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1、国家开放大学电大一网平台人文英语1一体化考试网考机考翻译判断题题库及答案第五大题:翻译(判断题)1.Drunk driving is a dangerous offence.A醉驾是一种危险的攻击。B醉驾是一种危险的罪行C酒驾是一种危险的冒犯2. I want to know when he is leaving for New York tomorrow.A我想知道他明天什么时候离开纽约。B我想知道他明天什么时候正在去纽约。C我想知道他明天什么时候动身去纽约。3. What are we supposed to do?A我们被支持做些什么?B我们该做些什么?C我们对什么吃惊?4. Abuse

2、rs use fear, guilt, shame to wear you down and keep you under his or her thumb.A施暴者用恐吓、犯罪和羞辱来把你打到在地,把你置千他(她)的掌控之下。B施暴者用恐吓、犯罪和羞辱来挫败你,把你置千他(她)的掌控之下。C施暴者用恐吓、犯罪和羞辱来把你打到在地,把你置于他(她)的拇指之下。5. I am very sorry for coming late, but something urgent came up at the last minute.A我很抱歉来晚了,但我在最后一分钟里想起了某件事儿。B我很抱歉迟到了,

3、但我临走时突然遇到了急事儿。C我很抱歉要迟来,但我将在最后一分钟里紧急处理好某件事情6. I want to know when he is leaving for New York tomorrow.A我想知道他明天什么时候动身去纽约。B我想知道他明天什么时候离开纽约。C我想知道他明天什么时候正在去纽约。7.He focused his mind on his lesson.A他按时做功课。B他把心思集中在功课上。C他一直在做功课8. Breaking ice is a good way to make friends.A打破冰面是交朋友的好办法。B破冰是做朋友的好办法。c打破僵局是交朋友的

4、好办法9. Drunk driving is a dangerous offence.A醉驾是一种危险的攻击。B醉驾是一种危险的罪行。C酒驾是一种危险的冒犯IO.But you know, 1 had to give up the chance to work in a big company. A但是你是知道的,我要放弃机会,在大公司工作。B但是你是知道的,我要放弃机会,工作在一家大公司。C但是你是知道的,我不得不放弃在一家大公司工作的机会。11. Susan Brown was in a family way when she was seventeen and became a moth

5、er by eighteen.A苏珊布朗17岁时过上家庭生活,18岁时做了母亲。B苏珊布朗17岁时进入到一个家庭,18岁时做了母亲。C苏珊布朗17岁时怀孕,18岁时做了母亲12.He focused his mind on his lesson.A他按时做功课。B他把心思集中在功课上。C他一直在做功课13. I want to know when he is leaving for New York tomorrow.A我想知道他明天什么时候动身去纽约B我想知道他明天什么时候离开纽约。C我想知道他明天什么时候正在去纽约14.He has drunk too much to drive home

6、 safely.A他喝太多酒只是为了安全开车回家B他喝了太多酒以致不能安全地开车回家C他喝了太多酒也能安全开车回家15. Abusers use fear, guilt, shame to wear you down and keep you under his or her thu五1b.A施暴者用恐吓、犯罪和羞辱来把你打到在地,把你置千他(她)的掌控之下B施暴者用恐吓、犯罪和羞辱来挫败你,把你置于他(她)的掌控之下。c施暴者用恐吓、犯罪和羞辱来把你打到在地,把你置于他(她)的拇指之下。16.Susan Brown was in a family way when she was seven

7、teen and became a mother by eighteen.A.苏珊 布朗17岁时过上家庭生活,18岁时做了母亲。B苏珊布朗17岁时怀孕,18岁时做了母亲。C苏珊布朗17岁时进入到一个家庭,18岁时做了母亲。17. He focused his mind on his lesson.A他按时做功课。B他把心思集中在功课上。C他一直在做功课18.Breaking ice is a good way to make friends.A打破僵局是交朋友的好办法B打破冰面是交朋友的好办法C破冰是做朋友的好办法。19.Police asked students always be on t

8、heir guard,when walking to school.A警察要学生们去上学的时候,一定要处于他们的保护之中。B警察要求学生们步行上学时,一定有保镖相伴。C警察告诫学生们步行上学途中一定要时刻保持警惕20.What are we supposed to do?A我们该做些什么?B我们被支持做些什么?C我们对什么吃惊?21.I want to know when he is leaving for New York tomorrow.A我想知道他明天什么时候动身去纽约。B我想知道他明天什么时候离开纽约。C我想知道他明天什么时候正在去纽约。22. Drunk driving is a

9、dangerous offence.A醉驾是一种危险的攻击。B醉驾是一种危险的罪行。C酒驾是一种危险的冒犯23.In those years, a very young mother was not as common as it is now.A那些年,年轻的妈妈比现在普遍。B那些年,年轻的妈妈不如I现在普遍。c那些年,年轻的妈妈跟现在一样普遍。24.But you know, I had to give up the chance to work in a big company.A.但你知道,我要放弃机会,在大公司工作。B但你知道,我要放弃机会,只是为了在一家大公司工作。C但你知道我不得

10、不放弃在一家大公司工作的机会。25. In order to be employed,you need to make a very good first impression.A为了工作,你需要做出一个良好的第一印象。B为了得到工作,你需要给入一个良好的第一印象。C为了受聘,你需要给人一个深刻的良好印象。26.She wanted to set up her own company to invest in films.A她想成立自己的公司投资电影。B她想与别人合作来投资电影。C她想加入一家公司来投资电影。27. I need to find out who helped me.A我需要感谢

11、帮助我的人B我想拜访帮助我的人。C我得找出曾经帮助我的人。28. He focused his mind on his lesson.A他按时做功课。B他把心思集中在功课上。C他一直在做功课29. I a田very sorry for co田ing late,but something urgent came up at the last minute.A我很抱歉来晚了,但我在最后一分钟里想起了某件事儿。B我很抱歉迟到了,但我临走时突然遇到了急事儿。C我很抱歉要迟来,但我将在最后一分钟里紧急处理好某件事情。30. In order to be employed, you need to mak

12、e a very good first impression.A为了工作,你需要做出一个良好的第一印象。B为了受聘,你需要给人一个深刻的良好印象。C为了得到工作,你需要给人一个良好的第一印象。31. 1 want to know when he is leaving for New York tomorrow.A我想知道他明天什么时候离开纽约。B我想知道他明天什么时候正在去纽约。C我想知道他明天什么时候动身去纽约。32.In those years,a very young mother was not as common as it is now.A.那些年,年轻的妈妈比现在普遍。B那些年,

13、年轻的妈妈不如现在普遍C那些年,年轻的妈妈跟现在一样普遍。33. He focused his mind on his lesson.A他按时做功课。B他把心思集中在功课上C他一直在做功课。34.Drunk driving is a dangerous offence.A醉驾是一种危险的攻击。B醉驾是一种危险的罪行。C酒驾是一 种危险的冒犯。35. But you know , 1 had to give up the chance to work in a big company.A但你知道,我不得不放弃在一家大公司工作的机会。B但你知道,我要放弃机会,在大公司工作C但你知道,我要放弃机会,

14、工作在一家大公司。36.Susan Brown was in a family way when she was seventeen and became am other by eighteen.A苏珊布朗17岁时过上家庭生活,18岁时做了母亲。B苏珊布朗17岁时进人到一个家庭,18岁时做了母亲。c苏珊布朗17岁时怀孕,18岁时做了母亲37. He focused his mind on his lesson.A他按时做功课。B他把心思集中在功课上。C他一直在做功课38. Breaking ice is a good way to make friends.A打破僵局是交朋友的好办法B打破冰

15、面是交朋友的好办法C破冰是做朋友的好办法。39. I hope I can join your company when I graduate fro田Yale.A我希望我可以加人到你的公司,当我耶鲁大学毕业后B当我耶鲁大学毕业后,我希望可以加入到你的公司c我期待去你的公司工作,当我耶鲁毕业以后。40.What are we supposed to do?A我们被支持做些什么?B我们该做些什么?C我们对什么吃惊?国家开放大学电大一网平台人文英语l一体化考试网考机考词汇与结构单选题题库及答案第二大题: 词汇与结构(单选题)1. People cant live wi thout_sun. A.

16、a B.anC. the2. I saw him_,and afterwards he was caught by the police.A.stealB. stoleC.stolen3. Youd betterthe car because you are drunk. A. let me driveB. let me to driveC. to let me drive4.John_three bottles of beer just now, so he C8Jl1t drive himself home now.A.does drinkB.did drinkC.do drink5._s

17、he wins_loses, this is her last chance. A. IforB.Whether-orC. Whether-or not6.he left school at 16, he still managed to become a great writer.A.Even thoughB.Even ifC.Even although7. The novel I bought last week is_of reading I think. A.worthyB. worthC.that worth8. Our classroom is beautiful than the

18、irs,A.mostB.veryC. much more9. There are some visitorsto our marketing department next week. A.comeB.comingC.to coming10. They work in the same company and they are_with eachother.A.goodB. familiarC. interested11. Social workers should learn how to_people.A. look atB. look intoC. look after12.Dont f

19、orget to your seat belt when youre driving.A. put upB. put offC.put_on13.Jim is one of the most popular_in my company.A. classmatesB.citizensC. colleagues14. The traffic accident_three days ago.A.was happenedB.took placeC.was occurred15.They must try tothe boundaries of knowledge. A.extendB. increas

20、eC. enrich16. She_a teacher in Shanghai last yearA. isB.wasC.were17.London iscapital of Britain, and it is great city, too. A.a, theB. the, iC. the, a18. is David from?- 1 think hes an American. But Im not sure.A.WhatB.WhereC. How19.Li sten!The baby_in the next room.A.criesB.criedC. is crying 20. 1

21、saw him_, and afterwards he was caught by the police.A.stealB.stoleC. stolen21. They_some social work at the weekends.A.doesB.didC. do22. The higher the temperature is, _the liquid evaporates.A.the faster B.fasterC. the slower23. We cant afford a bicycle, _a car.A.even ifB. let aloneC. let out 24.sh

22、e winsloses, this is her last chance. A. If. . . orB. Whether.or C. Whether. or not 25. The gunman stoodthe theatre and shoot at the audience inside. A.at the front ofB. in front ofC.on front of26.He her a beautiful hat on her next birthday.A.givesB. is going to giveC. gave27.A student will probably

23、 attend four or five courses during eachA.semesterB. seminarC. season28. He usually_from headache.A.enduresB. ReceivesC.suffers29. The traffic accident_three days ago.A.took placeB.happensC.was occurred30.They must try tothe boundaries of knowledge.A.extendB. increase C. enrich31. The case happened

24、Tuesday afternoon.A. inB. onC.at 32. I got a present,an iPad my best friend.A. withB.toC.from33. The schools in for me d the parents_the case immediately.A. inB.to C. of34. The train is running fifty miles_A.an hourB. the hourC. a hour35. Youll_have your own room. A. allB. eachC. both36.Well, I hear

25、d him_hed cover the afternoon shift.A. sayB.saidC.to say37. The traffic accidentthree days ago. A. was happenedB.took placeC. was occurred38.Social workers should learn how to_people.A. look atB. look intoC. look afterC14. They some social work at the weekends.A. doB.doesC.did39. I enjoy_books in th

26、e library.A. readB.reading C. to read40. 1 would like to do the job_you dont force me to study.A. in caseB.althoughC.as long as 41. The police asked the driver to the car to have an alcohol test.A. pull outB. pull onC. pull over42.A student will probably attend four or five courses during each_.A .

27、seminar B.semesterC. season43. They wouldany weakness and any fear.A.comeB.overcome C. throw44. They must try to_the boundaries of knowledge.A.extendB. increaseC. enrich45.People cant live without_sun.A.aB./ C.the46.We cant afford a bicycle,a car.A.even ifB. let aloneC. let out47. I saw him_, and af

28、terwards he was caught by the police.A. stealB. stoleC. stolen48. Youd better_the car because you are drunk.A. let me driveB. let me to drive C.to let me drive50.一is David from?- 1 think hes an American. But Im not sure.A. What B. WhereC.How51. The traffic accident_three days ago.A.was happenedB.too

29、k placeC.was occurred52.Social workers should learn how to_people.A. look atB. look into C. look after53. They_some social work at the weekends.A.doB. DoesC. did54. I enjoy_books in the library.A.readB.readingC.to read55. The higher the temperature is, _the liquid evaporates.A.the fasterB.fasterC.th

30、e slower56. 1 got a present, an iPad_my best friend.A.withB.toC. from57. The guard wanted to stop the people_by the street. A.cookB.to cookC.cooking 58.He_to Shanghai for I saw here a minute ago. A.cant goB.cant have goneC.didnt go59.he left school at 16, he still managed to become a great writer.A.

31、Even thoughB.Even ifC.Even although60. 1 have two brothers. One is a driver, and_is a policeman.A.oneB. the otherC. other61. The gunman stoodthe theatre and shoot at the audience inside. A. in front of B.at the front ofC.on front of62.Tom is good at playing_piano.A. aB./ C. the63. The couple was_tha

32、t they could drive home.A.too drunkB.so drunkC. drunk enough64.Youd better_the c盯because you江e drunk.A. let me driveB. let me to driveC.to let me drive65. The police asked the driver to_the car to have an alcohol test.A. pull overB. pull outC. pull on 66. The_driver was seriously hurt in the traffic

33、 accident. A.40-years- oldB.40-year-oldC. 40 year old67.一Should I take some medicine?一No, you to take邸y medicine.A. should notB. have notC. dont need68.He did not_on my proposal about, the new project.A.recommendB.commentC. command69.The street is_for five cars to go side by side.A.wideB.wide enough

34、C. enough wide70. The higher the temperature is, _the liquid evaporates. A. the fasterB.fasterC.the slower71. He usually_from headache.A. enduresB.suffersC . receives72. Listen! The baby_in the next room. A.criesB.criedc. is crying73._she winsloses, this is her last chance. A. If . orB. Whether . .

35、or notC.Whether. . . or74. The traffic accident_three days ago.A.was happenedB.took placeC.was occurred75. what_Mr mean? A. isB.doesC. do76. They work in the same company and they arewith each other, A.goodB. familiarC. interested77.Social workers should learn how to_people.A. look atB. look into C.

36、 look after78. Theysome social work at the weekends. A.doB. DoesC. did79. They must try to_the boundaries of knowledge.A. extendB. increase C. enrich80.Some holidays in the United Kingdom back hundreds of years.A. dateB.come C. return81. The gunman stood the theatre and shoot at the audience inside.

37、A.at the front ofB. in front of C.on front of82. Tom is good at playing_piano. A.aB.anC. the83.He did not_on my proposal about the new project.A.recommendB.CommentC. co血oand84. The street isfor five cars to go side by side.A. wideB.wide enough C. enough wide85. The higher the temperature is, _the li

38、quid evaporates.A. the fasterB.fasterC.the slower86. I would_any weakness and any fear.A.comeB.overcome C. throw87. The Mid- Autumn Festival. as the name_, falls on the fifteenth day of the eighth lunarmonth. A.Suggests B. AppearsC.means88.The schools informed the parents_the case immediately.A. inB

39、.to C. of89.Someone then suggested they_the car home.A. pushB. pushedC.to push90. Let the victims know that you are_to help.A.dangerousB.scaredC. available91. People cant live without sun. A.aB.anc.the92. She is General Manager ofbig company. A. a, anB.the, aC.a,the93. I saw him_, and afterwa工ds he

40、was caught by the police.A. stealB. stoleC.stolen94. You d betterthe car because you are drunk.A. let me driveB. let me to drive C.to let me drive95.John_three bottles of beer just now , so he cant drive himself home now.A. does drinkB. did drinkC.do drink96. You will have your own room. A.eachB. al

41、l C. both97. I would like to do the job_you don t force me to study.A. in caseB. AlthoughC. as long as98.A student will probably attend four or five courses during eachA . seminarB. semesterC. season99. We cant afford a bicycle, a car. A. even ifB. let alone C. let out100.He_her a beautiful hat on h

42、er next birthday.A.givesB. is going to give C. gave101. He usually_from headache.A.enduresB. suffersC . receives102.Listen! The baby in the next roOm.A. criesB. criedc. is crying103._she wins_loses, this is her last chance.A. IforB.Whether- orC. Whether- or not104.The traffic accidentthree days ago.

43、A. happensB. took placeC.was occurred105.Someone then suggested they_the car home.A.to pushB. PushC. pushing106. The case happened_Tuesday afternoon.A. in B.onC.at107. The train is running fifty milesA.an hourB. the hourC. a hour108.You_will have your own room.A. all B.eachC. both109.Well, I heard h

44、imhed cover the afternoon shift.A. sayB.saidC.to say110.Jim im is one of the most popularin my company. A. classmatesB. citizensC.colleagues111. The gunman stood_the theater and shoot at the audience inside.A.at the front ofB. in front ofC. on front of112. Tom is good at playing_piano.A.aB.anC. the1

45、13.He did not_on my proposal about the new project.A.recommendB.co血nentC.comm and114.The street is_for five cars to go side by side.A.wideB.wide enoughC.enough wide115. The higher the temperature is, _the liquid evaporates.A.the fasterB.fasterC. the slower 1900116. The Mid-Autumn Festival, as the na

46、me_,falls on the fifteenth day of the eighthlunarmonth. A. appearsB. MeansC.suggests117. 1 thought you_like something to read. So 1 have brought you some books.A. oughtB.couldC.would118. He, _to Shanghai for I saw him here a minute ago.A. cant goB. cant have gonec.didnt go119. he left school at 16, he still managed to become a great writer.A.Even thoughB.Even ifC.Even although120. There are some visitors_to our marketing department next week.A. comeB.comingC.to coming


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