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1、2022-6-21计算机专业英语(第3版)1卜艳萍主编电子工业出版社2009年2022-6-21计算机专业英语(第3版)2内内 容容 简简 介介 本书共分本书共分6个单元,第个单元,第1单元介绍计算机硬件单元介绍计算机硬件基础,分别讲述处理器、存储器和输入基础,分别讲述处理器、存储器和输入/输出技术。输出技术。第第2单元是计算机软件知识部分,内容有单元是计算机软件知识部分,内容有C语言、数语言、数据结构、操作系统、编译原理及数据库技术。第据结构、操作系统、编译原理及数据库技术。第3单元是多媒体及应用方面的知识,包括多媒体、图单元是多媒体及应用方面的知识,包括多媒体、图形图像、形图像、CAD、计

2、算机动画和多媒体应用软件。第、计算机动画和多媒体应用软件。第4单元是计算机网络相关知识介绍,包括计算机网单元是计算机网络相关知识介绍,包括计算机网络基础、互联网搜索引擎、无线网络技术及网络安络基础、互联网搜索引擎、无线网络技术及网络安全。第全。第5单元讲述电子商务方面的内容,有电子商单元讲述电子商务方面的内容,有电子商务基础、务基础、EDI和网络广告。第和网络广告。第6单元是计算机领域单元是计算机领域新技术介绍,包括人工智能、虚拟现实和神经网络。新技术介绍,包括人工智能、虚拟现实和神经网络。 2022-6-21计算机专业英语(第3版)3Unit 1 Hardware Basics1.1 Cen

3、tral Processing Unit1.2 Memory1.3 Input / Output Systems2022-6-21计算机专业英语(第3版)4Block diagram of a digital computer 数字计算机的方框图处理器单元中央处理单元输入/输出处理器输入设备输出设备2022-6-21计算机专业英语(第3版)51.1 Central Processing Unit 中央处理器The CPU is the heart of the computer system. It is responsible for performing all arithmetic op

4、erations and logic decisions initiated by the program. 中央处理器是计算机系统的心脏。它负责实现由程序启动的全部算术运算和逻辑判断。The CPU coordinates all the activities of the various components of the computer. It determines which operations should be carried out and in what is the order. 中央处理器协调计算机各个部件的所有活动。它确定应该以什么顺序执行哪些操作。 2022-6-2

5、1计算机专业英语(第3版)6Notes 1 Although most CPU chips are smaller than a lens of a pair of glasses, the electronic components they contain would have filled a room a few decades ago.本句由“Although”引导让步状语从句,“the electronic components”作主语。译文:虽然大多数CPU芯片比一块眼镜片还小,但所包含的电子元件在几十年前却要装满一个房间。2022-6-21计算机专业英语(第3版)7Notes

6、2 The program, which tells the computers what to do and the data, which provide the information needed to solve the problem, are kept inside the computer in a place called memory.这里的主语是“the program and the data”,由which引导的两个定语从句分别修饰the program和the data。译文:程序的作用是指示计算机如何工作,而数据则是为解决问题提供的所需要的信息,两者都存储在存储器

7、里。2022-6-21计算机专业英语(第3版)8Three basic capabilities of computers计算机的三个基本性能计算机的三个基本性能First, computers have circuits for performing arithmetic operations, such as: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and exponentiation.第一,计算机具有进行加、减、乘、除及求幂等各种算术运算的电路。Second, computers have a means of communica

8、ting with the user. 第二,计算机具有与用户通信和功能。Third, computers have circuits which can make decisions. 第三,计算机具有进行判定的电路。2022-6-21计算机专业英语(第3版)9The control unit (控制单元控制单元 )The control unit is the functional unit that is responsible for supervising the operation of the entire computer system. 控制单元是负责监督整个计算机系统操作的

9、功能部件。The control unit fetches instructions from memory and determines their type or decodes them. 控制单元从存储器中取出指令,并确定其类型或对之进行译码。It then breaks each instruction into a series of simple small steps or actions. 然后将每条指令分解成一系列简单的、很小的步骤或动作。By doing this, it controls the step-by-step operation of the entire

10、computer system. 这样,就可以控制整个计算机系统一步一步地操作。2022-6-21计算机专业英语(第3版)10Notes 3 The Arithmetic / Logic Unit (ALU) is the functional unit that provides the computer with logical and computational capabilities.本句由“that”引导定语从句,修饰“the functional unit”。译文:算术逻辑单元(ALU)是为计算机提供逻辑及计算能力的功能部件。2022-6-21计算机专业英语(第3版)11The

11、Arithmetic / Logic Unit算术算术/逻辑单元逻辑单元 Data are brought into the ALU by the control unit, and the ALU performs whatever arithmetic or logic operations are required to help carrying out the instructions. 控制单元将数据送到算术逻辑单元中,然后由算术逻辑单元完成执行指令所需要的算术或逻辑运算。Arithmetic operations include adding, subtracting, mult

12、iplying, and dividing. 算术运算包括加、减、乘、除。Logic operations make a comparison and take action based on the results. 逻辑运算完成比较,并根据结果采取行动。2022-6-21计算机专业英语(第3版)12Registers (寄存器)A register is a storage location inside the processor. 寄存器是处理器内部的存储单元。Registers in the CPU are used to store the current instruction,

13、 the location of the next instruction to be executed, and the operands.CPU中的寄存器用来存储当前指令,下一条将执行的指令的地址以及操作数。2022-6-21计算机专业英语(第3版)13Instruction (指令)An instruction is made up of operations that specify the function to be performed and operands that represent the data to be operated on. 指令由操作码和操作数组成,操作码指

14、明要完成的操作功能,而操作数则表示操作的对象。When the operands are stored in the computers memory, they have an address to indicate where they are.当操作数存储在计算机的存储器中时,则应有指明其位置的地址。Operation codeOperandADD 1000,10052022-6-21计算机专业英语(第3版)14Notes 4 For example, if an instruction is to perform the operation of adding two numbers,

15、 it must know what the two numbers are and where the two numbers are. 这里的“what the two numbers are and where the two numbers are”作宾语,它由两个并列的从句组成。译文:例如,一条指令要完成两数相加的操作,它就必须知道:这两个数是什么?这两个数在哪儿?2022-6-21计算机专业英语(第3版)15The steps of executing each instruction执行每一条指令的步骤执行每一条指令的步骤Fetch the next instruction fr

16、om memory into the instruction register.从存储器取出一条指令,送入指令寄存器。Change the program counter to point to the following instruction.修改程序计数器以指向下一条指令。Determine the type of instruction just fetched.确定刚取出指令的类型。If the instruction uses data in memory, determine where they are.如果指令使用存储器中的数据,则须确定它们的地址。Fetch the dat

17、a into internal CPU registers.取出指令并送到CPU内部寄存器。Execute the instruction.执行指令。Store the results in the proper place.将结果存储到适当的位置。Go to step 1 to begin executing the following instruction.返回到第一步,开始执行下一条指令。2022-6-21计算机专业英语(第3版)16Notes 5 A timer called a clock releases precisely timed electrical signals th

18、at provide a regular pulse for the processors work.本句中的“that provide a regular pulse for the processors work”修饰electrical signals。译文:一个称做时钟的计时器准确地发出定时电信号,该信号为处理器工作提供有规律的脉冲信号。2022-6-21计算机专业英语(第3版)17Key Words address 地址,寻址analogous 类似的,相似的arithmetic 算术的auxiliary 辅助的,补充的awesome 惊人的,令人敬畏的capability 性能,能

19、力decode 解码,译码distinguish 区别,辨别exponentiation 幂运算fetch 获取,取得fraction 小部分initiate 开始,启发,提议,创始instantaneously 瞬间地,即时地instruction 指令2022-6-21计算机专业英语(第3版)18Key Words keyboard 键盘mainframe 大型机manipulation 操作,处理microelectronic 微电子的operand 操作数originality 创意,创造力retrieve 恢复remarkable 显著的,不平常的sequence 顺序,序列sili

20、con 硅transistor 晶体管2022-6-21计算机专业英语(第3版)19Translation Exercises1.集成电路 2.取指译码执行3.算术逻辑运算 4.微电子技术 5.数字计算机系统 6.辅助存储器7.工作区 8.逻辑决策1. integrated circuit. fetch-decode-execute. Arithmetic Logical Operations. microelectronic techniques. digital computer system. auxiliary storage. workspace. logic decision202

21、2-6-21计算机专业英语(第3版)20Translation Exercises1.Central Processing Unit 2.functional unit 3.current instruction4.instruction register5.program counter6.electronic components7.input information and commands 8.Arithmetic / Logic Unit1.中央处理器2.功能单元3.当前指令4.指令寄存器5.程序计数器6.电子元件7.输入信息和指令8.算术逻辑单元2022-6-21计算机专业英语(第

22、3版)21Reading Material:Microprocessor(微处理器微处理器)Microcomputer, or micro for short, is a kind of computers. It was born in the early 1970s. 微型计算机或简称微机是计算机的一种。它诞生于20世纪70年代初期。The microprocessor is built as a single semiconductor device; 微处理器是单片半导体装置;That is, the thousands of individual circuit elements n

23、ecessary to perform all the logical and arithmetic functions of a computer are manufactured as a single chip. 也就是说,实现计算机所有逻辑和算术功能所必不可少的成千上万个分立的电路元件都制造在一块芯片上。2022-6-21计算机专业英语(第3版)22Reading Material:MicroprocessorComputer programs tell the microprocessor what to do, which is how everything works insid

24、e a PC. Other terms for the microprocessor include the processor; the central processing unit(CPU); and the number of the microprocessor, such as 8088, 80286, 80386,80486, and so on. 2022-6-21计算机专业英语(第3版)231.2 MemoryA systematic arrangement of memory cells constitutes a memory. Two basic types of se

25、miconductor memory are considered. The first is the Random Access Memory (RAM), a read-write memory, in which each individual cell can be addressed at any particular time. A second class of semiconductor memory is the Read-Only Memory (ROM). The set of data in this type of memory is generally consid

26、ered to be fixed.2022-6-21计算机专业英语(第3版)24SRAM and DRAMTwo type of RAM are the static RAM (SRAM) and dynamic RAM (DRAM). A static RAM consists of a basic bi-stable flip-flop circuit that needs only a dc current or voltage applied to retain its memory. A dynamic RAM is an MOS memory that stores one bit

27、 of information as charge on a capacitor. 2022-6-21计算机专业英语(第3版)25Types of ROM The first is programmed either by the manufacturer (mask programmable) or by the user (programmable, or PROM). Once the ROM has been programmed by either method, the data in the memory are fixed and cannot be altered. The

28、second type of ROM may be referred to as an alterable ROM in that the data in the ROM may be reprogrammed if desired. This type of ROM may be called an EPROM (erasable programmable ROM), EEPROM (electrically erasable PROM), or flash memory. 2022-6-21计算机专业英语(第3版)26Basic memory architecture 2022-6-21计

29、算机专业英语(第3版)27Memory ContentsMemories consist of a number of cells, each of which can store a piece of information. Computer memory is measured in kilobytes or megabytes of information. A byte is the amount of storage needed to hold one character, such as a letter or a numeric digit. One kilobyte (KB

30、) equals 1024 bytes, and one megabyte (MB) is about 1 million bytes. Software requires the correct amount of RAM to work properly. 2022-6-21计算机专业英语(第3版)28Memory Address Computers that use the binary number system also express memory addresses as binary numbers. If an address has m bits, the maximum

31、number of cells directly addressable is 2m. 2022-6-21计算机专业英语(第3版)29Key Wordsadjacent 邻近的,接近的allocate 分配,分派capacitor 电容configuration 结构consecutive 连续的,连贯的etch 蚀刻hexadecimal 十六进制的implicit 暗示的,绝对的individual 个别的,独特的kilobyte 千字节megabyte 兆字节2022-6-21计算机专业英语(第3版)30Key Wordsmillisecond 毫秒non-metallic 非金属的no

32、nvolatile 非易失性的octal 八进制的organization 组织programmable 可编程的semiconductor 半导体significance 重要性,意义stable 稳定的standardize 标准化virtually 事实上2022-6-21计算机专业英语(第3版)31Notes 1 The number of bits in the address is related to the maximum number of directly addressable cells in the memory and is independent of the n

33、umber of bits per cell.本句中,of directly addressable cells in the memory修饰the maximum number。译文:地址的位数与存储器可直接寻址的最大单元数量有关,而与每个单元的位数无关。2022-6-21计算机专业英语(第3版)32Notes 2 Thus a 16-bit words, whereas a 32-bit machine will have 32-bit registers and instructions for moving, adding, subtracting, and otherwise ma

34、nipulating 32-bit words.Thus a 16-bit words是一个省略句,这里的whereas作“而”讲。译文:因而16位机器具有16位的寄存器和指令以实现16位字的操作;32位机器则有32位的寄存器和指令,以实现传送、加法、减法和其它他32位字的操作。2022-6-21计算机专业英语(第3版)33Notes 3 This was the ability to etch thousands of integrated circuits onto a tiny piece (chip) of silicon, which is a non-metallic elemen

35、t with semiconductor characteristics.由which引导的是非限定性定语从句,用来修饰silicon。译文:这就是将成千上万个集成电路蚀刻在一小块硅(芯)片上的能力。硅片是具有半导体特性的非金属元件。2022-6-21计算机专业英语(第3版)34Notes 4 To access expanded memory, a program needs to communicate with the EMM.本句中的“To access expanded memory”作目的状语。译文:为了访问扩展存储器,程序需要与EMM联系。2022-6-21计算机专业英语(第3版

36、)35Notes 5 When a program allocates expanded memory pages, the EMM returns a handle to the requesting program.本句中,由“when”引导时间状语从句。译文:当一个程序装入扩展存储器页中时,EMM就将一个标志回复给这个请求程序。2022-6-21计算机专业英语(第3版)36Translation Exercises1.易失性存储器 volatile memory2.外围电路 peripheral circuit3.实模式 the real mode4.寻址能力 address abili

37、ty5.闪存 flash memory6.刷新电路 refresh circuitry7.只读存储器 Read Only Memory8.随机存取存储器 Random Access Memory2022-6-21计算机专业英语(第3版)37Translation Exercises1.periodic refresh 定期刷新2.software interrupt 软件中断3.binary number 二进制数字4.electrically erasable PROM 电可擦除可编程的只读存储器5.expanded memory 扩展存储器6.erasable programmable R

38、OM 可擦除可编程的只读存储器7.refresh cycle 刷新周期8.logical page 逻辑页面2022-6-21计算机专业英语(第3版)38Reading Material:Cache and Magnetic Disks A variety of different types of cache(disk cache, memory cache, processor cache)can improve overall system performance. A cache can be optionally implemented on almost any system.Ca

39、che controllers have been used on mainframe computer systems for many years; their migration to the micro could be seen as a logical next step. 2022-6-21计算机专业英语(第3版)39Reading Material:Cache and Magnetic DisksThere are two major types of magnetic disks: floppy disks and hard disks. Both types of disk

40、s rely on a rotating platter coated with a magnetic surface and use a moveable read/write head to access the disk. Disk storage is nonvolatile, meaning that the data remains even when power is removed. 2022-6-21计算机专业英语(第3版)40Reading Material: Cache and Magnetic DisksTo access data, the operating sys

41、tem must direct the disk through a three-stage process. The first step is to position the arm over the proper track. This operation is called a seek, and the time to move the arm to the desired track is called seek time. Once the head has reached the correct track, we must wait for the desired secto

42、r to rotate under the read/write head. This time is called the rotation latency or rotational delay. The last component of a disk access, transfer time, is the time to transfer a block of bits, typically a sector. 2022-6-21计算机专业英语(第3版)411.3 Input / Output Systems You can use your keyboard for many p

43、urposes: pTyping informationpEntering numbers with the numeric keypadpRequesting specific functionspPerforming system functions with key combinationspMoving around the computer screen2022-6-21计算机专业英语(第3版)42Monitor Computers only use monitors to show you exciting operation results or marvelous and vi

44、vid pictures. Monitors also are the best windows for conversation between users and computers. 2022-6-21计算机专业英语(第3版)43Parameters of MonitorsElement Distance Video Bandwidth Solution Scan Style 2022-6-21计算机专业英语(第3版)44Mouse The interface between a mouse and a system can take one of two forms: the mous

45、e either generates a series of pulses when it is moved, or it increments and decrements counters. Most mice also include one or more buttons, and the system must be able to detect when a button is depressed. 2022-6-21计算机专业英语(第3版)45Optical Disks An optical disk is a disk on which data are encoded for

46、 retrieval by a laser. Optical disks offer information densities far beyond the range of current magnetic mass-storage devices. Currently, three versions of optical disk technology are competing for the mass-storage market, they are read-only optical disks, write-once optical disks, and erasable opt

47、ical disks. 2022-6-21计算机专业英语(第3版)46Bus A bus is a shared communication link, which uses one set of wires to connect multiple subsystems. The two major advantages of the bus organization are versatility and low cost.A bus generally contains a set of control lines and a set of data lines. The control

48、lines are used to signal requests and acknowledgments, and to indicate what type of information is on the data lines. The data lines of the bus carry information between the source and the destination. 2022-6-21计算机专业英语(第3版)47Key Wordsacknowledgement 承认,确认appropriately 适当地bandwidth 带宽blank 空白的cursor

49、光标documentation 文档,文件interface 接口,界面latency 潜伏,潜在layout 布局,分布marvelous 令人惊异的,了不起的minimize 最小化mouse 鼠标non-interlace 非隔行2022-6-21计算机专业英语(第3版)48Key Wordsoptical 光学的parameter 参数periodically 定期地punctuation 标点符号responsive 响应,应答的reusability 可重复使用的solution 分辨率spacebar 空格键streamline 流线,流线型subsystem 子系统sustai

50、n 承受,支持typewriter 打字机video 视频2022-6-21计算机专业英语(第3版)49Notes1 In interlace style, electron-beam sweeps elements in odd rows first time and does elements in even rows second time.本句中的electron-beam译作电子射枪,elements译作像素。译文:在隔行方式中,电子射枪首先扫描奇数项中的像素,第二次再扫描偶数项中的像素。2022-6-21计算机专业英语(第3版)50Notes2 By monitoring the


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