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1、第1页共4 页三 峡 大 学2015年研究生入学考试试题(B卷)科目代码: 357 科目名称: 英语翻译基础考试时间为3小时,卷面总分为150分答案必须写在答题纸上I. Directions: Translate the following words, abbreviations or terminologies into their target language respectively. There are altogether 30 items in this part of the test, 15 in English and 15 in Chinese, with one po

2、int for each. (30)1、GPS2、OPEC3、CBD4、WHO5、IQ6、PR7、GATT8、FTP9、SOE10、International Monetary Fund11、Global System for Mobile Communications12、Certified Public Accountant13、Palestine Liberation Organization14、Automated Teller Machine15、National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation16、国际奥林

3、匹克委员会17、空气污染指数 18、 经济附加值19、可持续发展20、食品安全法21、文化复兴22、社会主义核心价值观23、上海自贸区24、邮政特快专递25、国民生产总值26、菜篮子工程27、夹心阶层28、咸猪手29、飙车30、老字号II. Directions: Translate the following two source texts into their target language respectively. If the source text is in English, its target language is Chinese. If the source text

4、is in Chinese, its target language is English. (120) (1)Asian Dollar?If Asian policy makers have a grand vision, it is that someday people from Japan and China to Malaysia and Myanmar will pay for groceries using the same currency.The idea of a single East Asia currency will be debated this week at

5、the Asian Development Banks annual meeting in the South Korean resort island of Jeju, where a European Central Bank board member, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa, will share with Asian finance ministers “lessons” from a 50-year journey that has led to 12 European nations sharing the euro. Should the countrie

6、s of East Asia aim for their own “Asian dollar”?The Rationale for a single currency is simple. For exporters in one Asian country selling to importers in another, being paid in Asian dollars would mean their profits were protected no matter what happened to the U. S. currency. Consumers would benefi

7、t from easier price comparisons, and travelers would save money by not having to change their currency from country to country.East Asia is home to a third of the worlds population and is its fastest-growing region. The World Bank estimates that East Asian economies will collectively expand 6.3 perc

8、ent this year. The regions central banks hold $ 2 trillion of foreign currency reserves, which, if pooled, would make an Asian dollar a tough target for currency speculators to pull down.A single East Asian currency would require an accord similar to the European Unions Stability and Growth pact, wh

9、ich would require governments to live within their means- a tall order for countries such as the Philippines that are plagued by chronic budget deficits.(264 words)(2)宜昌城区10月CPI同比上涨1.3% 食品价格是主因记者10日从国家统计局宜昌调查队获悉,10月份,城区CPI比上年同月上涨1.3%,环比上涨0.3%,同比涨幅较9月份缩小0.4个百分点,环比涨幅较9月份缩小0.1个百分点。食品价格上扬是推动总指数上涨的主要因素。1

10、0月下旬雨水天气较多A,对蔬菜生产、采摘和运输造成一定影响,城区菜价环比上涨1.8%;其中鲜菜价格环比上涨2.3%,白菜、菠菜等绿色蔬菜价格小幅上涨,但与去年同月相比价格还是偏低,鲜菜价格同比下降12.7%。猪肉价格在经历上半年的低迷期后,从7月开始稳步回升,10月猪肉价格环比上涨1.3%。油脂价格环比微涨。受食用油原材料供应充足的整体大环境影响,10月下旬以来两大品牌金龙鱼、福临门宣布降价,降幅约10%-13%,但价格传导到终端消费市场需要一定时间,目前宜昌城区采价点未出现明显降价趋势。家庭服务及加工维修服务价格上涨。10月家庭服务及加工维修服务价格环比上涨7.1%,其中家庭服务价格环比上涨11.4%,人力成本不断攀升是家政收费上涨明显的原因。(记者裴姝婧、通讯员邹姣)(422 words)第 4页


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