Unit 4 Period 3 Discover useful structures ppt课件 -(2022新)人教版高中英语选择性必修第三册.pptx

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Unit 4 Period 3 Discover useful structures ppt课件 -(2022新)人教版高中英语选择性必修第三册.pptx_第5页
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1、 Period 3 Discover useful structures Unit 4 Adversity and Courage选择性必修三 人教版(2019)Listen to an English song and try to fill in the blanks.I _ with a shadow overhead.I _ with a cloud above my bed.I have been lonely for so long.Trapped in the past, I just cant seem to move on.I _ all my hopes and dream

2、s away.Just in case I ever need them again someday.I _ aside time to clear a little space in the corners of my mindhave been living have been sleepinghave been hidinghave been settingThe Present Perfect Continuous TenseLead inLook at the sentence in the present perfect continuous tense.Discuss the f

3、unction of the tense.(1).this is the adventure that I have been dreaming of.(2)We are now camped on the ice and we have been managing to survive.(3)We have been struggling for days,but things on Elephant Island are going from bad to worse.以上句子都用了现在完成进行时,其构成为: ,表示从过去某时起一直持续到现在的动作。have/hasbeen现在分词现在分词

4、Lead inTask 1现在完成现在完成进行时进行时1234结构 用法常用的时间状语现在完成进行时和现在完成时的区别基本结构基本结构The Present Perfect Continuous Tense基本结构:基本结构: Task 1“have / has been + 现分现分”have/has been doing用法 We have been waiting for you for half an hour. Chinese have been making paper for two thousand years.动作发生在过去,刚终止,不再继续下去。动作发生在过去,还将继续下去

5、。PresentPastFutureTask 11. All these days he has been writing articles to our magazine.2. Jack has been phoning Jane every night for the last week.表示动作并不是一直不停地进行,而是在断断续续地重复。 3. Tom has always been working hard.4. What have you been doing to my dictionary? 带有感情色彩,使语言表达更加生动。赞许的感情色彩不满的感情色彩Summary:现在完成进

6、行时的用法1.表示动作从过去某一时刻开始一直持续到现在,甚至将来,强调进行的过程。2. 表示从过去到现在的一段时间反复进行的动作或存在的状态。Task 1Look & discover: A private detective has been tailing (跟踪跟踪) him for several weeks. Tom loves outdoor activities - he has been fishing and hunting since he was a child.Summary:现在完成进行时常与表示一段时间的状语连用,例如:all the time, several t

7、imes, this week, all night/morning, these few days, over/in the past five years, for, since, 等。常用的时间状语Task 1现在完成进行时和现在完成时的区别Translation: Ive been designing solar racing cars. Ive designed five or six different cars. 我一直在设计太阳能赛车。我已经设计五六辆小汽车了。强调动作的延续性强调动作的结果 Ive been taking part in races for four year

8、s. How many races have you taken part in? 我这四年一直在参加比赛。你参加多少场比赛了?表示动作在重复不表示动作的重复Summary: 动作是否有延续性 是否表示动作重复性Task 1GrammarTask 2现在完成进行时结构用法时间状语现在完成时和现在完成进行时的区别have/has + been + doing1.表示动作从过去某一时刻开始一直持续到现在,甚至将来,强调进行的过程。2.表示从过去到现在的一段时间反复进行的动作或存在的状态。all the time this weekall nightthese few daysfor, since动

9、作是否有延续性是否表示动作重复性Read each situation and rewrite each sentence using the present perfect continuous tense. 1. The dog started to bark about two hours ago. I really hope it will stop soon. 2. Steve started to play rugby at the age of eight. Now he has become a professional player.3. Timmy is holding a

10、 table tennis bat and his short hair is damp with sweat. He looks a little tired after playing table tennis for two hours. The dog has been barking for about two hours. Steve has been playing rugby since the age of eight. He looks a little tired because he has been playing table tennis for two hours

11、.Task 3v. 吠叫n. 橄榄球运动n. 球拍adj. 潮湿的4. Diane hasnt got much sleep this week. She looks terrible today.5. I tried to phone you this morning. I must have tried a dozen times before I caught you here. Diane hasnt been sleeping well this week.I have been trying to phone you this morning.Task 3Read each sit

12、uation and rewrite each sentence using the present perfect continuous tense. 1. For the whole morning, the board of the directors _ (discuss) the resolution to increase wages in the coming year.2. Jasons only recreation is painting. He _ (learn) how to paint for over five years.3. Even though we los

13、t the game, we should be proud of ourselves because we _ (try) our best and _ (work) as a team.4. He finally _ (finish) the research paper under his tutors guidance.5. My nephew Sam _ (collect) comic books since he was five. Now he has more than two hundred of them.6. The company _ (launch) an adver

14、tising campaign to promote its corporate image.has been discussinghas been learninghave been tryingworkingfinishedhas been collectingis launching/has launched/ launchedComplete the sentences below using the correct tenses of the verbs in brackets. Task 4n. 娱乐;消遣n. 指导n. 侄子;外甥n. 广告活动adj. 公司的Task 5Work

15、 in groups.Interview your partner about the things that he/she has been doing. The following questions might help you. Do you have any hobbies or interests? How long have you been learning / playing ? What have you been doing recently?Task 5Show timeA: Do you have any hobbies?B: Sure. I have several

16、 hobbies such as table tennis, photography and kite flying. But my favourite hobby is playing the guitar.A: How long have you been learning the guitar? B: I have been learning the guitar since I was eight years old. I saw a video of someone playing and I fell in love with it.A: Thats great.Language

17、points1.advertise 考查热度【热点品味】 vt. & vi. 公布;宣传;做广告【教材原句】 The company has been launching an advertising campaign to promote its corporate image. 该公司一直在发起一场广告宣传活动,以提升公司形象。【实例品读】 Now you are asked to make a poster to advertise a sporting event.现在要求你制作一张海报为一项体育赛事做广告。Weve advertised for someone to look aft

18、er the garden.我们已登广告雇一个人来照看花园。【热点归纳】(1)advertise sth. 为某事做广告;为某事登广告advertise for 登广告征求advertise for sb. to do sth. 登广告招聘/雇用某人做某事(2) advertising n. 广告活动;广告业advertisement n. 广告put an advertisement in a newspaper在报纸上发布广告Language points【考点精练】单句语法填空They advertised _ a young girl to look after the childre

19、n.The organization is advertising for a teacher _ (teach) the children whose parents work outside all year.In order to look for their missing child,they have put an _ _ (advertise) in any possible media.foradvertise-to reachmentLanguage points2.be proud of 考查热度【热点品味】be proud of 为感到自豪【教材原句】 Even thou

20、gh we lost the game, we should be proud of ourselves because we tried our best and worked as a team. 即使我们输了比赛我们也应该为自己感到骄傲,因为我们尽了最大努力并作为一个团队协作。【实例品读】 I am proud of my sons success.我以儿子的成功为荣。He was proud of what he had done.他因自己所做的事感到自豪。【热点归纳】 be proud to do 很自豪地去做pride n. 骄傲;自豪take pride in 以自豪Langua

21、ge points【考点精练】单句语法填空He was proud _ himself for not giving up.I feel very proud _(be)a part of the team.She was proud _ her daughter had so much talent.ofto bethatLanguage points3.more than 考查热度【热点品味】more than 超过,多于【教材原句】 Now he has more than two hundred of them. 现在他有200多个。 【实例品读】 The total cost of

22、the project would be more than $240 million.该项目的总成本会超过2.4亿美元。This city has a population of more than 1,000,000这个城市人口超过一百万。【热点归纳】 (1)more than后接名词时,意为“不仅仅,不只是”,表示超过该名词所指。(2)more than后接形容词,表示加强语气,意为“非常,极其”。(3)“more than从句”意为“超过”。Language points【考点精练】写出句中more than的含义Im more than pleased to give you a h

23、and_His report is more than a survey_Its more than 5 minutes walk from my home to the school_非常;很不只是超过1. (2020 天津卷)- You are a great swimmer. - Thanks. Its because I _ (practise)a lot these days.2.(2019 北京卷) A retired engineer, 76-year-old Wilson _ (offer) free rides to college students for the past

24、 eight years. 3. (2018 全国卷) Languages_(come and go) for thousands of years, but in recent times there has been less coming and a lot more going. 4. (2021 全国乙卷)People _ (pour) into stadiums since the days of ancient Greece. has been offering have been coming and going have been practising高考对接have bee

25、n pouringExercises5. (2021 全国乙卷)For the biggest stadiums in the world, we _ (use) data supplied by the World Atlas list so far, which _ (rank) them by their stated permanent capacity, as well as updated information from official stadium websites. 6. (江西卷) -Tony, why are your eyes red? -I _ (cut) up

26、peppers for the last five minutes.7. (湖南卷)Since the time humankind started gardening, we _ (try) to make our environment more beautiful. have usedrankshave been cuttingExercises have been trying高考对接 A big elephant was walking on the ground. He 1. _ (move) through the tall grass for two days, eating

27、and resting. Not far from him 2. _ (stand) a woman with a big camera in her hands. She took another photo of the elephant, still amazed at his long tusks(獠牙獠牙). Swallowing a mouthful of grass, the elephant turned his head to see that the woman 3. _ (take) even more photos of him. “That woman has no manners. She 4. _ (follow) me all day,” he thought. “She 5. _ (take) 100 photos of me and 6. _ (write) 42 pages of notes. But she hasnt even given me a single peanut!”had been movingstood 语法填空was takinghas been followinghas takenwrittenExercisesHomework Do Exercises on P83of Workbook .


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