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1、1.imagetrymagic+ian_名词名词+ry=新名词新名词nurse+ry_ electric+ian电工电工 2.re+citere+动词动词=新动词新动词re+view_ theor(y)+etic_ re+start 重新开始重新开始 3. respective+ly形容词形容词+ly=副词副词 importan(t)+ce_ actual+ly_ proud+ly骄傲地骄傲地 patien(t)+ce_ dominan(t)+ce支配支配4. a+wait a+动词动词=新动词新动词 a+menda+wakea+rise 产生产生;起床起床5. comprehen(d)+si

2、on动词动词+sion=名词名词expan(d)+siondeci(de)+sion 决定决定conclu(de)+sion6. civil+ianmagic+ian_electric+ian电工电工 7.sympath(y)+etic名词名词+etic=形容词形容词energ(y)+eticapolog(y)+etic道歉的道歉的theor(y)+etic_ 8. innocen(t)+ce 形容词形容词+ce=名词名词importan(t)+ce_ patien(t)+ce_ dominan(t)+ce支配支配9.correspond+ence 动词动词+ence=名词名词 depend+

3、ence differ+ence prefer+ence 偏爱偏爱10. where+ever 副词副词+ever=新副词新副词how+ever_what+ever vi. & vt. when+ever 任何时候任何时候 11. complicate+d n. 动词动词+d=形容词形容词excite+d adj. confuse+d amaze+d 吃惊的吃惊的 12. rac(e)+ial 名词名词+ial=形容词形容词financ(e)+ialoffic(e)+ial官方的官方的 【合成构词】【合成构词】13. dew+drop 名词名词1+名词名词2=新名词新名词home+town 家

4、乡家乡 birth+day_ butter+fly 14. dead+line形容词形容词+名词名词=新名词新名词 good+will_ blue+tooth_ back+pack背包背包 【转化构词】【转化构词】 15. sorrown. 悲伤悲伤;悲痛悲痛;伤伤vi.16. rhymen.押韵词押韵词;押韵的短诗押韵的短诗 vi. & vt._17. nursery adj. 幼儿教育的幼儿教育的n.18. amateur n. 业余爱好者业余爱好者adj .19. format n.格式格式;总体安排总体安排;(出版出版物的物的)版式版式vt .20. utter vt. 出声出声;说说

5、;讲讲adj.21. cherryn.樱桃樱桃;樱桃树樱桃树;樱桃色樱桃色adj.22. blankadj.空白的空白的;无图画无图画(或韵律、装饰或韵律、装饰)的的;没表情的没表情的n.23. contestn.比赛比赛;竞赛竞赛;竞争竞争vt .24. polish vt. 修改修改;润色润色;抛光抛光n ._25. string n. 细绳细绳;线线;一串一串vt.adj. 弦乐器的弦乐器的;线织的线织的26. wherever conj. 在任何地方在任何地方;在所有在所有的情况下的情况下 adv.27. prejudice n.vt.使怀有使怀有(或形成或形成)偏见偏见 To rea

6、d the introduction on some simple forms of English poems. To explore the characteristics of different forms of poems and learn to appreciate English poems. To write your own poems.Two roads diverged in a wood, and I I took the one less travelled by, And that has made all the difference. -Robert Fros

7、tAppreciate the English version of a poem titled Facing the Sea with Spring Blossoms. What feelings does the poem convey ?The poem conveys the poets expectation for a happy life.From tomorrow on, I will be a happy man;Grooming, chopping, and traveling all over the world.From tomorrow on, I will care

8、 foodstuff and vegetable,Living in a house towards the sea, with spring blossoms. Why do you think people write poems?Why? to encourage peopleto tell a storyto express feelingsto recall an enjoyable or unpleasant incidentto play with wordsto create images for the readersto express a point of viewto

9、make a other laughto create a moodQuiz in Chinese traditional poemsCan you recite the Chinese traditional poems according to their English translation?Lets have a competition.If you would ask me how my sorrow has increased, Just see the over-brimming river flowing east!虞美人虞美人 李煜李煜问君能有几多愁,问君能有几多愁,恰似一

10、江春水向东流。恰似一江春水向东流。Very quietly I take my leaveAs quietly as I came here;Quietly I wave good-byeTo the rosy clouds in the western sky. 再别康桥再别康桥 徐志摩徐志摩 轻轻的我走了,轻轻的我走了,正如我轻轻的来;正如我轻轻的来;我轻轻的招手,我轻轻的招手, 作别西天的云彩。作别西天的云彩。How long will the bright moon appear? Wine-cup in hand, I ask the sky. I do not know what

11、time of year, It would be tonight in the palace on high.水调歌头水调歌头 苏轼苏轼明月几时有?把酒问青天。明月几时有?把酒问青天。 不知天上宫阙,今夕是何年。不知天上宫阙,今夕是何年。A thousand times I search for her in the crowdAnd, suddenly turning my head,Discover her where the lantern lights are dim.青玉案青玉案.元夕元夕 辛弃疾辛弃疾 众里寻他千百度,众里寻他千百度,蓦然回首,蓦然回首,那人却在,灯火阑珊处那人却

12、在,灯火阑珊处 。I seek but seek in vain, I search and search again;I feel so sad, so drear, so lonely, without cheer. 声声慢声声慢 李清照李清照 寻寻觅觅寻寻觅觅, , 冷冷清清冷冷清清, , 凄凄惨惨戚戚。凄凄惨惨戚戚。 Butterfly, butterfly,Flies in the shining _.Dance in daylight,Sleep at _.With beautiful wings,She flies and _.Flies back to her nest,Jus

13、t for a_.Complete the poem and figure out the elements of poetry.verse 诗节诗节line 诗行诗行rhyme 押韵词押韵词skymidnightsingsrestWhat do you expect to learn from the reading passage?1. How many types of English poems are mentioned? What are they?2. Match the main idea with each poem.1. is a description of the un

14、iqueness of a“mother”2. is a description of a lovely brother.3. describes how a butterfly rests on a tree.4. is a nursery rhyme that illustrate a fathers love for his baby.6. is a description of life5. is a translation of a Tang poetry, which describes a woman who waited for her beloved husband to c

15、ome back from a journey.Poem APoem B Poem CPoem D Poem E Poem FFast reading1. How many types of English poems are mentioned? What are they? Five kinds of poemsTang poems 唐诗 Nursery rhymes 童谣童谣 Haiku 俳句诗俳句诗Cinquain 五行诗List poems 清单诗清单诗Fast reading1. is a description of the uniqueness of a“mother”2. i

16、s a description of a lovely brother.3. describes how a butterfly rests on a tree.4. is a nursery rhyme that illustrate a fathers love for his baby.6. is a description of life5. is a translation of a Tang poetry, which describes a woman who waited for her beloved husband to come back from a journey.2

17、. Match the main idea with each poem.Poem APoem B Poem CPoem D Poem E Poem FPart1:What important points are mentioned in Para.1?The reasons for composing poetry:The characteristics of poetry:to tell a story or describe a certain image in the readers mindto convey certain feelings such as joy and sor

18、roweconomical use of wordsdescriptive and vivid languageintegrated imagery(意象)literary devices, e.g., simile(明喻), metaphor(暗喻)arrangement of words and linesrhyme ; rhythmCareful eading Read Part 2(para. 2-6) and find out : What are the characteristics of the five forms of poems?Type of poemscharacte

19、risticsList poem to the point with a storyline; rhyming pattern with a strong rhythm and many repetition; easy to read and reciteNursery rhymes a list of things, people, idea, or descriptions that develop a particular theme; a flexible line length and a pattern with repeated phrases and a rhythm; rh

20、yme or notCinquainuse a few words in five lines to convey a strong picture or a certain moodHaikua format of three lines, containing 5, 7, and 5 syllables respectively,presenting a clear picture and creating a special feeling.Tang poema special pattern of rhythm and rhyme1. What type of poem is it?2

21、. Whats the theme of the poem?3. What kind of poetic devices are used in the poem?4. How does it rhyme?5. What picture can you imagine in your mind when you read this poem?6. What emotion/feeling does it try to convey?Read the poems one by one and discuss the questions:Hush, little baby, dont say a

22、word,Papas going to buy you a mockingbird,If that mockingbird wont sing, Papas going to buy you a diamond ring.If that diamond ring turns to brass, Papas going to buy you a looking-glass.If that looking-glass gets broke, Papas going to buy you a billy-goat.If that billy-goat runs away, Papas going t

23、o buy you another today.Hush, little baby, dont say a word,Papas gonna buy you a mockingbird.If that mockingbird wont sing, Papas gonna buy you a diamond ring.If that diamond ring turns to brass, Papas gonna buy you a lookingglass.If that looking-glass gets broke, Papas gonna buy you a billygoat.If

24、that billygoat wont pull, Papas gonna buy you a cart and bull.A. Nursery rhymesthemeemotionpoetic devicesHush, little baby, dont say a word,Papas going to buy you a mockingbird,If that mockingbird wont sing, Papas going to buy you a diamond ring.If that diamond ring turns to brass, Papas going to bu

25、y you a looking-glass.If that looking-glass gets broke, Papas going to buy you a billy-goat.If that billy-goat runs away, Papas going to buy you another today.Hush, little baby, dont say a word,Papas gonna buy you a mockingbird.If that mockingbird wont sing, Papas gonna buy you a diamond ring.If tha

26、t diamond ring turns to brass, Papas gonna buy you a lookingglass.If that looking-glass gets broke, Papas gonna buy you a billygoat.If that billygoat wont pull, Papas gonna buy you a cart and bull.:dula:suA. Nursery rhymesthemefathers love for his babyemotion lovingpoetic devicesrhymesrepetitionrhyt

27、hmThey have strong rhythm, and often repeat the same words. MotherHundreds of stars in the deep blue sky,Hundreds of shells on the shore together, hundreds of birds that go singing by, Hundreds of bees in the sunny weather, Hundreds of dewdrops to greet the dawn,Hundreds of bees in the purple clover

28、, Hundreds of butterflies on the lawn,But only one mother the world over. LifeLife can be good, Life can be bad,Life is mostly cheerful, but sometimes sad,Life can be dreams,Life can be great thoughts, Life can mean a person, Sitting in court.B.C. List poemsinsights into life/mothercalm/peaceful/ lo

29、vingrepetition rhymesmetaphorscomparisonB.C. List poemsthemeemotionpoetic devicesList poems have a flexible 灵活的灵活的 line length and repeated phrases.D Cinquain brothera mix oflove and hatestrong picture or moodthemeemotionpoetic devicesLine 1: a noun - the subject Line 2: two adjectives-describe the

30、subjectLine 3: three -ing verbs-describe the actionsLine 4: four words - opinions or feelingsLine 5: a word - conclusionThe cinquain is made up of five lines and has the following structure:A fallen blossomIs coming back to the branch. Look, a butterfly! 5 syllables7 syllables5 syllablesUnderline th

31、e 17 syllables:E Haikuthemepoetic devicesemotionnaturelovingamazingmetaphor It consists of 17 syllables 音节音节. It contains 5, 7, and 5 syllables respectively 各自地各自地.F Tang poemmetaphorlove and waitingthemepoetic devicesemotions:A. loneliness B. joy C. love D. trust E. anger F. hate G. sorrowDo you kn

32、ow the Chinese title?A. 蝶恋花蝶恋花 B. 竹枝词竹枝词 C. 望夫石望夫石 D. 一剪梅一剪梅Translate the poem into Chinese.望夫处,江悠悠。化为石,不回头。上头日日风复雨,行人归来石应语。What is the story that poem F tells?Tell the story in your own words.The womans husband has gone away. The woman waits for him by the river where she last saw him. She waits an

33、d waits, never moving from that spot and never speaking, while the river continues to flow and the wind and rain come and go. Poems bring passion(激情(激情 ) to our life. Poems help us to understand life, virtues, beauty and romance.What is the power of poetry in our life? Poems can purify(净化)净化) our he

34、art and relax our mood,making our life more colorful.Quiz about FORMS of English poems. _ is made up of 17 syllables. Nursery rhymes have strong _ and often repeat the same words. Cinquain consists of _ lines. Some of the first poems a young child learns in English are _. _ poems have flexible line

35、length. _ has been translated into English.Haikurhythm5nursery rhymesListTang poetryCan you tell which form the following poems belong to? Rain, rain, go away,Come again some other day.Little Johnny wants to play. Rain, rain, go away.Nursery rhymesLife is beauty, admire it. Life is bliss, taste it.

36、Life is a dream, realize it. Life is a challenge, meet it. Life is a duty, complete it.Life is a game, play it. Life is a promise, fulfill it. Life is sorrow, overcome it. List poemLily out of the water out of itself Haiku SpaghettiMessy, spicySlurping, sliding, fallingBetween my plate and mouthDeli

37、ciousCinquain Which of the five poems do you like best? Why? Work in groups, choose one poem to imitate and write your own poem.1. Polish your poem.2. Read the poems on P56 emotionally and analyse the poems in terms of their subjects, images, tone, rhythm, feelings and emotions, as well as rhetorical devices, and than translate them into Chinese.


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