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人教版(2019)新教材高中英语选择性必修第四册 Unit 1 SCIENCE FICTION 科幻小说 Words and Expressions fiction fiction1.fiction fkn: n. 小说(U.); 虚构的事(C.)novel nv()l: n. 小说 adj. 新颖的; 与众不同的thriller: n. 惊险小说story: n. 故事; 小说; 传记; 报道historical/romantic fiction: 历史/言情小说1)I read everything from fiction to history.2)He quitted/quit the job to concentrate on writing fiction.3)Her account of the crime is a complete fiction.2. science fiction (informal: sci-fi) (abbr. SF): 科幻小说(或影片等)1)I like science fiction, just I like my life. 2)She is a popular writer of science fiction.3)Of all types of movies, we like science fiction the best.3. test out: 检验; 测试 try out: 试用; 测试; 试验1)The household robot was going to be tested out by Larrys wife, Claire.2)He was not able to test out his theory.3)I want to test out the TV set before I buy it.4. bonus bns: n. 意外收获; 奖金; 红利 reward rwd: n. 奖励; 报酬; 悬赏金 award wd: n. 奖; 奖品; 奖金; 奖状allowance lans: n. 津贴; 补助money: n. 钱cash: n. 现金currency: n. 货币1)You will get a bonus after you finish the work.2)The girl is expecting a Chinese New years bonus.3)Youll be paid a bonus at the end of every year.5. more like.: 更像是; 更接近be like:像look like:看起来像1)The robot seemed more like a human than a machine.2)I think he is more like his mother.3)We believe the figure should be more like 10 billion dollars.6. ridiculous rdkjls: adj. 愚蠢的; 荒谬的; 荒唐的ridiculously: adv.荒唐地; 荒谬地; 令人惊奇地It is ridiculous to do .: 做什么是愚蠢的/荒谬的/荒唐的It is ridiculous that .: .是愚蠢的/荒谬的/荒唐的fun fn: adj. 有趣的; 好玩的; 令人开心的/快乐的/愉快的funny fn: adj. 滑稽的; 好笑的; 有趣的; 奇怪的; 疯癫的foolish ful: adj. 愚蠢的; 可笑的silly sl: adj. 傻的; 糊涂的; 可笑的stupid stjupd: adj. 愚蠢的; 糊涂的; 迟钝的; 烦人的comic: adj. 滑稽的; 好笑的7. integrity nterti: n. 诚实正直; 完整; 完好honest nst: adj. 诚实的; 正直的honesty: n. 诚实; 正直perfect pfikt: adj. 完美的; 极好的; 理想的;正确的1)We have always regarded him as a man of integrity.2)Claire thought it was ridiculous that she was being offered sympathy by a robot, but she gradually admired his wisdom and integrity and began to trust him.3)The ancient tower is still there, but not in its integrity.4)Their decision is a threat to the integrity of the country.8. dignity dnti: n. 庄重; 庄严; 尊严 with dignity: 有尊严地1)Its difficult to preserve your dignity when you have no money.2)The robot always treated her with dignity.3)The president should be allowed to die with dignity. salary9. salary slri: n. 薪水; 薪金 (常指月工资, 也可用来表示年薪。)a salary of 400,000 dollars a year: 年薪40万美元wage wed: n. 工资 (小时/天/周工资)offer/pay/raise a wage/salary: 提供/支付/上调工资income: n. 收入; 收益pay: n. 工资; 薪水get a rise/raise: 涨工资get paid: 领工资a 10% salary increase: 加薪10%1)She told him how she was unhappy that her home wasnt elegant enough for Larry, who wanted to improve his social position with a bigger salary.2)The salary will be fixed according to qualifications and experience.3)I am on a salary of 5,900 yuan. = My salary is 5,900 yuan.4)My salary is paid directly into my bank.5)The US president gets a salary of 400,000 dollars a year.10. absurd bsd: adj. 荒谬的; 荒唐的ridiculous rdkjls: adj. 愚蠢的; 荒谬的; 荒唐的It is absurd to do .: 做什么是荒谬的/荒唐的It is absurd that .: . 是荒谬的/荒唐的1)She looked at his fingers with wonder as they turned each page. How absurd, she thought. He was just a machine.2)That hat makes the woman look absurd/ridiculous.3)You look absurd/ ridiculous in your wifes skirt.4)Its absurd/ ridiculous to believe that the earth goes around the moon. appointment11. appointment pntmnt: n. 预约; 约会; 委任 appoint : v. 任命; 委任; 约定keep an appointment: 准时赴约have an appointment with: 和约会 (办事情等)have a date with: 和约会 (情人之间)1)She made an appointment for her daughter to see the doctor.2)I have an appointment with my boss.3)His appointment is a complete surprise - he is just a civilian.4)The appointment of Jack as governor will be announced tomorrow. nail nail 12. nail nel: n. 指甲; 趾甲; 钉子 vt. (用钉子)钉牢; 固定hammer hm: n. 锤子 v. 锤击nail. down: 把.盯牢/固定nail. up: 用钉子把(门/窗)封住/封死; 用钉子把什么固定到什么上1)She had an appointment to paint her nails, then she went into an expensive clothes shop.2)As a cook, you should keep your nails short and your hands clean.3)I have nailed the road sign to a big tree.4)The loose board in the floor should be nailed down. saleswoman13. saleswoman selzwmn: n. 女售货员; 女推销员 salesman: n. 男售货员; 男推销员1)The saleswoman there was rude to her, so she rang Tony and told him she was being treated badly. 2)His aunt is a car saleswoman.3)The customer demanded an apology from the saleswoman in the supermarket.14. guilty lti: adj. 内疚的; 有罪的; 有过失的guilt: n. 内疚; 犯罪; 罪行 innocence nsns: n. 天真; 单纯; 无罪 innocent nsnt : adj. 天真无邪的; 无辜的; 无恶意的crime kram: n. 犯罪; 罪行commit a/the crime: 犯罪be/feel guilty about.: 对.感到内疚/到惭愧find/prove someone guilty: 认定/证明某人有罪1)Although it was completely innocent, Claire felt guilty.2)I felt guilty about not visiting my parents more often.3)Lucy had a guilty look on her face.4)The man was found guilty of murder.15. suspend sspend: vt. 悬; 挂; 暂停; 暂缓hang h: v. 吊; 悬挂 (hung) (经常用主动表示被动)stop: v. 使停止; 停下; 停止pause pz: v.暂停; 停顿delay dle: v. 延迟; 延期; 推迟postpone pspn: v. 延迟; 延期put off: 推迟; 拖延1)The company has to suspend the space exploration project due to financial problems.2)The plan was suspended in July 2020.3)A lamp/fan is suspended from the ceiling. = A lamp/fan hangs from the ceiling.4)The presidents body was found suspended by a rope.16. ladder ld(r): n. 梯子; 阶梯climb up/fall off a ladder : 爬上/跌下梯子a flight of stairs: 一段楼梯climb the stairs: 爬楼梯upstairs: adv./adj. 楼上downstairs: adv./adj. 楼下1)Claire tried to help by working on a light suspended from the ceiling, but she fell off the ladder.2)Her uncle fell off a ladder and broke his arm/leg.3)Please stand the ladder up against the wall.4)This ladder doesnt seem very stable/secure.17. dismiss dsms: vt. 让(某人)离开; 解散; 解雇; 消除fire/dismiss sb: 解雇某人hire/employ sb: 雇用某人1)The guests would be arriving soon, so Claire dismissed Tony for the rest of the night.2)I was so pleased to hear the bell ring and our teacher announce, “Class is dismissed.”3)If you dont work hard, youll be dismissed (from the company).4)The doctors explanation cannot dismiss their doubt.18. declare dkle(r): vt. 表明; 宣称; 公布declare war on: 向宣战announce: v. 宣布; 宣告; 通知; 声称; 宣称claimklem : v. 宣称; 声称; 索取1)She heard him declare that he did not want to leave her the next day, and that he felt more than just the desire to please her.2)The government has declared a state of emergency.3)The court declared that their strike was illegal.4)I declare this bridge/museum/ hospital open.5)The USA declared war on Japan on December 8,1941.19. whereas werz: conj. 然而; 但是; 尽管 while: conj. 然而but: conj. 但是however haev: adv. 然而; 但是regardless/despite of = in spite of = in despite of = despite: 不管; 不顾; 尽管1)Some students enjoy English classes, whereas some hate them.2)Some people like coffee, whereas/ while others like tea.3)Whereas knowledge can be acquired from books, skills must be learned through practice.20. rumour/rumor rum(r): n. 谣言; 传闻start/spread a rumour: 制造/散布谣言1)Rumours are like sharp knives, cutting ones self-respect into pieces. We should be aware of this and not spread unkind news around.2)I heard a rumour that they are getting married/promoted.3)She decided to shut her ears to all the rumours.4)The White House was swift to deny the rumours.21. presume przjum przum: vt. & vi. 假设; 假定; 认为presumption przmpn: n. 假设; 假定assume sjum: v. 设想; 假定; 认为suppose: v. 假定; 假设; 认为 (正式)imagine: v. 想象; 设想; 认为suppose/supposing/assuming/ provided/providing + that句子: 假如; 假定 【上结构that 前的词均是连词】1)Supposing that she doesnt come, we will still go.2)Supposing he is absent, what shall we do?1)Whoever is charged with a crime should be presumed innocent until proven otherwise.2)When a person is brought to an American court, he is presumed innocent until proven guilty.3)The court presumed the death of the man that disappeared during the war.4)We presumed (that) he understood all the rules.5)I presumed him to be her husband.22. fare fe(r): n. 车费; 船费; 飞机/火车/公共汽车/出租车票价 fee: n. 服务费; 酬金; 咨询费; 报名费; 会费tuition fee: 学费 【tjun: 教学;讲授; 指导; 学费】(pay/afford) bus/taxi/train(railway/rail)/ air fares (to.) : 公共汽车费/出租汽车费/火车票价/飞机票价1)What is the fare from here to Tokyo?2)Whats the fare to France?3)The fare is 3500 dollars.4)A single/round-trip fare is 290 pounds.5)Children under four travel (at) half fare/half-fare.6)The student should pay full fare.7)Many airlines have brought down (air) fares.23. weekly wikli: adj. 每周的adv. 每周= every week n. 周刊a weekly meetings: 周会monthly : adv. & adj.每月一次的; 每月=every month n. 月刊daily: adv. 每天; 天天 = every day adj. 每天的; 每日的 n. 日报1)In addition to my weekly wage, I got a lot of tips.2)The newspaper is published twice weekly.3)The boy improves his English by reading English Weekly.24. on a . basis: 根据; 以的方式(基准)according (to) : 根据; 按照on a 24/7 basis: 一周不分白天黑夜的方式on a daily/weekly basis: 按每天/每周的方式on a five-day- a-week basis: 一周五天的方式on a regular/permanent/part-time/ temporary basis: 以定期/永久/兼职/临时性方式1)The truck is checked on a regular basis. 2)The students can only get scholarships on a competitive basis. 3)The workers get paid on a daily/weekly basis.25. calculate klkjulet: vt. 计算; 核算; 预测 1)They believe if Al can handle tasks like calculating and driving for us, we will have more time for creating, thinking, and “being human”.2)Since I dont have much time, I need to calculate how long it will take me to do the task.3)With so many factors, it is difficult to calculate the cost.4)Scientists have calculated the distance between the earth and the moon.5)It has been calculated that at least 6,000 jobs were lost last year.26. chairwoman tewmn: n. 女主席; 女董事长; 女委员长 chairman: n. 男主席; 男董事长; 男委员长president prezdnt: n. 国家主席; 总统; 校长; 院长; 董事长; 行长1)Janet was elected chairwoman of the student union last month.2)His mother was once chairwoman of Sun Media Group.3)If you speak for too long, the chairwoman will cut you off.27. gramme/ram rm : n. 克(重量单位)kilogram/kilo klrm/ki: l n. 千克; 公斤ton tn: n. 吨pound: n. 磅 (1 pound = 0.454 kilograms )by the gram/kilogram/ton: 以克/千克/吨为单位by weight: 以重量为单位1)A football weighs about 400 grams.2)There are five hundred grams of sugar in the bottle.3)Sorry, but we sell the roast Beijing duck by the gram. flour 28. flour fla(r): n. 面粉; (谷物磨成的)粉 flower fla(r): n. 花1)Two hundred grammes of flour should be added to the cake mix.2)Flour is sold by the kilogram.29. venue venju: n. 活动场地(如音乐厅/会场等)avenue vnju: n. (城镇的)大街; 林荫道stadium : n. 体育场; 运动场sportsground: n. 操场; 运动场playground: n. 游乐场; 操场gymdm: n.健身房; 体育馆bowl: n. 椭圆形体育场1)A 3000-seat venue was built for the circus performance in November.2)Please note the change of venue for the sports meeting.3)The venue for the World Cup remains undecided. salesman30. salesman selzmn: n. 售货员; 推销员 saleswoman: n. 女售货员; 女推销员1)When I entered the room, I found that the salesmans salary was being discussed at the meeting.2)His son is a car salesman/ an insurance salesman.3)The salesman gave him his change. alien alien31. alien elin: n. 外星人(生物); 外国人 adj. 陌生的; 外星的; 外国的 foreign frn: adj. 外国的; 外来的; 陌生的foreigner frn: n. 外国人an alien environment: 陌生的环境an alien culture: 异域文化1)Topics like life in the future, Al development, and aliens are often found in sci-fi.2)Do you think well meet an alien from outer space in the future?3)I am an alien, so I am not familiar with the city.4) Such an attitude is alien to all the teachers.5) He quickly adjusted to the alien environment.6)They are alien people.7)Jim is an alien being in this film.32. (the) pros and cons: prz knz 事物的利与弊; 支持与反对 1)What are the pros and cons of robots doing these jobs?2)You must weigh up the pros and cons of city and country life.3)We need to discuss the pros and cons of this project.33. blurred bld: adj. 模糊不清的; 难以区分的 a blurred image/picture(photo)/ memory: 模糊的形象/照片/记忆1)The line between humans and robots will be more blurred in the future.2)Your writing is blurred.3)Sometimes fiction and reality are blurred.34. superior supri(r) sjupri: adj. 更好的; 占优势的; (在级别或重要性上)更高的 1)The enemy won because of their superior numbers.2)Neither approach is superior.3)He talked as if he had superior abilities.35. (be) superior to.: 比更好; 更胜一筹 be senior/junior to sb: 比年长/年幼; 比.级别高/低1)They are much stronger than we are and may be superior to us in the future.2)The new generation of smartphones is greatly superior to older version.3)There is no doubt that the new method is superior to the old one.4)Dont think you are superior to us in studies.36. take over: 占上风; 取而代之; 接管; 接手 take over from .: 占上风; 取而代之take over. from .: 接管; 接手1)In science fiction stories, robots often become superior and take over.2)Will robots take over from human beings in the future?3)The Taliban took over the capital peacefully.4)They planned to take over the airport/ factory/shop/farm/business.37. inaction nkn: n. 无行动; 不采取措施action kn: n. 行动; 活动; 动作take action(s) (to do) : 采取行动做什么1)A robot may not injure a human being, or, through inaction.2)Even our inaction is a form of action.3)But the president said that was no excuse for inaction.4)We do not accept this as an excuse for government inaction.38. conflict with: 与冲突或抵触1)A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.2)A robot must protect its own existence, as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.3)The report brought her into conflict with the authorities.4)George often comes into conflict with his boss. 5)These results conflict with earlier findings.6)Do American laws conflict with any international laws?39. labour/labor leb(r): n. 劳动(者); 体力劳动 (U.) vi. 奋斗; 努力工作1)The robots will probably do most of our labour for us.2)Some developed countries lack skilled labour/workers.3)The farmers laboured /worked all day in the fields.4)For 30 years now he has laboured to build a better community. leather leathers40. leather le(r): n. 皮革; pl.皮衣; 皮外套 feather fe(r): n. 羽毛1)You should polish shoes regularly to protect the leather.2)He bought a leather jacket yesterday.3)In the 1990s many people liked to wear black leathers. lever lever41. lever liv(r)levr : n. 操纵杆; 杠杆 level lev()l: n. 水平; 水准liver lv(r): n.肝脏; 肝1)Pull the lever towards you to adjust the speed.2)He pulled the lever to start the motor.3)The driver pushed a lever to speed up the car. panel panel42. panel pnl: n. 控制板; 仪表盘; 专家咨询组 pan pn: n. 平底锅meter: n. 计量器/表 (用于测量电/煤气/水/时间/距离等的)a control/display panel: 控制/显示面板1)The unusual control panel on the walls caught our attention.2)He will ask the ten-man panel for advice on how to control the situation.3)The panel says that such a thing will not happen to the dam.43. inch nt: n. 英寸 (长度单位,等于2.54厘米) foot (复数feet): n. 英尺 1 foot = 12 inches = 30.48 centimeters millimeter - centimeter - meter - kilometer1)She is two inches taller than me/I.2)Twenty inches of rain fell last night.44. backwards bkwdz( backward): adv. 向后; 倒着; 往回 forwards/forward: adv. 向前upwards/upward: adv. 向上downwards/downward: adv. 向下eastwards/eastward: adv. 向东backward(s) and forward(s): 来来回回1)I pushed the starting lever on the main panel forwards an inch, then immediately backwards again.2)The girl lost her balance and fell
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