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1、初高中英语语法衔接练习(附答案)1. You should have thanked the hostess before leaving. I meant _ . But I couldn t find her when I was leaving.A. to do B. to C. doing D. doing so2.Only after talking to two students _ that having strong motivation is one of thebiggestfactors in reaching goals.A. I did discover B. did

2、 I discover C. I discovered D. discovered3. Some animals carry seeds from one place to another, _ plants can spread to new places.A. so B. or C. for D. but4. _ He was to be clever but dishonest.A. thought as B. thinking C. think D. thought5. LeaVe your key With your neighbo _you IOCk yourself Out On

3、e day.A. as long as B. even though C. in case D. as if6. _ in a long queue, We Waited for the store to open to buy a NeW iPad.A. Standing B. To stand C. Stood D. Stand7. Would you please keep silent? The Weather report _ and I Want to listen.A. is broadCast B. is being broadCastC. has been broadCast

4、 D. had been broadCast8. _ With Care, one tin Will last for six Weeks.A. Use B. Using C. Used D. To use9. You Will neVer gain suCCess _ you are fully deVoted to your Work.A. When B. beCause C. after D. unless10. If We _ noW to proteCt the enVironment, Well liVe to regret it.A. hadnt aCted B. haVent

5、aCted C. dont aCt D. Wont aCt11. I dont remember _ Mr Lee bought for his Wife.A. What B. Who C. hoW D. WhiCh12. He is so busy. He Cannot afford enough time With his son _ he Wants to.A. eVen if B. as if C. beCause D. before13. As Jack left his membership card at home, he wasnt allowed _ into the spo

6、rts club.A. going B. to go C. go D. gone14. _ Not only a promise, but he also kept it.A. had he made B. he had made C. did he make D. he makes15. The students are looking forward to having an opportunity society for real-lifeexperience.A. explore B. to explore C. exploring D. explored16. _ There is

7、little doubt her advice is of greater value to us.A. that B. whether C. why D. it17. _ You were brave enough to raise objection at the meeting. Well, now I regret _ that.A. to do B. to be doing C. to have done D. having done18. HUrry up! Mark and Carol_ us.A. expect B. are expecting C. have expected

8、 D. will expect19. Before driving into the city, you are required to get your car .A. washed B. wash C. washing D. to wash20. In the near future, more advances in the robot technology _ by science.A. are making B. are made C. will make D. will be made21. SuSan Wanted to be independent Of her Parents

9、. She tried alone,but she didnt like it and moved back home.A. living B. to live C. to be living D. having lived22. Another primary school is reported _ for children in Wen Chuan noW.A. to have been built B. to have built C. being built D. to be building23. Dad, Ive finishemd y assignmentGood, and _

10、 you play or Watch TV, you mustn t disturb meA. Whenever B. Whether C. Whatever D. no matter24. It looked _ it Was going to snoW.A. as if B. if C. as D. Whether25. The belief _ man can conquer nature encouraged themThey managed to get the fire_ .A. that;under control B. that;beyond controlC. ;under

11、control D. ; beyond control26. She says that she ll have to close the shop _ business improves.A. if B. Unl ess C. after D. Whe n27. The reason _ the two COun tries CannOt make PrOgreSS in the trade talks is _ theydisagreed With each other On some thin gs.A. why; that B. why; because C. that; becaus

12、e D. that; What28. Gran dma poin ted to the hospital and said, Thats _ I WaS born.A. Whe n B. how C. Why D. Where29. _ you Said at the meet ing describes a bright future for the compa ny.A. When B. How C. What D. That30. Its quite hot today. Do you feel like _ for a swim?A. to go B. going C. go D. h

13、av ing gone31. My mom SUggeStS that We _ eat out for a Change this Weekend.A. should B. might C. could D. would32. _ that the South AfriCa n Writer Joh n COetZee won the Nobel PriZe in LiteratUre for2003.A. They re reported B. He S reported C. We re reported D. It S reported33. It is the third time

14、that She has won the race, _ has SUrPriSed US all.A. that B. Where C. WhiCh D. What34. HiS first book _n ext month is based on a true story.A. PUbIiShed B. to be PUbIiShed C. to PUbIiSh D. being PUbIiShed35. Well have a PiCnic in the Park this SUnday it rains or its Very cold.A. SinCe B. if C. Unl e

15、ss D. Un til36. I dont become a SeriOUS CIimber Until the fifth grade, _I Went UP to rescue a kite thatWaSStUCk in the bran CheS of a tree.A. Whe n B. Where C. WhiCh D. Why37. It does nt matter _ you Pay by CaSh or Credit Card in this store.A. how B. Whether C. What D. Why38. She looks forward every

16、 SPri ng to _ the flowerl ined garde n.A. ViSit B. Pay ing a ViSit C. walk in D. walki ng inA. if B. Unl ess C. after D. Whe n39. We _ back in the hotel now if you didn t lose the map.A. are B. Were C. will be D. would be40. _ an important decision more on emotion than on reason, you will regret it

17、sooner orlater.A. BaSed B. BaS ing C. BaSe D. TO base t go OUtSide_fully COVered in thick clothes.41.lt is so cold that you CanA. if B. Unl ess C. once D. Whe n42. _ is announCed is todays China Daily, the China EXPOrt Commodities Fair is alsoopenon Sun days.A. WhiCh B. What C. AS D. That43. _a fine

18、 day, they Went to tow n.A. Being B. It bei ng C. To be D. It WaS44. The ChiIdre n, _ had PIayed the whole day long, Were worn out.A. all of What B. all of WhiCh C. all of them D. all of whom45. Coach, Can I continue With training?Sorry, you Can t _ you haven t recovered from the knee injury.A. Un t

19、il B. before C. as D. Unl ess46. Film has a much ShOrter history, especially When SUCh art forms as music and Painting.A. hav ing COmPared to B. COmPari ng toC. COmPare to D. COmPared to47. I have always bee n hon est and straightforward, and it does nt matter rm talk ing to.A. who is it B. who it i

20、s C. it is who D. it is whom48. Because of the finan cial crisis, days are gone _local 5-star hotels Charged 6,000 yua nforone ni ght.A. if B. Whe n C. WhiCh D. SinCe49. It WaS a Pity that the great Writer died _ his works Unfini shed.A. for B. With C. from D. of50. Try to avoid SUCh things _ will d

21、o you harm, Unl ess you don t Care about the rumorsfromall directi ons.A. that B. as C. Whe n D. WhereA. to be reported B. report ing C. to report D. hav ing reported51. Why not buy a CheaPer one, _ you don t have eno Ugh mon ey?A. SinCe B. because C. for D. though52. DaVid threate ned_ his n eighbo

22、r to the police if the damages Were not paid.A. to be reported B. report ing C. to report D. hav ing reported53. The famous actor Came Out Of the theatre, With a great many Of his lovers_A. follow B. to follow C. followed D. follow ing54. My SiSter likes_ but She does nt like _ this after noon.A. SW

23、immi ng; to SWim B. to swim; SWimmi ngC. SWimmi ng; to SWimmi ng D. swim; SWimmi ng55. The room,_ face south , is the bedroom of his.A whose B. whose Wi ndow C. WhiCh D. the Wi ndows of WhiCh56. The book tells StOrieS of the earthquake through the eyes of those_ lives Were affected.A. whose B. that

24、C. who D. WhiCh57. The reas on_ Malcolm did nt StUdy art WaS _ his father did nt Want him to.A. for; because B. why; because C. why; that D. of; WhiCh58. Can you make SUre_ the gold ring?A. Where Alice had PUt B. Where had Alice PUtC. Where Alice has PUt D. Where has Alice PUt59. Roses n eed SPeCiaI

25、 Care_ they Can live through WinterA. because B. so that C. eve n if D. as60. _ regular exercise is Very important Its never a good idea to exercise too close tobedtimeA. If B. AS C. Although D. U nl ess61. _ so busy, She would come to help you.A. Should my daughter B. WaS my daughter notC. If my da

26、ughter Were not D. If my daughter isn t62. Mrs.White ShOWed her StUde nts some old maps_ from the library.A. to borrow B. to be borrowed C. borrowed D. borrow ing63. We are in Vited to a Party_ in our club n ext Friday.A. to be held B. held C. bei ng held D. holdi ng64. It WaS John who broke the Win

27、dow. Why are you talking to me as if I_ it?A. had done B. have done C. did D. am doing65. The n ext thi ng he SaW WaS smoke_ from beh ind the house.A. rose B. rising C. to rise D. rise n66. GeOrge is going to talk about the geography of his country, but Id rather he more on itsculture.A. focus B. fo

28、cused C. would focus D. had focused67. If We_ adequate PreParati ons, the COnferenCe would nt have bee n so successful.A. haven t mad B. wouldn t makeC. didn t makeD. hadn t made68. OneCan always man age to do more thi ngs, no matter full on es SChedUIe is in life.A. how B. What C. Whe n D. Where69.

29、 Whe never I met her,_WaS fairly often, She greeted me With a SWeet smile.A. who B. WhiCh C. Whe n D. that70. EVerythi ng WaS PIaCed exactly_ he Wan ted it for the graduatio n Cerem ony.A. while B. Whe n C . Where D. though71. It WaS only on the Way back home that_ he WaS Cheated by the girl.A. he r

30、ealized B. did he realize C. he WaS realizing D. realized he72 _ all of them are StrOng Can didates, only one will be chose n for the post.A. Si nce B. While C. If D. AS73. In no other Way_A. the matter Can expla in B . the matter Can be explained C. Can the matter expla in74. The school shop,_ CUSt

31、OmerS are mai nly StUde nts, is closed for the holidays.A. WhiCh B. whose C. Whe n D. Where75. _ the StUde nts Came from differe nt coun tries, they got along quite well in the SUmmercamp.A. While B. U nl ess C. Si nce D. U ntil76. I took my driv ing lice nse With me on holiday, I Wan ted to hire a

32、car.A. in CaSe B. eve n if C. ever SinCe D. if only77. I WaS born in NeW Orlea ns, LOUiSia na, a City_ n ame will Create a PiCtUre of beautifultreesand gree n grass in our mind.A. WhiCh B. of WhiCh C. that D. whose78._ you are SUPPOSed to do _you dont like a thing is to Cha nge it. Dont compla in.A.

33、 That; What B. When, that C. What, SinCe D. What, Whe n79.It is a truly delightful place, _ looks the Same as it must have done 100 years ago With itsWi ndi ng StreetS and Pretty cottages.A. as B. Where C. that D. WhiCh80. I hate_ Whe n people talk With their mouths full.A. it B. that C. these D. th

34、em81. Cathy had quit her job Whe n her SOn WaS born_ She could Stay home and raise her family.A. now that B. as if C. only if D. so that82. WaS it because JaCk Came late for school_Mr. Smith got an gry?A. Why B. who C. Where D. that83.1 _through that bitter PeriOd WithOUt your gen erous help.A. coul

35、dn t have gorBfe didn t gC. wouldn o D. hadn t gone84. He decided to PUt th _glass on top of the wall to stop boy_over it.A. broken; climbing B. breaking; climbingC. broken; to climb D. breaking; to climb85. ReCe ntly a SUrVey_ PriCeS of the Same goods in two differe nt SUPermarketS has CaUSedheated

36、 debate among CitiZe ns.A. COmPared B. COmPari ng C. COmPareS D. being COmPared86. You should run the mach ine_ the WOrkerS has show n you.A. as B. and C. but D. so87. I would n ever come to this restaura nt aga in. The food is terrible!A. Nor am I B. Neither would I C. Same With me D. So do I88. _

37、Warm at night, I would fill the wood stove, then Set my alarm clock for midnight soIcould refill it.A. Stayi ng B. Stayed C. To Stay D. Stay89. If We_ a table earlier, We couldn t be Standing here in a queue.A. have booked B. booked C. book D. had booked90. One reas on for her Prefere nce for City l

38、ife is She Can have easy access to PIaCeS likeshopsand restaura nts.A. that B. how C. What D. WhyC. will reach D. will have reached91. Despite the PreViOUS rounds of talks, no agreement_ so far by the two sides.A. has bee n reached B. WaS reached92. They WentOn Well at first but eve ntually everyth

39、ing_ they had WOrried about happe ned.A. WhiCh B. What C. that D. Whe n93. Joh n plays football_ , if not better tha n David.A. as well B. as well as C. so well D. so well as94. My father comes home before dinner every day, _ there is SOmeth ing importa nt to do inhisoffice.A. Whe n B. as C. Unl ess

40、 D. Un til95.It is lucky We booked a room, or We _ no Where to Stay now.A. had B. had had C. would have D. would have had96. Did you remember to give Mary the money you owed her?Yes, I gave it to her _I SaW her.A. while B. the mome nt C. SUdde nly D. once97.If you SWim in a river or lake, be SUre to

41、 inVeStigate is below the Water surface. Oftenthereare rocks or bran CheS hidde n in the water.A. What B. who C. that D. WhOeVer98. I dont believe weve met before,_ I must Say you do look familiar.A. therefore B. although C. SinCe D. Unl ess99. _ a Sin gle word Can Cha nge the meaning of a Senten ce

42、, a Sin gle SentenCeCan Cha ngethemeaning of a paragraph.A. JUSt as B. EVe n though C. U ntil D . Un IeSS100. The villagers have already know_ well do is to rebuild the bridge.A. this B. that C. What D. WhiCh参考答案:1-5BBADC 6-10ABCDC 11-15AABCB 16-20ADBAD 21-25AABAA 26-30BADCB 31-35ABCBC 36-40ABDDB 41-45BCBDC46-50DBBBB 51-55ACDAD 56-60ACCBC 61-65CCAAB 66-70BDABC 71-75ADDBA 76-80ADDDA 81-85DDAAB 86-90ABCDA 91-95ACBCC 96-100BABAC


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