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1、四川省泸州市2021年中考英语真题一、完形填空(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)(共2题;共20分)1.通读下面的短文,然后从后面各题所给A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案 Today is Toms birthday. He is seventy years old. But there is nobody being 1 him. He feels very disappointed. He cant find his happiness anywhere. His sons who are busy, working dont care for him on his

2、 special day. 2 the cake is very delicious, he doesnt want to touch it. He just 3 his children to come and stay with him.Nowadays, many people are so busy that they 4 visit their parents. However, blood is 5 thicker than water. Our dear parents make every effort to bring us up, so we are supposed to

3、 treat them well when they become old.1. A. inB. withC. overD. about2. A. AlthoughB. BecauseC. IfD. Since3. A. expectsB. hopesC. makesD. notices4. A. usuallyB. oftenC. seldomD. always5. A. lessB. moreC. muchD. little2.完形填空 All the time, little Dick was happy. He used to go about singing and dancing

4、the whole day long. Nothing could make him sad.One day, Dick wanted travel in the 1 . So he set out with excitement, singing till he made the forest full of songs.He was about to drink near a river in the woods when he was 2 . He found himself in the hands of a tall giant (庞然大物), a hundred times as

5、3 as himself! The giant looked at him and then put him into a large 4 and carried him off.Poor Dick tried to get out of the bag, 5 the giant only laughed.At last the giant came to his housea dark place. When he got in, 6 shut the door, and took Dick out of the bag.Dick now thought he would 7 , for w

6、hen he looked around he saw a large fire, and before it his two brothers were roasted (烤) for the giants dinner. However, the giant, did not kill Dick, but put him into a prison (监狱) which he had 8 for him.The prison was dark, with bars (栏杆) all round it. The only food was bread and water. Dick beat

7、 his head 9 the bars. Dick was too 10 to think of eating or drinking.The 11 Dick thought of his free life warm home, close friends, the 12 the trees and the flowers.The giant came again, and wanted Dick to sing as he 13 do. Sing, sing! said he. But Dick was too sad to 14 . A prison is no place in wh

8、ich to sing. 15 the giant grew angry, and took Dick out to force him to sing. Dick cried, struggled, and then died in the giants hand!This is a true story. Poor Dick was a little bird, and the giant was a cruel boy.1. A. forestB. riverC. handsD. house2. A. foundB. caughtC. movedD. killed3. A. bigB.

9、thinC. highD. short4. A. holeB. buildingC. prisonD. bag5. A. butB. soC. orD. for6. A. itB. heC. thatD. they7. A. argueB. jumpC. stickD. die8. A. preparedB. sentC. askedD. imagined9. A. intoB. aboveC. amongD. against10. A. surprisedB. touchedC. scaredD. interested11. A. cleverB. happyC. poorD. shy12.

10、 A. sunlightB. giantC. darknessD. fire13. A. happened toB. used toC. seemed toD. continued to14. A. danceB. eatC. travelD. sing15. A. WidelyB. RecentlyC. FinallyD. Mainly二、阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分)(共4题;共40分)3.阅读理解 While I was jumping rope, my smartphone took a fall to the floor which created cracks (裂

11、缝)on my screen. However, the music kept playing. 30 minutes later, I could see only one-tenth of my screen while the rest was black. The next morning, I decided not to use it for 24 hours. I felt a sense of calm that day, which led to my not using it for one week. One week ended up becoming 60 days

12、in total without my smartphone.Here are some advantages I noticed in this challenge.Youll become boredWithout my phone, I became bored, but my mind when through all kinds of topics, Boredom (无聊) is a perfect way to create new ideas on a business or project. When you are bored, you allow your mind to

13、 relax to reach all possibilities.Youll be able to reduce your work hoursA survey found that adults checked their smartphones 85 times a day, or once every 10 minutes. As I learned in my challenge, by not having my smartplhone, I fell into deep work no easily, so I completed my tasks in a shorter ti

14、me.Youll improve your mental healthWithout my phone, I avoided reading negative (负面的) news and comment. While that helped make a big improvement in my mental health, the biggest reason for it Was truly communicating with people. It brought me more connections with humans in the real world. I went to

15、 more dinners with friends and asked more questions to strangers.(1)What happened to the writers smartphone? A.It was lost.B.It had no sound.C.Its music stopped playing.D.Its screen was mostly black.(2)How long did the writer stop using the phone in the end? A.For 24 hours.B.For one week.C.For one m

16、onth.D.For sixty days.(3)Boredom is a good way for the writer . A.to create new ideasB.to start a businessC.to set up a projectD.lo relax the body(4)Without the smartphone, the writer could finish the work . A.more terriblyB.more quicklyC.more carelesslyD.more comfortably(5)What can improve peoples

17、mental health according to the passage? A.Chatting on the phone.B.Reading negative news.C.Communicating in the real world.D.Avoiding meeting friends and strangers.4.阅读理解 In a small village there was a middle-aged postman, who just tuned 20 years old and starteddelivering (投递) all kinds of happy or s

18、ad stories to each home day after day for 50 kilometers. 20 years flew by, and so many changes took place, but the road from the post office to the villagealways hadnt had any tree and nothing but the flying dust (尘土) could be seen.How long shall I go along this lonely road?As soon as he thought he

19、must spend his life riding the bike on the dusty road with no flower or tree, he felt somewhat sorry.One day when he finished delivering the letters and was ready to return, he happened to pass by a flower shop. Right, thats i! He walked into the shop, bought a handful of wild flower seeds (种子), and

20、 from the next day on put these seeds along the roadside. Thus, after one day, two days, one month, two month. he always kept putting the wild flower seeds along the roadside.Before long, on the lonely road, where he had come and gone for 20 years, grew up a lot of little flowers, in all seasons end

21、lessly.For the villages, the flowers were more enjoyable than any mail the postman delivered in all his life.On the road without dust but full of petals (花瓣), the postman rode his bike, losing himself in the sweet smell and not feeling lonely and anxious any more.(1)How old was the postman when he s

22、tarted his job? A.About thirty years old.B.About twenty years old.C.Over forty years old.D.Over fifty years old.(2)What was the road like before? A.Covered with flowers.B.Covered with trees.C.Full of flying dust.D.Full of seeds.(3)What did the postman buy at the flower shop? A.Wild flowers.B.Bikes.C

23、.Wild flower seeds.D.Petals.(4)According to the passage, which of the following is true? A.The villagers showed no interest in the flowers.B.The postman enjoyed the road full of flowers.C.The villagers helped buy the flower seeds.D.The postman still felt lonely in the end.(5)What does the writer wan

24、t to express in this passage? A.Little things make a big difference.B.Failure is the mother of success.C.Practice makes perfect.D.Old habits die hard.5.阅读理解 After opening a free online Harry Potter center in April, British writer JKRowling brings even more good news.In May, Rowling started writing a

25、 new story called The Ickabog, which was free to read online to help amuse people who stayed at home because of COVID-19.The new story centers around a monster (怪物) known as the Ickabog, a fierce child-eating monster who lives in the northern tip of an imaginary land known as Cornucopia and has supe

26、r powers.Though the book is written for children, it is also fascinating to adults. It talks about many things, such as weak leadership, and suppression (镇压) of disagreement.The Ickabog is a story about truth and the abuse (滥用) of power, Rowling wrote on the website. The themes are timeless and coul

27、d be used in any era or any country.Rowling put the first two chapters online on May 26, with daily writing to follow until July 10.She is also planing to publish (出版) the book in print later this year and then give away the money from its sales to projects and organizations helping the groups most

28、influenced by COVID-19.(1)When did Rowling begin writing the new story The Ickabog online? A.In April.B.In May.C.In June.D.In July.(2)What does the underlined word fierce in Paragraph 3 probably mean? A.凶猛的B.失落的C.善良的D.兴奋的(3)Which theme is mentioned in the story The Ickabog? A.COVID-19.B.Good leaders

29、hip.C.The abuse of power.D.Working together.(4)How did Rowling finish The lckabog? A.She finished the whole story in one go.B.She wrote part of it every day online.C.She printed the story by herself.D.She told the whole story twice.(5)From the end of the passage,we can most probably learn Rowling is

30、 . A.HelpfulB.famousC.hard-workingD.powerful6.阅读理解 Boyan Slat has been dreaming of cleaning up the worlds oceans for a long time.In 2010, he went on a diving (潜水) vacation in Greece and was shocked. I saw more plastic bags than fish in the water, he said.From then on, Slat began to pay more attentio

31、n to ocean pollution. He decided to give up higher education and set up the 0cean Cleanup, a non-government organization. Its purpose is to clean up ocean rubbish. He has set up the worlds first ocean cleanup system (系统) with his team.Every year, over 8 million tons of plastic end up in our oceans,

32、and it can take up to 500 years to break down. In 2018, the World Economic Forum predicted that the weight of ocean plastic would match that of all the fish in our oceans by 2050. Sea animals easily get caught in plastic. They cant move. They can even die if they eat it. Smaller plastic pieces can a

33、lso enter the food chain (链) and end up in our bodies.Slats plan was to create an environmentally-friendly, large system to clear out plastic rubbish from the ocean.After seven years of tests, on October 2nd, 2019, a machine called System 001/B came out. It successfully caught and collected a large

34、amount of plastic rubbish floating in the ocean.Slat and his team are working to improve System 001/B. Their dream is to clear out 90 percent of all the ocean plastic by 2040.(1)What did Boyan Slat care more about after his vacation in Greece? A.Diving.B.Plastic bags.C.Ocean pollution.D.Higher educa

35、tion.(2)How long does it take to break down 8 million tons of plastic? A.More than 7 years.B.Up to 30 years.C.Less than 40 years.D.About 500 years.(3)From the prediction of the World Economic Forum in 2018, we can learn . A.little pollution ends up in the oceanB.ocean plastic pollution is seriousC.a

36、nimals prefer plasticD.people like sea food(4)How did System 001/B work? A.It collected much plastic rubbish in the ocean.B.It dealt with all the rubbish in the ocean.C.It cleared out rubbish everywhere.D.It cleared out 90% of the plastic.(5)Whats the main idea of the passage? A.Animals and humans.B

37、.Plastic problems.C.Life in the future.D.Ocean cleanup.三、完成对话(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)(共1题;共5分)7.根据对话内容,在每个空缺处填入个适当的词,使整段对话意思完整。请把该空缺处的词填写在答题卡相应的位置上。(每空限填词) A: Hey, Jimmy, whats wrong?B: I had a fight with my best friend. He is upset. What should I do?A: Well, you could write him a _B: I dont think_. Im jus

38、t not good at writing letters.A: Maybe you should_him up.B: No, I dont want to talk about it on the phone.A: But you rally should talk to him so that you can say youre sorry.B: Yes, I know I should, but its not easy.A: Hey, I know. You could take_in the ball game.B: That sounds great. He likes ball

39、game. Thanks_your advice.A: My pleasure.四、短文填空(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)(共1题;共10分)8.通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后面的括号内选出可以填人短文空格处的词。 On May 22, 2021, the whole nation were saddened by the news that Dr. Yuan Longping passed away. That afternoon, it was_in Changsha, Hunan Province. As the hearse (灵车) went slowly throu

40、gh the streets , people said together Grandpa Yuan, rest in peace over and over again. Some ran along, _to see him off for a longer time. Tears ran down their faces with the rain.Dr. Yuan Longping worked most of his life growing better rice. As a result of his research, the Chinese people are no lon

41、ger_about getting hungry. For his contributions, Dr. Yuan is always called the Father of Hybrid (杂交的) Rice by the Chinese.Born in 1930, Dr. Yuan graduated from college in 1953. Years later, he decided to do_. on hybrid rice. From 1964 to 1969, he did more than 3, 000 experiments, but all_. He never

42、gave up. In 1974, he became the first agricultural (农业的) pioneer_grow rice that had a high output in the world.Dr. Yuan Longping was good at English. Actually, he spoke English_he talked with foreign reporters. He liked swimming and playing the violin. He also wrote lyrics for a song to show his dre

43、am and_his love for his mother.Like our neighbour and friend, Dr. Yuan Longping was a_and caring man. He encouraged the young people and loved children. Dr. Yuan Longping is a great_with a humble mind and a warm heart.Dr. Yuan Longping will live in our hearts forever.A. scientist B. worried C. faile

44、d D. to E. kindF. express G. rainy H. when I. trying J. research五、阅读短文并回答问题(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)(共1题;共10分)9.根据短文内容,回答文后所给出的问题。 Aunt Jia had a snack stand (摊位) in our neighborhood. Her snacks never failed to satisfy my stomach. Whats more, she was always patient with her customers. Even COVID-19 didnt i

45、nfluence her business.One day, during the last Spring Festival, 1 saw a large family visiting her stand. It formed a heart-warming picture: Each family member was enjoying being together. As they were leaving, I noticed Aunt Jia felt a bit sad.I was amazed. In my experience, she was always smiling. I went forward and ordered my favorite snack. When she was wrapping (打包), I couldnt help saying, Happy New Year, Aunt Jia! Why dont you take a break? Aunt Jia looked surprised, but she soon replied, Happy NewYear! I love working here i


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