is A Novel without a Hero. What do you think is the writers intention to use this subtitle? (3)3. What is your impression o

14、f Rebecca? (Explain it with specific quotations from the text) (10)III. Choose any five of the following and tell briefly what you know about each. (30 points) (Write your answer on the answer sheet)SonnetThe Hemingway Hero Critical RealismStream of ConsciousnessDramatic MonologyMultiple Points of V

15、iew Symbolism第 4 页IV. Discuss the following questions and write a short critical essay on each one. (70 points) (Write your answer on the answer sheet. Youneedtowriteatleast300 wordsfor each question.)1. “What if my house be troubled with a rat, / And I be pleased to give ten thousand ducats /To hav

16、e it baned! What, are you answerd yet?”. “You have among you many a purchased slave/Which, like your asses and your dogs and mules,/The pound of flesh which I demand of him/Is dearly bought. Tis mine, and I will have it.”-Shylock in Merchant of VeniceRead the famous quotations above carefully and ma

17、ke a critical analysis of the character of Shylock in Merchant of Venice with some examples.(20 )2. Hardy espoused Shakespeares dictum (from King Lear): “As flies to wanton boys are we to the gods; they kill us for their sport.” He particularly exhibits this pessimism in Tess of the DUrbervilles. Hi

18、s statement at the end of this novel is the following: “The President of the immortals had had his sport with Tess.”Read the famous quotations above carefully and make a critical analysis of the character of Tess in Tess of the DUrbervilles with some examples. .(20)3. Bernard Shaw once wrote to Mark

19、 Twain: “I am persuaded that the future historian of America will find your works as indispensable to him as a French historian finds the political tracts of Voltaire.” Moreover, Ernest Hemingway once remarked: “All modern literature comes from one book by Mark Twain called Huckleberry Finn.”What is it that makes Mark Twain so important and indispensable to literary history? (30)


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