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1、2021年12月大学英语六级考试真题(第2套)Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 mi nutes to write an essay related to the sh ortpassage given below. In your essay, you are to c o mment on the phenomenon described in thepassage and suggest measures to address the i ssue. You should w

2、rite at least words b ut no mo re than虚words Now adays star chasing is p rev alent amo ng many teenagers. They tak e pop stars as their idols, 血itating their w ay of talking, their style of dressing, and seeking ev ery ch anceto meet them in person at great expenses.Part II Listening Comp reh ension

3、 (30 minutes) Section A Directions: In this sec tio n, you will hear long c o nv ersatio ns. At the end of each c o nv ersatio n, you will hear fo ur q uestio ns. Both the conversation and the q uestio ns will be spoken only onc e. After you hear a q uestio n, you mus t choose the best answer from t

4、he fo urchoices mark ed A), B), C) and D). Th en mark the c orresp ond ing letter on Answer S heet 1 witha single line th ro ugh the centre.Questio ns 1 to 4 are b ased on the conv ersation you have j ust h eard .1. A) It h as giv en ri se to muc h c ontrov ersy . C) It w as p rimaril y w ritten v e

5、getarians B) It h as been v ery receiv ed D) It oends many env iro nmental ists.2. A) She negl ec ts peoples eo rts in animal protec tion. B) She tries to people to accept her radical id eas. C) She igno res the v arious benets of public transp o rt. D) She insists v egetarians are th e env iro nmen

6、t.3. A) They are signi c ant B) They are rev olutionary . C) They are ratio nal .D) They are mo d est.4. A) It w ould help to protec t the env iro nment. B) It w ould generate mo ney public heal th C) It w ould need support the general public D) It w ould poor people to c hange their dietQuestio ns

7、5 to 8 are b ased on the conv ersation you have j ust h eard .5. A) Wh ere come B) Wh y many people ght so h ard suc c ess. C) How she achiev ed her goal. D) Wh at mak es people6. A) Hav ing so meo ne who has c ondenc e in th em. B) Hav ing so meo ne who is read y to help th em. C) Hav ing a rm beli

8、ef in their ow n ability . D) Hav ing a realistic attitud e tow ards7. A) They ad just their goals ac c ordingly C) They stay positiv e.2021年12月英语六级真题第2套第 1页共11页B) They try hard to appear optimisticD) They remain calm.8.A)An understanding leadership B)A nurturmg environment. C)Mutual respect among c

9、olleagues.D) Highly cooperative teammates.Sect ion B Dir ect ion s: In this section, you will hear two passages. At the end of each passage, you will hearthree or four questions. Both the passage a nd the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer

10、the four choices marked A) , BJ , C) and D) Then mark the cor r esponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centr e.Questions 9 to 11 are b ased on the passage you have just heard.9.A) They use their sense of hearing to capture their prey B) Their mainly consists of small anima

11、ls and sh. C) They have big eyes and distinctive visual centers. D) Their ancestor is dierent that of micro bats.10.A) With the help of moonlightB) By means of echolocation. C) With the aid of daylight visionD) By means of vision and smell.11.A) To mak e up their natural ab sence of vision. B) To ad

12、apt themselves to a particular C) To their travel over long distances.D) To survive in the ever-changing weather.Questions 12 to 15 are b ased on the passage you have just heard.12.A) They acq uire k now ledge not in b ook s. B) They how to interact w ith their peers. C) They b ecome more emotionall

13、y aggressive. D) They get much better prepared school.13.A) They are emotionally prepared. B) They tend to be more attracted by images. C) They cant the conicts in the show . D) They lack the cogn巾ve and memory skills14.A) Choose appropriate programs their children. B) Help their children understand

14、 the programs plot. C) Outline the programs plot their children rst. D) Monitor their childrens w atching of TV programs15. A) Explain its message to their children. B) Check if their children have enj oyed it. C) Encourage their children to retell the story. D)Ask their children to describ e its ch

15、aracters.Sect ion C Dir ect ion s: In this section, you will hear three recordings of lectures or talk sfollowed by threeor four questions. Th e recordings will be played only once. you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked BJ , CJ and DJ. Then mark the cor r

16、esponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre2021年12月英语六级真题第2套第 2页共11页Questions 16 to 18 are based on the recording you have just heard.16. A) They are of injuring their C) They believe a little di rt harms no one.B) They have never developed the habit. D) They nd it rathe

17、r troublesome to do so.17. A) Dierent types of bacte ri a existed on public-toilet oors. B) There were more bacte ri a on sidewalks than in the home. C) Oce carp e ts collected more bacte ri a than elsewhere. D) A larg e number of bacte ri a collected on a single shoe.18. A) The chemicals on shoes c

18、an de te ri o rate air quality. B) Shoes can upset members with their noise. C) The marks left by shoes are hard to eras e.D) Shoes can leave s cratches on th e oor.Questions 19 to 21 are based on the recording you have just heard.19. A) It is sinf ul and immoral. C) It is an unco ntro llable behavi

19、or.B) It is deemed uncivilized. D) It is a violation of and trust.20. A) Assess their consequences. C) Accept them as no rmal. B) Guard against their harm. D) Find out their causes.21. A) Try to understand what messages they convey. B) Pay atte nti o n to their possible consequences. C) Consider the

20、m dierent perspectives. D) Make s ure they are bro ug ht under co ntro l.Questions 22 to 25 are based on the recording you have just heard.22. A) Cultivatio n of new varieties of crops. B) Measures to cope with climate change C) Development of more eective pesticides. D) Application of more nitro g

21、en-rich23. A) The expansion of in developing co untries . B) The res earch on cro p ro tatio n in developing co untries C) The cooperation of th e wo rlds ag ri cul tural scientists. D) The improvement of ag ri cul tural24. A) For encouraging to embrace new techniques B) For aligning their res earch

22、 with advances in technology. C) For their to th e needs of in poorer countries. D) For cooperating closely with policymakers in developing co untries25. A) Rapid transition to become a expo rter. B) Substantial in ag ri cul tural res earch. C) Quick rise to become a leading g rain pro ducer D) Assu

23、mption of humanitarian responsibilities.2021年12月英语六级真题第2套第3页共11页Part IIIReading Comprehension (40 minutes)Section A Directions: In thi s section, there is a with ten blanks. are req ui red to select o ne w ord for each blank a list of choices given ina b ank following the Read thepassage thro ug h m

24、ak ing your choices. Each choice in the b ank is by a Please mark the c orres pondi ng letter f or each item on Answer S heet 2 with a single line through the centre. ma y not us e any of the w ords in the b ank mo re than once. According to psychologist S haro n D raper, o ur cl othing choices can

25、ab solutely aect o ur w ell-b eing. we w ear ill-tting clothes, or ov er- or under- dres s ed an ev ent, its natural to self -conscious or ev en s tres s ed. Conv ersely, s he say s, o pti ng clothesthat t w ell and withyour sense of sty le can improv e your condence. But canyou improv e your health

26、 through yo ur clothing, w ithout hav ing to dash out and buy a w hole new Ab solutely, s ays D raper. If your goal is to improv e yo ur thinking , s he rec o mmends pick ing clothes that t w ell and are unlik ely to enc o urage restlessness, so, av oid bow s, ties and unnec es s ary It also hel ps

27、to o pt clothes y ty ing in w ith yo ur goals, so, if you w ant to b etter at work,select pieces you v iew as D raper s ays thi s ts in w ith the concept of b ehav ioral activ ation, w hereby a b ehav ior (in thi s case, selecting clothes) c anset you on the path to then achiev ing your goals (w ork

28、 ing harder) Another w ay to improv e y mi nd is to mi x thi ng s up. D raper says we s tuck in a rut (常规) if we w ear the s ame clothes ev en if they re o ur thus o pti ng an item you don t w ear or adding s omethi ng di erent to an outt, such as a hat, can your mood. On days whenyou re real ly tob

29、 rave the w orld, D raper suggests selecting s enti mental i tems of clothing, such as ones you w ore on a s pecial day, or given to you by a lov ed one, as clothes w ith as s ociations c an helpyou tap into c ons tructive emotions.A) accessonesI) perceiv eB) alignJ) positiv elyC) c o nc urrentlyK)

30、proleD) c urrentL) pros penngE) eng ag mgM) rel uc tantF) N) show caseG)0 ) w ardrob eH) l ocations2021年12月英语六级真题第2套第4页共11页Section B Directions: In this section, you are g oing to read a passage with ten statements attached to 几 Each statement conta ins information given in o ne of the paragraphs. t

31、h e paragraph from which the information is may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a A nsw er the questions by marking the corresp onding letter onAnswer Sheet 2.Do m usic lessons really make ch ild ren sm arter?A) A recent analysis that m ost research mischaracterizes

32、th e relationship betw een m usic and skills enhancem ent.B) In 2004, a paper appeared in th e Psychological Science, titled Music Lessons Enhance IQ. The author, composer and psychologist Glenn Schellenberg had conducted an experim ent w ith 144 children random ly assigned to groups: one th e key b

33、 oard a year, o ne took singing lessons, o ne joined an acting class, and a control group had no extracurricular training. The IQ of th e children in th e tw o m usical groups rose by an av erage of sev en p oints in th e course of a year; those in th e other two groups gained an av erage of 4.3 p o

34、intsC) Schellenberg had long been skeptical of th e science supporting claim s that m usic education e汕ances childrens ab stract reasoning, m ath, or language sk仆ls. If children who play th e piano are sm arter, he says, it doesnt necessarily m ean they are sm arter because they play th e piano. It

35、could be that th e y oung sters w ho play th e piano also happen to be m ore am b itious or b etter at on a task . Correlation, all, does no t prov e causation.D) The 2004 paper w as specically designed to address those A nd as a passionate m usician, Schellenberg w as delighted w hen he up credible

36、 ev idence that m usic has eects on general intelligence. But nearly a decade later, in 2013, the Education Endow m ent Foundation a bigger study w ith m ore than 900 students. That study to conrm Schellenbergs ndings, producing no ev idence that m usic lessons im prov ed m ath and literacy skills.E

37、) Schellenberg took that new s in stride w hile continuing to cast a skeptical eye on th e research in his eld. Recently , he decided to inv estigate just how his researchers in psychology and neuroscience m ake w hat he b eliev es are erroneous or at least prem aturecausal connections betw een m us

38、ic and intelligence. His results, published in May, suggest that m any of his peers do just thatF) For his recent study , Schellenberg asked two research assistants to look correlational studies on th e eects of m usic education. They a total of 114 papers published since 2000. To assess w hether th

39、 e authors claim ed any causation, researchers then looked telltale v erbs in each papers title and ab stract, v erbs like enhance, prom ote, and strengthen. The papers w ere categorized as neuroscience if the study em ployed a b rain im aging m ethod like m agnetic resonance, or if th e study appea

40、red in a that had brain, neuroscience, or a related term in its title. Otherw ise th e papers w ere categorized as psychology. Schellenberg didnt tell his assistants w hat exactly he was try ing to prov e.2021年12月英语六级真题第2套第5页共11页G) After computing their assessments, Schellenberg concluded that the m

41、ajority of the articles erroneously claimed that music training had a causal eect. The overselling, he also was more prevalent among neuroscience stud比s, three quarters of which mischaracterized a mere association between music training and skills enhancement as a cause-and-eect relationship. This m

42、ay come as a surprise to some. Psychologists have been battling charges that they dont do real science some time in large part because many ndings classic experiments have proved unreproducible Neuroscientists, on the other hand, armed with brain scans and EEGs (脑电图), have not been subject to the sa

43、me degree of critique.H) To argue cause-and-eect relationship, scientists must attempt to explain why and how a connection could occur. When it comes to eects of music, scientists point to brain plasticity一the that the brain changes according to how we use it. When a child to play the violin, exampl

44、e, several stud have shown that the brain region responsible the ne motor sk仆ls of the left hands ngers is likely to grow. And many experiments have shown that musical training improves certain hearing capabilities, like ltering voices background noise or distinguishing the dierence between the cons

45、onants (辅音) b and g .比SI) But Schellenberg remains highly critical of how the concept of plasticity has been applied in his eld. Plasticity has become an industry of its own, he wrote in his May paper. Practice does change the brain, he allows, but what is questionable is the assertion that these ch

46、anges aect other brain regions, such as those responsible spatial reasoning or math problemsJ) Neuropsychologist Lutz Jancke agrees. Most of these studies dont allow causal he said. For over two decades, Jancke has researched the eects of music lessons, and like Schellenberg, he believes that the on

47、ly way to truly understand the订 eects is to run longitudinal studies. In such studies, researchers would need to groups of children with and without music lessons over a long period of timeeven if the assignments are not completely random. Then they could compare outcomes each group.K) Some research

48、ers are starting to do just that. The neuroscientist Peter Schneider Heidelberg University in Germany, example, has been a group of children ten years now. Some of them were handed musical instruments and given lessons through a school-based program in the Ruhr region of Germany called Jedem Kind ein Instrument, or an instrument every child, which was carried out with Among these children, Schneider has tha


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