1、科目代码:842 科目名称:翻译与写作(英语) 第 1 页 共 2 页 南京航空航天大学南京航空航天大学2016 年硕士研究生招生考试初试试题( A 卷 ) 2016 年硕士研究生招生考试初试试题( A 卷 ) 科目代码: 842 科目名称: 翻译与写作(英语) 满分: 150 分 注意: 认真阅读答题纸上的注意事项;所有答案必须写在答题纸上,写在本试题纸或草稿纸上均无 认真阅读答题纸上的注意事项;所有答案必须写在答题纸上,写在本试题纸或草稿纸上均无效;本试题纸须随答题纸一起装入试题袋中交回!效;本试题纸须随答题纸一起装入试题袋中交回!Part One: Translate the follo
2、wing into Chinese ( 60 points) (1)The quantum hypothesis explained the observed rate of emission of radiation from hot bodies very well, but its implications for determinism were not realized until 1926, when another German scientist, Werner Heisenberg, formulated his famous uncertainty principle. I
3、n order to predict the future position and velocity of a particle, one has to be able to measure its present position and velocity accurately. The obvious way to do this is to shine light on the particle. Some of the waves of light will be scattered by the particle and this will indicate its positio
4、n. However, one will not be able to determine the position of the particle more accurately than the distance between the wave crests of light, so one needs to use light of a short wavelength in order to measure the position of the particle precisely. Now, by Plancks quantum hypothesis, one cannot us
5、e an arbitrarily small amount of light; one has to use at least one quantum. This quantum will disturb the particle and change its velocity in a way that cannot be predicted. Moreover, the more accurately one measures the position, the shorter the wavelength of the light that one needs and hence the
6、 higher the energy of a single quantum. So the velocity of the particle will be disturbed by a larger amount. In other words, the more accurately you try to measure the position of the particle, the less accurately you can measure its speed, and vice versa. (2)The beauty of our country is hard to de
7、fine as it is easy to enjoy. Remembering other and large countries we see at once that one of its charms is that it is immensely varied within a small compass. We have here no vast mountain ranges, no illimitable plains. But we have superb variety. A great deal of everything is packed into little sp
8、ace. I suspect that we are always faintly conscious of the fact that this is a smallish island, with the sea always round corner. We know that everything has to be neatly packed into a small place. Nature, we feel, has carefully adjusted thingsmountains, plains, rivers, lakesto the scale of the isla
9、nd itself. A mountain 12,000 feet high would be a horrible monster here, as wrong as a plain 400 miles long, a river as broad as the Mississippi. Though the geographical features of this island are comparatively small, and there is astonishing variety almost everywhere, that does not mean that our m
10、ountains are not mountains, our plains not plains. (3) About dusk the snow will stop, and by full dark a high, white moon will come sailing in like a galleon, and an icy, diamond powdering of stars will follow. In the blue-and-silver night there are no blurred edges. This is the time of clarity, of
11、cutting beauty. Out in the night there will be no sound except of branches clicking together and a vast, far skein of wind flung down from the sky. I know if I sit here long enough by the window, I will see the red conflagration of dawn, and in the new day there will be the wonderful gifts that only
12、 brilliant winter day after a storm brings: the shattering scarlet of redbirds at the back-yard feeder. It will be a day to sweep the path to the bird feeders and put out seed and withered apples like old ladies cheeks for the impatient animals. 科目代码:842 科目名称:翻译与写作(英语) 第 2 页 共 2 页 Part Two: Translat
13、e the following into English (40 points) (1)当由一个人物,一桩事迹,一幅画面而发生的真情实感,想你袭来的时候,它就像一根扎到你心尖上的长针,一阵卷到你面前的怒潮,你只能用最真切、最简练的文字,才能描画出你心尖上的那一阵剧痛和你面前的那一霎惊惶。我们伟大的祖国,是有写短文的文学传统的。那部包括上下数千年的古文观止 , “上起东周,下迄明末,共选辑文字 220 篇” ,有几篇是长的?如杜牧的阿房宫赋 ,韩愈的祭十二郎文等等,那一篇不是短而充满了真情实感?今人的巴金的随感录 ,不也是一个实例吗?(2)无论我们愿意与否,我们的社会生活与经济生活已经密不可分。
14、中国和世界的过去与现在都证明了这样一个无可辩驳的事实,那就是没有政治和社会的稳定,任何有效的和有意义的改革都是不可能实现的。中国的外交政策是为了争取长期健康的国际环境,尤其是争取有利于中国社会主义现代化建设的环境,有利于维护世界和平、促进共同发展的环境。当今世界正处于复杂的大变革时期,国际形势总体趋好。我们必须抓住机遇,迎接挑战,为建设一个和平、稳定、繁荣的新世界而做出不懈的努力。Part Three: Read the following passage carefully and write an essay of about 300 words, elaborating on the a
15、uthors argument. Your score would be reduced on proportion to the number of sentences you copy from the passage. (50 points) Do you reward yourself for your accomplishments? It is important that we take the time to celebrate even our small victories. Its time to take a step back and realize that ins
16、tead of focusing on all that were not getting done, we should be focusing on all that we are getting done. I call this the Celebrate the Small Victories approach. The intent is to give a little love to yourself for all of the hard work you put into each day. This will make for a much happier existen
17、ce, boost your self-esteem by placing focus on the positive and likely make you even more productive and energetic as time goes on. You cant lose! By marking these successes, we make them stick out in our minds. It forces us to acknowledge our progress and increases the likelihood well repeat the po
18、sitive behavior in the future. Did you have a good day at work today? Did you finish a noteworthy project or deliver a good presentation? Did you close a sale? For stay-at-home moms, did you survive another day with a toddler? Did the kids get to and from school on time? Did you finish a household chore? Whatever your goals, be sure to recognize your victories. So, go ahead and treat yourself for all your victories, even the small ones!