读后续写 ppt课件-(2022新)人教版高中英语选择性必修第二册高二上学期书面表达训练.pptx

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1、How to Complete a StoryContinuation Writing 2021届八省联考读后续写届八省联考读后续写考例考例一、高考书面表达命题形式 新高考英语新高考英语写作分为两部分:写作分为两部分:第一节为应用文写作(满分第一节为应用文写作(满分1515分);分);第二节为读后续写(满分第二节为读后续写(满分2525分)分)二、读后续写题型介绍(一)题目:(一)题目:第二第二节(满分节(满分2525分)分)阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。完整的故事。注意:注意: 1. 1. 所续写短文词数应为所续写

2、短文词数应为 150 150 左右;左右;2. 2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。 (二)选材(二)选材特点:特点:1. 1. 所需阅读短文词数:所需阅读短文词数:350350以内以内2.2.文章类型:记叙文文章类型:记叙文故事故事类;夹类;夹叙夹议叙夹议类类 3.3.故事情节:有故事情节:有曲折、起伏曲折、起伏 4.4.故事线索:逻辑性强故事线索:逻辑性强(三)考查(三)考查要求:要求:1. 1. 具体要求:根据具体要求:根据两段首句提示,完成两部分的续写两段首句提示,完成两部分的续写,字数要求为,字数要求为150150字左右。字左右。2. 2.

3、续续写写部分特点:部分特点:多多是故事发展的是故事发展的高潮或结局。高潮或结局。3.3.考查学生四种能力:考查学生四种能力:l宏观宏观把握把握语篇结构的能力语篇结构的能力; ; l把握把握短文短文关键信息(故事关键信息(故事情节情节)和)和 语言语言特点特点的能力的能力; ; l把握把握语言语言运用的准确性和丰富性运用的准确性和丰富性; ; l进行进行创造性思维创造性思维能力能力英语英语的的 综合综合运用能力运用能力(四)写作(四)写作要要求:求:l四个紧密四个紧密“衔接衔接”:续写段落与前文情节衔接;续写:续写段落与前文情节衔接;续写段段落落内部句子之间内部句子之间衔接衔接;续续写内容与所给

4、段落首句之间写内容与所给段落首句之间衔衔接接;两;两个续写段落之间(第一段落末尾与第二段落所给个续写段落之间(第一段落末尾与第二段落所给首句之间)首句之间)衔接。衔接。l四个高度四个高度“一致一致” ” :与原文故事大意(:与原文故事大意(紧扣故事紧扣故事大意大意)、)、作者写作意图、语言风格作者写作意图、语言风格、人物角色、人物角色保持保持一致;一致;l一个一个 “ “呼应呼应”:续续写段落最后与所给阅读短文开写段落最后与所给阅读短文开头头前后前后呼应呼应。内容、语言内容、语言丰富,语法结构、词汇丰富,语法结构、词汇多样、准确,多样、准确,情节情节生动。生动。l句式结构:简单句句式结构:简单

5、句、并列句、并列句、复合句、强调复合句、强调句、倒装句、倒装句;句;l语法结构:主动语法结构:主动和被动语态、非谓语动词、独立结构和被动语态、非谓语动词、独立结构、虚拟、虚拟语气等语气等; ;l词汇:实词词汇:实词(名词、动词、形容词和副词)和连词(名词、动词、形容词和副词)和连词; ;l各种修辞手法(比喻、明喻、暗喻、拟人、类比、夸各种修辞手法(比喻、明喻、暗喻、拟人、类比、夸张、引用等)张、引用等)。3. 3. 正能量正能量原则:符合社会主义核心价值观原则:符合社会主义核心价值观 续写的续写的故事内容故事内容要凸显主题,升华精神,弘扬真善美要凸显主题,升华精神,弘扬真善美,充满充满正能量正

6、能量。Combine the sentences to make paragraphsstepsRead for the characters 读角色Read for the plot and emotion 读情节和情感Predict the development and list the outline 预测故事发展, 罗列写作要点0102030405Find the theme 确定主题06Polish the draft and copy it on the answer sheet连句成段润色和誊写三、写作步骤读读、写并举、写并举; ;读是基础读是基础; ;写是重点。写是重点。20

7、21届八省联考典型例题分析During this past year, Ive had three instances of car During this past year, Ive had three instances of car trouble. Each time these things happened, I was sick of the trouble. Each time these things happened, I was sick of the way most people way most people hadnhadn t t bothered to he

8、lp. One of those bothered to help. One of those times, I was on the side of the road times, I was on the side of the road for for close to three hours close to three hours with my big Jeep. I put signs in the windows, big signs that with my big Jeep. I put signs in the windows, big signs that said N

9、EED A JACK said NEED A JACK (千斤顶),(千斤顶),and offered money. Nothing. and offered money. Nothing. Right as I was about to give up, a Mexican family in a small Right as I was about to give up, a Mexican family in a small truck truck pulled overpulled over, and the father , and the father bounded outbou

10、nded out(跳出来)(跳出来). . He He sized up sized up (估计)(估计)the situation and called the situation and called for for his his daughter, who spoke English. He conveyed through her that daughter, who spoke English. He conveyed through her that he had a jack but that it was too small for the Jeep, so we he h

11、ad a jack but that it was too small for the Jeep, so we would need something to support it. Then he got a saw would need something to support it. Then he got a saw (锯(锯子)子)from the truck and cut a section out of a big log on the from the truck and cut a section out of a big log on the side of the ro

12、ad. We side of the road. We rolled it overrolled it over and put his jack on top, and put his jack on top, and we were in business. and we were in business. I I started taking the wheel off, and then, if you can started taking the wheel off, and then, if you can believe it, I broke his tire believe

13、it, I broke his tire iron(iron(拆拆轮胎轮胎棒棒). . No worries: He No worries: He handed it to his wife, and she was gone in a flash down handed it to his wife, and she was gone in a flash down the road to buy a new tire iron. She was back in 15 the road to buy a new tire iron. She was back in 15 minutes. W

14、e finished the job, and I was a very happy man.minutes. We finished the job, and I was a very happy man.The two of us were dirty and sweaty. His wife prepared The two of us were dirty and sweaty. His wife prepared a pot of water for us to wash our hands. I tried to put a a pot of water for us to was

15、h our hands. I tried to put a $20 bill in the mans hand, but he wouldnt take it, so $20 bill in the mans hand, but he wouldnt take it, so instead I went up to the truck and gave it to his wife as instead I went up to the truck and gave it to his wife as quietly as I could. I asked the little girl wh

16、ere they lived. quietly as I could. I asked the little girl where they lived. Mexico, she said. They were in Oregon so Mommy and Mexico, she said. They were in Oregon so Mommy and Daddy could work on a fruit farm for the next few weeks. Daddy could work on a fruit farm for the next few weeks. Then t

17、hey would go home.Then they would go home.P1: When I was about to say goodbye, the girl asked if Id had lunch.P2: After they left, I got into my Jeep and opened the paper bag.01Read for the characters Who whatIMy car .I wait for .I needed .I broke the fathers .I gave $20 bill to . broke downhelpa ja

18、cktire ironhis wifeFatherHe couldnt _.He got many tools from _.He helped me finish repairing the car.He refused _He worked on a _.FatherHe pulled over . and he couldnt .He offered sveral .He told her wife to buy .He helped me .He refused . Who whathis small trucktoolsspeak Englisha new tire ironrepa

19、ir the car/change the tirethe reward/to be repaidMotherShe went to buy in a flash.She prepare a pot of water for us .The girlShe acted as .She asked me .Who whata new tire ironto wash our handsinterpreterif Id had lunch02Read for the plot and emotion Plot EmotionI had trouble with my jeep.I put big

20、signs , asking for help.Most people didnt bother to stop to offer help.A Mexican family in a small truck pulled over.annoyed, upsetworried, anxiousdisappointed, sick, discouragedhappy, hopeful, relieved Plot EmotionThe family tried to help me out and refused the reward.I broke his tire iron. The gir

21、l asked if Id had lunch.After they left, I got into my Jeep and opened the paper baghappy, moved, gratefulguiltymoved, shy, embarrased surprised, moved, grateful03Find the theme Pass on “your good deed for today” A strange Mexican family helped me out of trouble and refused to be rewarded/repaid. A

22、helping hand from a strange Mexican family Lending a helping hand to those in need (What does the author in the story want to tell us?)Predict the development and list the outline 041. Infer and predict the possible plot development based on the keys words in the two first sentences given.2. Use the

23、 “ask and answer” technique to work out the outline.3. Divide each part into three sections: front, middle and back and describe them in sequence (按顺序按顺序). 4. Link behavior with emotion or feelings.5. Include what to do, to see, to hear, to say, to think, to learn, to taste, to smell, etc. or how yo

24、u feel. P1: When I was about to say goodbye, the girl asked if Id had lunch.1. Question(s) concerning the front part:Q1: How did I respond? Did I have lunch? I said to her shyly, “No.” That reminded me it was already lunchtime, and perhaps I should invite them for a light lunch as a special treat. I

25、t suddenly occurred to me that there came the lunch time and perhaps I should treat them to lunch. Hearing what she said, I suddenly realized/became aware that it was already lunchtime and I was as hungry as a wolf. Her words made me realize/aware that I was really hungry because I hadnt had anythin

26、g to eat since early that morning.2. Question(s) concerning the middle part: Q2: What did the girl do (about the lunch)?The girl had read my mind/thoughts.She smiled sweetly, “Here are plenty of Mexican food and fruit. Lets share.” She warmly and quickly put a big Mexican sandwich and apple in my ha

27、nds. Q3: What did I do or say and how did I feel when I received their offer? I couldnt find the words to thank them enough. I accepted their furher help with deep gratitude and a shy smile. I wolfed down every mouthful of the lunch with great enjoyment as if it were the tastiest one that I had ever

28、 eaten. 3. Question(s) concerning the back part: Q4: What did they do (about the paper bag) after the meal and how did they leave? The mother pressed a paper bag on me. She said, “Please pass on the good deed for today.” They drove off in their truck, disappearing from sight.P2: After they left, I g

29、ot into my Jeep and opened the paper bag.1. Question(s) concerning the front part:Q1: What did I find in the paper bag? What was in store for me was nothing but the $20 bill in it, which I had given them in appreciation of their generous help.What was surprising to me was nothing but the $20 bill in

30、 it, which I had given them in return for their help.给我准备的给我准备的、等待我的、等待我的的意外的惊喜的意外的惊喜2. Question(s) in the middle: Q2: How did I feel?I couldnt find words to describe how I felt.What a nice Mexican family! The $20 was far from enough to repay their kindness! I suddenly felt that day was my worst day

31、 but also my most fortunate one of my life. I also felt the world was not against me. Q3: What did I learn from their behavior? I would keep what the mother said in mind and pass on their kindness.I would follow their example and do what I could to help those in need/in trouble.I would do my bit/do

32、my best to help create a harmonious society and make the world a better place to live in.3. Question(s) concerning the back part: Q4: What do you want to tell readers through the story?Together, individuals can make a big difference.Small actions can make a big difference.I was convinced that as lon

33、g as everyone contributed a little love, the world would become a paradise.Combine the sentences to make paragraphs051. Use proper linking words to make the plot smooth, such as then, later, soon, (soon/shortly) afterwards, however, also, and, but, when, as, while, after, before, until, as soon as,

34、etc.2. Add some reasonable details to make the description interesting and impressive, such as proper nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs. 3. Use different sentence structures to make the story rich in content and diverse in form.4. Use rhetorical devices (修辞手法修辞手法) creatively to make the story intere

35、sting and vivid, such as simile(明喻明喻), metaphor(隐喻隐喻), personification (拟人拟人), rhetorical question(修辞设问修辞设问) , quote (引引用用), analogy(类比类比), 夸张夸张(hyperbole), repetition (重复重复), etc. How to make Paragraph 11. “前前”部部与所给与所给阅读短文阅读短文情节和该段情节和该段首句的关键词首句的关键词衔接衔接That reminded me it was already lunchtime, and

36、perhaps I should invite them for a light lunch as a special treat.l划线部分衔接划线部分衔接 (上)阅读短文情节(上)阅读短文情节.on the side of on the side of the road the road for for close to three hours, they helped me close to three hours, they helped me out out (上)首句关键词(上)首句关键词asked if Id had lunch2. “中中”部描写情节展开过程和感受部描写情节展开

37、过程和感受But before I could responded, the girl had already read my mind. “Here are plenty of Mexican food and fruit. Lets share.” She smiled sweetly, so warmly and quickly putting a large Mexican sandwich and apple in my hands I couldnt even find the words to thank them enough. With deeper gratitude an

38、d a shy smile, I accepted their further help. I wolfed down every mouthful of the lunch with great enjoyment as if it were the tastiest one that I had ever eaten.过渡句,与上文紧密衔接过渡句,与上文紧密衔接gratitude, shy, enjoyment, tastiest描写感受描写感受3. “后后”部阅读短文情节和第二段首句关键词衔接部阅读短文情节和第二段首句关键词衔接After the meal, the mother pre

39、ssed something on mea small paper bag, saying gently, “Please pass on the good deed for today, please”. Then the family drove off in their small truck, soon disappearing from sight. l 划线部分衔接划线部分衔接(上)(上)阅读短文情节阅读短文情节so instead I so instead I went up to the truck and gave it (the $20 bill) to went up t

40、o the truck and gave it (the $20 bill) to his wife. his wife. (下)第二段首句关键词下)第二段首句关键词 left, opened the paper bag(filled with the $20)1. “前前”部与上文情节和首句衔接部与上文情节和首句衔接 What was in store for me was nothing but the $20 bill in it, which I had given them in appreciation of their generous help. l划线部分衔接划线部分衔接(上

41、)(上)上文情节上文情节a $20 bill, pressed something(a paper bag) on me, took it in puzzelment, (上)(上)首句关键词首句关键词opened the paper bag How to make Paragraph 22. “中中”部描写情感高潮,并呼应文章开头部描写情感高潮,并呼应文章开头What a nice Mexican family, whose kindness the $20 was of course far from enough to repay! I suddenly felt that day wa

42、s my worst day but also my most fortunate one of my life. I also felt that the world was not against me. l划线部分句子划线部分句子遥相呼应文章开头遥相呼应文章开头: I was sick of the I was sick of the way most people way most people hadnhadn t t bothered to help.bothered to help.过渡句,与上文紧密衔接过渡句,与上文紧密衔接3. “后后”部要部要凸显主题,升华精神凸显主题,升华

43、精神I said to myself that I would keep in mind what the mother said and pass on “their good deed for today”. I was convinced that if everyone contributed a little love, the world would become a paradise.l 点明主题点明主题: pass on “their good deed for today”l升华精神:升华精神:if everyone contributed a little love, th

44、e world would become a paradise.1. Try to make the plot logical and true to life.2. Try to make the words delicate and graceful, without too long sentences or too many dialogues.3. Try to make the description smooth, coherent(连贯的(连贯的), clear and concise.06Polish the draft and copy it on the answer s

45、heet When I was about to say goodbye, the girl asked if Id had lunch. That reminded me it was already lunch time and perhaps I should invite them for a light lunch as a special treat. But before I could responded, the girl had already read my mind. “Here are plenty of Mexican food and fruit. Lets sh

46、are.” She smiled sweetly, so warmly and quickly putting a large Mexican sandwich and apple in my hands I couldnt even find the words to thank them enough. With deeper gratitude and a shy smile, I accepted their further help. I wolfed down every mouthful of the lunch with great enjoyment as if it wer

47、e the tastiest one that I had ever eaten. After the meal, the mother pressed something on mea small paper bag, saying gently, “Please pass on the good deed for today”. Then the family drove off in their small truck, soon disappearing from sight. After they left, I got into my Jeep and opened the pap

48、er bag. What was in store for me was nothing but the $20 bill in it, which I had given them in appreciation of their generous help. What a nice Mexican family, whose kindness the $20 was of course far from enough to repay! I suddenly felt that day was my worst day but also my most fortunate one of my life. I also felt the world was not against me. I said to myself that I would keep in mind what the mother said and pass on “their good deed for today”. I was convinced that if everyone contributed a little love, the world would become a paradise.Thank you !


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