Unit 1-2 基础复习练习-(2022新)人教版高中英语选择性必修第三册.docx

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1、Units 1-2I. 将下列各句中画线部分单词与其英文释义相匹配。1. Her interest in art was stimulated by her father. _2. Were looking for someone positive and dynamic. _3. Computers can be used to facilitate language learning. _4. He gave a great performance, but he was very humble. _5. The industry is dominated by five multinat

2、ional companies. _6. The doors opened and people began to emerge into the street. _7. Williams skipped the game to be with his wife in the hospital. _8. He was criticised by the committee for failing to report the accident. _a. not proud or not thinking you are better than other peopleb. to not do s

3、omething that you usually do or that you should doc. to control someone or somethingd. to point out the faults of someone or somethinge. to encourage someone by making them interested in somethingf. to appear by coming out of something or out from behind somethingg. very lively and enthusiastic, wit

4、h a lot of energy and determinationh. to make it easier for a process or activity to happenII. 用括号内单词的正确形式填空。1. Ive referred to a(n) _ (special) about my back pain.2. The company has looked at a number of ways of financing its _ (expand).3. I worry about this big _ (invest) of time, money and effort

5、 not working.4. Many people are now having trouble making their _ (month) house payments.5. When he returned to his home town after the war, he found it had changed beyond all _(recognize).6. You look tired. You should go home and rest. Im going to do _ (precise) that.III. 选用方框内合适的短语并用其正确形式填空(每项限用一次

6、)。be fond of, rely on, straight away, decide on, stressed out,be worthy of, in response to, be composed of, in particular1. Most people nowadays _ the Internet for news.2. They said she _ the honour they had offered her.3. We dont need to go _ we can stay for a little while.4. Shes been feeling very

7、 _ since she started her new job.5. _ complaints, the company reviewed its safety procedures.6. Anita _ playing the piano and she plays for four hours every day.7. The committee _ doctors, academics and members of the public.8. I went along thinking of nothing _, only looking at things around me.9.

8、Having _ a career in journalism, I wrote to all the major newspapers askingfor an interview.IV. 英汉互译。1. Some children absorb knowledge easily._2. We invited her to the reception, but she declined._3. The children are happy at the school, but they lack discipline._4. Anyone providing information whic

9、h leads to the recovery of the painting will be rewarded._5. 这是一个提升公司名气的机会。 (enhance)_6. 他对光的使用在摄影师中别具一格。 (set apart from)_7. 我能保证那是真的我亲眼看见的。 (guarantee)_8. 我们上个月从一对年老夫妇那里购买了这座房屋。 (purchase)_V. 用括号内单词的正确形式完成下面短文。The Danish-French artist Camille Pissarro is considered by many to have been the firstIm

10、pressionist artist and was the only painter 1. _ (show) his work at all eight of the ParisImpressionist exhibitions.At the dawn of the Franco-Prussian war in 1870, Pissarro moved his family to London, wherehe created some of his most 2. _ (strike) works. Among them, this beautiful scene ofCharing Cr

11、oss bridge is eye-catching. The painting captures the Houses of Parliament, CleopatrasNeedle and other landmarks still present today.Now 3. _ (know) as Hungerford, the bridge looks very different, but the viewpoint isthe same, and its a delight 4. _ (see) the landscape and Pissarros painting side by

12、 side,and marvel (大为惊讶) at the change less than 150 years can bring including the addition ofthe London Eye to the skyline.VI. 阅读下列短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。ARaby Castle, the Seat of the Earl of Darlington by JMW Turner (1818)Raby Castle, County DurhamThis beautiful place inspired a piece of art

13、work made by one of 1. _ worlds greatestartistic talents.Turner painted this picture for the third Earl ( 伯 爵 ) of Darlington at a time when hespecialised in topographical (地形的) views. In 2. _ (refer) to the Earls love for hunting,the 3. _ (origin) piece included a fox huntsman in the foreground. Ho

14、wever, after hearingit described 4. _ a “detestable (令人讨厌的) fox-hunting scene” 5. _ (follow) itsfirst exhibition at the Royal Academy, Turner proceeded to paint over the figure 6. _(complete).First built for the Viking King Cnut in the 11th century, the castle in its current form 7._ (build) in the

15、14th century. 8. _ (visitor) to the castle today can enjoy itsthousand-year history through tours of the castle and grounds.9. _ (see) the castle as Turner saw it, you need to head to nearby Staindrop, 10._ you can take in the wider grounds and woodland beyond.BCoffee may help reduce the risk of hea

16、rt failure, but only if its black.Researchers 1. _ (examine) data from three major long-term health and diet studiesinvolving 2. _ total of 21,000 Americans last year. Across two of the studies, people 3._ drank at least one cup of black coffee a day had a 5 percent to 12 percent 4. _(low) risk of s

17、uffering heart failure than those who didnt drink coffee at all. The other study foundno differences among those drinking one cup a day, but a(n) 5. _ (rough) 30 percentdecreased risk for those drinking two or more. The apparent 6. _ (benefit) were not seenamong those who drank decaffeinated coffee;

18、 7. _ fact, they had a higher risk of heartfailure. The studies 8. _ (do) only for black coffee adding dairy, sugar, flavors, ornon-dairy creamer might remove any possible heart benefits.“Coffee and caffeine are often considered 9. _ (be) bad for the heart,” senior authorDavid Kao, from the Universi

19、ty of Colorado, tells CNN.com. “The consistent relationship betweenincreasing caffeine 10. _ (consume) and decreasing heart failure risk turns thatassumption on its head.”答案I.1. e 2. g3. h 4. a5. c 6. f7. b 8. dII.1. specialist 2. expansion3. investment 4. monthly5. recognition 6. preciselyIII.1. re

20、ly on 2. was worthy of3. straight away 4. stressed out5. In response to 6. is fond of7. is composed of 8. in particular9. decided onIV.1. 有些孩子容易吸收知识。2. 我们邀请她去招待会,但是她谢绝了。3. 孩子们在学校里很快乐,但很散漫。4. 凡提供线索有助于寻回该画者可获报酬。5. This is an opportunity to enhance the reputation of the company.6. His use of light sets

21、 him apart from most other photographers.7. I can guarantee its true I saw it myself.8. We purchased this house from an elderly couple last month.V.1. to show 2. striking3. known 4. to seeVI.A.1. the 2. reference3. original 4. as5. following 6. completely7. was built 8. Visitors9. To see 10. whereB.1. examined 2. a3. who / that 4. lower5. roughly 6. benefits7. in 8. were done9. to be 10. consumption学科网(北京)股份有限公司


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