
上传人(卖家):三亚风情 文档编号:3183046 上传时间:2022-07-30 格式:PPT 页数:50 大小:3.37MB
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1、运动解剖学运动解剖学绪论 人体的构成 解剖学基本术语人体的构成 细胞 组织 器官 系统构成人体的组织 上皮 肌肉 神经 结缔组织人体的系统 运动系统 消化系统 呼吸系统 泌尿系统 生殖系统 脉管系统 神经系统 感觉器官 内分泌系统 免疫系统解剖学基本术语Descriptive anatomical terms The anatomical position:(解剖学姿势解剖学姿势)The body is upright,legs together,and directed forwards.The palms are turned forward,with the thumbs lateral

2、ly.Anatomical axes and planes(轴与面)轴与面)Axis 轴:轴:Vertical axis 垂直轴垂直轴 Sagittal axis 矢状轴矢状轴 Coronal axis 冠状轴冠状轴 Plane面面:Sagittal plane 矢状面矢状面 Coronal plane 冠状面冠状面 Horizontal plane 水平面水平面 或transverse plane 横切面横切面轴轴和面和面轴垂直轴 vertical axis矢状轴 sagittal axis冠状轴 frontal axis轴和面轴和面面矢状面-正中矢状面冠(额)状面水平面纵切面横切面方位术语

3、方位术语)superior 上上,inferior 下下 anterior(ventral)前前(腹侧腹侧)posterior(dorsal)后后(背侧背侧)medial 内侧内侧,lateral 外侧外侧 internal 内内,external 外外 superficial 浅浅,profound 深深 proximal 近侧近侧,distal 远侧远侧 ulnar 尺侧尺侧,radial 桡侧桡侧 tibial 胫侧胫侧,fibular 腓侧腓侧The Locomotor System 运动系统运动系统The Locomotor System 运动系统运动系统运动系统由运动系统由bone

4、 骨骨、joints关节关节和和muscles 骨骼肌骨骼肌组成,占成人体重组成,占成人体重60%骨起杠杆作用骨起杠杆作用 关节是运动的枢纽关节是运动的枢纽 骨骼肌是动力器官骨骼肌是动力器官功能功能:support 支持支持 Protection 保护保护 Locomotion 运动运动The Locomotor System 运动系统运动系统 骨学 关节学 肌肉学Introduction of the osteology 骨学总论骨学总论Bones in adult are 206 in number.Classification of bone 骨的分类骨的分类 Bones are cla

5、ssified according to their position and shape The position can be:skull 颅骨 bones of trunk 躯干骨 appendicular skeleton 四肢骨Types of shape include:long bone 长骨长骨 short bone 短骨短骨 flat bone 扁骨扁骨 irregular bone不规则骨不规则骨 sesamoid obone籽骨籽骨 General structures of bone骨的构骨的构造造 Bone substance 骨质骨质 Periosteum 骨膜骨膜

6、 Bone marrow 骨髓骨髓General structures of bone骨的构造骨的构造 Bone substance 骨质骨质 compact bone 骨密质骨密质 spongy bone 骨松质骨松质 呈海绵状,由trabeculae骨小梁构成In the flat bones of the skull,the layers of compact bone are called the outer plate and inner plate外板和和内板,while the layer of spongy bone is called the diplo 板障板障 Perio

7、steum 骨膜骨膜:Outer or fibrous layer Inner layer is vascular and provides the underlying bone with nutrition.It also contains osteoblasts(成骨细胞)Bone marrow 骨髓骨髓 Red marrow 红骨髓红骨髓:haematopoietic 造血 Yellow marrow黄骨髓黄骨髓:fatty General structures of bone骨的构造骨的构造 Chemical composition and physical properties骨的

8、化学成分和物理性质Organic material有机质有机质:主要是骨胶原纤维束和粘多糖蛋白。构成支架,赋予骨的弹性和韧性。Inorganic salts无机质无机质:主要是碱性磷酸钙。赋予骨硬度(抗压力15kg/mm)和脆性。Organic materialInorganic saltsChildren 1 1Adult 3 7Old 1 4骨密度(BMD)骨密度(BMD)的定义:bone mineral density骨骼矿物质密度 骨密度低于正常值30%时,X光片才能看到骨质疏松 体重短期下降过快会影响骨密度,导致骨质疏松:人身上适当的脂肪组织能通过生化作用转化成雌激素等,增加肠钙的吸

9、人身上适当的脂肪组织能通过生化作用转化成雌激素等,增加肠钙的吸收,促进骨的形成,防止骨质疏松。收,促进骨的形成,防止骨质疏松。体瘦的人脂肪组织和肌肉菲薄,当发生摔倒或受暴力作用时,易遭骨折体瘦的人脂肪组织和肌肉菲薄,当发生摔倒或受暴力作用时,易遭骨折危害。危害。锻炼腹肌的同时,往往需要做弯曲脊柱的动作,使脊柱承受很大的张力,因此,骨密度偏低的人或患有骨质疏松症的人就很容易发生严重的背痛,甚至脊柱骨折。绝经后妇女骨折发生率是男性的 3倍骨密度(BMD)人体骨密度最低的部位是在腰部和髋部。骨密度值是一个绝对值,以每平方厘米克(g/cm2)表示。不同的骨密度检测仪的绝对值均不相同。所以人们通常用T值

10、来判断自己的骨密度是否正常。T值是一个相对值,正常值参考范围在-1至+1之间。当T值低于-2.5时为骨质疏松。一般而言,运动可以促进钙的吸收,有利于增加骨密度和骨骼强度,防止和延缓骨质流失。当骨密度受到某些因素的影响,如:雌性激素下降、钙的摄入量不足等而出现偏低情况(俗称“缺钙”)时,应增加钙的摄取量并加强体育锻炼。骨的功能 支持功能支持功能 运动功能运动功能 保护功能保护功能 造血功能造血功能 储备钙和磷的功能储备钙和磷的功能骨骼 Skull 颅骨颅骨 Bones of trunk 躯干骨躯干骨 The Bones of Limbs 四肢四肢骨骨颅骨Bones of trunk 躯干骨躯干骨

11、Bones of trunk 躯干骨躯干骨 组成组成Composition:vertebrae椎骨椎骨、sternum胸骨胸骨、ribs肋骨肋骨 Vertebrae 椎骨椎骨 There are 33 vertebrae in children,arranged as follows:Cervical vertebrae 颈椎颈椎 C.7 Thoracic vertebrae 胸椎胸椎 T.12 Lumbar vertebrae 腰椎腰椎 L.5 Sacral vertebrae 骶椎骶椎 S.5 sacrum 骶骨骶骨 Coccygeal vertebrae 尾椎尾椎 Co.34 coccy

12、x尾骨尾骨椎骨的一般结构椎骨的一般结构 General features of vertebrae Vertebral body 椎体椎体 Vertebral arch 椎弓椎弓 Vertebral foramen 椎孔椎孔 Vertebral canal 椎管椎管 Intervertebral foramen 椎间椎间孔孔Sacrum 骶骨 Anterior surface:前面观前面观 promontory岬,anterior sacral foramina 骶前孔(four pairs)Posterior surface:后面观后面观 median sacral crest 骶正中嵴Tr

13、anssacral(epidural)anasthesiaCornua palpationSacral hiatus Sternal angle 胸骨角胸骨角Sternal angle 胸骨角胸骨角Ribs肋骨肋骨:12 pair General features一般特征 Ribs 17 called true ribs真肋真肋 Ribs 810 called false ribs 假肋假肋 Ribs 1112 called floating ribs 浮肋浮肋The Bones of Limbs四肢骨四肢骨Bones of upper limbs上肢骨上肢骨Bones of upper li

14、mbs上肢骨上肢骨Composition:Should girdle 上肢带上肢带骨骨clavicle锁骨锁骨,scapula肩胛骨肩胛骨 Bones of free upper limb 自由上肢骨自由上肢骨 Humerus肱骨肱骨 in arm Radius桡骨桡骨 and ulna尺骨尺骨 in forearm Carpal腕骨腕骨,metacarpals掌骨掌骨 and phalanges指骨指骨 in hand Clavicle 锁骨锁骨 Sternal end胸骨胸骨端端 medially and acromial end肩峰端肩峰端 laterally“S”shaped,中外1/

15、3容易骨折 Scapula 肩胛骨肩胛骨Three borders三缘 Upper border上缘上缘,Lateral(axillary)border腋缘腋缘 Medial(vertebral)border脊柱缘脊柱缘Three angles Superior:上角 opposite to the 2nd rib Inferior:下角 opposite to the 7th rib or 7th intercostals space Lateral:外侧角 glenoid cavity关节关节盂盂,Two surfaces两面 Anterior surface concave:subsca

16、pular fossa肩胛下窝肩胛下窝 Posterior surface:supra-and infraspinous fossae冈上冈上、下窝、下窝,spine of scapula 肩胛肩胛冈冈,acromion 肩峰肩峰Radius桡骨桡骨 Upper end:head of radius桡骨头,neck of radius桡骨颈,radial tuberosity 桡骨粗隆,and articular circumference环状关节面 Shaft:interosseous border骨间缘 Lower end:styloid process 茎突 carpal articul

17、ar surface腕关节面Ulnar尺骨 Upper end:v olecranon鹰嘴鹰嘴 v coronoid process 冠突冠突 v trochlear notch滑车滑车切迹切迹 v radial notch 桡切迹桡切迹v ulnar tubersity尺骨粗尺骨粗隆隆 Lower end v styloid process 尺骨茎突尺骨茎突v head of ulna 尺骨头尺骨头Carpal bones 腕骨腕骨Proximal row (lateral to medial)scaphoid手舟手舟骨骨,lunate月骨月骨,triquetral三角骨三角骨 and pi

18、siform豌豆骨豌豆骨Distal row (lateral to medial)trapezium大大多多角骨角骨,trapezoid小多角小多角骨骨,capitate头状骨头状骨 and hamate钩骨钩骨Metacarpal bones掌骨掌骨Numbered one to five from thumb to little fingerStructure of eachbase(proximally),shaft,and head(distally)Phalanges of fingers 指骨指骨Consist of 14 two for first digit(thumb)an

19、d three for each of other four digitsStructure of each base(proximally),shaft,and trochlea of phalanx(distally),tuberosity of distal phalanx远节指骨粗远节指骨粗隆隆Bones of Lower Limb下肢下肢骨骨Bones of Lower LimbComposition:组成 Pelvic girdle:下肢带骨 Hip bone髋骨髋骨 Bones of free lower limb:下肢自由骨 Femur股骨股骨 in thigh(patella

20、髌骨髌骨)Tibia胫骨胫骨 and fibula腓骨腓骨 in leg Tarsals跗骨跗骨,metatarsals跖骨跖骨,phalanges of toes趾骨趾骨 in footHip bone 髋骨Consisting of three fused bones:ilium髂髂骨骨,ischium坐骨坐骨,pubis耻骨耻骨 Ilium髂骨髂骨 to form superior 2/5 of acetabulum髋臼髋臼 iliac crest 髂嵴髂嵴,anterior superior iliac spine 髂前上棘髂前上棘 anterior inferior iliac sp

21、ine 髂前下髂前下棘棘 tubercle of iliac crest髂结节髂结节 posterior superior iliac spine 髂后上棘髂后上棘 posterior inferior iliac spine 髂后下棘髂后下棘Hip bone 髋骨 Ischium 坐骨坐骨 ischial tuberosity 坐骨结节坐骨结节 Pubis 耻骨耻骨 symphysial surface耻骨联合面耻骨联合面 obturator foramen 闭孔闭孔 Acetabulum 髋臼髋臼formed by bodies of ischium,ilium and pubis Fem

22、ur 股骨股骨 Upper end:femoral head股骨头 neck of femur 股骨颈 greater trochanter 大转子 lesser trochanter 小转子 Lower end:medial and lateral condyles内、外侧髁 medial and lateral epicondyles内、外上髁Fracture of the femoral neckTibia 胫骨胫骨 Upper end:medial and lateral condyles 内、内、外外侧髁侧髁,Shaft:interosseous border 骨间缘骨间缘 Lowe

23、r end:medial malleolus 内踝内踝 Fibula 腓骨 Upper end:fibular head 腓骨头 neck of fibula 腓骨颈 Shaft:interosseous border骨间缘 Lower end:lateral malleolus 外踝Patella 髌骨髌骨 triangular sesamoid boneTarsal bones 跗骨跗骨Consist of seven short bones arranged in three row Posterior row talus 距骨距骨,calcaneus 跟骨跟骨 Intermediate

24、 row navicular bone 足舟骨足舟骨 Anterior row medial,intermediate,and lateral cuneiforms 内侧、中间和外侧楔内侧、中间和外侧楔骨骨,cuboid bone 骰骨骰骨跖骨与跖骨与趾骨趾骨 Metatarsal bones 跖骨跖骨Consist of five elongated bones,numbered one to five medial to lateralStructure of each base(proximally),shaft,and head(distally)in each Phalanges of toes 趾骨趾骨Consist of 14two for first toe(hallux)and three for each of other four toes


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