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1、Learning ObjectivesBy studying this unit, you are expected to: get yourself ready for chatting with different people on different occasions; develop skills for introducing and greeting friends; apply skills to small talks.Warming UpScaffoldingFocus InA. Listen to descriptions for four occasions and

2、then match them with the numbers.听力原文1、64、83、52、7 听 力 原 文听 力 原 文返回听力Orientation 1 In the courtroom, I should speak not only clearly and loudly enough to be heard but also politely and respectfully to the judge and all the other court officials. When I introduce myself, I should say “May it please th

3、e court, my name is Luke Gates.” Orientation 2 Reading Camp is a FREE week-long camp for kids going into third, fourth or fifth grade who could use extra help with reading. Reading Camp builds both reading skills and self confidence! Many activities are designed, such as rappelling, archery, bedtime

4、 reading, etc.Orientation 3 A farewell party is thrown by the host to say goodbye to guests, which is also a good chance for the guests to express thanks and gratitude to the host. Beautiful and grateful words are usually spoken to the host.Orientation 4The guests may be asked to bring a gift for th

5、e honored person. Party locations are often decorated with colorful decorations, such as balloons and streamers. Generally, carefully chosen gifts are given to your friends at a birthday party. B. Work in groups. List 3 other diff erent occasions and relevant expressions.Example:Fire emergency! Its

6、not a drill. Please leave the building immediately. Repeat, its not a drill.1 Birthday partyHappy birthday to you! Hope you like the gift I prepared for you.2 Opening ceremonyI am very glad to see there is a wide participation from many different countries, in total from 30 countries and 4 continent

7、s.3 New product launchThese two new products are designed to monitor the movements of earthquakes. Mei is sitting in the college dining hall, and a boy is coming toward her.译文译文译文返回听力梅坐在大学食堂里。一个男孩向她走来。罗伯特:嗨,我可以坐在这儿吗?我叫罗伯特。梅:当然。我叫梅。罗伯特:我以前没见过你。你是新来的?梅:是的。我才到这里几个星期。我是来自中国的交流生。罗伯特:中国!我希望有一天能去中国。我喜欢中国文化

8、。梅:你也是新生吗?罗伯特:不是。这是我的第三学年了。你喜欢这里吗?梅:到目前还好。校园很漂亮,这里的人也很好。罗伯特:你说的对。Learn it Learn it andand use use it!it!Exercise 1: Say them in another way. The phrase in blue on the right is an example.1. I came here several weeks ago.2. Gorge has few friends here.3. We dont have food for this winter.4. Peter can

9、understand some Spanish words.I came here a few weeks ago.Gorge has no friends here.We have few food for this winter./ We have little food for this winter.Peter can understand a few Spanish words. 译文译文译文返回听力( 午餐过后)罗伯特:嘿,现在你得“巴士”你的桌子。梅:抱歉,我不太明白你的意思。罗伯特:就是把你的餐具端到回收窗口并清理你的桌面。梅:哦,我明白了。从来没听说过“巴士”这个词有这个意思

10、。罗伯特:这是美式用法,哈哈。梅:非常感谢。 Learn it Learn it andand use use it!it!Exercise 2: There are many nouns that could be used as verbs.bus the tablehand in your paperCan you list more?1. Dont baby your child.2. The new president is asked to address the opening ceremony.3. Please book a table for me.1. campus /k

11、mps/n. 校园Read the dialogue with the examples in the courseware.DRILLDRILLA. Write down a similar expression of each sentence below and then give your own response orally.1. May I sit here? Sure./ Sorry, it has been taken. TASKSTASKS2. Are you new here? Yes, I came here a few weeks ago. 3. Is this yo

12、ur first year here? Yes, Im a freshman. 4. Are you enjoing your stay here? Yes. The campus is beautiful. B. Get each sentence below a right place in the dialogue and then practise the dialogue.TASKSTASKSSusan: Hello, I am Susan. _Jerry: Yes, I am Jerry.Susan: Nice to meet you here. _Jerry: No. I hav

13、e been here for just a few weeks.Susan: _Jerry: _ I like it very much.badcPeter has just arrived at Meis dorm for her birthday party.译文译文译文返回听力彼得刚刚赶到梅的宿舍为她庆祝生日。梅:你来的正是时候,彼得。我刚想打电话看看你是不是一切顺利呢。彼得:球队经理找我谈下赛季的计划。然后她说啊,说啊,说。不管怎么样,生日快乐,梅。这是送给你的。梅:好漂亮的夜灯!你怎么知道我喜欢这种东西? 彼得:嗯,上个月你对去野营很感兴趣,所以我猜你是属于喜欢户外运动的那种女孩。

14、梅:谢谢你,彼得。进来见见我的朋友。Learn it Learn it andand use use it!it!Exercise 1: Say them in another way. The sentence in blue on the left is an example.1. Im crazy about outdoor life.2. I am interested in knitting.3. I really love trekking.4. I am keen on reading books.Im fond of outdoor life.I am keen on knit

15、ting.I really like trekking. I enjoy reading.译文译文译文返回听力( 在梅的房间) 梅:嘿,各位,我想给你们介绍一位新朋友,彼得史密斯,一个很好的人。彼得:你们好。梅:这是玛丽,她是我市场调研项目的合作伙伴,也是我的好朋友。彼得:很高兴认识你,玛丽。玛丽:很高兴认识你,彼得。梅告诉我她刚来这儿时你是怎么帮她的。你真好。彼得:我刚来时也有人帮我,所以我也愿意帮助别人。Learn it Learn it andand use use it!it!Exercise 2: Get me a correct mate.1.他总是忍不住要打听别人的事。Mate:

16、_2. 请随便用吧。Mate:_3. 我帮你做家务好吗?Mate:_BCAMATE Ahelp you with the houseworkMATE Bcant help having big earsMATE Chelp yourselfCan you list more?译文译文译文返回听力梅:彼得,你认识罗伯特的,是吧?彼得:是的。最近怎么样,罗伯特?罗伯特:不错。你呢?彼得:我也很好。罗伯特:你的球队怎么样了?彼得:我们虽然输掉了上次比赛,但我们将会赢得下次的比赛。你仍在做你的无线电吗?罗伯特:是的。在无线电俱乐部里我结识了我的女朋友。这是我的女友,莉莉。彼得:很高兴认识你,莉莉。莉莉

17、:我也很高兴认识你。 1. nightlight n. 夜灯2. assume /sjum/v. 假设,认为3. help sb. out帮助某人脱离困境Read the dialogue with the examples in the courseware.DRILLDRILL1. I came along to _. (我来确认你一切都好。)2. _ necklace! (好漂亮的项链啊!)3. I _ . (我觉得你是那种喜欢音乐的女孩。)4. I _ my new friends to you. (我想给你介绍我的新朋友。)5. What he did _ me _ when I w

18、as in trouble.(当我遇到麻烦时,他的所作所为帮我摆脱了困境。)A. Complete the following sentences orally according to the Chinese and then read them aloud.make sure everything is OK with youTASKSTASKSWhat a lovelyassume you are that kind of girl who enjoys musicwould like to introducehelped outTASKSTASKSB. Get each sentenc

19、e below a right place in the dialogue and then practise the dialogue.Mei: Lucy, happy birthday ! _Lucy: Wow ! What a beautiful music box!Mei: _ I was sure that you would like it.Lucy: I do like it. Thank you very much. Come in. _ This is Betty, my niece, and this is Jerry, my former classmate.Mei: _

20、 .Betty&Jerry: Nice to meet you, too.dcabThe lights in the room are off. Mary comes out of the kitchen with a birthday cake.译文译文译文返回听力房间里的灯灭了。玛丽从厨房捧出一个生日蛋糕。玛丽:生日蛋糕来啦。(大家唱生日歌) 大家: 祝你生日快乐,祝你生日快乐,祝你生日快乐,亲爱的梅,祝你生日快乐!(欢呼) 玛丽:吹蜡烛前许个愿。据说这时许的愿望是一定会实现的。梅:是啊,就像在流星坠落前许的愿。你知道吗?从我11岁开始,每次生日我许的愿都会实现。玛丽:真神奇!我希望我能有

21、你的运气。我的生日都许了几百个愿望啦, 只有一个实现了。我得到了第一辆遥控汽车。Learn it Learn it andand use use it!it!Exercise 1: Translate the following sentences and then make up your own with the words given.1. I am amazed at what they gave me.2. Its amazing that all people get out alive.ExcitingExcitedTiringtired1. 他们给我的东西使我感到惊奇。2. 令

22、人惊讶的是所有人都得以逃生。 Its an exciting story. The excited kids are yelling now. The work is very tiring. I am just getting tired of your excuses.译文译文译文返回听力(大家都笑了。) 罗伯特: 几百个!你太贪心了。难怪没有仙女愿意帮你实现愿望。玛丽: 我想你是对的。下次我只许一个愿望。至少不会像以前那么失望。莉莉: 嘿,梅是今晚的主角。罗伯特: 对不起。许个愿,梅。(梅静静地许了个愿,吹灭蜡烛) 玛丽: 生日快乐,梅。梅: 谢谢大家,我亲爱的朋友们。Learn it

23、Learn it andand use use it!it!Exercise 2: Get me a correct usage.1 . H e w o u l d d o everything for you.2. He would sit for hours, doing nothing.3. I would like to say something.USAGE A: 表示委婉的语气USAGE B: 表示过去常做的事USAGE C: 表示意愿1. defi nitely/defntli/adv. 明确地,肯定2. falling star流星3. amazing/mez/adj. 令人惊

24、喜的4. greedy/ridi/adj. 贪婪的5. fairy/feri/n. 仙子6. disappointed/dspntd/adj. 失望的Read the dialogue with the examples in the courseware.DRILLDRILLA. Translate the following sentences into English and practise them orally.People like to make a wish before a falling star.May your dreams come true.TASKSTASKSY

25、ou are too greedy!A. Translate the following sentences into English and practise them orally.That is amazing!I wont be disappointed at all.TASKSTASKSAmy: Hello, this is Amy. May I speak to Susan ?Susan: _Amy: This Friday is my birthday. I hope you can come to my birthday party.Susan: _Amy: About 8 :

26、00 p.m. at my home.Susan: _Amy: Thank you. See you.Susan: _TASKSTASKSB. Amy invites Susan to her birthday party. She likes the birthday card very much. Complete the dialogue orally and then practise it with your partner.Speaking. Hi, Amy.Really? Happy birthday! When and where should I go?OK! I will

27、be there and give you a surprise!See you then.(At the birthday party)Susan: _Amy: Oh, what a special birthday card!Susan: _Amy: “Happy birthday to an attractive, intellectual, sophisticated and all-round splendid lady!” Oh, I love these words very much. You are so sweet, Susan.Susan: _Amy: Come with

28、 me to meet my friends TASKSTASKSB. Amy invites Susan to her birthday party. She likes the birthday card very much. Complete the dialogue orally and then practise it with your partner.Happy birthday, Amy! This is for you.Actually, I made it myself. You can open it now.I am glad you like it.A. Retell

29、 the underlined sentences according to the patterns above and then practise the dialogue with your partner.Today is Meis birthday. She receives a gift from Sandy.Sandy: Hi, Mei. Its so nice to see you again.Mei: Hi, my dear! 1. How are you?Sandy: Not bad. 2. Heres something for you.Mei: 3. How thoug

30、htful you are, Sandy. You always remember my birthday. Whats in the box?Sandy: Guess!Mei: Is it a notebook?Sandy: No.Mei: A book?Sandy: No.Mei: I give up.Sandy: Then open it.Mei: Wow, a Jay Zhou album!Sandy: I know youre crazy about him.Mei: Thank you very much. I like it.Sandy: Happy birthday! I ha

31、ve a meeting later. I hate to say 4. goodbye but I have to go now.Mei: No worries! Thank you very much for showing up.1. Hows everything going?2. Ive prepared a little something for you.3. You are very thoughtful.4. so longB. Work with your partner to create a dialogue according to the following sit

32、uation. Use the expressions learned in Unit Six.Several students meet at the English corner. They do self-introductions and then discuss true friendship.Here are some quotations for you: A friend is, as it were, a second self(自我). A man should keep his friendship in constant(经常)repair. Be slow in ch

33、oosing a friend, slower in changing. People need to know one another to be at their honest(诚实)best. The only way to have a friend is to be one. Two persons cannot long be friends if they cannot forgive(原谅)each others littlefailings(小错误).B. Work with your partner to create a dialogue according to the following situation. Use the expressions learned in Unit Six.


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