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1、2021年北京中考英语完形填空赏析和解析完形填空是英语试题中最好的部分。除上海外,全国各地中高考完形填空大多为记叙文。北京中高考的完形填空也亦如此。且北京中考的完形填空是北京的压轴题,具有较大难度,故让很多同学们生畏。记叙文类完形填空大都遵循四要素:时间,空间,人际关系和叙事。做题方法以语境而定可分为:大语境,小语境,前语境,后语境,上下语境和暗语境等。理论来源于实践,并指导实践。咱们看看2021年北京中考的完形填空The Picture of Peace(原文第一部分)When Mike was seven,he knew his dream was to be a photographer

2、. He kept working on it for years. Recently,he was trying to take a picture of a sunset(日落) to enter the school _13_ competition. “Mom,it has been cloudy these days. I dont think I can get this picture! Mike complained. “Why not use one of your photos on the computer? suggested Mom. “I cant-the rule

3、s say the photos have to be taken with a traditional camera.We hand in a roll of film,it gets developed(冲洗胶卷),and we_14_one photo for the competition. ” “Why is a sunset so important? Mom asked. “The_15_of the competition is peace,” Mike explained,“and I feel most peaceful seeing a sunset.” Zach,his

4、 six-year-old brother came out of the bedroom.“Hey,you want to take a picture of me? Look! He put both arms over his head. “Not right now,” said Mike,laughing.赏析:此部分为文章的第一部分。时间为摄影作品拍摄之前。空间为家。人际关系是妈妈,Mike与弟弟Zach。该部分第一自然段,从时间角度看,既有大的时间表述,如He kept working on it for years,和his dream was to be a photogra

5、pher;又有小的时间表述,如Recently一词。正是recently这个词,把我们拉近到故事的前沿。至此,故事的帘幕徐徐升起。作者通过he was trying to take a picture of a sunset(日落) to enter the school _13_ competition来开启全文。也即,Mike正尝试着拍一幅日落的照片来参加学校的比赛。接下来便是妈妈和Mike之间的对话,对话的末尾插进弟弟和Mike寥寥几语的交流。而这些对话恰是对情节的补充,且为下文埋下伏笔。我们首先看看Mike的话语。他以抱怨的口气说出it has been cloudy these da

6、ys和I dont think I can get this picture!,原因在于he was trying to take a picture of a sunset(日落) to enter the school _13_ competition。通过接下来的对话“The topic of the competition is peace,”,且“and I feel most peaceful seeing a sunset.”,我们可知Mike的抱怨和焦虑原因所在。妈妈的话语只是起到穿针引线的作用。因为她不了解其中原委。妈妈的话语引出Mike交代此次摄影比赛的规则,即为,“I c

7、ant-the rules say the photos have to be taken with a traditional camera.We hand in a roll of film,it gets developed(冲洗胶卷),and we_14_one photo for the competition. ”。照片必须用传统相机拍摄,所交作品为一整卷胶片。冲洗之后,可以选取其中一张参赛。再看顽皮的弟弟的话语。“Hey,you want to take a picture of me? Look!”且有顽皮的动作,He put both arms over his head。而

8、Mike,满心装着his picture of a sunset,故敷衍地说到,“Not right now,”,现在不行。看到文章的结局,我们知道,恰恰是Mike对弟弟的一张不经意的抓拍,而非在等候若干天才找到机会精心拍下的日落,成了Mike的参赛作品。(原文第二部分)That very afternoon,Mike felt excited when he saw clear skies. He carefully lined up his shot(镜头) and waited_16_till the sun reached the ground. “Thats it! Perfect!

9、” he shouted cheerfully.赏析:本部分的时间为That very afternoon,空间为摄影所在地。事件为摄影。Mike的第一次转机,于That very afternoon,来了。看到晴朗的天空,Mike自然感到兴奋。故小心对好镜头,满怀期望地等候太阳接近地平线的那一伟大时刻。机会是等出来的。但等的时间越漫长,中间的过程越痛苦。由此回顾文章的第一部分,便可知Mike的抱怨之情。而当机会到来之时,便会发自内心地喊出,“Thats it! Perfect!” he shouted cheerfully。(原文第三部分)The next morning,Mike noti

10、ced he could take one more picture to complete the roll of film,so he walked into Zachs room. Zach was _17_quietly with a teddy bear under his arm. Mike didnt wake Zach up,and carefully took a picture of him.赏析:本部分时间为The next morning,空间为家,具体是Zachs room。事件为拍摄Zach的晨睡。好的文章多以跌宕为美。单一的线索难见精彩。该部分算是本文的另一条线索

11、。暗合了第一部分末尾两兄弟之间的简短交流。我们看看接下来所发生的,Mike noticed he could take one more picture to complete the roll of film。由此可知这多出来的一张胶片,恰是Mike用于满足弟弟的you want to take a picture of me?的要求。给弟弟Zach拍照属无心插柳的行为。此时的弟弟Zach尚在静静地酣睡当中,with a teddy bear under his arm。Mike didnt wake Zach up,and carefully took a picture of him,虽

12、是抓拍,但也carefully。亦如上一部分的He carefully lined up his shot。可知Mike不仅热爱摄影,更是细心之人。细微之处见真功。(原文第四部分)A week later,Mike got the photos.The sunset picture was the one he was most_18_to see. There it was! It was as nearly perfect as Mike had expected. Then,he looked through the other photos.Suddenly,he stopped.Hi

13、s eyebrows(眉毛) rose as he _19_the photo of Zach.He looked back at the photo of the sunset,which seemed less perfect now.He _20_the two choices.Finally,he decided to hand in the photo of Zach for the competition.赏析:该部分时间为A week later,地点未明,事件为最终选择弟弟晨睡的照片作为参赛作品。一周之后,照片出来了。The sunset picture was the one

14、 he was most eager to see,恰如Mike所期待的,It was as nearly perfect as Mike had expected。日落的照片几乎完美地达到自己的预期。正是在检查其他照片的时候,Suddenly,he stopped。Suddenly一词犹如蓦然回首之笔,把读者带到一个完全意想不到的境地。His eyebrows(眉毛) rose as he _19_the photo of Zach。这不就是那张无心插柳之作吗。再看之前那张接近完美的The sunset picture,而现在,seemed less perfect。毕竟是自己精心准备良久的

15、大作,故Mike weighed the two choices,权衡孰好孰更好是一定会有的过程。但最终Mike decided to hand in the photo of Zach for the competition。再回到第一部分,The topic of the competition is peace,再想一想Zach was sleeping quietly with a teddy bear under his arm。您会悟出Mike所选照片的理由。真是无心插柳柳成荫。也恰有蓦然回首,那人却在灯火阑珊处之感。至此,主线成了陪衬,暗线由陪衬转为意想不到,但又在情理之中的结局

16、。以下为解析:13. A. violin B. tennisC. photoD. chess解析:此题简单,线索贯穿全文。答案为C。14. A. choose B. collectC. describeD. design解析:此题属上下文逻辑题型。选A。对上交的一卷胶片加以冲洗,选出一张作为参赛作品。末尾自然段也有相关信息可供推理。15. A. prize B. topicC. resultD. purpose解析:此题答案选B。也即参赛作品的主题为安静,宁静。16. A. politely B. bravelyC. hopefullyD. secretly解析:此题选C。原文赏析中已做解析。

17、另外其他副词选项语义相差太远。17. A. playing B. readingC. writingD. sleeping解析:此题比较容易。答案选D。下文的Mike didnt wake Zach up为推理信息。18. A afraid B. eager C. surprisedD. confused解析:此题属心理描写推理题型。上下文判断为褒义语境,故答案排除A和D。毕竟是满含着期待而做出的作品,自然是Mike急切想见的。故选B。19. A. studied B. sharedC. copiedD. fixed解析:此题属上下文语境推理题。答案选A。理解为“研究”。fix有固定配,fix ones eyes on和fix ones attention on,两个词组都有“注视”,“凝视”的意思。但fix本身没有。20. A. changed B. offeredC. accepted D. weighed解析:此题答案选D。理解为“权衡”。原文赏析中已做分析。属于一词多义。


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