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1、语法填空+短文改错系列(三)语法填空+短文改错 601语法填空 601 Book 6 Unit 1The styles of Western art have changed many times,1._ Chinese art has changed less often. Art 2._(influence) by the way of life and beliefs. During the Middle Ages,the main aim of painters was to represent religious themes. Artists were interested in

2、creating respect and love for God. In the Renaissance,people focused more on humans and 3._(little) on religion. Artists tried to paint people and nature as 4._ really were. Masaccio used perspective in his paintings 5._ made people convince they were looking 6._ a hole in a wall at a real scene. In

3、 the late 19th century,Europe changed 7._ great deal from a mostly agricultural society to a 8._(most) industrial one. The Impressionists were the first to paint outdoors. They had to paint quickly and their paintings were not detailed as those of 9._(early) painters. Today people accept the Impress

4、ionist paintings as the 10._(begin) of modern art. Some modern art is abstract while some paintings of modern art are realistic.短文改错 601Dear Jack,I just saw an advertisement for a special free exhibition of the Chinese art at the Beijing International Exhibition Center. Its not far from your hotel,s

5、o I think that after dinner we could walk to the center and you could get to know a little about Chinese art .The exhibition has been organized especially for the Olympic Games in Beijing so there are some volunteers to help explain the art to visitors. In front of the center there is a club which m

6、any people from around the world often gather together to talk about art. Before we go to the exhibition,we could go there for a cup of coffee,get to know a little more about art around the world and maybe make friend. I hope it will be a special experience for us. Im looking forward to it,since I r

7、eal dont know much about Chinese art myself, except that there are four basic kinds of Chinese paintings: figures,landscapes,flowers and birds,and folklore(民间传说). So you seeyou dont have to worry that youre not familiar to Chinese art. That doesnt mean you cant understand picturesremember,art cross

8、cultures!I hope youll join me at the exhibition and experience some of Chinas great art on my last day in China. Im sure youll find its worth the time. Regards, YangKeys:语法填空601:1.while 2.is influenced 3.less 4.they 5.which6.through 7.a 8.mostly 9.earlier 10.beginning短文改错601:1. the2. and-that 3. org

9、anize-organized4. which-where5. Before-After6. friend-friends7. real-really 8. to-with9. cross-crosses10. my-your语法填空+短文改错 602语法填空 602 Book 6 Unit 2There are various reasons 1._ people write poetry. Some poems tell a story or describe something 2._ a way that will give the reader a strong 3._(impres

10、s). 4._ try to convey certain emotions. Poets use many different forms of poems to express 5._(they). In this text, however,we will look at a few of the simpler forms. Some of the first poetry 6._(write) in English was nursery rhymes. Children learned these when they were very young. Nursery rhymes

11、like 7._ one on the right are still a common type of childrens poetry. They delight small children 8._they have strong rhythm and rhyme and have a lot of repetition. This makes them easy to learn 9._ to recite. By playing 10._ the words in nursery rhymes,children learn about language.短文改错 602Dear We

12、ndy,Im so glad to receive your letter. And it is really a coincidence what you asked me about the Tang poems,and I just have learnt anything about them.The Tang poems are various in forms or subjects. General speaking,they can be divided to two groupsclassical poems and modern poems. Not only the le

13、ngth of a line but also the length of a poem is limited into a certain number of words. There are often four or eight or twelve lines with five or seven words in each line. Poets wrote poems for different purpose,for example,exposing the darkness of the society and describe the beautiful scenes.Ther

14、e were many famous poets during the Tang Dynasty,such as to Li Bai,Du Fu and Bai Judi. If you want to read more,the book 300 Tang Poems are a good choice,which includes poems of many wellknown poets. After reading them,you will have better understanding of the Tang poems. Yours sincerely, Zhang WeiK

15、eys:语法填空602:1.why 2.in 3.impression 4.Others 5.themselves6.written 7.the 8.because 9.and 10.with短文改错602:1. what-that2. anything-something 3. or-and4. General-Generally5. to-into6. purpose-purposes7. describe-describing 8. to9. are-is10. have-a语法填空+短文改错 603语法填空 603 Book 6 Unit 3Its easy for you to st

16、art smoking,but 1._ you become addicted to it,you may find 2._ difficult for you to quit. Firstly,you may become 3._(physics) addicted to nicotine,one of the hundreds of harmful chemicals 4._ consist in cigarettes. Secondly,you may develop the habit of smoking and finally become mentally addicted to

17、 it.Smoking may have all kinds of harmful effects 5._ the health of both the smokers themselves and nonsmokers around them. It not only affects your physical fitness,but also 6._harm to your heart and lungs and causes a variety of diseases. 7._(be) a smoker,the offensive smell and appearance of you

18、may drive people around you away. So,its important that one quits smoking and lives a healthier life.To quit smoking,you should be wellprepared and make a list of all the benefits you may get after 8._(quit). Developing some new habits like listening to music,reading novels or doing housework may di

19、stract your attention and help you to forget your need for a cigarette. But if you really feel bad,you should consult 9._ Doctor or chemist to get some professional help. Remember,if you 10._(keep) trying,you will eventually succeed.短文改错 603Dear Mike,Im very sorry to hear that you are in the hospita

20、l with eyesight decreased and obesity and some other diseases. I hope that you will recover soon.You said that your illness was caused by surf the Internet too much. Thats true. Some of my friends,whom often do such things,are beginning to feel bad too. They say that they cant see now as clear as be

21、fore. And my teachers often tell us that its bad of us to stay late surfing the Internet every day.However,I think that we should spend more time on the Internet from now on. Instead,we should work out keep healthy,because nothing is more important than health. Only when we are healthy can we study

22、better.Follow the doctors advice and dont worry,and you will be good soon. Best wishes! Yours, Li MingKeys:语法填空603:1.once 2.it 3.physically 4.that / which 5.on6.does 7.Being 8.quitting 9.a 10.keep短文改错603:1. the2. decreased-decreasing 3. surf-surfing4. whom-who5. clear-clearly6. of-for7. However-Ther

23、efore 8. more-less9. keep-to10. good-well语法填空+短文改错 604语法填空 604 Book 6 Unit 4There is no doubt 1_the earth is becoming warmer but there is a fierce debate over whether it is human activity that has caused this global warming 2._ whether it is just a natural phenomenon.Many scientists like Dr.Janice F

24、oster believe that people have caused 3._ increase in the earths temperature by burning fossil fuels like coal,natural gas and oil to produce energy whose byproducts 4._(call) “greenhouse” gases,the most important one 5._(be) carbon dioxide. These gases trap heat from the sun and therefore warm the

25、earth,without 6._ the earth would be about thirtythree degrees Celsius cooler 7._ it is. But increased amount of extra carbon dioxide 8._(mean) that more heat energy is trapped in the atmosphere causing the global temperature to go up.9_ the other hand,scientists like George Hambley believe that any

26、 warming will be mild with few bad environmental consequences and more carbon dioxide is 10._(actual) a positive thing.短文改错 604We are happy to see that the world economy is developing fast,and with the fast development of industry come different kinds of pollution. We have surrounded by polluted air

27、,water and soil. It is clear that they have become the problems what worry near everyone and the government.How to prevent the pollution?We must both strength peoples sense of environmental protection and control the decrease of population. We should know that destroying the environment mean destroy

28、ing our own homethe earth.I hope all the people in the world will join hand to protect the environment. Only by this way will we have a good future.Keys:语法填空604:1.that 2.or 3.the 4.are called 5.being 6.which 7.than 8.means 9.On 10.actually短文改错604:1. and-but2. have-been 3. what-which4. near-nearly5.

29、the6. strength-strengthen7. decrease-increase 8. mean-means9. hand-hands10. by-in语法填空+短文改错 605语法填空 605 Book 6 Unit 5I often travel to 1._(usual) places and work alongside people from all over the world. Using scientific equipment and 2._(collect) information about volcanoes is my job. 3._ my job is

30、occasionally dangerous,I dont mind because danger excites me and makes me feel alive. As is known,4._lava from the volcano flows,many houses will 5._(cover) with lava or burnt to the ground. However,my job helps other scientists predict where lava from the volcano will flow next and how fast,6._ can

31、 help protect ordinary people from one of the most powerful forces on earththe volcano. I once experienced the 7._(erupt)of Mount Kilauea and was lucky to have a close look at the 8._(absolute) fantastic sight. When it broke out,red lava was fountained hundreds of meters into the air. All the lava 9

32、._(pass) slowly down the mountain caused great damage and buried everything in 10._(it) path under the molten rock.短文改错 605My dear classmates,we all know which life is precious. Then how can we protect us when we come across a horrible earthquake?Now let me give you some advices on how to survive fr

33、om an earthquake.When a serious earthquake take place,we should hide in a bathroom or under some strong furniture immediate. At the same time wed better fallen on the ground and close our eyes with a towel on our nose and mouth to stop the dust. If it is possible,please turn off the gas stop and the

34、 electric power switch. And you mustnt try to run out or jump from a building. And do remember to use the elevator.Thats all. Thank you!Keys:语法填空605:1.unusual 2.collecting 3.Although/Though/While 4.when 5.be covered6.which 7.eruption 8.absolutely 9.passing 10.its短文改错605:1. which-that2. us-ourselves 3. advices-advice4. from5. take-takes6. immediate-immediately7. fallen-fall 8. And-But9. from-off10. remember-not


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