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1、中级口译教程-国际关系 Aggravate Reinforce Eliminate Aspire Safeguard Reiterate Intensify Outcome Momentum reconciliation Solidarity Diversity Ideologies Perspective Proliferation Consultation Terrorism disarmamentInternational Relations 联合国大会 the UN General Assembly 联合国安理会常任理事国the permanent members of the UN

2、Security Council 联合国宪章宗旨和原则 the purpose and principles of the UN Charter 善邻之道 live together in peace with one another as good neighbors 国际舞台风云变幻 vicissitudes in the international arena 地区热点问题 regional hotspot issues 重申 reiterate/restate/reaffirm 恪守 adhere to the principles 裁军 disarmament 摒弃冷战思维 aban

3、don the Cold War mentality 标本兼治 address both symptoms and root causes 防止核扩散 prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons 兼容并蓄的和谐世界 a harmonious world where all coexist and accommodate each other 休戚与共的命运 interests and destinies 诉诸武力 resort to arms 军备控制 arms control 面向21世纪oriented towards the 21st cen

4、tury 不可阻挡的时代潮流 irresistible tide of the time 双边和多边外交活动 bilateral and multilateral diplomatic activities 坚持走和平发展的道路 adhere to(persist in/insist on/stick to/keep to/commit itself to)the road of peaceful development 三大势力:international terrorists regional separatists religious extremists跨国性问题(cross-boun

5、dary problems) environmental pollution drug trafficking transnational crimes deadly communicable diseases措施:坚持多边主义坚持多边主义 uphold multilateralism坚持互利合作坚持互利合作 mutually beneficial cooperation坚持包容精神坚持包容精神 the spirit of inclusiveness中美联合公报 China-U.S. joint communique建设战略性的伙伴关系 a constructive strategicpart

6、nership中美联合申明 Sino-U.S. joint statement双边和多边外交关系 bilateral and multilateral diplomatic ties就达成广泛共识 reach a broad range of agreements and consensus on推进中美关系 promote/push forward the growth of Sino-U.S. relations 提起中欧,中美关系,就会提到差异, 不同的政治体制,文化、历史传统,走过了不同的历史道路。 Due to different political cultural and his

7、toric background, both countries have traversed different historic paths. 中美两国需要高瞻远瞩的战略眼光 strategic vision with foresight 两国对亚太地区的和平负有责任 Hold responsible for peace and stability in Asia Pacific Region/Rim 利益攸关者 stakeholder 自从两国建立外交关系以来,两国在商贸,文化,教育和科技交流等各项领域都建立了广泛关系。(这是一母版句,请大家一定要学会触类旁通,举一反三) since t

8、he two countries established diplomatic ties 30 years ago, two countries have established extensive relations in commerce, culture, education and scientific exchange. Foreign Policy 外国使节 diplomatic envoy/ambassador 切实履行 implement in real earnest 霸权主义 hegemony 强权政治 power politics 相互借鉴,取长补短learn from

9、each other in mutual emulation 相互包容,求同存异 mutual tolerance,seek agreement while putting aside/ shelving differences 长期睦邻互信伙伴关系 long-term partnership of good-neighborliness and mutual trust 持久和平与共同繁荣 sustained peace and common prosperity 全面战略伙伴关系 comprehensive strategic partnership 以史为鉴,面向未来 taking hi

10、story as a mirror to guide the future growth;draw lessons from history while set eyes on the future ;keep in mind the past experience and looking toward the future 维护国家主权和领土完整 safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity 独立自主的和平外交政策 follow an independent foreign policy of peace 和平共处五项原则

11、Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence 祖国和平统一大业 the great cause of peaceful reunification of the motherland 中国共产党 the Communist Party of China (CPC) 国务院 the State Council 台湾问题 Taiwan issue 同胞 compatriot 台湾海峡 Taiwan Straits 一国两制 one country,two systems 高度自治 high degree of autonomy 特别行政区 Special Admi

12、nistrative Region 和平与发展仍然是当今世界的两大主题,国际局势正在发生重大而深刻的变化。 Peace and development remain the major themes in the current world ,and the international situation is undergoing profound transformations . 中国奉行独立自主的和平外交政策,进行了卓有成效的双边和多边外交活动。 China pursues an independent foreign policy of peace ,and conducts eff

13、ective bilateral and multilateral diplomatic activities . 各国人民都有权选择适合本国国情的社会制度和发展道路。 People in each country are entitled to choose the social system and the road to development compatible with their national conditions . 我们一贯主张以邻为伴,与邻为善,同各国发展友好合作关系。 We consistently follow the principle of treating n

14、eighbors with goodwill and coexisting with neighbors as partners to seek friendly and cooperative relations with all the other countries . 中美双方应该从战略的高度和长远的角度来审视和处理我们两国的关系。 China and the U.S. should view and handle the bilateral relations from a long-term and strategic perspective . 中国政府和人民愿与世界各国人民一道

15、,努力建设一个持久和平与共同繁荣的和谐世界。 The Chinese government and its people are willing to work together with people from other countries so as to build a harmonious world with sustained peace and common prosperity . 中国愿意在互相尊重主权和领土完整、互不侵犯、互不干涉内政、平等互利和平共处的五项原则的基础上同所有国家发展关系。 China is willing to seek friendly relatio

16、ns with all the other countries on the basis of five principles ,namely :mutual respect for each others sovereignty and territorial integrity ,mutual non-aggression ,mutual non-interference into each others internal affairs ,equality and mutual benefit ,and peaceful coexistence . 我们希望,在中美三个联合公报和中美联合

17、声明的基础上,双方共同努力,求同存异,发展合作,推动两国关系取得实质性进展。 We hope that on the basis of the three Sino-U.S. joint communiques and the Sino-U.S. joint statement ,both parties can make joint efforts ,seek common ground while shelving differences, and seek cooperation so as to propel substantial development in the state-t

18、o-state relations . 我们积极倡导多边主义和树立以互信、互利、平等、协作为主要内容的新安全观,反对霸权主义和强权政治,反对一切形式的恐怖主义,推动建立和平稳定、公正合理的国际新秩序。 We vigorously advocate multilateralism and a new concept of security featuring mutual trust ,mutual benefit ,equality and coordination and oppose hegemony ,power politics ,and terrorism in all its ma

19、nifestations .We will work for a new international order that is peaceful ,stable ,fair and equitable . 中国政府一贯主张,国家之间的关系应该建立在和平共处五项原则的基础上,通过平等协商和平解决各种争端,反对诉诸武力。 The Chinese government has always maintained that state-to-state relations should be established on the basis of the Five Principles of Pea

20、ceful Coexistence and that disputes should be settled through peaceful consultation on an equal footing rather than the resort to arms . 6-4Vocabulary广泛领域 in a wide range of areas/fields/realms 成立十周年 the 10th anniversary循序渐进 to make gradual progress人员交往 people-to-people exchange高瞻远瞩 show great fores

21、ight 实质性合作 cooperation in substantive terms 回顾过去 look back展望未来 look into the future 平等互利 equality and mutual benefit求同存异 seek common ground while putting aside differences反对贸易歧视与制裁 oppose/ be against trade discrimination and sanctions后续活动 follow-up activities大力倡导多边合作 actively promote multi-lateral c

22、ooperation描绘光辉远景 to establish/create a splendid future 和平稳定的国际环境是社会发展和平稳定的国际环境是社会发展的前提条件,社会发展与国际和的前提条件,社会发展与国际和地区安全形势密切相关。地区安全形势密切相关。/ Peaceful and stable international environment is the prerequisite for social development,which is closely linked with the security situation of the region and the wo

23、rld at large. 不幸的是,在过去的不幸的是,在过去的10年里,国际和地年里,国际和地区的总体安全形势很不稳定,武装冲突区的总体安全形势很不稳定,武装冲突延绵不断,致使许多国家特别是发展中延绵不断,致使许多国家特别是发展中国家无暇集中精力搞建设,更谈不上追国家无暇集中精力搞建设,更谈不上追求社会发展。求社会发展。/ Unfortunately, in the past decade international and regional security situation has been highly unstable on the whole, with armed confli

24、cts cropping up now, and then distracting many countries, the underdeveloped members in particular, from economic development, still less social development. 因此,努力营造和平的国际和地区因此,努力营造和平的国际和地区环境,遏制冲突,建立公正合理的环境,遏制冲突,建立公正合理的国际秩序,使各方落实承诺,实现国际秩序,使各方落实承诺,实现发展目标的必要条件和头等大事。发展目标的必要条件和头等大事。/ Therefore, striving

25、to create a peaceful international and regional environment, preventing conflicts and establishing a fair/ equitable and reasonable international order stand out as the essential conditions and top priority for all parties to keep the commitments and realize the development goals. 俗话说:一千个承诺,不如一个行动俗话

26、说:一千个承诺,不如一个行动。这说明行动的极端重要性。各种政。这说明行动的极端重要性。各种政府应首先树立历史责任感和紧迫感,府应首先树立历史责任感和紧迫感,切实落实行动计划以及采取行动所需切实落实行动计划以及采取行动所需的机制和资源。的机制和资源。/ As a saying goes, “One thousand promises are not as good as one action.” That means action is extremely important. National governments must have the sense of historical resp

27、onsibility and urgency to implement solid actions as well as necessary mechanisms and resources for these actions. Terrorism is the common enemy of mankind. The world counter-terrorism endeavor will be a long-term task. / 恐怖主义是人类的公敌,国际反恐斗争是恐怖主义是人类的公敌,国际反恐斗争是一个漫长的过程。一个漫长的过程。 Since the beginning of th

28、is year, terrorist attacks all over the world have become more rampant. According to the statistics, there have been 1,700 attacks this year, which is 58% of the last three years total. / 今年以来,世界各地的恐怖袭击有增无减今年以来,世界各地的恐怖袭击有增无减。据统计,有近。据统计,有近1700起,占过去三年总合起,占过去三年总合的的58%. Our position on terrorism must be

29、 consistent and clear. First, we should oppose all forms of terrorism. Terrorist activities happening anytime, anywhere, organized by anybody and in whatever form, should be combated jointly and resolutely. / 我们必须在反恐问题上采用一贯和明确的我们必须在反恐问题上采用一贯和明确的立场。首先要反对一切形式的恐怖主义。立场。首先要反对一切形式的恐怖主义。恐怖活动不论发生在何时,何地,由何人恐

30、怖活动不论发生在何时,何地,由何人组织,以何种方式出现,均应采取一致立组织,以何种方式出现,均应采取一致立场,坚决打击场,坚决打击. Second, it is necessary to look into the root and acts of terrorism. Only by paying attention to and uprooting the cause of terrorism, can we solve the issue once and for all. / 其次,反恐要标本兼治。只有重视并解决其次,反恐要标本兼治。只有重视并解决恐怖主义滋生的根源,才能彻底铲除恐怖恐

31、怖主义滋生的根源,才能彻底铲除恐怖主义的滋生和蔓延。主义的滋生和蔓延。 两岸同胞血脉相连,情同手足。中华儿女两岸同胞血脉相连,情同手足。中华儿女共同创造的五千年灿烂文化,是维系全体共同创造的五千年灿烂文化,是维系全体中国人民的精神纽带。中国人民的精神纽带。/ Compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Straits are limbs of the same ancestry. The brilliant/splendid culture created by the sons and daughters of the Chinese nation ove

32、r 5.000 years has always been the spiritual bond for all the Chinese. 两岸共同继承和弘扬中华文化的优秀传统两岸共同继承和弘扬中华文化的优秀传统,将使中华文化在新的时代焕发新的光彩,将使中华文化在新的时代焕发新的光彩。/ By jointly inheriting and carrying forward the fine traditions, our compatriots on both sides of the straits will give new luster to the Chinese culture in

33、 the new age. 青年是国家的未来。两岸青年应加强交往青年是国家的未来。两岸青年应加强交往,增进了解。我们欢迎更多的台湾青年来,增进了解。我们欢迎更多的台湾青年来祖国大陆学习深造,开创事业,施展才华祖国大陆学习深造,开创事业,施展才华。/ The youth are the future of our nations. Young people on both sides should reach out for more contacts and closer understanding. More young people from Taiwan are welcome to t

34、he mainland to pursue their studies, advance their careers and give full play to their talents. 我们也欢迎台湾各界人士前来参观,访问我们也欢迎台湾各界人士前来参观,访问,同我们交换有关两岸关系与和平统一的,同我们交换有关两岸关系与和平统一的意见。意见。/ We also welcome people from various walks of life in Taiwan to tour and visit the mainland to exchange views with us on cros

35、s-strait relation and peaceful reunification. 真题演练 中美之间发展富有建设性的合作关系,不仅符合两国人民的根本利益,而且有利于世界的和平、稳定与发展。 To develop a constructive relationship of cooperation between China and the United States is not only in the fundamental interests of the two peoples but also conducive to world peace ,stability and d

36、evelopment . Ladies and gentlemen ,I am so pleased to be here to address the conference .Really ,this is a pioneering conference of historic significance .It reflects the common desire of developing countries for world peace and common development . 女士们,先生们,我很高兴在此大会上发言。这确实是一次具有历史意义的开拓性会议。它反映了发展中国家希望

37、获得世界和平与共同发展的愿望。 Not only does this conference show the growth of developing countries ,but also signifies the new changes in the entire international relations and marks a growing trend toward multi-polarity . 这次会议不仅显示了发展中国家的成长,也表明了整个国际关系中的新变化,标志着多极化的发展趋势。 要消除人类在21世纪面临的危机,让处于不同发展阶段、拥有不同文明背景的人们和平共处,共同发展,就必须提倡文化交流与合作。 To solve the crisis we face in the 21st century and achieve peaceful coexistence between people of different development stage ,cultural background and realize common development for all we should greatly promote cultural exchange and cooperation .


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