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1、1厦门外国语学校石狮分校厦门外国语学校石狮分校 2021 年秋期中考试初三年段英语学科试卷年秋期中考试初三年段英语学科试卷满分:150 分考试时间:120 分钟第一部分第一部分 听力(共三节听力(共三节,20,20 小题小题, ,每小题每小题 1.51.5 分分, ,满分满分 3030 分)分)第一节第一节 听句子听句子, ,选图片选图片。听五个句子听五个句子, ,从每小题所给的三幅图中选出与所听到的句子内容相符的选项从每小题所给的三幅图中选出与所听到的句子内容相符的选项。(每个句每个句子读两遍)子读两遍).听句子,选出与句子意思相符的图片。每个句子读两遍。()1.ABC()2.ABC()3.

2、ABC()4.ABC()5.ABC. .听对话听对话, ,选答案。听下面选答案。听下面 7 7 段对话段对话, ,每段对话后有一个或两个小题每段对话后有一个或两个小题, ,从题中所给的从题中所给的 A A、B B、C C 三个选项中选出最三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。佳选项。每段对话读两遍。听第一段对话,回答第 6 小题。()6. Who has been to the Yellow Mountains?A. Peter.B. The girl.C. Peters father.听第二段对话,回答第 7 小题。()7. How long has John been in Englan

3、d?A. Two weeks.B. Four weeks.C. Six weeks.听第三段对话,回答第 8 小题。()8. Why did Wei Kang go to Beijing?A. Visit his friends.B. Study English.C. Take part in volunteer activities.听第四段对话,回答第 9 小题。()9. Where did Sue go for her vacation?A.America.B. France.C.Australia.听第五段对话,回答第 10-11 小题。()10. Whats Kelly doing?

4、A.She is sorting the waste paper.B. She is spreading the message.C. She is writing a message.2()11. Why do we sort the waste things?A.Because they can be reduced.B. Because they cant be used.C. Because they can be recycled.听第六段对话,回答第 12-13 小题。()12. Who are they going to have the birthday party for ?

5、A. John.B. Tom.C. Tina.()13. Where will they have the party?A. In Tinas apartment.B. In Tinas school.C. In Tinas neighbors.听第七段对话,回答第 14-15 小题。()14. Why didnt the woman get a job after she left school?A. Because she was ill at that time.B .Because she had to look after her grandpa.C. Because she wan

6、ted to have a good rest.()15. How many foreign languages can the woman speak?A. Two.B. Three.C. Four.听短文,填表格。听短文,根据短文内容在空格中填入恰当的单词(每空一词)。短文读三遍。Clean-up DayWhere to goZhongshan66When to meetat67on tomorrow morningHow to goby68What to dopick up the69What to wearwear70clothes第二部分第二部分笔试笔试II.单选题(共 15 小题,

7、每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)() 16. Have you read the book _?Yes, I have_ finished itA. yet; alreadyB. yet; yetC. already; yet() 17- Have you ever _ Quanzhou ?- Yes, I _ there five years ago.Abeen to ; have goneBgone to; wentCbeen to; went() 18- How long have you _ the house?- _ 2011.Ahad; SinceBhad; ForCbought;

8、 Since() 19- Are you going to Tibet for vacation?- Yes. Could you _ me with some information about it?AofferBprovideCsend() 20.How many people did you find in the room?-_.ANoneBNobodyCNo one() 21Human beings can make good use of renewable sources in the earth. They will never _.Arun outBdie outCtake

9、 out() 22_ Tom _ Sam may go with you because one of them must stay at home.3ABoth; andBEither; orCNot only; but also() 23 Bad luck! Its too late!It doesnt matter. The movie _ for only a few minutes.AbegunBhas begunChas been on() 24Dont give up _ you will never succeedA. andB. orC. but() 25Theres _ i

10、n todays newspaper.You should read itOK!A. nothing newB. something newC. new something() 26. Its difficult for us to_, because the higher we climbed, the thinner the air was Every few steps, we hadto stop for _A. breath; breatheB. breathe; breatheC. breathe; breath() 27.About_ of the students_ boys

11、in our class.A. first fifths, isB. one fifths, areC. one fifth, are() 28.The worlds population is increasing _ 80million every yearA. byB. asC. in() 29. I have never visited a paper factory_A. So have IB. Neither I haveC. Neither have I() 30. The population of China is _ than _ of Japan.A. larger; t

12、hatB. larger; itC. less; itIII.完型填空(共 10 小题,每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)I cant remember when I started collecting litter But it was when I got tired of31litter nearby that I realized noone else was going to pick it upI live near a forest in Ohio, America.I can walk there32three minutes.I used to love going th

13、ere to play with mydog.But one day there was33much litter there that I became very unhappyI decided to clean up the forest, and Iwanted to34happy when I went again. I made my first trip to clean the forest that afternoonI took a big blackrubbish bag with me Ten minutes35I started to pick up litter,

14、my bag was full! There were cans, bottles, brokenglass and newspapers in itFrom then on,I36to the forest four times a year to pick up litter I often stay there for three hours It makesme feel 37to do something for the environment.After each trip, I look through all the litter that Ive collectedIf38o

15、f it is recyclable (可回收利用的) , Ill keep it I cant understand why people drop litter But I will keep on pickingit up _39they stop dropping it.I know I am only doing a small bit40the earth,but I still think it isimportant() 31.A. seeingB. throwingC. droppingD. cleaning() 32.A. afterB. forC. withD. in()

16、 33.A. suchB. veryC. soD. too() 34.A. makeB. feelC. lookD. find() 35.A. afterB. laterC. beforeD. of() 36.A. had goneB. have goneC. goD. will go4() 37.A. tiredB. sadC. interestingD. great() 38.A. manyB. fewC. anyD. much() 39.A. untilB. afterC. as soon asD. when() 40.A. helpedB. to helpC. helpD. helpi

17、ngIV、阅读理解(共两节,满分 45 分)第一节阅读以下 A、B、C、D 四篇短文,根据短文内容,从题中所给 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳答案。(共 20 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 40 分)(A)As we all know, environmental pollution is still serious nowadays. Our group wanted to know how manystudents knew about each kind of the pollution and we wanted to learn how often they sorted rub

18、bish. So we did a surveyamong the students in our school. Here are the results of our questionnaire(问卷).()41. The survey is mainly about _.A. scientific researchB. environmental protectionC. everyday habitsD. physical education()42. We can know there are_ parts in the questionnaire.A. twoB. threeC.

19、fourD. five()43._ is known by the fewest students.A.Air pollutionB. Water pollutionC. Noise pollutionD. Global warming()44. _ have begun to sort rubbish according to the chart(图表).A.All of the studentsB. Most of the studentsC. Some of the studentsD. None of the students()45. What can we learn from t

20、he results of the questionnaire?A.Air pollution is noticed by a large number of students.B. The students dont realize the situation of the environment at all.C.Five kinds of environmental pollution are mentioned in the questionnaire.D. Most students take enough action to sort rubbish.(B)Everyone kno

21、ws that climate change is a serious problem these days. We have a lot of work to do in order toprevent it. One of the best ways is to plant more trees. Trees can take in CO in the air and prevent global warming.5According to a new report, China and India are doing a great job of “greening” the world

22、.Chi Chen, a doctoral student at Boston University, has been working with NASA to monitor( 检 测 ) Earths greenvegetation(植被). He found that China and India have greatly expanded(增加) their forest area. “China and India coverone-third of the Earths expanded greening.” Chi said in a statement.The data t

23、hey collected from 2000 to 2017 showed that China was responsible for 25 percent of the global increasein green vegetation during the period. Thats about one-quarter of the size of the whole Amazon rainforest.The growth mainly resulted from(源于) forest protection and expansion programs that China wor

24、ked out to fightsoil erosion(水土流失) and air pollution, NASA said.For example, since 1962, China has been planting trees in Saihanba in Hebei province. Covering an area of 92, 000hectares, it wasonce a barren area. After overcoming many difficulties, foresters have turned the area into Chinaslargest m

25、an-made forest. Another example is the Mu Us Desert, once known for its sandstorms. But now, one-quarter ofthe desert has been turned into forest, Guangming Daily reported.() 46. How many countries are doing a great job of greening the world in the passage?A. One.B. Two.C. Three.D. Four.() 47. Which

26、 of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A. China and India cover one-third of the greening.B. The area of Saihanba man-made forest is 9,200 hectares.C. One-quarter of the Mu Us Desert has been turned into forest.D. Chi Chen is one of the famous researchers of planting trees.()

27、48. What does the underlined word “barren” in the last paragraph mean?A.贫瘠的B.富饶的C.潮湿的D.空洞的() 49. Whats the main purpose of this passage?A. To monitor Earths green vegetation.B. To show how serious global warming is.C. To see how many trees have been grown.D. To show Chinas contributions to greening.

28、() 50. Where would you most probably read this passage?A. In a newspaper. B. In a novel.C. On a menu.D. In a dictionary.(C)Chen Yang, a fourth-grader from Beijing, enjoyed a fun vacation this summer. Instead of attending English or mathtraining courses, she played badminton and basketball most of th

29、e time.A new guideline introduced by central authorities (中央政府) on July 24, 2021, helped Chen enjoy some free timeduring the summer.Aiming to ease (减少) the schoolwork burden (负担) on primary and junior high school students, theguideline(指导方针) calls for reducing homework, improving the quality of educ

30、ation and regulating (规范) after-classactivities, Xinhua reported.According to the guideline, children below the third grade will not have homework anymore. It should take no morethan 90 minutes for junior high school students to finish their homework.Off-campus tutoring institutions (校外培训机构) are not

31、 allowed to offer overseas education courses or advanced(超前的)teaching. No subject-based training will be allowed on weekends, national holidays or during winter andsummer vacations.More than 75 percent of children in Chinese cities from grades 1 to 12 are taking privatetutoring courses, GlobalTimes

32、reported.“Parents are worried that if their children start behind, they will stay behind. Some training institutions have takenadvantage of (利用) parents anxieties (焦虑) to make money,” said Chen Xianzhe, a professor at South China NormalUniversity. “The guideline is meant to calm the anxieties of par

33、ents and society as a whole.”“But this does not mean the tutoring courses will completely disappear, since exams still exist(存在),” said Chu6Zhaohui, a senior researcher at the National Institute of Education Sciences. One-on-one or one-on-two tutoring mightsee a rise due to this need.“Therefore, sch

34、ools should improve their education quality, take the main responsibility for students education andnot push them into tutoring courses,” Chu added.()51. The aim of the new guideline is to _.A. make vacations longer for studentsB. ease the pressure put on teachersC. ease studentsschoolwork burdenD.

35、help students become more competitive()52. Which of the following matches the guideline?A.All tutoring institutions are asked to close.B. Homework is not allowed for primary students.C. Tutoring institutions should offer advanced teaching.D. Junior high schools should reduce their homework.()53. Acc

36、ording to the guideline, students CANNOT take _ courses in tutoring institutions during vacations.A. sportsB. mathC. computer programmingD. public speaking()54. What is Chen Xianzhes attitude toward the guideline?A. He supports the guideline.B. He thinks the guideline is useless.C. He is against the

37、 guideline.D. We cant tell from the story.()55. Chu Zhaohui might agree that _.A. the guideline will stop off-campus tutoring coursesB. schools should be responsible for studentseducationC. education will become even more unfairD. the guideline will end in failure(D)There is a saying, “An apple a da

38、y keeps the doctor away.” Although eating properly is important, being kind toothers is also good for your health. Studies show that people who perform kind acts are more relaxed, happier, andhealthier than other people.In one study at Arizona State University researchers, found that many volunteers

39、 experienced a sudden feeling ofjoy, followed by a long period of calm, after performing a kind act. This feeling, called “a helpshigh” may actuallyhelp reduce stress (压力) as the body releases (释放) naturally painkillers.Stress can cause serious health problems, and heart depression, and sleeping pro

40、blems. However, the study foundthat volunteers had fewer stress-related health problems when they did helpful things for other people.The study also found that people who did nice things for others felt better about themselves as well. They hadhigher self-esteem (自尊), and were happier. Many believe

41、this is because volunteers spend more of their time with otherpeople. People who are more outgoing are often healthier.Another study of almost 3000 men at the University of Michigans Survey Research Center confirmed the healthbenefits of volunteering. A ten-year study showed that people who voluntee

42、red live longer than those who didnt.Although you shouldnt need a reason to be helpful, it is nice to know that kindness may help you live longer.() 56. The reading is mainly about_.A. healthy people are kind because they have more energyB. one has to eat an apple every day to become healthyC. kind

43、people can be stressed because they are always helpingD. doing kind things can make you feel good and help you be healthier() 57. According to the reading_.A. it is better to be kind than to eat wellB. kindness can help you feel healthyC. an apple a day can keep doctors awayD. eating correctly makes

44、 one happy and healthy() 58. You can get a helps high_.A. by volunteering your timeB. by taking painkillers7C. by eating properlyD. by sleeping well() 59. The study found that people who help others can have_.A. sleeping problems and stressB. less natural painkillersC. overeating and depression prob

45、lemsD. fewer health problems() 60. Another study of almost 3 ,000 men showed that people who volunteered_.A. lived longerB. needed a reason to be helpfulC. wanted to live longerD. had lower self-esteem第二节 阅读下面的短文,从短文后所给的五个选项中选出能填入短文空白处的最佳选项,使短文通顺、连贯,意思完整。(共 5 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 5 分)Ive been singing and p

46、erforming poetry since I was six years old. I used to sing for my mothers friends.61I have written three books of poetry and songs. I gave all the money from the books to childrens charities(慈善).62Money from the second book was spent on homeless children in Bosnia.I visit patients at a local hospita

47、l every Saturday morning. I talk and sing for them. I guess that s really fulfilling (令人满意的) to me, when I sing to someone who is dying, and someone who is really sick and who doesnt even knowwhats happening.63Everyone can give love, and love is what everyone wants. Thats a really important lesson t

48、o me.64Making someone happy makes you happy, and they go on and make others happy and its like a chain(链).65When you are 7, 13, or 102 years old, love is the same.A. I feel proud when I see a smile on that persons face.B. Money from my first book went to a school for deaf kids in Montana.C. You chan

49、ge when you get older, but love is ageless.D. Love is a chain of giving.E. But now I am singing for people in need.V.情景交际。(共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,共 10 分)71你想说你的家乡发生了许多变化,你可以这样说:_72你想问对方:什么时候动身去上海,你可以这样说:_73. 你想问你同学能不能顺路送你去学校,你可以这样说:_74. 你迫不及待想飞去那边,你可以这样说:_75你的好朋友对你说:“无论何时你需要帮助你都可以发邮件给我”他可以这样跟你说:_8VI、看图写话。根据

50、每小题提供的图画情景和提示词,写出一个与图画情景相符的句子。(共 5 小题,每小题 2分,共 10 分)76. by,every day _77. people,candles_78. ought,when_79. noise,harm_80. see ,tomorrow_VII.短文填词(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分)阅读下面的短文,根据语境、音标或所给的单词的提示,在每个空格内填入一个适当的词,使短文意思完整、行文连贯。The Silk Road is a historically important international trade route (路线) betwe


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