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1、 装 订 线 学校:年班:姓名:八年级英语试卷 第 1 页(共 10 页)八年级英语试卷 第 2 页(共 10 页)梅河口市梅河口市2021-20222021-2022学年度第一学期义务教育学校教学质量监测学年度第一学期义务教育学校教学质量监测八年级英语试卷八年级英语试卷题号一二三四五总分得分英语试题共 10 页,包括五道大题,共 96 道小题。全卷满分 120 分,考试时间 120 分钟。.情景反应根据听到的句子,选择恰当的应答语。 (5 分)1.A. With my family.B. To the mountains.C. By bus.2.A. On weekends.B. At 6:

2、00 a.m.C. Twice a day.3.A. Yes, I do.B. Yes, I did.C. I do.4.A. My teacher.B. An engineer.C. Walk Disney.5.A. I must go to the dentist.B. I have to prepare for an exam. C. Sure, Id love to.对话问答根据听到的对话及问题,选择正确答案。 (5 分)6.A. Jack.B. Alice.C. Mary.7.A. Its new.B. Its the newest and it has the biggest se

3、ats.C. It is big.8.A. Yes, he does.B. No, he doesnt.C. Therobotcanhelphim.9.A. One cup.B. Two cups.C. Three cups.10.A. Hell be late.B. Hell be happy.C. Hell be sad.图片理解看图听描述, 选择与听到的描述内容相符合的选项。 下列图中有一幅图片与描述内容无关。 (5 分)ABCEFDEF11._12. _13. _14. _ 15. _.对话理解听对话,选择最佳答案。 (5 分)听第一段对话,作答第 16-17 小题。16. Did L

4、ucy watch the singing competition yesterday?A. Yes, she did.B. No, she didnt.C. She is busy.17. Who won the first prize?A. Lucy.B. BobC. Dennis.听第二段对话,作答第 18-20 小题。18. Where are they going?A. Changchun.B. The bus station.C. The City Library.19. How do they get there?A. By bus.B. On foot.C. By subway

5、.20. When did the man move to Changchun?A. Last week.B. Next week.C. Today.V.短文理解根据听到的短文内容,选择最佳答案。 (5 分)21. Who did Sandy go to the Great Wall with?A. Her family.B. Her friends.C. Jimmy.22. How was the weather that day?A. Hot and sunny.B. Cold and windy.C. Hot and windy.23. Where is Jimmy from?A. Ch

6、ina.B.America.C. England.24. Why did Jimmy ask for help?A. Because he couldnt speak English.B. Because he couldnt speak Chinese.C. Because he wanted to practice Chinese.25. What is Jimmy interested in?A. Chinese culture.B. Chinese food.C. The history of China.VI.短文理解根据你所听到的短文内容,判断下列各句正(T)、误(F)。(5 分)

7、26.Alan is a student in a middle school and he wants to be a scientist.27. Alan often helps his classmates with their study and also does housework with his parentsat home.28. In his free time, Alan only goes to the movies with his friends.29. On weekends, Alan doesnt go to any after-school classes.

8、 He would like to spend moretime reading and drawing.30. Last weekend,Alans family went to the Childrens Hospital.得分一、听力(30 分) 装 订 线 八年级英语试卷 第 3 页(共 10 页)八年级英语试卷 第 4 页(共 10 页)VII.句意填词根据所给句子,填入一个适当的单词,使句意完整。 (5 分)31. If you want more, please call the center at 334-556.32. We all know that nothing is

9、_ if you put your heart into it.33. You shouldnt take the magic show too _ because its not true.34. Worries and problems are normal in life. Never keep them to, or you willfeel much worse.35. Robots will rule(统治) the future world. No, I cant _ with you. Humans are always the owners of the earth.VIII

10、.单项选择从每小题所给的三个选项中,选出一个正确的答案。 (10 分)36. The Great Wall is one ofmost fantastic wonders in the world.A./B. theC. aD. an37. Tara studies much _ than her sister.A. carefullyB. carefulC. more carefulD. more carefully38. Our teachers help tothe best in us.A. come outB. reach forC. turn downD. bring out39.

11、 If it _ tomorrow, we will go to the park for relaxation.A. didnt rainB. wont rainC. dont rainD. doesnt rain40. Although most of the students liked to play sports,they had no more time to dothat before “double reduction” policy( “双减”政策)came out.A. /B. orC. soD. but41. The most important thing is to

12、learnand have fun.A. anything newB. something newC. new anythingD. new something42. _ do you visit your grandparents, Jim? Maybe twice a month.A. How longB. How farC. How muchD. How often43. Where do you planfor your winter holiday? Ill go to France.A. GoB. goingC. to goD. went44. There _ a country

13、music concert this Saturday evening in Changying Music Hall.Yeah. Exciting news!A. will haveB. is going to beC. is going to haveD. are going to have45. What do you think of talk shows?_ Theyre so boring.A. I cant stand them.B. I dont mind them.C. I love them.D. I think so.IX.完成对话从文后选择正确选项,其中有一个选项与对话

14、内容无关。 (5 分)Paul: Hello, Tina. I m doing a survey of healthy habits.46?Tina: Sure. Go ahead!Paul:What do you usually do on weekends?Tina: Sometimes I go shopping with my friends and sometimes I do some exercise.Paul: Then47?Tina: Never. I usually watch my favorite show for an hour after finishing my

15、homework.Paul:48?Tina: No. Though it is delicious, its bad for my health. I just eat healthy food. I eat fruit andvegetables every day and I always drink a glass of milk before going to sleep every night.Paul: Wow,49. By the way, would you like to go to the movies withme this afternoon?Tina: Sure,50

16、.A. you really have healthy eating habitsB. Id love toC. Can you give me your answers to some questionsD. thats too badE. Do you often eat junk foodF. do you usually stay up late to watch TVX.补全对话根据所给对话,填写适当的内容,使其完整、正确。每空词数不限。 (10 分)Bruce:Hi, Kate! How was your National Day(国庆节)holiday?Kate: Oh, it

17、was pretty good.Bruce:51. _?Kate: I went to Changbai Mountain(长白山)with my parents.Bruce:How do you like Changbai Mountain?Kate: Well, there is nowhere more beautiful than Changbai Mountain. I like it very much.Bruce:52._ did you stay there?Kate:We stayed there for five days.We also visited many wond

18、erful 53._.得分二、基础知识(共 15 分)得分三、交际运用(共 15 分) 装 订 线 学校:年班:姓名:八年级英语试卷 第 5 页(共 10 页)八年级英语试卷 第 6 页(共 10 页)Bruce:Which is your 54._ place?Kate: I like Tianchi Lake best.When I was there, I lost myself in the beautiful scenery(景色).Bruce:What interesting things did you do there?Kate: Lots of things, such as

19、 mountain climbing, boating, and fishing. However, boiling (煮)eggs in the hot spring is the most interesting one.Bruce: Oh, 55._? I cant wait to go there.XI.短文填空从方框中选择正确选项,完成短文。其中有两个选项是多余的。 (10 分)A. buyB. headC. smallD. butE. walkF. enoughG. andH. backI. ofJ. smallerK. neverL. boyA farmer had some l

20、ittle dogs to sell. As he was putting up an advertisement(广告) onthe fence(篱笆) of his yard(院子), a _56_ happened to pass by.“I want to _57_ one of your dogs, sir .”“Well,”said the farmer, “these dogs come from fine parents _58_ cost a lot ofmoney.”The boy dropped(低下) his _59_ for a moment. Then he rea

21、ched deep into hispocket (衣兜)and pulled out some change.“I ve got thirty-nine cents(美分). Is that _60_to take a look? ”“Sure.”said the farmer.And with that he let out a whistle(口哨),“Here, Dolly!”Dolly ran out_61_ the doghouse followed by four little dogs. The boys eyesdanced with joy.As the dogs made

22、 their way to the fence, the little boy noticed(注意到) somethingelse moving inside the doghouse. Slowly another little dog appeared(出现). This one much_62_ . It was doing its best to look out.“I want that one.” The little boy said.The farmer said, “Son, dont want that dog. He will _63_ be able to run a

23、nd playwith you like the other dogs would.”The boy rolled up(卷起) one leg of his pants and showed a steel(钢) leg. Looking_64_ up at the farmer, he said,“You see, sir, I don t _65_ too well myself, and he willneed someone who understands.”XII.阅读理解(35 分)(A)Im Gina. I want to be a musician when I grow u

24、p. Im going to learn to play the piano carefully.Books about music are going to be my friends. I dream of playing the piano in many countries, so Imgoing to learn different languages. I think I will be famous and people will love me.Im Tom. Both my parents are doctors and I would like to be like the

25、m when I grow up. However, Idont want to work in a hospital. I hope to have my own clinic(诊所). Many people are too poor tosee a doctor, so Id like to give them a hand for free.Im Dale. My friends say I can always make them laugh. Im happy for that and Im going to keepdoing this in the future. When I

26、 grow up, I want to be a famous magician. Im going to learn somesimple tricks(戏法)from now on. I dream of having a TV show one day. Then people around thecountry can enjoy my shows.Im Linda. In order to make my dream come true, Im going to study education at university. In myeyes, making a difference

27、 to someones life is cool. Whats more, working with children is neverboring. Kids can always speak their minds, and that can make the workday much more interesting.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。 (5 分)66. How is Gina going to make her dream come true ?a. To learn to play the pianob. To start her own music school.c.

28、To read books about musicd. To learn different languagesA. a c dB. a b cC. b c dD. a b d67. What does Toms mother do?A.AmusicianB.AdoctorC.A magicianD. Ateacher68. What is Dales dream?A. To have a university.B. To have a piano.C. To have a TV show.D. To have a country.69. What does Linda want to be

29、when she grows up?A.AcookB.An engineerC.ApilotD. Ateacher70. Which of the following is TRUE?A. Gina thinks its hard for her to make others enjoy her music.B. Tom doesnt want to work in a hospital when he grows up.C. Dale plans to play the piano when he grows up.D. Linda doesnt like to work with adul

30、ts (成人).( B )Someone I admire (崇拜) is my cousin Sandy. Shes five years older than me, so sheis 19 now and she lives in Bristol. Shes very friendly and confident. She has long brown hairand blue eyes. She s thin but healthy. She likes modern dance very much. She began dancing得分四、阅读(共 45 分) 装 订 线 八年级英

31、语试卷 第 7 页(共 10 页)八年级英语试卷 第 8 页(共 10 页)when she was six years old and she still trains every day at the dancing center now. She wantsto be a professional (专业的) dancer. She often dances in shows and I often watch herperformances when Im free.Sandy is very busy because she is also a university student

32、now. Shes a really goodphotographer(摄影师) and she often takes lots of photos of me and my family. She won manyprizes because of her photos. Last year, one of her photos was on exhibition(展览) at an artgallery(美术馆) in London.Shes still trying to learn German because she wants to go to Germany next year

33、 totake a photography course(课程). I think Sandy is very hard-working and I hope she canbecome a professional photographer one day.根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F) 。 (5分)71. The writer is 24 years old now.72. Sandys dream is to be a professional singer.73. Sandy won many prizes because of her photos.74. Sandy is ve

34、ry busy and hard-working.75. Sandy wants to study in Germany next year.(C)I often hear some students say that English is difficult, and it gives them a headache sothey cant learn it well. But English is very easy for me. _76_ . Im very glad to tell yousomething about how I study English._77_ . When

35、I started Grade 3 in primary school, we had a newsubject-English. I was interested in it, so I worked hard at it. Soon we had an English examand I got a very good mark. How happy I was! _78_ . Second, I think English is aforeign language. I should learn it well in the following way: _79_ , speak bra

36、vely, readaloud and learn more words and phrases whenever I can. Then practice again and again andmake the process(过程) interesting. _80_:Whenever I have a question, I must make itclear by asking our English teacher. How happy I am when I understand!根据短文内容,从下面选项中选择恰当的选项填入文中空白处,使短文内容完整、通顺。每个选项只能用一次。A.

37、 I also have a good habitB. Im good at itC. After that, I learned English harder and harderD. Listen to the teacher carefullyE. First, interest in English is very important(D)In real life, most people seem confident(自信的). But when they cant have thingsthey want, they are upset and lose themselves. D

38、o you want to learn how to be yourself? Hereare some suggestions(建议).81._Appreciate (欣赏)what you have done. Everyone has different talents which can helpto make the world become a better one. Remember you dont need to satisfy(使满意)everyone. No matter what others think of you, just be yourself.82._Alw

39、ays make friends with people who are willing to make you feel better aboutyourself. Good friends neither(既不) talk about how great they are nor(也不) praise(表扬) you a lot. They enjoy being with you, not because you are like them, but because you areyourself.83._Taking an active part in your team activi

40、ties can make you feel good in the team. If youjoin in your team activities actively, youll feel that you are important in your team and it canimprove you as much as possible.84._The values(价值) of your family are to give you what you really need. Maybe theycant help when you have small problems. But

41、 you can learn how to depend on(依靠)yourself. When you meet big problems, your family will always be with you.85._Holding on to your dream can make you braver and stronger. On the way of achievingyour dream, youll know who you are and what you want. Even though you cant achieve(实现) it, youll find you

42、 are better and you can still live a normal life.In a word, you are the only. Accept ( 接 受 )yourself and be yourself. Beingunsuccessful doesnt mean youre not good enough. You just need a long way to go.(a)根据短文内容,从文后选项中选出每段的主旨大意,把选项填入文中空白处。 (5 分)A. Think about your familyB. Hold on to your dreamC. Ma

43、ke good friendsD. Be kind to yourselfE. Try to be active in your team(b)根据短文内容,补全下面的语段。每空填一词。 (5 分)In real life, when most people cant have things they want, they are upset and losethemselves. Do you want to _86_ how to be yourself? Here are some suggestions.First, no matter what others think of you

44、, just be yourself. Second, always make 装 订 线 学校:年班:姓名:八年级英语试卷 第 9 页(共 10 页)八年级英语试卷 第 10 页(共 10 页)_87_ with people who are willing to make you feel better about yourself. Third, join inyour team activities actively, youll feel that you are _88_ in your team and it canimprove you as much as possible.

45、 Fourth, when you meet big problems, your family willalways be _89_ you. And _90_, holding on to your dream can make you braverand stronger.All in all, you are the only. Accept yourself and be yourself. You need a long way togo.(E)Nearly every parent says that we never grow up. In fact, we are maybe

46、 16 or 17 yearsold. In their eyes, we are always little ones and always do wrong things. For example, when Ineed to stay at home alone, they always worry about me and my life without them.Most parents always think that they have offered(给予) the best things they can tomake their children live in a co

47、mfortable world. They buy their children pretty clothes, coolshoes, strange but expensive school things, and always a thousand-yuan-cost bike. They thinkthat they have done everything they can to their dear little children. In return, they only wanttheir little boy or girl to give them good results

48、in the exams.But why can their little babies still not understand them? Does it mean that they stillwant more material(物质的) things? No.As a matter of fact(事实上), what they want isa true family. What does a true family mean? I think it means a place where we can hideourselves from the outside cold wor

49、ld. From here, we can get warmth, we can getconsolation(安慰), and we can get happiness. And one important thing is that we should bestronger and more confident in the outside world because we know that we have a family.So I think that parents should save their money and sit down to talk with their ch

50、ild tolet them know that they have a true family, so the child and his parents could understand eachother more and more. Then, no boy will be regarded as(被看作) a little boy.根据短文内容,回答下列问题。(10 分)91. Why do parents say that we never grow up?92. What do parents expect all of us when they give us so much?


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