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1、-A Brief History of English Literature-(1770 1850)William Wordsworth was a major English Romantic poet who,with Samuel Taylor Coleridge,helped to launch the Romantic Age in English literature with their joint publication Lyrical Ballads(1798).抒情歌谣集抒情歌谣集(1770 1850)William Wordsworth was a major figur

2、e of the Lake Poets(湖畔诗人湖畔诗人).The Lake Poets were a group of English poets who all lived in the Lake District of England at the turn of the nineteenth century.As a group,they followed no single school of thought or literary practice then known.They were named,only to be uniformly disparaged,by the E

3、dinburgh Review.They are considered part of the Romantic Movement.The three main figures of the Lakes School were William Wordsworth,Samuel Taylor Coleridge(柯柯勒律治勒律治),and Robert Southey(骚塞骚塞).(1770 1850)He became Englands poet laureate in 1843,a role he held until his death in 1850.Poet laureate(桂冠诗

4、人桂冠诗人)1:a poet appointed for life by an English sovereign as a member of the royal household and formerly expected to compose poems for court and national occasions2:one regarded by a country or region as its most eminent or representative poet(1770 1850)He was a poet of nature.Like other Romantics,

5、his personality and poetry were deeply influenced by his love of nature,especially by the sights and scenes of the Lake District,in which he spent most of his life.Wordsworth also showed his affinity for nature with the famous poem I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud.-威廉威廉华兹华斯与柯尔律治(华兹华斯与柯尔律治(Samuel Taylor

6、Samuel Taylor ColeridgeColeridge)、骚塞()、骚塞(Robert SoutheyRobert Southey)同被称为)同被称为“湖畔派湖畔派”诗人(诗人(Lake PoetsLake Poets)。他们也是英国文)。他们也是英国文学中最早出现的浪漫主义作家。喜爱大自然,远离学中最早出现的浪漫主义作家。喜爱大自然,远离城市,隐居在昆布兰湖区和格拉斯米尔湖区,由此城市,隐居在昆布兰湖区和格拉斯米尔湖区,由此得名得名“湖畔派湖畔派”。华兹华斯诗歌成就是突出的,不华兹华斯诗歌成就是突出的,不愧为继莎士比亚、弥尔顿之后的一代大家。愧为继莎士比亚、弥尔顿之后的一代大家。-

7、The most famous poem in the English language wasThe most famous poem in the English language was composed in 1804,two years after Wordsworth saw composed in 1804,two years after Wordsworth saw the flowers while walking by Ullswater on a stormy the flowers while walking by Ullswater on a stormy day w

8、ith Dorothy,his sister.His inspiration for the day with Dorothy,his sister.His inspiration for the poem came from an account written by Dorothy.poem came from an account written by Dorothy.-In her journal entry for 15 April 1802 she describes how the daffodils tossed and reeled and danced,and seemed

9、 as if they verily laughed with the wind,that blew upon them over the lake.-The inspiration for the poem came from a walk The inspiration for the poem came from a walk Wordsworth took with his sister Dorothy in theLake Wordsworth took with his sister Dorothy in theLake District.He would draw on this

10、 to compose District.He would draw on this to compose I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud in 1804,inspired byI Wandered Lonely as a Cloud in 1804,inspired by Dorothys journal entry describing the walk.Dorothys journal entry describing the walk.-I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud,commonly known I Wandered Lonely

11、as a Cloud,commonly known as Daffodils,is one of the most famous poem in as Daffodils,is one of the most famous poem in the English language and it is considered a classic the English language and it is considered a classic of English romantic poetry.Wordsworth was inspired of English romantic poetr

12、y.Wordsworth was inspired to write the poem on encountering a long belt of to write the poem on encountering a long belt of Daffodils while taking a walk with his sister Dorothy.Daffodils while taking a walk with his sister Dorothy.-Daffodils simply tells about the poet discovering Daffodils simply

13、tells about the poet discovering a field of the beautiful flowers while wandering.a field of the beautiful flowers while wandering.It came fifth in a poll conducted by BBC titled It came fifth in a poll conducted by BBC titled“Nations Favourite Poems”.“Nations Favourite Poems”.-In the poem,The Daffo

14、dils the poet William In the poem,The Daffodils the poet William Wordsworth has described how he once came Wordsworth has described how he once came across numerous daffodils rocking in the breeze.across numerous daffodils rocking in the breeze.The beauty of the daffodils enthralled the poet andThe

15、beauty of the daffodils enthralled the poet and became a treasured experience for him.became a treasured experience for him.-This poem contains vivid imagery and reflects theThis poem contains vivid imagery and reflects the pleasure the poet felt at the sight of the daffodils.pleasure the poet felt

16、at the sight of the daffodils.The poem is divided into four stanzas.The poem is divided into four stanzas.-I wandered lonely as a Cloud has a fairly simple I wandered lonely as a Cloud has a fairly simple form that fits its simple and folksy theme and form that fits its simple and folksy theme and l

17、anguage.language.It consists of four stanzas with six lines each,for a It consists of four stanzas with six lines each,for a total of 24 lines.total of 24 lines.-I wandered lonely as a cloudThat floats on high oer vales and hills,When all at once I saw a crowd,A host,of golden daffodils;Beside the l

18、ake,beneath the trees,Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.我独自漫游像一朵浮云,我独自漫游像一朵浮云,高高地漂浮在山与谷之上,高高地漂浮在山与谷之上,突然我看见一簇簇一群群突然我看见一簇簇一群群金色的水仙在开放:金色的水仙在开放:靠湖边,在树下,靠湖边,在树下,随风起舞乐开花。随风起舞乐开花。.oer:over.host:a crowd,a large number ofsimilepersonification-The poet has compared himself to a floating cloud The poet ha

19、s compared himself to a floating cloud passing over hills and valleys.He was on a stroll passing over hills and valleys.He was on a stroll through the countryside when he suddenly came through the countryside when he suddenly came across countless yellow daffodils.These daffodils across countless ye

20、llow daffodils.These daffodils were beside a lake under trees.The flowing breeze were beside a lake under trees.The flowing breeze made the daffodils flutter and it seemed as if they made the daffodils flutter and it seemed as if they were dancing.were dancing.-Continuous as the stars that shine And

21、 twinkle on the milky way,They stretched in never-ending lineAlong the margin of a bay:Ten thousand saw I at a glance,Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.它们连绵不断,像银河中它们连绵不断,像银河中的群星闪烁、眨眼,的群星闪烁、眨眼,它们展延无限成远景它们展延无限成远景沿着湖湾的边沿:沿着湖湾的边沿:一瞥眼我看见成千上万,一瞥眼我看见成千上万,它们欢快摇首舞翩翩。它们欢快摇首舞翩翩。similepersonification-To Wi

22、lliam Wordsworth,the daffodils appeared to To William Wordsworth,the daffodils appeared to be as continuous as the twinkling stars on the be as continuous as the twinkling stars on the Milky Way galaxy.They were arrayed in a seeminglyMilky Way galaxy.They were arrayed in a seemingly unending line al

23、ong the bank of the adjacent bay.unending line along the bank of the adjacent bay.To the poet,it seemed as if ten thousand daffodilsTo the poet,it seemed as if ten thousand daffodils were bobbing in the gentle breeze and he imagined were bobbing in the gentle breeze and he imagined them to be engage

24、d in a lively dance.them to be engaged in a lively dance.-The waves beside them danced;Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:A poet could not but be gay,In such a jocund company:I gazed-and gazed-but little thoughtWhat wealth the show to me had brought 近旁的波浪跳着舞;但水仙近旁的波浪跳着舞;但水仙欢快的舞姿远远胜过闪光的波涛;欢快的舞姿远远胜过闪

25、光的波涛;有这样欢快的侣伴,有这样欢快的侣伴,诗人怎能不心花怒放?诗人怎能不心花怒放?我凝视着我凝视着凝视着凝视着当时并未领悟当时并未领悟这景象给我带来的是何等财富:这景象给我带来的是何等财富:-There were waves on the surface of the lake,but There were waves on the surface of the lake,but these waves of water were no match for the waves these waves of water were no match for the waves of daffo

26、dils rippling in the breeze.Wordsworth hasof daffodils rippling in the breeze.Wordsworth has remarked that a poet can feel nothing but happiness remarked that a poet can feel nothing but happiness in that kind of cheerful company.Although he beheldin that kind of cheerful company.Although he beheld

27、the beautiful sight for a long time,he did not the beautiful sight for a long time,he did not understand the true value of that beautiful experienceunderstand the true value of that beautiful experience just then.just then.-For oft,when on my couch I lieIn vacant or in pensive mood,They flash upon t

28、hat inward eyeWhich is the bliss of solitude;And then my heart with pleasure fills,And dances with the daffodils.oft:often常常是,当我独卧榻上,常常是,当我独卧榻上,或是沉思,或是茫然,或是沉思,或是茫然,它们在我心田闪光它们在我心田闪光这是我独处时的欢乐无限;这是我独处时的欢乐无限;我的心就充满快乐,我的心就充满快乐,随着那些水仙起舞婀娜。随着那些水仙起舞婀娜。-Whenever the poet is in low spirits,the sight of the Wh

29、enever the poet is in low spirits,the sight of the daffodils flashes in his mind.His heart fills with joydaffodils flashes in his mind.His heart fills with joy and happiness and it seems to him as if his heart is and happiness and it seems to him as if his heart is dancing with the daffodils.dancing

30、 with the daffodils.-Rhyme schemeuababcciambic trimeter Image:cloud gold daffodils-写景:写景:第一节水仙花翩翩起舞。第一节水仙花翩翩起舞。第二节水仙花茂盛繁多。第二节水仙花茂盛繁多。第三节中粼粼波光与水仙齐舞,交相辉映,第三节中粼粼波光与水仙齐舞,交相辉映,共同绘制成一幅赏心悦目的情景。共同绘制成一幅赏心悦目的情景。抒情:第四节一望无际的、连绵不断的金黄色水仙花抒情:第四节一望无际的、连绵不断的金黄色水仙花在湖边迎风舞蹈的姿态仿佛有一种精神力量令人振奋,在湖边迎风舞蹈的姿态仿佛有一种精神力量令人振奋,给诗人孤独

31、的心灵带来了欢乐。给诗人孤独的心灵带来了欢乐。-Describing beautiful natural scenery Describing beautiful natural scenery Describing the poets feelings:joy,peace.Describing the poets feelings:joy,peace.Emphasizing the importance of memories.Emphasizing the importance of memories.-beauty of nature;rural life;harmony between human and nature


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