Unit 1 Science and scientists Using language ppt课件-(2022新)人教版高中英语选择性必修第二册.pptx

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1、Unit 1 Science and Unit 1 Science and scientistsscientistsUsing Language A WORLD OF PURE THOUGHT THE FATHER OF CHINAS AEROSPACEUsing language Write about what makes a great scientist1. What scientists or great persons have we learned about in the texts up to now?Lin QiaozhiHenry Norman BethuneTu You

2、youAlbert EinsteinYuan LongpingQian XuesenStephen HawkingPre-reading2. What do they have in common? extremely well-respected made substantial contributions made outstanding/remarkable/extraordinary achievements succeeded in their own field . 钱学森(1911-2009) ,享誉海内外 的杰出科学家,我国导弹、原子弹和人 造卫星研究领域的开拓者,航天科学的奠

3、基人。1991年国务院、中央军委授予他“国家杰出贡献科学家”荣誉称号和“一级英雄模范奖章”, 以表彰他对我国科技事业作出的杰出贡献。1999年中共中央、国务院、中央军委作出决定,授予钱学森“两弹一星功勋奖章”。史蒂芬霍金 Stephen Hawking (1942-2018) , 英国著名物理学家、宇宙学家、数学家。生前曾在英国剑桥大学担任卢卡斯数学教授(国际数学领域极具声望的教授职衔), 被认为是继爱因斯坦之后最杰出的理论物理学家之一。1963年,21岁的霍金被诊断患有肌肉萎缩性侧索硬化症,即运动神经细胞病,从此,霍金便不断与疾病斗争、挑战自我、奉献社会,是人类身残志坚的典范。他著有时间简史

4、 (A Brief History of Time)等著作,对宇宙黑洞有独到的见地和研究。1. Read it quickly and decide if the statements are T or F.1. Qian changed his major because of a shift in personal interest. 2. Qians strong interest in art has a positive impact on a scientists development. 3. When Hawking was young, almost everyone bel

5、ieved that the universe began with a big bang.4. Because Hawking was determined, he was able to succeed even though he was ill.FTFTScanning2. Answer the questions below using the information fro the texts.1.Why was Qian called “ the father of Chinas aerospace”?Because much of the technology behind t

6、he Shenzhou rockets was based on his research.2. How was Hawkings own theroy proven correct?His work on the big bang theory was proven correct by astronomers using their telescopes.1. What is the text about? The text consists of two parts, which are relatively_.2. What type of writing is it ? Biogra

7、phy a brief introduction of Qian Xuesen and Stephen Haw-king, two outstanding scientists Skimming3. What aspects are mentioned in a biography ?assessmenteducationeducation, work, or research experiencesachievementscharacter (personality/quality)4. What is the writing order in a biography ?In order o

8、f time5. Find the main idea of each paragraph of the first part.Para. 1 A. Qians multiple interests which helped his workPara. 2 B. People mourned, honored and remembered Qian. Para. 3 C. A general description of Qian XuesenPara. 4 D. Qians early education experience and ambitionPara. 5 E. Qians fur

9、ther study and research achievements in the USAPara. 6 F. Qians achievements and contributionsPara. 7 G. Qians returned home to develop his homeland despite many difficulties. 6. Find the main idea of each paragraph of the second part.Para. 1 A. What made Stephen Hawking a geniusPara. 2 B. The great

10、est of Stephen Hawking despite his weakness in image and health Para. 3 C. How Hawkings work on the big theory was proven correctSkimming3.Study the language and structure. 1. Underline the linking words and phrases in the passages, and describe their function. Born in Hangzhou in 1991, Qian attende

11、d schools in Beijing and then entered entered. However, after the Songhu Battle broke out in 1932, Qian made the decision to switch his major to aviation because he . Over the course of the 1930s-1940s, Qian became a pioneer.(转折关系) (转折、时间、因果关系) (时间关系) As a graduate assistant at the California Instit

12、udte of Technology during the 1930s, Qian heloped conduct important research into rocket propulsion, . and in the 1940s, he and several other people founded the Jet Propulsion Laboration, now one of NASAs leading space-exploration centres. After overcoming some difficulties during his final few year

13、s in the US, Qian retured to China in 1955.(同等、时间关系) (时间、同等关系) (时间关系) .was put in charge of not only developing Chias rocket science but also its space and missile programme. At that time, China was poor and its rocket science was undeveloped. Nevertheless, Qian did not let that discourage him from

14、taking on the challenge. When asked “Can we Chinese possibly make missiles?”, his reply was a determined “Why not?.(并列和递进关系) (时间关系) (让步关系) (时间关系) .followed by the first generation of Long March rockets. Because much of the technology behind Shenzhou rockets can also be traced back to . However, what

15、 might have made him such an outstanding Since he came down with a disease which.(顺序关系) (因果、递进关系) (转折关系) (因果关系) In general, there were two main theories. During the question and answer peoriod after one of. Once the maths was corrected, it showed that. So what made Stephen Hawking a genius? Besides

16、being brilliant, he was brave, though sometimes careless in what he said or did Furthermore, he was quite determined.21 Above all, Hawking was willing to admit his faults.(总结关系) (时间关系) (时间关系) (因果关系) (递进、让步关系) (递进关系) (递进关系) 衔接词语(linking words)是语篇衔接的纽带, 表达的逻辑意义包括时间关系、空间关系、列举和顺序、例证、递进、对比和转折、等同和替换、过渡和总结

17、、结果和推论等, 其中多数是衔接性状语。2. What is th function of each paragraph in the passages? Qian XuesenParagraph Function12-567General introduction His personal history and accomplishments His personality His death and peoples appreciation of him Stephen HawkingParagraph Function123General introduction His claim

18、to fame(他出名的原因) Characteristics that made him great 3. Find words that describe the personalities of the scientists. How do the stories about the scientists help illustrate these personalities?Qian Xuesen:l a man with “great scientific thought and scientific spirit”; l patriotic and served his homel

19、and with effort, achievement, and devotion; l extremely well-respected;l a pioneer; l determined; l the father of Chinas aerospacel extremely knowledgeable l such an outstanding and creative scientist; l have a deep appreciation for artStephen Hawkingl one of the most famous and gifted scientistsl a

20、 geniusl brilliant; brave, l sometimes careless in what he said or did; l willing to say what others were afraid to say; l willing to dream of what others were afraid to dream about; l quite determined; l willing to admit his faultsl one of the greatest thinkers of the 20th and 21st centuriesHow to

21、write an article about an outstanding figure?Skimming杰出人物介绍基本内容:1. age, sex, birth-place, background (概况)2. appearance, character (外表、性格)3. education (教育背景)4. big events in his or her life (in order of time) (经历、生平)5. evaluation (评价)1. 介绍概况:同位语结构、分词结构,使文章简洁。介绍概况:同位语结构、分词结构,使文章简洁。如:如:(1)Abraham Linco

22、ln, the son of a poor family, was born in Kentucky on February 12, 1809. 同位语同位语(2)Sun Showier, a world champion in diving , is a boy of 14 from Guangdong. 同位语同位语(3)Born in Maryland, USA in 1985, Michael Phelps is a famous swimmer.分语短语分语短语(4)In 2006, having broken the world record and got the gold me

23、dal , he became the idol of the youth.分词分词短语短语(5)Lei Feng set an good example to us , so all the people show great respect to him (很敬重他很敬重他).(尽量运用尽量运用高级高级短语短语)2. 2. 描写外貌:巧用描写外貌:巧用withwith短语。如:短语。如:My history teacher is a beautiful woman, My history teacher is a beautiful woman, with long hair and bi

24、g eyeswith long hair and big eyes . .3. 3. 生平事迹:尽量用复合句、并列句、非谓语动词短生平事迹:尽量用复合句、并列句、非谓语动词短语和倒装等高级语句。如:语和倒装等高级语句。如:(1)In his life, he got many honours, (1)In his life, he got many honours, one of one of which is which is the 2005 CCTV Moving China Awardthe 2005 CCTV Moving China Award . . 定语从句定语从句 根据以下信

25、息用英语写一篇短文介绍袁隆平教授。基本信息1.1937年9月7日出生于重庆的一个贫困的家庭。自幼刻苦学习,酷爱农业科学;2.自从1953 年大学毕业以后,他已经研究水稻近半个世纪,一直在为世界农业默默耕耘。主要成绩3由于他的研究,我国水稻产量快速增长, 为很多国家解决了粮食不足的问题;4.他被誉为“杂交水稻之父” “Father of Hybrid Rice”;5.虽然他很出名, 但是他过着简朴的生活,不计名利; Born in a poor family in Chongqing on September 7, 1937, Yuan Longping studied hard, showin

26、g great interest in agriculture. As a matter of fact, after his graduation from university in 1953, Yuan has done research on rice for over half a century, devoting all his time and energy to the study of agriculture. Because of his research, Chinas rice production was increasing rapidly, solving th

27、e problem of the lack of food for many countries. As a result, he was honored as “Father of Hybrid Rice”and was rewarded with many prizes for his great contributions to the world. Though he was famous, he lived a simple life and cared little about money and fame.你校学生会准备办一期英语墙报,介绍我国著名的科学家。请你根据下列提示写一篇

28、英语短文。 钱学森简介人物身份人物身份杰出科学家和我国航天事业的先驱。杰出科学家和我国航天事业的先驱。生平活动生平活动* * 1911 1911年年1212月月1111日出生于浙江杭州一个富裕之家,少时天资聪颖,被称为日出生于浙江杭州一个富裕之家,少时天资聪颖,被称为“神神童童”。* * 1934 1934年毕业于上海交通大学,其后前往美国深造并获得航空学博士学位。年毕业于上海交通大学,其后前往美国深造并获得航空学博士学位。* * 1955 1955年回国,毕生从事航天科技事业,参与火箭和导弹的开发研制,开启中年回国,毕生从事航天科技事业,参与火箭和导弹的开发研制,开启中国航天时代。国航天时代

29、。* * 2009 2009年年1111月,于北京逝世。月,于北京逝世。成就成就/ /评价评价 成就斐然,被誉为成就斐然,被誉为“中国航天之父中国航天之父”和和“火箭大王火箭大王”参考词汇:航空学 the science of Astronomy, 航天科技事业 AnA industry, (Astronomy and Aircraft), “神童” a super-talented boy题目:A Brief Introduction of Qian XuesenBorn into a wealthy family on December 11th, 19111, Zhejiang Prov

30、ince, Qian Xuesen was so clever that he was regarded as a “super talented” boy in his childhood. Having graduated from Shanghai Jiaotong University in 1934, he went to America for his further study and gained his doctors degree in the Science of Astronomy. Since he returned to China, he has devoted

31、all his life to Chinas AnA industry, taking part in the design and research of rockets and missiles as well as opening a new era of Chinas Astronomy industry. Its for his outstanding achievements that Qian Xuesen is honored as the “Father of Chinas Astronomy” and the “King of Rockets”. Qian Xuesen, a pioneer of Chinas Astronomy industry, passed away in November, 2009 in Beijing.


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