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1、1 八年级(下)中期考试八年级(下)中期考试 英英 语语 试试 题题 (满分 150 分,考试时间 120 分钟) 第第 卷(共卷(共 9595 分)分) .听力测试。 (共听力测试。 (共 30 分分) 第一节:情景反应 (每小题 1.5 分,共 9 分) 听一遍。根据你所听到的句子,从A、B、C 三个选项中选出最恰当的答语,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。 ( )1.A. Its exciting. B. Thats OK. C.I have a fever. ( )2.A. Yes, Id love to. B. No, you cant. C. You are welcome. (

2、 )3. A. Doing the dishes. B. Hes cleaning the floor. C. Doing sports. ( )4. A. Thats all right. B. Im sorry to hear that. C. That sounds good. ( )5. A. Yes, I d o. B. No problem. C. I dont want it. ( )6. A. Sounds great. B. Thank you. C. It doesnt matter. 第二节:对话理解(每小题 1.5 分,共 9 分) 听一遍。根据你所听到的对话和问题,从

3、A、B、C 三个选项中选出正确答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。 ( )7ATo wash his clothes. BTo do the dishes. CTo sweep the floor. ( )8ADrink some milk. BDo some sports. CListen to some music. ( )9AHe didnt do well in the English test. BHe has too many after-school classes to take. CNo one helped him with his English. ( )10ATo

4、 go to bed earlier. BTo do more sports. CTo listen to music. ( )11AShe plans to go to her friends birthday party BShe plans to study for the coming exam. CShe plans to hang out with her friends. ( )12AHe will go to the movies. BHe will relax himself. CHe will have after-school classes. 第三节:长对话理解,听两遍

5、(每小题 1.5 分,共 6 分) 听两遍。根据你所听到的长对话,从A、B、C 三个选项中选出正确答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。 听第一段材料,回答第 13 和 14 小题。 ( ) 13Whats the matter with the woman? AShe has a cold. BShe has a fever. CShe has a headache. ( ) 14What does the man tell the woman to do? ATo have a rest. BTo drink some milk. CTo drink more water. 听第二段材

6、料,回答第 15 和 16 小题。 ( )15How long did it take Julia and Lucy to wash the old peoples clothes? AOne hour. BTwo hours. CThree hours. 2 ( )16How did Julia and Lucy feel after the activity? AExcited and happy. BTired and bored. CTired but happy. .第四节:短文理解,听两遍。 (每小题 1.5 分,共 6 分) 听两遍。根据你所听到的短文内容,从A、B、C 三个选项

7、中选出正确答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。 ( )17Whats wrong with the boy? AHe is ill. BHe argued with Kim. CHe fights with his friends. ( )18When did they argue? ALast week. BYesterday afternoon. CThe day before yesterday. ( )19What does the boys father ask him to do? ATo call Kim. BTo call Kims friend. CTo call Te

8、en Talk. ( )20Who tells the boy to call his teacher for advice? AHis mother. BHis father. CHis sister. . 单项选择。 (每小题单项选择。 (每小题 1 分,共分,共 10 分)分) 21Mike is _ honest student and he never copies others answers during exams. A/ Ba Can Dthe 22Speak loudly and clearly_ everyone here can understand you. Abec

9、ause Bif Cbecause of Dso that 23Dad, Jim wants to know when we can eat out. Well, as soon as the rain_. Astops Bstopped Chad stopped Dwill stop 24Matt was doing his homework_ his mother was doing housework. Aif Bbecause Cwhile Duntil 25I couldnt make the bed when I am 6. _. ASo could I BNeither coul

10、d I CSo I could DNeither I could 26In Robinson Crusoe (鲁滨逊漂流记),Robinson uses his gun_ animals and birds for food. Akilled Bto kill Ckil Dkills 27Many people used to take the subway before the outbreak(爆发) of the COVID-19 (2019 新型冠状病毒). But now they choose to drive cars or rides bikes _. Aeither Bhow

11、ever Ceven Dinstead 28His father doesnt allow him _swimming alone. Agoes Bgoing Cgo Dto go 29The boy with 2 dogs _ in the yard when the earthquake hit the city. A. is playing B. play C. were playing D. was playing 30What an interesting book it is! Could you tell me _? From a bookstore called Zhongsh

12、uge in Yangjiaping. Awhen did you get it Bwhen you got it Cwhere did you get it Dwhere you got it . . 完形填空。 (每小题完形填空。 (每小题 1.51.5 分,共分,共 1515 分)分) Would you like to be volunteers? Many people think volunteering is not 31 . However, when I became a 32 ,I thought it was great fun. 3 During the summer

13、camp, there were many 33 joining in. They wanted to 34 time with their kids and hoped to take a rest from the busy life. You could see these parents 35 from the time they arrived. They worked hard in the camp 36 doing the dishes,taking kids to see the doctor, buying things, cleaning around the rooms

14、 and taking part in all kinds 37 activities. They were full of energy(能量)to be 38 to do so much work. At the end of the camp, it was so 39 to say goodbye to each other. I really thanked them. They were always giving but never 40 anything in return(回报).Thank you,summer camp parents. 31.A. hard B. eas

15、y C. kind D. busy 32.A. doctor B. volunteer C. teacher D. policeman 33.A. workers B. students C. parents D. doctors 34.A. get B. spend C. take D. give 35.A. somewhere B. anywhere C. everywhere D. nowhere 36.A. with B. in C. by D. at 37.A. from B. to .C. for D. of 38.A. sad B. able C. tired D. bored

16、39.A. different B. difficult C. difference D. difficulty 40.A. fixing up B. giving up C. asking for D. setting up . 阅读理解。 (阅读理解。 (41-43 每小题每小题 1 分,分,4459 每小题每小题 2 分,共分,共 35 分)分) 阅读下列材料,从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。 A Name: Jack Smith: A teacher Trouble: He thinks he is too old to have fou

17、r classes every day. He has a sore throat. Advice: Dont talk too much. Drink a lot of hot water. Name: John Brown: A worker Trouble: He often complains about the noise around him. He has a headache. Advice: Wear good earplugs(耳塞). Name: Rose Miller: A policewoman Trouble: She stands outside too long

18、. Bad air makes her cough a lot. Advice: Go to see a doctor and take some medicine. ( )41Whats the matter with Jack Smith? AHe has a sore back. BHe has a sore neck. CHe has a sore throat. DHe has a headache. ( )42Whats the advice for John Brown? ADrink a lot of water. BWear good earplugs. CWear thic

19、k clothes. DTake some medicine. ( )43What troubles Rose Miller? AThe noise around her. BStudying too long. CTalking too much DBad air. 4 B Ann has a problem. She wants to have some new friends but she is too shy. She doesnt know what to do. So she feels sad and upset. What should she do? You could j

20、oin a club. There are a lot of new friends in a new place. As for me, I made many of my friends in the activities after school. Jimmy You could call me up. Im a shy girl, too. You and I could read some interesting books or watch funny TV shows together. Do you think its a good idea? Susan You could

21、make new friends on the Internet. Of course, you dont need to know who they are. However, dont meet anyone when they want to see you. David You should try to change your personality. Be more active(活跃的). Why not talk to other people first? Try to be friendlier .People like to talk with a friendly pe

22、rson. Then youll have more new friends. Maria ( )44.Anns problem is that _. A. nothing can make her happy B. she doesnt like her old friends C. she has no friends D. she is too shy to make new friends ( )45. _ thinks Ann should go to a new place to meet friends. A. Jimmy B. Susan C. David D. Maria (

23、 )46. The underlined word“personality” means“ _”in Chinese. A.命运 B.素质 C.个性 D.信念 ( )47.From the passage, we know _. A. Jimmy is an active boy. B. Ann has a lot of good friends. C. Susan is very different from Ann. D. Maria likes to make friends on the Internet. C Everybody will have some health probl

24、ems. Here are Mr. Blacks problems and his doctors advice. I hope they can help you. Mr. Blacks problems My name is David Black. I live in a small house. I never go out when the weather is cold or hot, because I am worried Ill have a cold. I dont go out often because I dont want to talk with others.

25、I hardly exercise, but sometimes I take a walk in my garden. After I walk for a few minutes, I have to take a rest. I am always very weak and tired. I often have a headache but I dont want to see a doctor. What should I do? Dr. Smiths advice Traditional Chinese doctors believe we need a balance(平衡)

26、of yin and yang to be healthy. I think you have too much yin because you are always worried about something and you dont like going out or talking with others. I think you should eat some yang foods, like beef and you need to exercise more. Also, talking with others can make you feel relaxed. And if

27、 you dont feel very well, its important for you to go to see a doctor. And you will feel better after you take some Chinese medicine. 5 ( )48Mr. Black doesnt go out when the weather is cold or hot, because he is worried _. Ahe will be hungry or thirsty Bhe has to talk with others Che will have a col

28、d Dhe will get lost ( )49If you are always worried and you dont like going out, maybe you _ . Ahave too much yang Bhave too much yin Chave a balance of yin and yang Dneed to eat some yin foods ( )50Which is NOT Dr. Smiths advice? ATo eat some yang foods. BTo play more sports. CTo stay at home and re

29、st. DTo take some Chinese medicine. ( )51Which of the following is RIGHT according to the passage? AMr. Black often has yang foods. BMr. Black has to have a rest after a short walk. CMr. Black often sees a doctor when he feels bad. DMr. Black likes to eat beef very much. D A short time before, China

30、 held(举办) 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games(北京 2022年冬奥会和冬残奥会), Lets meet their mascots(吉祥物). On Sept 17, China introduced the two mascots for the games to the public(公众). The mascot for the Olympic Games is Bing Dwen Dwen (冰墩墩), a giant panda. In Chinese, “bing” means ice and “dwen dw

31、en” means lively(活泼的). The panda is a symbol of China. Bing Dwen Dwens helmet(头盔) means the snow and ice of winter sports. The Paralympic mascot is Shuey Rhon Rhon(雪容融). It looks like a red lantern(灯笼). “Shuey” is the Chinese word for snow and “rhon rhon” stands for tolerance and integration(宽容和融合).

32、 In Chinese culture, lanterns mean “harvest(丰收), warmth and light”. People think they are wonderful mascots for China and the Olympic Games Beijing 2022. ( )52.China introduced the two mascots _ and _ for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games. A. panda , lantern B. panda , Shuey Phon

33、Rhon C. Bing Dwen Dwen , lantern D. Bing Dwen Dwen , Shuey Rhon Rhon ( )53.The _ is a symbol of China. A. red lantern. B. warmth and light. C. panda. D. ice. ( )54.Which of the following statements(说法) is NOT true? A. Beijing held the 2022 Winter Olympic games a short time before. B. Lanterns mean “

34、harvest, warmth and light” in Chinese culture. C. Bing Dwen Dwens helmet(头盔) stands for tolerance and integration. D.“dwen dwen” means lively. ( )55. _ means the snow and ice of winter sports. A. Bing Dwen Dwen. B. Shuey Rhon Rhon. C. The red lantern. D. Bing Dwen Dwens helmet. 6 E Mr. Grant moved t

35、o Hong Kong last year. One day, he went to see a doctor. He sat down in the waiting room and looked around. The doctors degrees(学位证书) were on the wall. Mr. Grant looked at the degrees carefully and suddenly remembered he had a classmate with the same name at school. He heard that the classmate had b

36、ecome a doctor. In Mr. Grants mind, his classmate was still a young, handsome student. But when he went in to see the doctor, he felt sad. The doctor looked old. Mr. Grant said, “Good morning, doctor. Did you study in King High School when you were a middle school student?” The doctor felt very surp

37、rised and answered, “Yes, I did.” “Were you there from 1972 to 1975?” Mr. Grant asked. “Yes, I was.” the doctor answered, “How did you know that?” Mr. Grant laughed and said, “You were in my class!” “Oh?” the doctor said and looked at him for a few minutes. “Sorry, sir. But I cant remember what subj

38、ect you taught us,” he said. ( )56.Mr. Grant found the doctors name was the same as one of his _. A. Teachers B. students C. classmates D. friends ( )57.What was his classmate like in Mr. Grants mind? A. Young B. pretty C. handsome D. young and handsome ( )58.When Mr. Grant found the doctor was old,

39、 he was _. A. Worried B .happy C. surprised D .sad ( )59.Mr. Grant thought the doctor was old, but the doctor thought Mr. Grant was _. A. as old as him B. even older C. much younger D.as young as him . 口语运用。 (每小题口语运用。 (每小题 1 分,共分,共 5 分)分) 阅读下面对话,从方框内 7 个选项中选择 5 个恰当的句子完成此对话,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。 A: What

40、 a nice day! B: Yes, it is. Its Saturday tomorrow. 60 A: I have no idea. What about you? B: Im going to clean up the city park. 61 A: Sure, Id love to. Its a good way to do something to make our city better. B: So it is. A: 62 B: Why not ride a shared bike? A: Sounds great. Its easy to find one. B:

41、63 A: Lets meet at nine at the gate of the park. B: 64 See you tomorrow. A: See you. A. I like watching TV. B. Would you like to go with me? C. How can we get there? D. All right. E. Theres nothing we can do. F. When and where shall we meet? G. What are you going to do? 7 第第卷(共卷(共 55 分)分) . . 任务型阅读任

42、务型阅读。 (6565- -6767 每题每题 2 2 分,分,6868 题题 3 3 分,共分,共 9 9 分分) 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,完成下列各题。 Now more and more Chinese teenagers find life more difficult without their parents. They dont know how to do housework, because their parents do almost everything for them at home. Mary is 14 years old. One day, her par

43、ents went on a trip, so she was alone at home. At first, she thought she would be happy because her parents were not in. She could do everything that she liked. But when it was six o clock in the afternoon, she felt hungry. “Oh, it s time to have dinner. Where can I get my food?” she said to herself

44、. Later she found some meat and vegetables in the fridge(冰箱),but she didnt know how to cook them. At last, she could only go to a restaurant to eat. Many teenagers have the same problem as Mary. So I think they should learn some life skills(技能), like cooking, cleaning up their rooms or dressing them

45、selves. They shouldnt depend too much on their parents. 65.Did Mary eat dinner at home at last? _ 66.Where did Marys parents go? _ 67.What life skills should the teenagers learn? _ 68.Do you think its necessary for teenagers to do some housework? Why or why not? _ . 完成完成句子。 (每空句子。 (每空 1 分,共分,共 10 分)

46、分) 根据所给提示,完成句子。每空一词,含缩略词。 69. She cut herself when she cooked in the kitchen. (改为否定句) She_ _ herself when she cooked in the kitchen. 70. Why not talk to your parents? (改为同义句) _ _ you talk to your parents? 71. Linda has a stomachache. (对划线部分提问) _ wrong _ Linda ? 72. I was writing a letter to her frie

47、nd at that time.(对划线部分提问) _ _ you writing to her friend at that time? 73.父亲经常把我和哥哥做比较(完成译句) My father often_ me_ my sister. . 短文短文填空。填空。(每空每空 2 分,共分,共 16 分分) 根据下面短文内容,在短文的空格处填上一个恰当的词,使短文完整、通顺。 I have lots of problems these days . Firstly, Im not happy in class. Im so shy that Im afraid to speak in c

48、lass. 74 , I argued with my best friend. Im very worried 75 I have few friends. I dont want to lose her. Thirdly, I feel 76 when the mid-term exam(期中考试) is coming. And sometimes I even cant sleep well at night. Yesterday, my mother took me to the doctor. I told the doctor my problems and she gave me

49、 77 advice. He asked me to make more friends and play games in my free time, so 78 I will not be so shy. He 79 said, “If you dont want to lose your best friend, you should talk to her. Tell her what you think.” Because I 8 cant sleep well, he asked me to eat some food that is good 80 sleep. And he a

50、sked me to relax. Im trying to follow his advice. I think I will get better 81 . 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. . 书面表达。 (满分书面表达。 (满分 20 分)分) 假设你是李林,你校英语俱乐部将举办一次征文比赛,主题是关于如何培养自己的独立性。请你根据内容提示,用英语写一篇参赛短文,谈一谈你在生活中是怎样做的。 内容提示: 1. 生活方面 (照顾自己,整理床铺) ; 2. 家务 (扫地,浇花) ; 3. 要求: 1. 包括提示,适当发挥; 2. 词数:80 词左右,开头已给出


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