Unit 4 Adversity and Courage 全单元 ppt课件-(2022新)人教版高中英语高二选择性必修第三册.pptx

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1、 Unit 4 Adversity and CourageWords and Expressions11. adversity n. 困境;逆境 (pl. adversities)in adversity 在困境/逆境中 in a dilemma 处于窘境/困境中in trouble 在麻烦中 in need 在危难/贫困中in difficulty/difficulties 在困难中2. wage n. 工资 v. 开展,发动(运动或战争) (pl. wages)wages of 200 a week 一星期200英镑的工资offer/pay/raise a wage 提供/支付/上调工资w

2、age sth (against/on sb/sth) 开始/发动/进行/继续(战争/战斗等)3. bitter adj. 严寒的;激烈而不愉快的;味苦的 n.苦啤酒;bitterly adv. 伤心地伤心地; 愤怒地愤怒地; 极其极其;非常非常bitterness n.苦味苦味; 痛苦痛苦; 悲痛悲痛; 酷烈酷烈 the bitter cold 严寒严寒4. expedition n. 探险;远征;探险队 (pl. expeditions)plan/lead/go on an expedition to . 计划/带队/去.探险a shopping expedition 外出购物5. end

3、urance n. 忍耐力;耐久力 endurance limit 持久极限,疲劳极限,耐久限度beyond endurance 忍无可忍endure ndj(r) v. 忍受; 持续; endure hardship 吃苦6. vigour/vigor n. 精力;力量;活力 be full of energy/vigour 精力充沛精力充沛vigorous vrs adj. 精力充沛的; 充满活力的; 朝气蓬勃的vigorously adv. 精神旺盛地;活泼地7. turn sb down 拒绝(某人)turn down that man = turn that man down: 拒绝

4、那人拒绝那人turn me/you/him/her/us/them down 拒拒绝我绝我/你你/他他/她她/我们我们/他们他们8. qualified adj. 符合资格;具备的知识(或技能、学历等) qualify kwlfa v. (使)有资格/权利; 达到标准;qualification kwlfken n. 资格; 资历; 学历be qualified for.有的资格be qualified to do. 有做.的资格2 expedition1. The old athlete overcame many personal _(adversity) . 2. The people

5、who signed up for such voyages _(pay) low _(wage) and had to tolerate poor working conditions and rough seas, along _ the cold weather. 3. He used to be so cross and _(bitterly) that nobody could tolerate him, _ the birth of his son changed his life and made him _ better person. 4. Shackleton was on

6、e of the most famous _ (explore) of his day and it was considered a great honour to be part of his _(expedition).6. The old soldier showed remarkable _ (endure) throughout his illness.7. At the age of 19, I am fit and full of _(vigorous).8. Jack offered to marry her again, but she _(turn) him _ four

7、 times. 9. However, when I applied to join the _(expedition), Shackleton turned me down because he thought I was too young and wasnt _(qualify).1adversitieswere paidwageswithbitterbuta explorersexpeditionsendurancevigorhad turnedexpeditiondownqualified39. enthusiastic adj. 热情的;热心的enthusiastically ad

8、v. 热情地; 热心地 enthusiasm n. 热情; 热心be enthusiastic about. 对. 热情/热心10. aboard adv. & prep. 上(船、飞机、公共汽车等) aboard the plane/ship/bus/train 在飞机/船/公共汽车/火车上go aboard the plane/ship/bus/train 登机登机/上船上船/公共汽车公共汽车/火车火车get aboard the plane/ship/train 登机登机/上船上船/上火车上火车All aboard! 请大家上车请大家上车/上船上船/上火车!上火车!get into/ou

9、t of a car(train/ship) 上上/下小车下小车(火车火车/船船)get on/off a bus (plane/ship/train) 上上/下公车下公车(飞机飞机/船船/火车火车)11. cupboard n. 橱柜;壁橱;衣柜 (pl. cupboards)kitchen cupboards 厨柜 built-in cupboards 壁橱12. assign vt. 分派;布置;分配 assign sth to sb/ assign sb sth 分配分派某人工作/任务等assignment n. (分派的)工作; 任务413. steward n. (轮船/飞机或火车

10、上的)乘务员;服务员 (pl. stewards)stewardess stjudes n. (飞机上的)女服务员,空姐; (pl. stewardesses)14. envy n.& vt. 羡慕;妒忌 be the envy of sb/sth 成为.羡慕/忌妒的对象/东西15. crush vt. 毁坏;压坏;压碎 n. 拥挤的人群get crushed 被压碎 be crushed to death in the accident 在事故中压死a big crush in the theatre bar 剧院酒吧里拥挤不堪的人群16. sink-sank /sunk - sunk vi

11、. & vt. (使)下沉;使沉没be sunk in sth 陷入不快(或沉思)中sink to the bottom of the sea 沉入海底 cupboard stewardessn. (飞机上的)女服务(飞机上的)女服务员,空中小姐员,空中小姐 stewardn. (轮船、飞机或火车上轮船、飞机或火车上的的)乘务员;服务员乘务员;服务员1. Athough my grandpa is retired, he _ (对. 热心) volunteer work. 2. However, he managed _(登机登机) the Endurance with his friends

12、 help. 3. When the teachers _(布置) much homework, the students usually feel unhappy. 4. _ _(乘务员) is a man who works on a ship, plane, or train, looking after passengers and serving meals to them.5. How everyone _(envy) me when I come back and tell them about the _(amaze)places I have been to! 6. We s

13、aw the ship _(被压碎)by the ice. 7. She just sat there, _(陷入沉思).2is enthusiastic aboutto get aboardassignAstewardwill envyamazing get crushed sunk/lost in thought517. abandon vt. 舍弃;抛弃;放弃 n. 放任,放纵abandon sth./sb. to sb. 舍弃某物/人而被别人取得 abandon sth. for sth. 舍弃某物去取另一物 abandon oneself to sth. 陷入/沉湎于.abandon

14、 doing 放弃做.18. stove n. 炉具;厨房灶具 (pl. stoves)a gas/wood-burning stove烧煤气 / 木柴的火炉cook v. 煮煮; 烹饪烹饪; 烹调烹调 n. 厨师厨师; 炊事员炊事员cooker n. 炊具炊具; 厨具厨具 19. blanket n. 毯子 (pl. blankets) adj.全面的,无一例外的;a blanket of fog/snow/cloud 厚厚的一层雾 / 雪 / 云20. belongings n. pl. 财物;动产 belong vi. 该在; 处在; 适应 belong to. 属于; .是成员621.

15、 banjo n. 班卓琴(乐器) (pl. banjos)a banjo lover 乡村歌曲爱好者 play the banjo 弹班卓琴22. miserable adj. 痛苦的;令人难受的 a miserable weekend 一个惨兮兮的周末miserably adv. 痛苦地痛苦地; 艰苦地艰苦地; 令令人难受地人难受地; 悲惨地悲惨地a miserably cold day 令人难受的寒冷天气23. voyage n. & vi. 航海;航行 (pl. voyages)a voyage in space 航天go on a voyage around the world 做一

16、次环游世界的旅行24. navy n. 海军;海军部队(pl. navies)join the navy 参加海军the British and German navies 英国和德国的海军部队join the army 参加陆军 join the air force 参加空军 blanket stove banjo voyage navy1. Before the Endurance _(sink) into the sea, Shackleton gave the order _(abandon) the ship, and the crew had to camp on ice. 2.

17、Before we _(abandon) the ship, Shackleton _(calm) called us together and told us to rescue our most essential _(supply)- the small boats, our food, the cook stove, candles, clothes, and blankets.3. We were not _(allow) to take most of our personal _(belong), and Shackleton _(he) threw away all his g

18、old. 4. We are now _(crowd) together under one of our boats on the rock shore of this _(miserably) place.sankto abandonabandonedcalmlysupplies allowedbelongingshimselfcrowdedmiserable25. decent adj. 相当不错的;正派的;得体的a decent meal/job/place to live 相当不错的饭菜 / 工作 / 住所decently adv. 合适地; 体面地; 像样地; 有礼貌地;decen

19、cy n. 正派; 正直; 体面; 社会上高尚文雅行为的标准;26. cosy/cozy adj. 温馨的;舒适的 (比较比较级级: cosier 最高最高级级: cosiest)cosily/cozily: adv. 舒适地; 惬意地cosiness/ coziness n. 舒适,安逸27. selfish adj. 自私的 selfishly adv.自私地;任性地selfless adj. 无私的selflessly adv. 无私地It be selfish/selfless of sb to do. 某人做什么是自私的/无私的728. good/bad-tempered adj.

20、脾气好的/坏的 get very bad-tempered 爱发脾气29. genuine adj. 真正的;真诚的;可信赖的 (指物品是真的而非假冒或人造的时, 常可与 real 换用)a very genuine person 非常诚实可信的人genuinely adv.真地; 真正地; 真诚地; 诚实地;genuineness n. fake: 假的(指伪造的、冒充的)30. perseverance n. 毅力;韧性;不屈不挠的精神 Perseverance is vital to success. 忍耐是成功的重要条件.31. persevere vi. 坚持;孜孜以求perseve

21、re in/with sth 对.坚持不懈persevere in doing sth 对做什么坚持不懈persevere with sb 对某人坚持不懈81. I try to think of happier things: _(decency) food, warm and dry clothes, a _(coziness ) bedroom, _(sun) days and my mothers face.2. He is _(selfless) and does not like to help others.3. Our _(optimistic) and _(faithful)

22、 _ Shackleton had helped us _(对.坚持不懈) staying alive.4. The Chinese people show great _(persevere) _ the face of difficulty.4decentcosysunnyselfishoptimismfaithinpersevere in perseverancein32. resolve vi. & vt. 决定;决心;解决(问题或困难) n. 决心;坚定的信念resolve on sth/on doing sth/that. 决定/决心.resolve an issue/a conf

23、lict/a crisis 解决问题/冲突/危机strengthen ones resolve to do sth坚定某人做.的决心33. resolution n. 决议;解决;坚定pass/adopt/carry a resolution 通过一项决议 make a resolution to do sth 决心/决定做.34. crew n. (轮船/飞机等上面的)全体工作人员; 专业团队;一群人staff (全体职工/雇员) majority(大多数), minority(少数)作主语谓语可用单 也可用复91035. cruel adj. 残酷的;残忍的;冷酷的 be cruel to

24、 sb/sth 对残酷/冷酷be rude to sb/sth 对无礼/粗鲁be mean to sb/sth 对.刻薄be friendly to sb/sth 对友好 be nice/good/kind to sb/sth 对.好be thankful/grateful to.对.感谢/感激cruelly adv. 残酷地; 残暴地; 极度地; 非常;cruelty n. 残酷,虐待; 不公36. thorough adj. 深入的;彻底的;细致的 thoroughly adv.非非常常; 极其极其; 彻底彻底; 完全完全thoroughness n. 完全,十分;1. Their _(g

25、enuineness) concern for others, their _(persevere), and their _(resolve) fill me with hope. 2. She _(resolve) _ she would never see him again. 3. She made a _(resolve) to visit her relatives more often. 4. Although the captain was angry, he assigned the boy the job of cooking _ the _(crew) .5. The s

26、hips crew _(see) a film on the deck now.6. How many _(crew) does he need _(do) the work?7. Life _(对残酷) Oliver when he was young.8. The officer _(assign) to conduct/do a _ (thoroughly) investigation _ the incident.5genuine perseveranceresolveresolvedthatresolutionforcrewis/are seeingcrewto dowas crue

27、l towas assignedthoroughinto1137. furniture n. 家具 /U/a piece of furniture : 一件家具38. unfortunately adv. 不幸地;遗憾地39. fortunately adv. 幸运地 fortunate adj. 幸运的幸运的; 侥幸的侥幸的; 吉利的吉利的fortune n. 运气运气; 机会机会; 幸运幸运; 财财富富40. bark vi.& n. (狗)吠叫;吠叫声 a bark of laughter 一声大笑bark at sb/sth 对.汪汪叫bark out sth 厉声发令/厉声质问 ba

28、rk out an order 厉声宣布命令41. rugby n. 橄榄球运动 play rugby 打橄榄球打橄榄球1242. bat n. 球拍;蝙蝠 vi.& vt. 用球板击球;挥打;拍打 batted - battinga table tennis bat 乒乓球拍go to bat for sb 帮助(或支持)某人43. damp adj. 潮湿的;湿气重的 n. 湿气; 潮湿; v.弄湿; 削弱; 抑制;damply adv. 潮湿地,衰减地;damp a towel 弄湿毛巾44. recreation n. 娱乐;消遣;游戏the need to improve facil

29、ities for leisure and recreation改进消遣娱乐设施之必要recreate v. 重现; 重建; 再创造; 娱乐;消遣;recreate family life 重建家庭生活 bark rugby play rugby bat 1. _ took him a lot of vigour to move all the items of _(furniture) inside the house. 2. _ (fortunate) , his _(apply) _(turn) down because he was too young and not _(qualif

30、y) enough. 3. I was late, but _(fortunate) the conference hadnt started. 4. The dog _(bark) for about two hours. I really hope it will stop soon.5. Steve started _(打橄榄球打橄榄球) _ the age of eight. Now he has become a _(profession) player.6. Timmy is holding _(乒乓球拍) and his short hair is _(damply) with

31、sweat.6ItfurnitureUnfortunatelyapplicationwas turnedqualified fortunatelyhas been barkingto play rugbyatprofessionala table tennis bat damp1345. guidance n. 指导;引导;导航 guide n. 向导; 导游; vt. 指导; 指引; 带路 under ones guidance 在的指导下with ones help = with the help of.在.的帮助下under the leadership of在领导下46. nephew

32、 n. 侄子;外甥 (pl. nephews)niece nis n. 侄女 cousin n.堂兄/弟/姐/妹; 表兄/弟/姐/妹47. advertising n. 广告活动;广告业 /U/a career in advertising 广告职业launch an advertising campaign 发起广告活动advertisement/advertizement/ad. n. 广告; 宣传; 榜样put/place an advertisement 打广告1448. advertise vt. & vi. 公布;宣传;做广告to advertise a product/a bus

33、iness/your services做广告宣传产品 / 企业 / 你的服务项目advertise for sb/sth(在报纸/公告牌/互联网等)公布/征聘.We are currently advertising for a new sales manager.目前我们公开征聘一位新的销售经理。advertiser n. 登广告的人49. corporate adj. 公司的;法人的;社团的 corporate identity /image 公司形象corporate bond 公司债,公司债券;corporation kpren n. 大公司; 法人; 市政委员会50. rough a

34、dj. 汹涌的;粗糙的;粗略的 roughly adv. 粗略地; 大体上; 大致上; 粗暴地1. He finally finished the research paper _( 在他导师的指导下) .2.My _(侄子) _ (collect) comic books since he was five. Now he has more than two hundred of _(they) .3. Recently the company _ (发起广告活动) to promote _( 公司形象) .4. A _(fish) ship sank in _ (roughly ) sea

35、s.7under his tutors guidancenephewhas been collecting them has launched an advertising campaign its corporate imagefishingrough1551. navigator n.领航员;(飞机/船舶等上的)航行者(pl. navigators)navigate vi/vt. 导航; 航行;航海; 驾驭,成功应付(困难处境)navigation n. 导航; 领航; 航行52. loyal adj. 忠诚的;忠实的 loyal service 忠诚服务 be loyal to sb/s

36、th 对.忠诚a loyal friend/supporter 忠实的朋友/支持者loyally adv. 忠诚地 53. motor n. 发动机; 马达 adj. 有引擎的;机动车的 a motor cycle 机动脚踏车/摩托车 an electric motor 电动机a motor accident 机动车事故 motor insurance 汽车保险54. candidate n. 候选人;应试者 (pl. candidates)a candidate for . .的候选人/申请人/ 投考者/应试者candidates for the job 求职者55. make fire 生

37、火set on fire: 放火烧; 使着火 set fire to.放火烧catch fire 着火(动作) be on fire 着火(状态) light a fire 点火put out the fire 灭火 play with fire 玩火; 冒大风险on/over the open fire 在篝火上56. give off 发出/放出(热、光、气味或气体) give out 发出/放出(光/热/声音/气体等)give off/out a terrible smell 散发出一股可怕的气味 57. episode n.(人生的)一段经历;(小说的)片段;插曲(pl. episod

38、es)an episode in my life 我生命中的插曲 161. A _(navigate) checks the map and _(当心;注意) road signs.2. How do you _(navigate) your way _ (navigate) a forest?3. They had remained _(对.忠诚)the president.4. The driver got into the car and started the _(发动机).5. This _(发出/放出) oily, black smoke, but it stayed _(burn

39、) even in strong winds.6. This was _(我生命中的插曲 ) that I would never forget.navigatorwatches out fornavigatethroughloyal to motorgave off/outburningan episode in my life1758. commitment n. 承诺;保证;奉献 made a commitment to do.承诺/保证做什么commit vt. 犯罪; 承诺; 保证(某个人/机构等) vi. 忠于; 全心全意投入(工作、活动等)commit a crime 犯罪com

40、mit to sb/sth 忠于(某人/机构等);全心投入(工作/活动等)commit oneself to sth 致力于.commit oneself to do.承诺;保证(做某事、遵守协议或安排等)commit sb/oneself to something.承诺/保证什么commit sb/oneself to doing.承诺/保证做什么be committed to (doing) something.承诺/保证(做)什么59. motive n. 动机;原因;目的 (pl. motives) adj. 运动的; 动机的; 发动的motive for sth .的动机/原因/目的

41、There seemed to be no motive for the murder.这起谋杀案看不出有什么动机。motiveless adj.无动机的,无目的;motivate vt. 使有动机;促动;激发;诱导; motivation n. 动力; 积极性;60. Confucianism n. 孔子学说;儒家(学说)Confucius knfjus n.孔子The philosophy of Confucius, also known as Confucianism, has deeply influenced Chinese culture.181961. Ernest Shackl

42、eton 欧内斯特沙克尔顿(英国探险家)62. Perce Blackborow 珀西布莱克博罗 (“坚忍”号服务员)63. Antarctica 南极洲64. the Antarctic 南极地区65. the South Pole 南极 66. South Georgia Island 南乔治亚岛(南极洲) 67. Frank Wild 弗兰克 怀尔德68. Thomas OrdeLees: 托马斯奥德利斯69. Frank Worsley: 弗兰克沃斯利70. Tom Crean: 汤姆克林 71. Hubert Hudson 休伯特赫德森72. Lionel Greenstreet 莱

43、昂内尔格林斯特里特 1. And he paid us back by his _(commit) to save us from a slow _ painful death.2. He _.(保证按时付房租) 3. _(borrow) should think carefully before _(commit) _(they) to _(take) out a loan.3. _?(他们行为的动机是什么?)commitmentbutmade a commitment to pay the rent on timeBorrowerscommittingthemselvestakingWha

44、t were the motives for their actons Antarctica Antarctica南极洲,围绕南极的大陆,地球七大洲之一。位于地球南端,四周被太平洋、印度洋和大西洋所包围。南极洲由大陆、陆缘冰、岛屿组成,总面积1424.5万平方公里,其中大陆面积1239.3万平方公里,陆缘冰面积158.2万平方公里,岛屿面积7.6万平方公里。全境为平均海拔2350米的大高原,是世界上平均海拔最高的洲。大陆几乎全被冰川覆盖,占全球现代冰被面积的80%以上。P40. 1. Find the suitable adjectives from the previcus text to

45、complete the sentences.The first letter of each word has been given.1. He behaves in a d _ manner and we think he is a real gentleman.2. With the gentle music, soft lights, and comfortable sofas, this caf is everything you need after a tiring day. It is a c _ and relaxing place.3. He used to be so c

46、ross and b_ that nobody could tolerate him, but the birth ofhis son changed his life and made him a better person.4. Life was cruel to oliver when he was young. Although living a m_ life, he had avery kind heart.5. Try to learn from your mistakes and b _ failures. It will eventually lead to success

47、as long as you persevere.6. The young boy has demonstrated a g_ interest in the expedition to the Antarctic.ecentosyitteriserableenuineitterP40. 2. Choose the appropriate word to complete each sentence.1. The fire alarm caused a panic/worry in the theatre and the crowd fled in all directions.2. Alth

48、ough my grandpa is retired, he is very enthusiastic/concerned about volunteer work.3. The officer was assigned/employed to conduct a thorough investigation into the incident.4. The sun was sinking/falling behind the mountains when we reached the top.5. It took him a lot of vigour/energy to move all

49、the items of furniture inside the house.1. The fire alarm caused a panic/worry in the theatre and the crowd fled in all directions.2. Although my grandpa is retired, he is very enthusiastic/concerned about volunteer work.3. The officer was assigned/employed to conduct a thorough investigation into t

50、he incident.4. The sun was sinking/falling behind the mountains when we reached the top.5. It took him a lot of vigour/energy to move all the items of furniture inside the house.P40. 3. Complete the passage with the correct forms of the words in the box.abandon aboard set off assign sink crew cupboa


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