Unit 1 Science Fiction 单元词块整理 素材-(2022新)人教版高中英语高二选择性必修第四册.docx

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1、选择性必修4 unit 1 by Maxiaojie1. 科幻小说SCINCE FICTION2. 包你满意SATISFACTION GUARANTEED3. 开始试验家用机器人Begin experimenting with a household robot4. 被.试用,被检验be tested out by 5. 出差on a business trip6. 一个意外收获a bonus7. 感到惊慌feel alarmed8. 看起来不太像.,更像.seem more like.than.9. 面部表情facial expression10. 帮忙穿衣打扮help dressing11

2、. 感到尴尬feel embarrassed12. 令人不安It is disturbing.13. .是十分荒谬的It is ridiculous that.14. 被.给予同情be offered sympathy by.15. 欣赏.的智慧与正直admire ones wisdom and integrity16. 对.彬彬有礼treat .with dignity17. 通过涨工资来提升.的社会地位improve ones social position with a bigger salary18. 当地最有钱有势的女性之一one of the richest and powerfu

3、l women around 19. 作为一项恩惠as a favour20. 惊奇地看着.look at.with wander21. 太荒唐了How absurd!22. 改善.的妆容improve ones makeup23. 陪同.去.accompany.to.24. 开具一张.的清单write out a list of things that.25. 按约去美甲have an appointment to paint ones snail26. 出轨be in a relationship27. 完全清白completely innocent28. 感到内疚feel guilty2

4、9. 某人竭力模仿的对象be everything sb. wish to be30. 在.离开的前一天晚上the night before sb. be to leave31. 正在被彻底改造的房子the house being completely transformed32. 在.方面,某人工作稳步进展Sb. work steadily on. 33. 天花板上的吊灯a light suspended from the ceiling34. 从梯子上摔了下来fall off the ladder35. 抱着某人hold sb.36. 时钟敲响了.点整The clock struck.37

5、. 遣散.、让某人离开dismiss sb.38. 将.揽入怀中take sb. In ones arms39. 听到某人宣布说.hear sb. declare that.40. 不只、不仅仅more than just.41. 让某人开心、取悦某人please sb.42. 时间机器THE TIME MACHINE 43. 最后检查了一遍.give sth. a last check44. 坐在皮椅上sit oneself in the leather seat45. 主面板上的启动杆the starting lever on the main penal46. 把.往前推一英寸,然后又立

6、刻往后拉push.forward an inch then immediately backwards again47. 实验室laboratory48. 欺骗某人trick49. 大约or so50. 吸了一口气draw a breath51. 抓住操纵杆往前推一下grip the lever and push it forwards52. 模糊不清的hazy53. 显然地apparently54. 夜幕降临,仿佛一盏灯正在熄灭。Night came as if a lamp was being turn out. 55. 转眼间,白昼就来临了。In another moment came

7、the day.56. 跃进skip to57. 如此反复,越来越快again and again, faster and faster58. .带来的陌生感和不适感the strange and unpleasant feeling of.59. 在蜿蜒的道路上飞驰drive fast on a winding road 60. 坍塌fall away61. 置身野外be left in the open air62. 昼夜之分division between night and day63. 缕缕青烟puffs of smoke64. 片刻之后in moments65. 大楼拔地而起。Hu

8、ge buildings rise up.66. 估算calculate67. (以)一分钟数百年(的速度)at hundreds of years a minute68. 某人有强烈的欲望想去做.Sb. have a strong urge to do sth.69. 在某人眼前随机闪现的东西、事物things that are being flashed before ones eyes70. 做.的风险the risk of doing sth.71. 只要so long as72. 以最高的速度at maximum speed73. 被.占据be occupied by.74. 被挤到

9、一起,然后像炸弹一样爆炸be forced together and explode like a bomb75. 突然一震with a sudden jolt74. 侧翻be flipped on ones side 75. 一时惊呆be stunned for a moment76. 地心之旅JOURNEY TO THE CENTRE OF THE EARTH77. 深入地下descend deep into the earth78. 习惯于get/be used to79. 远远超出视线范围far beyond where the eye could see 80. 岸上布满闪闪发光的沙

10、子The shore was lined with shining sand. 81. 被磨损、被侵蚀be worn away82. 被一束奇怪的光照亮了be lit up by a strange light83. 照亮illuminate84. 阴郁的gloomy85. 被关在一个无法估计大小的洞穴里be shut up inside a cave that could not be estimated.86. 无法用语言来描述.Human words cannot describe.87. 我的想象力在这样的奇迹面前无能为力My imagination was powerless bef

11、ore such wonders.88. 带着咸味的微风the breezy salty air89. 给.增添能量、活力energize90. 这是一种极大的解脱。Its a great relief.91. 沿着海岸走follow the shore92. 一片高大茂密的森林a tall, dense forest93. 由.组成be composed of94. 这里有成千上万的蘑菇。There were mushrooms in their thousands.95. 就连植物学家也从未享有如此盛宴。A botanist never had such a feast as this.9

12、6. 呼喊、惊叫exclaim97. 怪兽、庞然大物monster98. 在阴森的森林里游荡、漫步roam through these gloomy forests.99. 勘察地貌survey the landscape.100. 这个地下世界this subterranean world.101. 科幻小说还是科学事实?SCIENCE FICTION OR SCIENCE FACT ?102. 最受欢迎的电影类型之一one of the most popular genres of film103. 不同凡响的extraordinary104. 尽可能真实准确as Realistic an

13、d accurate as possible105. 电影星际穿越是一部票房佳作。The film interstellar was a box office success.106. 地球上的生存条件威胁到人类的生存。Living conditions on earth threaten the survival of humanity.107. 以真正的科学为基础be grounded in real science108. 特效团队the special effects team109. 生成奇幻的电脑模拟(场景)generate the fantastic computer simul

14、ations110. (工作)正在进行中的underway111. 识别围绕恒星运行的行星identify planets orbiting stars112. 通过恒星微小的光线变化by small changes in the stars light113. 光年light year114. 光速飞行travel at the speed of light115. 一条更快的路线a quicker routine116. 织物、布料fabric117. 时空space -time118. 一条捷径a short cut119. 被称为“虫洞”known as a “wormhole”120

15、. 看起来像一个球体look like a sphere121. 神秘地出现在土星附近mysteriously appeared near Saturn122. 有前途的、有希望的promising123. 穿越它到达另一个星系travel through it to another galaxy124. 正如爱因斯坦的相对论所描述的as described by Einsteins theory of relativity 125. 时间的移动取决于你的位置Time moves differently depending on where you are126. 以及你是静止的还是移动的and whether you are still or moving.127. 确保电影是有趣的、娱乐性的make sure that a film is entertaining128. 科幻与事实之间仅有一线之隔。There is a fine line between science fiction and fact.129. 激励着一代又一代去想象inspire generation after generation to imagine8学科网(北京)股份有限公司


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