
上传人(卖家):三亚风情 文档编号:2814473 上传时间:2022-05-28 格式:PPT 页数:38 大小:993.50KB
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1、. Can you can a can as a caner can a can?2. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? 3. How many cookies could a good cook cook if a good cook could cook cookies? What kind of verb are the underlined words ?What kind of verb are the underlined words ? 你可以像装罐工人那样装罐头吗? 如果

2、一只土拨鼠会扔木头,那么会扔多少木头呢?如果一个好的厨师能做小甜饼,那么他能做多少小甜饼呢?They are modal verbs.1. Ability (能力)(能力)2. Obligation (义务)(义务)3. Certainty (可能性)(可能性)4. Permission (允许)(允许)5. Make requests(提出请求)(提出请求)6. Make suggestions(提出建议)(提出建议)7. Make offers(提供帮助)(提供帮助)8. Give advice(提出意见)(提出意见).1.Ability (能力能力):Liu Xiang can run

3、the 110m hurdle race within 13 seconds.can/could:1. can 一般表示与生俱来的能力或一般表示与生俱来的能力或者一种客观可能性者一种客观可能性,还可以表示请还可以表示请求和允许求和允许 。Learning English _ be difficult.canMan can not live without air. _ I use your bike?Can.can/could:2.在疑问句中,用在疑问句中,用could可表示请可表示请求,语气较委婉。求,语气较委婉。 _I have the television on? Yes, you _.

4、 / No, you _CouldHe asks if he _ smoke here.couldcancant/Im afraid not.can/could:3.表示惊异、怀疑、不相信的态度。(主表示惊异、怀疑、不相信的态度。(主要用在否定句、疑问句或惊叹句中)要用在否定句、疑问句或惊叹句中) Hes such a nice person that he _ commit the crime! cant你怎么会如此地粗心!你怎么会如此地粗心! How can you be so careless! _ this be true? Can.can/could:4. can never/can

5、ttoo表示表示“无论怎样无论怎样也不过分也不过分”,“越越越越好好” 。你过马路的时候再小心也不为过。你过马路的时候再小心也不为过。 You cant be too careful while crossing the road. .Im so tired! I have to do the training for at least 10 hours a day! 2.Obligation (义务义务):yet he must work hard to win the gold medal.Although Liu Xiang is so gifted in hurdle race.注意:

6、注意: must可表示可表示“坚持,一定要坚持,一定要”(常用(常用于固定句型:于固定句型:if you must do sth. 如果你如果你非得要做某事)非得要做某事)如果你真的要走,那就悄悄离开。如果你真的要走,那就悄悄离开。If you leave, do it quietly.must.Your mother brings you up and takes good care of you, so when she is old, you _ look after her in return. A.can B.may C.have to D.must .Shi Dongpeng mi

7、ght win a medal at the Olympic Games.Although the chance of winning a medal is small, Ill try my best! 3.Certainty (可能性可能性) :.1.He _ be at home.2.He _ be at home, for he just called me from his home 15 seconds ago.A.may B.might C.must A.may B.might C.must 情态动词表示猜测是高考热点之一:情态动词表示猜测是高考热点之一:mustshouldca

8、ncouldmaymight(可能性)(可能性).情态动词情态动词+不定式完成式不定式完成式“责备责备”等多种意等多种意义。义。need have done neednt have done shoudnt/oughtnt to have doneshould /ought to have donewould rather have done注意:注意:对于现在和将来的推测用对于现在和将来的推测用“情态动词情态动词+动词原形动词原形”,对于过去的推测用,对于过去的推测用“情态动词情态动词+不定式完成式不定式完成式”。 Eg: may/might have done 可能已做了可能已做了 can

9、t have done 不可能做了不可能做了本需要做但没做本需要做但没做本不必做但做了本不必做但做了本不该做但做了本不该做但做了本该做但没做本该做但没做本想做但没做本想做但没做.4.Permission (允许允许):May I eat KFC if I win the gold medal?.may/might:1. 表示许可。表示请求、允许时,表示许可。表示请求、允许时,might比比may的语气更委婉一些。的语气更委婉一些。 Might/May I use your computer? Yes, you may. /No, you may not/mustnt. .5.Making re

10、quests (提出要求提出要求):Can you help me with my training?I dont know how to use this equipment! .6.Making suggestions (提出建议提出建议):Shall we do the training in the morning?Its too hot to take exercise in the afternoon. .shall:1.Shall用于第一、第三人称疑问用于第一、第三人称疑问句中,表示说话人征求对方的意句中,表示说话人征求对方的意见、向对方请示或提供帮助见、向对方请示或提供帮助 。

11、1.Shall we begin our lesson? 2.When shall he be allowed to leave hospital? 3.Shall I carry this bag for you?.shall:2.Shall用于第二、第三人称,表用于第二、第三人称,表示说话人给对方命令、警告、允示说话人给对方命令、警告、允诺或威胁。诺或威胁。 You shall fail if you dont work harder. He shall be punished according to the rule. 等我读完这本书,就会给他的。等我读完这本书,就会给他的。 He s

12、hall have the book when I finish it.警告警告威胁威胁允诺允诺.7.Making offers (提供帮助提供帮助):Dont worry, dear, I will wash them right away.Mom, my dirty clothes have been piled up! I dont have time.8.Giving advice (提出意见提出意见):You should not/ought not to eat so much before running.How delicious!.2. should表示意外或惊讶表示意外或惊

13、讶 常译为常译为 “居然,竟然居然,竟然”。 I cant believe such a gentleman should be so rude to the old. 我不敢相信这样一个绅士居然对老人我不敢相信这样一个绅士居然对老人如此无礼。如此无礼。should:.7. 7. 情态动词的做题技巧情态动词的做题技巧:1. 1. 充分利用句子语境。充分利用句子语境。综观历年高考英语情综观历年高考英语情态动词的考查情况,有相当一部分考题从本质上态动词的考查情况,有相当一部分考题从本质上看都是在考查情态动词在具体语境中的运用,即看都是在考查情态动词在具体语境中的运用,即只要考生能弄清各个被考查情态

14、动词的意思,就只要考生能弄清各个被考查情态动词的意思,就可作出正确选择。如:可作出正确选择。如:Lucy doesnt mind lending you her dictionary. She _. Ive already borrowed one. A. cant B. mustnt C. neednt D. shouldnt 分析:答案选分析:答案选C。既然。既然“我已经借了一本我已经借了一本”,据此语境,据此语境所以所以“她就没有必要借给我了她就没有必要借给我了”。.2.2.根据时间确定时态。根据时间确定时态。即要分清情态动词表推测时即要分清情态动词表推测时涉及的是现在情况还是过去情况。

15、原则上说,若对现涉及的是现在情况还是过去情况。原则上说,若对现在情况进行推测,情态动词后接动词原形或进行式;在情况进行推测,情态动词后接动词原形或进行式;若对过去情况进行推测,则后接动词的完成式;若对过去情况进行推测,则后接动词的完成式;This cake is very sweet. You _ a lot of sugar in it. A. should put B. could have put C. might put D. must have put分析:答案选分析:答案选D D。前文说。前文说“蛋糕很甜蛋糕很甜”,下文,下文“你一定你一定是在里面放了很多糖是在里面放了很多糖”,故

16、用,故用“must have done”“must have done”表示表示对过去情况的肯定推测。对过去情况的肯定推测。对现在或将来的推测常用结构为:对现在或将来的推测常用结构为:情态动词情态动词+_/_+_/_对过去情况的推测常用结构为:对过去情况的推测常用结构为:情态动词情态动词+_ +_ 如:如:dobe doinghave done. (20102010江西卷江西卷2323) I have told you the truth. I keep repeating it?A. Must B. Can C. May D. WillA能力提升:高考练兵场能力提升:高考练兵场. (2011

17、2011江西卷江西卷2323) It _ be the postman at the door. Its only six oclock. A. mustntB. cant C. wontD. needntB能力提升:高考练兵场能力提升:高考练兵场. (20122012江西卷江西卷2222) We _ have bought so much food now that Suzie wont be with us for dinner. may notB. needntA.C. cant D. mustntB能力提升:高考练兵场能力提升:高考练兵场. (20132013江西卷江西卷2323) W

18、hen I was a child, I _ watch TV whenever I wanted to.A. should B. could C. must D. needB能力提升:高考练兵场能力提升:高考练兵场.Who is the luckiest guy?ABCDEF.(1)你们)你们不准不准在学校吸烟。在学校吸烟。You mustnt smoke at school.(2)现在已是午夜了现在已是午夜了, 你你偏要偏要这个时候弹这个时候弹 钢琴钢琴吗吗? It is midnight. _? Must you play the piano nowTranslate the sente

19、nces. What sort of house do you want to have? Something big?-Well, it _ be bigthats not important. A. mustnt B. neednt C. cant D. wont2. 改错改错 Mr. Li mustnt have gone to Shanghai because I saw him a few minutes ago.B cantDo the following exercises.v1. The ground is rather wet, so it _have rained last

20、 night, didnt it?v2. I really regretted wasting the hours when I _have studied hard, but it was too late.mustshouldFill in the blanks.Multiple choices1. -Did the train arrive in time?-No. It _ two hours ago.A. must have arrived B. ought to have arrivedC. must arrive D. ought to arrive2. Must I drive

21、 to his house and pick up the children? No, . A. you shouldntB. you might not C. you neednt D. you mustntB C .So easy!List five modal verbs列举五个情态动词列举五个情态动词Can / could / must / may / might / shall / should / need / dare / dared / will / would / ought to.Review the usage of modal verbs and finish the exercise in the book.


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