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1、介绍景德镇中英文 对照介绍景德镇中英文 对照景德镇之旅景德镇之旅介绍景德镇中英文 对照介绍景德镇中英文 对照 Catalogue1 1,LocationLocation2 2,The historyThe history3 3,Types of porcelainTypes of porcelain4 4,Making technologyMaking technology介绍景德镇中英文 对照 景德镇是一个地级市,以前是中国江西省的一个小镇,2010年常住人口1,587,477。因为生产了1700年的优质瓷器而被称为“瓷都”。这个城市有着超过2000年的悠久历史。 景德镇是中国历史文化名城之

2、一,2007年底被评为江西省优秀文明健康城市。 Jingdezhen is a prefecture-level city in Jiangxi Province of China, with a total population of 1,587,477(2010).It is known as the Porcelain Capital because it has been producing quality pottery for 1700 years. The city has a well-documented history that stretches back over 20

3、00 years. Jingdezhen is one of Chinese Historical and Cultural Cities, and was named outstanding civilization & health city of Jiangxi Province. 地理位置地理位置介绍景德镇中英文 对照 江西景德镇陶瓷,是中华民族文化艺术宝库中辉煌的明珠。他近二千年来的悠久而灿烂的历史进程,给后世留下了精湛绝伦的技艺,也造就了历代数不清的艺术匠师。在长期的发展过程中,景德镇的技艺人员,奋发努力,刻意求新,创作了许多好作品,使景德镇瓷器形成了自己独特的风格。 Jingde

4、zhen porcelain is the bright pearl in Chinese art and culture. With nearly two thousands of splendid history, there are exquisite skills and countless craftsmen. In the long time of development, the artists and craftsmen in Jingdezhen brought their full talent into creating numerous masterpieces. Th

5、anks to their hard working, Jingdezhen porcelain had been formed its own four special features. 葫芦窑double-gourd kiln介绍景德镇中英文 对照 十八世纪以前,欧洲人不会制造瓷器,因此中国特别是昌南镇的精美瓷器很受欢迎。在欧洲,昌南镇瓷器是十分受人珍爱的贵重物品.欧洲人就以“昌南”作为瓷器(china)和生产瓷器的“中国”(China)的代称,久而久之,欧洲人就把昌南的本意忘却了,只记得它是“瓷器”,即“中国”。锦绣昌南中国瓷园介绍景德镇中英文 对照 早在东汉时期,古人在昌南(景德镇)

6、建造窑坊,烧制陶瓷。到了唐朝,由于昌南土质好,先人们吸收南方青瓷和北方白瓷的优点创制出一种青白瓷。青白瓷晶莹滋润,有“人造玉器”的美称,大量出口欧洲。 As early as in the Eastern Han Dynasty, the ancients started to build kilns in Changnan to fire ceramics. In the Tang Dynasty, because of the soil with good quality in Changnan, the ancestors created the bluish white porcela

7、in by combining the advantages of southern celadon and the northern white porcelain. The bluish white porcelain was glittering and had the reputation of artificial jade. So it was exported to Europe in large amount.介绍景德镇中英文 对照 青白瓷 bluish white porcelain介绍景德镇中英文 对照 元代,瓷业较宋代为衰落,然而这时期也有新的发展,如青花和釉里红的兴起,

8、彩瓷大量的流行,白瓷成为瓷器的主流,带动以后明清两代的瓷器发展,得到很高的成就。 During the Yuan Dynasty, the porcelain industry was declined compared with that of the Song Dynasty. However, there were new developments in this period, such as the rise of blue-and-white porcelain, the popularity of painted porcelain and the mainstream of w

9、hiteware . It all led to high development of porcelain in the Ming and Qing Dynasty, ushing high achievements.介绍景德镇中英文 对照 我国的陶瓷艺术发展到了明代又进入一个新的旅程,明代以前的瓷器以青瓷为主,明代之后以白瓷为主。景德镇成为主要的窑厂,规模最大,一直延续明清两代五、六百年而不衰,描写当时盛况为“昼间白烟掩空,夜间红焰烧天”。 In the Ming Dynasty, Chinas development of ceramic art reached a new level.

10、 Before the Ming Dynasty, the mainstream was the celadon and after that time was the white porcelain. Jingdezhen became the main kiln, with the largest scale. Its magnificent refulgence had lasted from the Ming Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty, for five or six hundred years. And its pomp was praised porc

11、elain making never stops no matter day or night.介绍景德镇中英文 对照 清乾隆之后,景瓷生产从巅峰走向下坡路,产量、器质、品种、造型等呈萎缩状态。鸦片战争之后,景瓷生产受到严重摧残。延续500多年之久的御器厂寿终正寝。 After the reign of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty, the production of porcelain in Jingdezhen declined from peak to downhill. The yield, quality, variety and sha

12、pe of porcelain all shrunk rapidly. After the Opium War the production of porcelain had been severely damaged. The imperial porcelain factory closed after working more than 500 years.介绍景德镇中英文 对照 景德镇有悠久的制瓷传统,广大瓷工身怀绝技,在极其艰难困苦的情况下,坚持以手工技艺制瓷,坚持与外国机器制瓷相抗争,保持了中国瓷器在国际上的美誉。现代景德镇的制瓷工艺继承了传统的技法,吸收和借鉴了国内外的精华,使陶

13、瓷制作达到了一个又一个的高度。 Jingdezhen has a long-standing tradition of porcelain making and the workers had superior skills. Facing the difficulties and hardships, they insisted on handmade and waged war against foreign porcelain manufactured by machine. With the efforts, they maintained the international repu

14、tation of Chinese porcelain. The modern porcelain crafts in Jingdezhen have inherited the traditional techniques and absorbed and appreciated the essence at home and abroad. The ceramics making reached the height one after another.介绍景德镇中英文 对照123炼泥 Milling摞泥 Filter press制坯 Green Making介绍景德镇中英文 对照4567

15、 贴花 Lithography上釉 Glazing 修坯 Finishing烧釉 Glost firing介绍景德镇中英文 对照 景德镇四大名瓷 青花瓷Blue And White Porcelain 介绍景德镇中英文 对照 青花瓷创烧于元代,是以色料在坯胎上描绘纹样,施釉后经高温烧成,釉色晶莹、雅致。青料溶于胎釉之间,发色青翠,虽色相单一,但感觉丰富。青花瓷经久耐用,瓷不碎,色不褪。 Blue and white porcelain was first appeared in the Yuan Dynasty. It was formed by using pigment to depict

16、 patterns on the green body and firing at high temperature after glazing. The glazing color is glittering and elegant. The green pigment dissolve in green body, showing a verdant color. Although it has single hue, it still gives people rich feeling. Blue and white porcelain is durable。it will not fa

17、de until broken介绍景德镇中英文 对照 玲珑瓷 Rice-pattern porcelain介绍景德镇中英文 对照 玲珑瓷是在明宣德年间镂空工艺的基础上创造和发展起来的,已有五百多年的历史。这种瓷器既呈古朴、又显清新,集高超的烧造技艺和精湛的雕刻艺术于一身,充分体现了古代劳动人民的聪明才智和艺术创造力。 Rice-pattern porcelain, created and developed on the basic of the hollow-carved techniques in the reign of Emperor Xuande of the Ming Dynast

18、y, has a history more than five hundred years. This kind of porcelain not only appears quaint, but also looks fresh, combining the superb firing skills and exquisite carving arts. It fully embodies the ingenuity and artistic creativity of the ancient working people.介绍景德镇中英文 对照 粉彩瓷 Famille-rose porce

19、lain介绍景德镇中英文 对照 粉彩亦称软彩,是瓷器的釉上装饰,康熙晚期开始,到雍止、乾隆年代,益臻完善。有浮雕感,画面充满着浓郁的民族特色,有以中国历史故事和神话为主的人物,有秀丽多彩的山水,有栩栩如生的花鸟翎毛,有工整对称的几何图案等。 Famille-rose is the decoration on the glaze of porcelain. It was perfected gradually from late of the reign of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty. The surface of porcelain is full

20、 of rich national characteristics, with Chinese historical stories and mythology-based figures, beautiful and colorful landscapes, lifelike flowers and birds feathers, neat symmetrical geometric patterns.介绍景德镇中英文 对照 颜色釉瓷Colored glaze porcelain介绍景德镇中英文 对照 颜色釉是中国瓷器中引人注目的艺术珠瑰宝和名瓷之一。不仅具有特殊的审美特征,而且富有深厚的文

21、化内涵和浓愈的文化色彩。在过去它有“千窑难得一宝”、“十窑九不成”之说。 Colored glaze porcelain has ranked one of the most compelling treasure and porcelain in China. It not only has a special aesthetic characteristics, but also is rich in profound cultural connotation and strong culture trait. In the past time, it had a saying It is

22、 so hard to produce that you can only get one perfect colored glaze porcelain after thousand of experiments.介绍景德镇中英文 对照清乾隆 粉彩镂空“吉庆有余”转心瓶成交价:5.54亿元介绍景德镇中英文 对照元青花鬼谷子下山图罐成交价:2.3亿元人民币介绍景德镇中英文 对照清乾隆青花海水祥云应龙纹梅瓶成交价:9775万元介绍景德镇中英文 对照And delicious food 清汤泡糕清汤泡糕 Soup bubble cake 饺子粑饺子粑 Dumpling cake介绍景德镇中英文 对照 景德板鸡景德板鸡Jingde plate of chicken 瓷泥煨鸡瓷泥煨鸡 Porcelain clay simmer chicken介绍景德镇中英文 对照介绍景德镇中英文 对照介绍景德镇中英文 对照介绍景德镇中英文 对照


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