(2022新)人教版高中英语选择性必修第四册Unit1 Robot机器人相关时事新闻句子.pptx

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1、Steel-collar workers: Robots. 钢领工人:机器人。 Chinese internet giant Alibaba on Tuesday opened a hotel loaded with artificial intelligence (AI) and robots, automating a series of procedures like check-in, lights control and room service. FlyZoo Hotel, opened in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, where Alibaba i

2、s headquartered, is known as the companys first future hotel. 国内互联网巨头阿里巴巴旗下一家酒店18日开门迎客,该酒店随处可见人工智能、机器人,可使办理入住、灯光调控和房间服务等一系列流程实现自动化。“菲住布渴”酒店开在阿里巴巴总部所在地浙江省杭州市,被视为阿里的首家“未来酒店”。 【人工智能将看眼识性格】Eyes really do tell a story. Using machine learning, earlier this year scientists discovered a connection between p

3、eoples personalities and their eye movements. They then deployed artificial intelligence to track and analyze the eye movements of 42 students. The new technology can detect four of the Big Five basic personality traits: agreeableness, conscientiousness, extroversion, and neuroticism. It could not j

4、udge openness to experience. The good news, according to one researcher, is that this finding could improve how humans and machines interact. If the machine can interpret what a person is like, the thought is, it can act accordingly. This research provides opportunities to develop robots and compute

5、rs so that they can become more natural, and better at interpreting human social signals. 眼睛确实会说话。今年早些时候,科学家借助机器学习发现人的性格和眼球运动之间存在关联,之后科学家利用人工智能追踪和分析了42名学生的眼球运动。这项新技术可识别出五大基本人格特质中的四种:随和型、尽责型、外向型和神经质型,但不能判断出乐于体验型人格。一位研究人员指出,好消息是,这一发现能够增进人和电脑间的互动。思路是如果电脑能解读一个人的性格,它就能据此采取相应行动。这项研究提供了一个改良机器人和计算机的机会,让它们变得

6、更自然,更善于解读人类的社交信号 苏格兰一家商店的顾客迎来了软银公司的Fabio Pepper机器人,但是最终他被退了回来。顾客们不愿意跟机器人对话。华盛顿特区一栋办公大楼的安保机器人去年自己掉入喷泉中无法离开,一时成了新闻。 Shoppers at a store in Scotland got one robot, Softbanks Fabio Pepper, dismissed. Customers were not willing to talk to the robot. And a security robot at an office complex in Washington

7、, DC made news last year when it rolled itself into a fountain and would not get out. 麻省研究人员修改现有技术将机器人用于制作定制家具 以让人类更多从事设计工作并减少木匠受伤可能性:Researchers have repurposed existing robotic technology so it is able to create custom wooden furniture, a move they say will greatly improve safety. The team at the

8、Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) modified existing technology, including the popular vacuuming robot Roomba, to create the system.The group said the goal was not to replace human carpenters but to allow them to focus on more important tasks such as design. It is hoped systems like this mi

9、ght also improve safety.Every year thousands of carpenters injure their hands and fingers doing dangerous tasks such as sawing, the team said. 一位名叫索菲亚的机器人创造了历史,成为全球首个被赋予公民权的机器人。上周三,沙特阿拉伯授予这位机器人公民权。机器人索菲亚是由企业家大卫-哈德森设计的。A humanoid named Sophia has made history by becoming the first robot in the world

10、to be granted citizenship. Saudi Arabia on Wednesday offered citizenship to the robot, designed by entrepreneur David Hanson.【相关话题阅读】In the first case of its kind, a New York appeals court rejected an animal rights advocates bid to extend “legal personhood” to chimpanzees, saying the primates are in

11、capable of bearing the responsibilities that come with having legal rights.纽约上诉法院拒绝给予大猩猩人权 称其无法承担应有的法律义务 世界首个机器人警察在迪拜投入使用,这是阿联酋规划的机器人警察部队的一员。这个机器人身高5英尺5英寸(合1.65米),体重100公斤,会说6种语言,根据程序设计,还可以读懂人们的面部表情。The worlds first operational Robocop has been unveiled in Dubai as part of the emirates planned robot

12、police force. Robocop started work on Sunday and is already making a name for itself. At 5ft 5in tall and weighing 100kg, it can speak six languages and is designed to read facial expressions. The worlds most human-like robot has begun work as a university receptionist as scientists predict the new

13、technology will eventually provide childcare and offer friendship to lonely elderly people.世界上最逼真人形机器人“纳丁”在新加坡南洋理工大学开始作为大学接待员的工作 科学家称该研究将最终用于护理儿童和孤独老人 Robots are learning to DISOBEY humans: Humanoid machine says no to instructions if it thinks it might be hurt 马塞诸塞州塔夫茨大学的工程师试图创造“不听话”的机器人 如果机器人认为指令对其

14、有害将拒绝执行 Robot is unbeatable at Rock Paper Scissors game: A robot developed in Japan is finding fame as the never lose Rock, Paper, Scissors expert. The robot has the advantage of high-speed sensors that can predict human movement.日本机器人通过高速感应器预测人类行动 剪子包袱锤游戏中从不失手 【AI to replace teachers 人工智能或将取代教师】揍人更

15、疼不? Inspirational teachers of the future will be intelligent machines rather than humans, the vice-chancellor of the University of Buckingham predicts. Within 10 years a technological revolution will sweep aside old notions of education and completely transform the education system, Sir Anthony Shel

16、don believes. School teachers will lose their traditional role and become little more than classroom assistants. They will remain on hand to set up equipment, help children when necessary and maintain discipline, Sir Anthony said. However, the essential job of instilling knowledge into young minds w

17、ill wholly be done by artificially intelligent (AI) computers, he said. Everyone can have the very best teacher and its completely personalized; the software youre working with will be with you throughout your education journey. In the AI classrooms, each child will progress at his or her own pace,

18、said Sir Anthony.白金汉大学副校长谢尔顿爵士预测,将来启迪人心的教师将由智能机器而非人类担任。他认为,10年内技术革命将改变老式教育观念,并将彻底改变教育系统。学校的教师将失去传统的职责,变得和助教差不多。谢尔顿爵称,人类教师仍将在教室内安装设备,必要时帮助孩子们并维持纪律。不过,向年轻人灌输知识的重要工作将全部由人工智能(AI)电脑来完成。他表示,每个人都能拥有最好且完全是量身打造的教师。和你一起学习的软件将伴你度过整个求学之路。在AI的课堂上,每个孩子都将按照自己的步调学习。 【Smart bins sort out rubbish 英国拟引进智能垃圾箱】 A new sm

19、art bin, which automatically sorts rubbish into recycling categories, is being trialed in Poland and is set to go on sale in the UK within a few years. The bin, designed by start-up company Bin.E, recognizes different types of waste via a system positioned inside the bin that uses sensors, image rec

20、ognition and artificial intelligence. Once waste is placed inside, the camera and sensors identify its type and place it in one of the smaller bins. Then it compresses the waste so it occupies less space.一款可以自动给垃圾进行回收分类的新型智能垃圾桶正在波兰进行测试,预计几年内将在英国上市。这款垃圾桶由初创公司Bin.E设计,它通过一个使用传感器、图像识别和人工智能的内置系统来识别不同类型的垃

21、圾。当垃圾被放入垃圾桶后,摄像头和传感器就会识别垃圾的类型,将其放进一个更小的垃圾桶内,然后对垃圾进行压缩以减少其占用的空间。【Emojis based on your face 面部表情自动生成emoji】Polygram is a new social app that can use AI to capture your facial expressions and automatically translate them into a range of emoji faces. This app is free and available only for the iPhone for

22、 now. Unlike on, say(比方说), Facebook, though, where you have a small range of pre-set reactions to choose from beyond clicking a little thumbs-up icon, Polygram uses a neural network that runs locally on the phone to figure out if youre smiling, frowning, bored, embarrassed, surprised, and more. The

23、apps AI works by capturing your face with the front-facing camera on the phone and analyzing sequences of images as quickly as possible, rather than just looking at specific points on the face like your pupils and nose. This is done directly on the phone, using the iPhones graphics processing unit.

24、新款社交应用Polygram可以利用人工智能捕捉人们的面部表情并自动将其转化成一系列emoji表情。目前这款应用是免费的且只适用于iPhone。在Facebook上,除了点击翘拇指(点赞)的小图标外,还有一小部分预先设定好的表情可供选择,Polygram不一样,它是利用在手机上本地运行的神经网络来识别你是否在微笑、皱眉、无聊、尴尬、惊讶以及更多。这款应用的人工智能通过手机的前置镜头捕捉用户面部表情,并尽快分析一系列图像,并非只看瞳孔、鼻子等面部几个特定的点。iPhone图形处理器可以直接在手机上完成这一工作。Singapore is trying a new way to get its re

25、sidents to stay away from each other. 新加坡正在尝试一种新的方式来让民众保持安全社交距离。On Friday, the government announced it would start deploying Spot, Boston Dynamics famous yellow and black canine robot, at one local park. 上周五,新加坡政府宣布将在当地一个公园部署波士顿动力公司著名的黄黑相间的机器狗,名为“斑点”。The four-legged robot dog will patrol the area st

26、arting this weekend and broadcast a pre-recorded message to visitors to remind them of the importance of social distancing, authorities said. 这只机器狗将从周末开始在这一地区巡逻,并向游客播放预先录制的信息,提醒他们保持社交距离。The device will also be equipped with cameras that will scan the surroundings and help officials estimate the numb

27、er of people gathering in parks, they said. 据称,机器狗还将配备摄像头,可以扫描周围环境,帮助官员估计聚集在公园里的人数。 Facebook利用人工智能技术检测所发信息 可阻止有自杀倾向的用户自杀:Facebook will expand its pattern recognition software to other countries after successful tests in the US to detect users with suicidal intent, the worlds largest social media net

28、work said on Monday. Facebook began testing the software in the US in March when the company started scanning the text of Facebook posts and comments for phrases that could be signals of impending suicide. Matt King, a Facebook accessibility engineer who has been blind since childhood, is working to

29、 create tools which will use artificial intelligence to identify objects in photos and describe them to users.脸谱网盲人工程师研发软件利用人工智能帮助盲人“看到”照片中物体 Doraemon, Japans robot cat from the future, will celebrate turning minus 100 years old by being given official residence of the city where he will be born.为庆祝

30、来自未来的日本机器猫哆啦A梦负100岁的生日,机器猫出生城市的一位政府官员上周五告诉记者说,哆啦A梦将注册成为该市的正式居民 In Japan, a short novel co-written by an artificial intelligence program (its co-author is human) made it past the first stage of a literary contest, the Japan News reports.据日本新闻社报道,一篇由人工智能程序和人类作家合作完成的短篇小说在一项文学大赛中通过了第一轮筛选。 Customers at a

31、 fast-food chain in South Korea can avoid any interaction with a human server during the pandemic. No Brand Burger is using robots to take orders, prepare food and bring meals out to diners.韩国快餐连锁店No Brand 汉堡店用机器人接单、准备食物和给顾客送餐,这样顾客就可以避免与人类服务员产生任何互动。Customers order and pay via touchscreen, then their

32、 request is sent to the kitchen where a cooking machine heats up the buns and patties.顾客通过触摸屏下单并支付,然后订单就会送到厨房,厨房里的烹饪机器会加热小圆面包和肉饼。When its ready, a robot waiter brings out their takeout bag.准备好后,机器人“服务员”会将外卖送过来。Imagine wearing high-tech body armor that makes you super strong and tireless.想象自己穿上高科技人体铠

33、甲,变得超级强大、不知疲倦。Such technology, more specifically called an exoskeleton, sounds like the preserve of the “Iron Man” series of superhero movies. 这种技术的学名为外骨骼,听起来就像超级英雄电影钢铁侠系列的保留项目。And one manufacturer - Californias SuitX - expects it to go mainstream. 美国加州的外骨骼制造商SuitX公司期待这种产品会成为主流。In simple terms, an e

34、xoskeleton is an external device that supports, covers and protects its user, giving greater levels of strength and endurance. 简而言之,外骨骼就是支撑、遮盖和保护使用者的外部设备,为其提供更高水平力量和耐力。Sometimes also referred to as wearable robots, they can be battery-powered and computer-operated, incorporating motors and hydraulic

35、s. Or they can be more simple, passive designs that use springs and dampeners.外骨骼有时也被称为可穿戴机器人,有的靠电池供电、电脑操作,包含发动机和液压装置,也有比较简单的运用弹簧和减震器的被动式设计。If youre short on cash and dont mind selling the rights to your face, you can stand to make 100,000 by licensing your mug to a robotics company to be used on on

36、e of their humanoid robots.如果你手头紧,也不介意“卖脸”,你可以净赚10万英镑(约91.2万元),只需要授权机器人公司使用你的面部作为其人形机器人的脸。According to a recent blog post by London-based outsourcing company Geomiq, a robotics company is currently looking for a “kind and friendly” to put on a humanoid robot once it goes into production. This will p

37、otentially entail using this persons face on thousands of robots around the world, so the company is willing to pay no less than 100,000 in licensing fees. The robot in question is designed to be a “virtual friend” for elderly people, and is scheduled to go into production next year.根据伦敦外包公司Geomiq近期发布的帖子,一家机器人公司正在给即将投入生产的人形机器人寻找一张“友善的”脸。这张脸可能会应用到世界各地数以千计的机器人身上,因此该公司愿意支付不少于10万英镑的使用费。设计初衷是作为老年人的“虚拟朋友”,并将于明年投入生产。


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