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1、2020届全国1卷地区百强校10月最新试题精选汇编:完形填空1、【全国百强校】安徽省合肥一中、安庆一中等六校教育研究会2020届高三第一次考试I stood in the front of the classroom like a specimen(标本) under examinations of 23 pairs of eyes. I began stuttering(结巴)and gave wrong answers to some questions.In the summer of 2016, I worked as an assistant teacher at a childre

2、ns day camp.Lacking in experience,I _41_ to create weekly lesson plans.Kids shouted at each other in class.Sometimes,I had to pull apart kids who were _42_ each other.The rare moments of_43_ came only after my booming calls for attention. Every day was a _44_ between me and these wild little creatur

3、es.One day I suddenly _45_ that I was supposed to teach them instead of being led by the nose. It was time to do something to change the _46_. I was older, more knowledgeable, and most _47_, I had more authority. The next day,I firmly_48_into the classroom and stood in the front_49_.The students stu

4、died me curiously. But I did not stutter this time. It_50_ me that the class went smoothly without being _51_ for the first time. From that day on,they gradually started to pay attention. Some _52_started calling me “Ms. Amy”. Seeing a sign of respect in their wild eyes was like getting _53_ for my

5、achievements. I was finally acting as an authority figure. The _54_ I received also increased my self一confidence. It made me believe that I had the_55_. to overcome difficulties.One month after my summer job _56_, I went back to visit the students. I saw the _57_ kids running around in the classroom

6、. _58_,their playful shouts were a different kind of music to my _59_now. Instead of the unpleasant sound I heard the first day,this was a_60_ song that played during my march to selfconfidence.41. A. refusedB. failedC. struggledD. hesitated42. A. calling onB. fighting withC. staring atD. learning f

7、rom43. A. patienceB. promiseC. thoughtD. silence44. A. battleB. differenceC. linkD. joke45. A. hopedB. realizedC. regrettedD. remembered46. A. suggestionB. occasionC. situationD. decision47. A. importantlyB. interestinglyC. naturallyD. hopefully48. A. burstB. slippedC. rushedD. stepped49. A. anxious

8、lyB. cautiouslyC. eagerlyD. calmly50. A. surprisedB. embarrassedC. disappointedD. amused51. A. puzzledB. encouragedC. disturbedD. observed52. A. justB. evenC. everD. still53. A. recognitionB. informationC. evaluationD. discussion54. A. trustB. sympathyC. prideD. respect55. A. chanceB. rightC. abilit

9、yD. intention56. A. continuedB. endedC. startedD. returned57. A. sameB. specialC. poorD. normal58. A. ThereforeB. HoweverC. BesidesD. Otherwise59. A. heartB. eyesC. earsD. soul60. A. popularB. complexC. strangeD. unique【答案】41. C 42. B 43. D 44. A 45. B 46. C 47. A 48. D 49. D 50. A 51. C 52. B 53. A

10、 54. D 55. C 56. B 57. A 58. B 59. C 60. D【解析】本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲的是作者在儿童节夏令营担任助教时,一开始因为没有经验缺乏自信,管理不好学生们,后来作者意识到应该改变这种情况,开始变得自信和坚定,学生们也变得更尊重作者,认真听课。作者由此意识到了自信的重要性。【41题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:由于缺乏经验,我很艰难地制定每周的课程计划。A. refused拒绝;B. failed失败;C. struggled艰难地做;D. hesitated犹豫。struggle to do sth.很难做某事。由于缺乏经验,“我”做起来很吃力很困难,故选

11、C。【42题详解】考查动词短语。句意:有时,我不得不把打架的孩子拉开。A. calling on访问;B. fighting with和打架;C. staring at 凝视;D. learning from向学习。根据上文Kids shouted at each other in class. 孩子们在课堂上大喊大叫,可推测也会有学生打架,所以“我”才会把他们拉开。故选B。【43题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:只有在我大声呼吁大家注意之后,才会出现难得的安静时刻。A. patience耐心;B. promise承诺;C. thought思想;D. silence寂静。根据上下文可知,学生们总

12、是大闹,只有“我”大声让他们集中注意力,才有片刻难得的安静时刻。故选D。【44题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:我和这些“野生的小动物”每天都在战斗。A. battle战斗;B. difference差异;C. link联系;D. joke玩笑。作者把调皮的学生比喻成野外的小动物,应该是每天都和他们作斗争,故选A。【45题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:有一天,我突然意识到我应该教他们,而不是被牵着鼻子走。A. hoped希望;B. realized意识到;C. regretted遗憾;D. remembered记得。上文中可知作者在管理学生方面很吃力,作者“意识到”应该是教他们知识,而不是被牵着

13、鼻子走。故选B。【46题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:是时候做点什么来改变这种情况了。A. suggestion建议;B. occasion时机;C. situation情况;D. decision决定。作者打算做些什么改变那种情况,符合语境。故选C。【47题详解】考查副词词义辨析。句意:我更年长了,更有见识了,最重要的是,我有了更多的权威。A. importantly重要地;B. interestingly有趣地;C. naturally自然地;D. hopefully有希望地。根据句意可知,此处应该是“更重要的是”,符合语境。故选A。【48题详解】考查动词短语。句意:第二天,我坚定地走进教

14、室。A. burst into闯入;B. slipped into溜进;C. rushed into 匆忙冲进;D. stepped into走进。结合选项及语境可知,此处应该是“走进”教室。故选D。【49题详解】考查副词词义辨析。句意:第二天,我坚定地走进教室,平静地站在前面。A. anxiously不安地;B. cautiously谨慎地;C. eagerly急切地;D. calmly平静地。“我”坚定地进来,应该是平静地站在前面。“平静地”符合语境,故选D。【50题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:令我惊讶的是,这门课进行得很顺利,第一次没有被打扰。A. surprised感到惊讶的;B.

15、 embarrassed尴尬的;C. disappointed失望的;D. amused觉得好笑的。因为这次课进行得很顺利,“我”应该是感到惊讶。故选A。【51题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:令我惊讶的是,这门课进行得很顺利,第一次没有被打扰。A. puzzled使困惑;B. encouraged鼓励;C. disturbed打扰;D. observed观察。这堂课进行得很顺利,没有学生捣乱,没有被打扰。根据语境,故选C。【52题详解】考查副词词义辨析。句意:有些人甚至开始叫我“艾米小姐”。A. just只是;B. even甚至;C. ever曾经;D. still仍然。根据上下文可知,他们开

16、始注意“我”,有些人甚至都开始称呼“我”为艾米小姐,更说明他们变得尊重“我”,而“我”也很惊讶。根据语境,故选B。【53题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:在他们狂野的眼神中看到了尊重,就好像我的成就得到了认可。A. recognition认可;B. information信息;C. evaluation评价;D. discussion讨论。根据语境可知,他们对作者的尊重,让作者感觉就好像自己的成就获得了认可一样心情愉悦。根据句意,故选A。【54题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:我收到的尊重也增加了自己的信心。A. trust信任;B. sympathy同情;C. pride骄傲;D. respec

17、t尊重。根据上文Seeing a sign of respect in their wild eyes作者从孩子们的眼里看到了尊重,故此处说的是从学生那里收到的尊重,故选D。【55题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:它使我相信我有能力克服困难。A. chance 机会;B. right权利;C. ability能力;D. intention目的。have the ability to do sth. 有能力做某事。学生对作者的那份尊重让作者相信,自己有能力克服那些困难。故选C。【56题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:暑假结束一个月后,我回去看望学生们。A. continued继续;B. ended结

18、束;C. started开始;D. returned返回。作者在夏天担任的这份短期工作,此处应该是这份工作结束后,作者又回去看自己的学生了。故选B。【57题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我看见同样的孩子在教室里跑来跑去。A. same相同的;B. special特别的;C. poor可怜的;D. normal正常的。根据后文中their playful shouts were a different kind of music他们嬉闹的叫声却已经是另一种音乐了,可知,虽然是同样的一群孩子在嬉闹,但“我”的心境已经不同,感受到的也已经不同。故选A。【58题详解】考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,他

19、们嬉闹的叫声在我听来已经是另一种音乐了。A. Therefore因此;B. However 然而;C. Besides此外;D. Otherwise否则。虽然是同样的孩子在嬉闹,但“我”却听到的是和第一次不一样的声音,也感受到不一样的心情。前后构成转折关系,故选B。【59题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:然而,他们嬉闹的叫声在我听来已经是另一种音乐了。A. heart心脏;B. eyes眼睛;C. ears耳朵;D. soul灵魂。声音应该是用“耳朵”听的,故选C。【60题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这不是我第一天听到的不愉快的声音,而是一首独特的歌,在我走向自信的过程中奏响。A. popu

20、lar受欢迎的;B. complex复杂的;C. strange奇怪的;D. unique独特的。根据上文可知,嬉闹声对“我”来说是一种音乐,在“我”走向自信的过程中奏响,所以它应该是“独特的”故选D。2、(全国百强校)江西南昌十中2020届摸底调研模拟考试英语Nowadays, we have come dangerously close to accepting the homeless situation as a problem that we just cant solve. So in order to raise 41 for the homeless situation, we

21、 42 a kind of “street theatre” last week.The project took to the streets where about thirty of us 43 our duty as citizens. The evening was filled with heart-aching, 44 music performed by some of us, which 45 a sad environment. Some of the others played the role of 46 people and the rest built a “hum

22、an wall” where everyone had cardboards with pictures and quotes 47 from their necks.All of this 48 passers-by, making them enveloped by the surrounding 49 and forcing them to reflect on this social injustice.The response of the “public” went beyond our 50 . Many people 51 us to comment that they wer

23、e touched by our 52 act. What was more, and what 53 moved us, were two people who shared their life stories with us. One of them was a (n) 54 who had moved from country to country 55 finding a better life and a job that would last for more than a week. 56 , she settled in this city, where though she

24、 felt at home, she was 57 for the last three years. So she was in extreme 58 . The emotion was running so high that she couldnt control the 59 , finally letting herself be 60 by the warm embrace of a student, a human, an equal in all senses of the word.41. A. money B. awareness C. childrenD. problem

25、42. A. organized B. built C. bought D. decorated43. A. remembered B. treated C. performed D. learned44. A. eye-catching B. heart-warming C. peace-lovingD. soul-touching45. A. created B. protected C. broke D. changed46. A. rich B. homeless C. passing D. famous47. A. dropping B. breaking C. coming D.

26、hanging48. A. pleased B. surprised C. attractedD. frightened49. A. music B. environment C. people D. pictures50. A. expectation B. understanding C. power D. control5l. A. approached B. left C. watchedD. encouraged52. A. wonderful B. clumsy C. simple D. selfless53. A. hardly B. nearly C. really D. pa

27、rtly54. A. beggar B. womanC. volunteerD. actor55. A. in honor of B. in case ofC. in the hope of D. in need of56. A. Eventually B. GenerallyC. Slowly D. Lastly57. A. respected B. unaccepted C. unemployed D. abused58. A. relief B. painC. poverty D. anger59. A. speed B. tears C. storyD. results60. A. c

28、omforted B. huggedC. trusted D. taken完形: 41-45 BACDA 46-50 BDCBA51-55 ADCBC56-60 ACCBA3、【全国百强校】山西省平遥中学2020届高三上学期第一次月考Im Therese, a business manager living in Berlin, Germany. Last month, I21 to read over 100 nonfiction books in psychology, politics, and leadership. It might sound 22 , but I really d

29、id. It started with a 23 .A colleague 24 me to read Mallcolm Gladwells The Story of Success in two 25 . Determined as I was, I just couldnt 26 the deadline. I 27 the first few chapters quickly but found it impossible to finish all in 2 hours. So I 28 the bet, but it gave me an idea: I needed to find

30、 a better way toconsumenonfiction books. I finally registered the Blinkist app, which is really 29 for me to read quickly. Blinkist is one of the apps that transform books into “bite-sized” 30 . Ive learned that in order to produce proper insights from every book, over 100 literary experts 31 themse

31、lves to work. I also love that the app has an audio 32 allowing me to listen to great ideas. So I set a fresh 33 with this cool app to read the key insights from 100 books in one month. How did I do?I read 102 titles exactly.Iused to 34 much time on social media. Moreover, my job is exhausting, so b

32、y the time I leave work, my brain is pretty useless. 35 , reading a book on the Blinkist app is like a snack for my 36 .Im happy that Im doing something 37 with my time. Every day, I wake up 38 than the day before. If you want to get wiser too, then I challenge you to try and 39 my 102-title record!

33、 40 the Blinkist app and start your reading adventure!21. A. arranged B. intended C. remembered D. managed22. A. crazy B. reasonable C. boring D. interesting23. A. promise B bet C. decision D. joke24. A. encouraged B. challenged C. allowed D. persuaded25. A. weeks B. months C. days D. hours26. A. mi

34、ss B. grasp C. meet D. catch27. A. held back B. searched for C. got through D. thought about 28. A. won B. lost C. wrote D. purchased29. A. useful B. precious C. simple D. ordinary30. A. concept B. advice C. memory D. content31. A. apply B. addict C. help D . accustom32. A. button B. function C. sig

35、nal D. picture33. A. password B. record C. goal D. date34. A. save B. spare C. abandon D .waste 35. A .Meanwhile B. Therefore C. However D. Indeed36. A. heart B. body C.stomach D. brain 37. A. casual B. worthless C. productive D. severe38. A. happier B. wiser C. worse D. busier39. A .beat B. set C.

36、keep D. equal40. A. Look into B. Sign up C. Turn down D. Wait for完形填空21-25 D A B B D 26-30 C C B A D 31-35 A B C D C 36-40 D C B A B4、【全国百强校】江西省临川第二中学2020届高三10月月考英语试题Growing up in Kenya was amazing because I learned so much, though the poverty and lack of resources were sometimes frustrating. I knew

37、 I didnt have much, but I was _41_.There was only one thing I wasnt happy with: _42_. I wanted to go to high school and university. I had the drive, the will and the grades, _43_ I didnt have the resources. Even _44_ things like food, water and shelter werent readily available. Young people in pover

38、ty have little or no _45_ to high schools and universities. Where I lived, it was challenging _46_ someone helped. When I left primary school, I was in the same _47_ as many other poor disadvantaged youth. _48_, during that year, a charitable high school for girls, Starehe Girls Centre, was _49_ and

39、 I received a scholarship. Today, I am _50_ record as being the first student to be enrolled in this school.In 2006, my school _51_ The Global Give Back Circle, a not-for-profit organization for _52_ disadvantaged girls to complete their education and gain _53_ skills. After graduating from high sch

40、ool, I was given access to a nine-month IT course. _54_, its give-back attitude had taught us to not only care about ourselves but other people. With this in mind, 10 of us created a website called “Hey Sister, Get Clued-Up”. Through this educational website, aimed at networking 10,000 African _55_

41、worldwide, all Sisters commit to sending information to their villages. This can be to _56_ financial freedom, advance information _57_ to health issues and provide knowledge about social networking behavior.“Hey Sister, Get Clued-Up” is only _58_ to those girls who can access the Internet, which hi

42、ghlights the huge challenge in _59_ the divide between the haves and have-nots. But our plan is that these girls will _60_ what they learn to other girls through the “power of their voice”.41. A. energeticB. independentC. confidentD. happy42. A. statusB. educationC. entertainmentD. college43. A. soB

43、. andC. butD. since44. A. basicB. cheapC. importantD. simple45. A. meansB. accessC. chance D. dream46. A. soB. whenC. unless D. as47. A. occasionB. situationC. dilemma D. Position48. A. GenerallyB. ImportantlyC. Casually D. Luckily49. A. put upB. taken upC. made up D. set up50. A. onB. inC. at D. for51. A. approvedB. tookC. joined D.launched52. A. psychologicallyB. physicallyC. financially D. educationally53. A. socialB. averageC. typical D. attractive54. A. HoweverB. Besid


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