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  • 三年级英语下册第三单元检测卷(含听力材料,含答案)人教PEP版.docx--点击预览


三年级英语下册第三单元检测 A 卷(含听力,含答案)人教 PEP 版听力部分一,听录音,选出与录音内容相符的图片。(_) 1. A B(_) 2. A B(_) 3. A B(_) 4. A B(_) 5. A B二,听录音,选出你听到的选项。(_) 1. Achildren Bchild Cwoman(_) 2. Ano Bso Czoo(_) 3. Awater Bshort Celephant(_) 4. Afoot Bcat Cfat(_) 5. Abig Bbag Cbook三,根据你听到的内容选择正确的选项。1. I like the _ cat. (_)Abig Bsmall2. The elephant is big and _. (_)Ashort Btall3. Look at the monkey. Its _. (_)Afat Bthin4. My pig is _. (_)Afat and short Bfat and tall四,听录音,判断下面的句子所听内容是(T)否(F)相符。每个句子读两遍。(_)1. It has a long tail.(_)2. It has a long tail and small eyes.(_)3. It has a big body.(_)4. Wow! Its so fat.(_)5. Look at the giraffe.笔试部分一,连线题 1. a. an elephant2. b. a fox3. c. a rabbit4. d. a monkey5. e. a giraffe二,读一读,选出每组单词中不同类的一项。1AsmallBbigCpig2AthinBelephantCbear3AtallBtailCshort4AgrandpaBfatCgrandma5Along BsisterCshort三,选出每组划线字母发音不同的一项。1AsixBlikeCgift2AbigBniceCit3ApigBmilkCnine4AfishBkiteCfive5AriceBthin Cis四,根据图片选择单词或者句子1 ( )AthinBfat2 ( )AMy giraffe is tall.BMy duck is short.3 ( )AIts a thin bear.BIts a short bear.4Look at the . ( )_AIts so fat.BIts so thin.5 ( )ALook at that cute dog. Its so fat.BLook at that cute dog. It likes fish五,情景选择 1你想招呼朋友们过来时,可以说:( )AHello, my friends.BCome here, friends.2你想介绍小白兔时,应该说:( )AIt has blue eyes and a long tail.BIt has red eyes and a short tail.3你想让别人猜大象时,可以说:( )AIts big. It has a long nose and a short tail.BIts big. It has a short nose and a long tail.4在动物园里,你想让朋友看那只猴子,应该说:( )ALook at that monkey!BLook that monkey!5当你想说:看着长颈鹿时,你会说:( )ALook at the giraffe.BLook at me!六,选出合适的单词填入横线上。 and tall nose cat picture1The giraffe is so _.2Look at my _.3A bear! Its short _ fat.4The elephant has a long _.5This is my _. Its fat.七,读一读并排序。(_) Wow! Its so tall! (_) Ha! Its short and fat!(_) Look at that giraffe. (_) A bear!八,请把下列单词组成一个通顺的句子。1.long ,I,have,arms,two .2.a,has,tail,short,It .3.has,It,body,long,a .4.It,small,a,has,head .九,阅读判断 Hi, Im Amy. I have four new friends. Look at that tall boy. Hes Mike. Look at that short boy. Hes Wu Yifan. Look at that beautiful woman. Shes Miss White. The thin man is Mr Jones.1Mike is tall. (_)2Wu Yifan is tall and fat. (_)3Miss White is thin. (_)4Amy has four new friends, a man, a woman, a boy and a girl. (_)十,阅读选择。 Hi, my name is Amy. It is a fine day today. My parents and I go to the zoo in the morning. There are so many animals. Look! Its a tiger. The tiger is running after a lion. There is a fox and a wolf. They are eating food. The small one is a monkey. It is so funny. The big one is a gorilla. What is it? Its so tall. Wow! A giraffe. I like the animals very much.1It is a _ day today. ( )AgoodBwellCbad2Amys parents and her go to the _. ( )AparkBschoolCzoo3The _ is running after a lion. ( )AfoxBmonkeyCtiger4A _ is so cute. ( )AwolfBmonkeyCgiraffe5Which animal is not mentioned(提到)? ( )ATiger.BZebra.CLion.听力材料一,1. The apple is big.2. The pencil is long. 3. My grandfather is so thin. 4. The boy has small eyes. 5. It has a long nose.二,1. children 2. so 3. short 4. fat 5. big三,1. Look at the cat. Its so small. I like it.2. Look at the elephant. Its so big. Its so tall. 3. The monkey is thin. 4. I have a pig. Its fat and short.四,1. It has a short tail.2. It has a long tail and big eyes.3. It has a big body.4. Wow! Its so tall.5. Look at the giraffe.听力答案一,1. A 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. A 二,1. A 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. A 三,1. B 2. B 3. B 4. A 四,F F T F T 笔试答案一,1-5 badec二,BBCAA三,BBCAA四,BABAA五,BBAAA六,tall;picture;and;nose;cat;七,2 4 1 3 八,1.I have two long arms.2.It has a short tail.3.It has a long body.4.It has a small head.九,TFFF十,ACCBB
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