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1、04Unit Memorandums Memorandums 备忘录备忘录Memorandum is a common form of communication within a company,usually called a memo.Memos are written by everyone from junior executives and engineers to CEOs to convey information within an organization.Hence,it is essential to master this basic communication fo

2、rm.Now,lets look into the content and format of memorandums.13524内容大纲内容大纲6 7Content and Format What Is a MemoWhat Is a Memo备忘录(Memorandum or Memo)是最常用的办公写作文体之一,因其舍弃了正式信函复杂繁冗的格式而备受追求效率的办公人士的青睐。根据备忘录的使用场合及其正式程度大致可分为正式公文(formal memo)和非正式便函(informal memo)两类。正式公文,常作为外交函件或商务合同的补充条款或事项,具有一定的法律约束性,因此文体正规,措辞

3、严谨。非正式便函,格式简明,语言通俗,多用于公司内部或机关内部,是以书面形式来交流内部事务的一种简便函件,可用于解释政策、程序和指示,发布通知,提出信息和行动要求,答复要求,也可用来提醒事务,或对决定、电话交谈、会议提供书面记录。本单元主要介绍的是第二类备忘录,即商务备忘录(Office Memos)。How to Classify MemosHow to Classify Memos备忘录可以根据用途和具体内容的不同大致分为类,如下图所示:Whats the Structure of a MemoWhats the Structure of a Memo备忘录的格式通常较为固定,一般由开头(

4、Heading)和正文(Message)两部分组成。Memo headings备忘录的开头一般包含To(收函人the recipient),From(发函人the sender),Date(日期),Subject/Ref(主题)四项,其中日期的位置较为灵活,可置于From 和Subject/Ref之间,也可置于最上方或右上角。如果该备忘录是在由上级授权或经上级许可的情况下写作,可在From之后添加Trough一项表明授权人的姓名及职务。Memo message备忘录正文部分通常包括:开头(opening)、主体(body)和结尾(closing)。可长可短,可正式或非正式,但一般不超过两页,可

5、以有附件。正文后面往往没有签名(signature),但个别的也有签名。有些大公司或机构会准备有打印好的备忘录纸笺,纸笺上端通常印有公司或机构的名称或标语(Logo)并印有开头部分:To,From,Date 和Subject,在每次写备忘录时只需填入具体内容即可。备忘录可以是纸质的,也可以是电子版的。打印或书写备忘录时,通常有两种格式:缩进式和齐头式,前者每段首行缩进,后者每一行顶格左边对齐。Whats the Format of A MemoWhats the Format of A MemoWriting Techniques1.Memo是Memorandum缩写,因此也可以用Memora

6、ndum,此外还有Internal Memorandum和Interoffice Memorandum,其意思都是一样的。2.To这一标题后面应写收信人的姓名与职衔,姓名前可以用尊称或不用。如:To:Mr.John Smith,Sales Manager From这一标题后应写发信人的姓名与职衔:职衔可根据需要决定写或不写,但姓名前不要用尊称。如 From:John Smith,General Manager4Date日期的写法同书信里日期写法的要求完全一样,不要用数字来表示月份。5Subject这一标题后是写事由的,即用一个或几个词汇简单概括便函的内容,以便查阅。事由必须简洁明了,概括性强,

7、不要用完整的句子,如:Changes in Travel Advance FormPromotion of Staff Vacation ScheduleParticipation in Training Program6Message正文常常不需要注明这一标题。正文与一般书信有所不同,可长可短,往往使用简短地句子和段落。有时只有一句话,有时有好几个段落。为了使阅读者一目了然,各段前还可以写上序号。7商务备忘录多用于公司内部,因此无须对背景信息进行赘述,开门见山直奔主题即可。在措辞选择上,应避免繁琐的表达和句式,如“because of the fact that”可直接用“because”等

8、。8限制主题个数,便于读者注意到备忘录全部内容而不会信息遗漏,并做出相应的回应,也便于公司内部存档和检索管理。9高效的备忘录写作应突出重点词、重点短语和重点部分,以便读者一目了然,可通过一些排版手段来达到效果,如使用数字或圆点等符号纵向排列要点,词语或短语加粗或斜体,使用标题和副标题分级等。10备忘录不像正式的商务信函一样对词的要求程度那么高,普通词、第一人称代词和一些常用缩写是被允许使用的,既要注意语言得体有礼,又不过于拘泥礼节。1.指示备忘录指示备忘录(Direction Memorandum)指示备忘录的主要目的是让信息接收者提供信息并有效地执行指令,以协调各部门的合作。首先,备忘录起草

9、人应提供信息来源,或说明要采取的行动,然后激发行动并请求合作。指示备忘录通常是上级指示下级,所以语气比较直接,语言清晰明了,明确陈述相应的时间和行动。2 2委托备忘录(Entrust Memorandum)(Entrust Memorandum)委托备忘录一般是委托他人完成一项工作,应注意主题要明确,语言简洁,交代的工作步骤要清楚,语气礼貌并且覆盖所有的委托信息。首先可以说明委托或授予权利的细节,提供背景信息,说明委托的工作和工作方法,并对被委托人的帮助给与感谢。这是一份由Oscar Johnson起草写给另一同事Elaine Harris的备忘录,委托Elaine Harris在他缺席工作期

10、间帮他完成一些工作,具体工作均用数字序号罗列出来,使读者一目了然。3 3通知备忘录(Notice MemorandumNotice Memorandum)通知备忘录主要用于内部通知通告,解释新政策新规定或是告知新变化。对于上级发出的通知备忘录,写作中常用祈使句,语气较直接,一般只简要地说明期望的行动,让信息接收者了解事情的原委。这类备忘录不是为了证明某个观点,它只是起到通知的作用。所以,开头应开门见山,让对方了解事情的起因,然后告知可能采取的行动。4 4建议备忘录(Suggest Memorandum)(Suggest Memorandum)推荐/建议备忘录是针对目前存在的某一问题提出相应的意


12、言礼貌委婉。有关部门重视,尽快解决该问题。两份建议备忘录是下级写给上级的,因此要注意语言礼貌委婉。5 5报告备忘录(Report Memorandum)(Report Memorandum)报告备忘录常见的有出差报告备忘录和研究或实验室报告备忘录。前者通常是雇员出差回来后呈递给上级的,而后者主要用于检查报告和程序报告。6 6布置安排备忘录(Arrangement Memorandum)(Arrangement Memorandum)布置安排类的备忘录是关于某一具体事项的进程安排,如旅行计划、工作安排、工作分配等。这个例子是John Martin 向Elizabeth Green提出的出国访学的

13、日程安排及相关航班和费用安排的备忘录。这是一则在同事间送递的备忘录。理查布朗将去欧洲做推销旅行。他给总经理助理米歇尔斯密斯写了一份关于日程安排的备忘录。该备忘录叙事简洁明了、条理清晰、语言规范、措辞得当,显示了发件人良好的职业素养,是一篇很好的备忘录范例。Useful Expressions and SentencesUseful ExpressionsUseful Expressions1.direction memorandum指示备忘录指示备忘录2.entrust memorandum委托备忘录委托备忘录3.notice memorandum通知备忘录通知备忘录4.suggest mem

14、orandum建议备忘录建议备忘录5.report memorandum报告备忘录报告备忘录6.arrangement memorandum布置安排备布置安排备忘录忘录7.all staff/employees全体职员全体职员8.every department各个部门各个部门9.secretary of Students Union学生会部长学生会部长10.supervisor in Packing Department包包装部主管装部主管11.manager of Personnel Department人人事部经理事部经理12.leader of Student Service Depa

15、rtment学生服务部门领导学生服务部门领导13.dean of Journalism新闻部主任新闻部主任14.all division managers各部门经理各部门经理15.in-service computer classes在职电脑在职电脑培训课培训课16.moratorium on staff additions人事冻人事冻结结17.training center培训中心培训中心18.dispatch发货发货19.visiting and studying参观访学参观访学20.sales trip销售旅行销售旅行21.Please note that;Please remind t

16、hat敬请注意敬请注意22.It has come to my attention that我已我已注意到注意到23.Id like you to我希望大家我希望大家24.Would you please你能否你能否25.May I remind you that可否提醒您注可否提醒您注意意26.This is the reminder of此函用来提醒此函用来提醒27.Be sure to务必务必28.I am told that我被告知我被告知29.I am informed that我接到我接到的通知。的通知。30.I have discovered/found that我已发现Usef

17、ul SentencesUseful Sentences1.Thank you for your attention and cooperation.感谢您的关注与合作。2.I should appreciate your understanding and cooperation.对于您的理解和合作,我深表感激。3.Please arrange for our agreed applying material ten days before the date of my visit.请在我拜访之前十天将申请材料准备好。4.Could you also please arrange fligh

18、ts and hotel accommodation?另外,能否请你安排航班和旅行住宿?5.I shall be grateful if I can have this as soon as possible.请尽快安排,谢谢。6.In general,I felt that the lab needs much new equipment and renovation.总的来说,我觉得实验室需要很多新设备及升级改造。7.I would like to inform you that we are in want of a telephone for each dormitory room.在

19、此想提醒你们一下,目前我们每个寝室都需要一部固定电话。8.I hope that great attention will be paid to this request and the people concerned can solve it as soon as possible.我希望将你们能关注这个请求,也希望有关人员能尽快解决这个问题。9.All members of staff are reminded that the office is a NO SMOKING AREA and that smoking is restricted to the coffee lounge

20、and smoking area.所有职员应记住,办公室是无烟区,吸烟请到咖啡休息室或抽烟区。10.I want you to know that deviations from these rulings will be hard to sell.我必须忠告各位,在目前任何与这项决定相左的意见将不予授受。Your TryTask 1 Group discussionQ1.What is a memo?Q2.What are the necessary components of a memo?Q2.What are the common types of memos?Task 2Discus

21、s with your classmates whether there are any problems in the following memo and how you can improve them.Then contrast your improved note with the original one.Task 3Read the following memos and give appropriate subject headings.Answer:Task 2 MEMORANDUM To:All members of staff,Southern Branch.From:T

22、immy.Date:9 December 2019 Subject:PERSONAL COMPUTERS The board urgently requires feedback on our experience with PCs in Northern Branch.I need to know,for my report:What you personally use your PC for and your reasons for doing this.If you are doing work that was formally done by other staff,please

23、justify this.What software you use.Please name the programs.How many hours per day you spend actually using it.How your PC has not come up to your expectations.What unanticipated uses you have found for your PC,which others may want to share.Please FAX this information directly to me by 5 p.m.on WED

24、NESDAY,5 December.If you have any queries,please contact my assistant,Jane David,who will be visiting you on Tuesday,4 December.Thank you for your help.Task 3 1.Meeting on the Education Leave Request 2.Request for Update on Stock Option Participation 3.Training New Receptionists Exercises.Fill in th

25、e blanks with words or expressions listed below.Change the form if necessary.1.Please_ the production department about these goods.A.contact B.contact to C.contact with D.connect2.All reference materials will _ free of charge.A.give B.be sent C.provide D.be provided3.You are _ to finish the work wit

26、hin one week.A.eager B.looking forward C.expected D.ready provided4.All those who are _ should be reported to me as soon as possible.A.interest B.interesting C.interested D.interests5.He will _ our company to take part in the activity.A.present B.represent C.representative D.sent.Translate the follo

27、wing sentences.1.Please note the change of date of the companys annual party.2.I would like to present the following findings.3.Effective immediately are the following policies.4.The board of directors will hold a meeting to discuss the building of a fitness center.5.The training manager will be res

28、ponsible for the in-service computer classes.6.希望各部门尽快选出员工代表参加此次会议。7.请将出席此次会议的人员名单于下周一资助交给我。8.这份备忘录将展示与北京总公司会议的结果。9.于Jim的合作将对公司未来发展有帮助。10.请于周六前告知Mary你假期里的联系电话。.Draft memos according to the notes given.(1)全体部门负责人备忘:总经理王大亮将于8 月9日去欧洲出差,因此本周(8月12 日)公司例会取消。有重要事务须在8日前向其汇报。在徐总出差期间,副总经理赵刚将暂时接管其日常工作并主持下周(18

29、日)例会,例会时间地点不变。(2)You work for Foley Press,publisher of school and college textbooks.Your office manager,Mary McMahon,leaves the following message for you.Weve had several complaints from customers saying that some of them received the books they ordered with the wrong invoices,and some were sent the

30、 correct invoices with the wrong books.This has never happened before.The Managing Director,Mr.Augustus Foley,is very concerned about this.Will you please draft a memo,under his name,a copy of which can be sent to all workers in the Dispatch Department,expressing his concern and asking them to give

31、them full attention to their work and to double check that the correct invoices are sent with orders?I know they have had several new workers starting there during the last six months but that they must take them to the Dispatch Department Manager,old Harry Hawke.Oh yes,write it in a friendly,helpfu

32、l tone and not a threatening one.Answer A 2.D 3.C 4.C 5.B 1.请注意公司周年舞会的日期变动。2.下面我将罗列有关结果。3.以下政策立即生效。4.董事会将开会讨论建造健身中心的事宜。5.在职计算机培训课程将由培训部经理负责。6.All department managers are expected to choose employee representatives to attend the meeting.7.Please send me by next Monday a name list of the staff to be p

33、resent at the meeting.8.This memo will present the decisions made at the meeting with Beijings head office.9.Cooperation with Jim will be beneficial for the future of our company.10.Please let Mary know by Saturday your contact number during the vacation.1 Memo To:All Department Heads From:Wang Lin(

34、Office Director)Date:3 August.,2019 Ref:Arrangements during Managing Directors Absence Abroad The Managing Director Mr.Wang Liang is leaving for Europe on 9 August on a business trip.The progress meeting this week(12 August.)will be cancelled accordingly.Any important matters should be brought to hi

35、s attention by 8 August.During the absence of the Managing Director,Mr.Zhao Gang,the associate manager,will be in charge of routine business and will act as chairman for the next progress meeting,which is to be held on 18 August.,at 8 30 am in the usual place,the company conference room.2 Memo To:Al

36、l workers,Dispatch Department From:Mr.Augustus Foley,Managing Director Subject:Dispatching Books Date:13 June 2019 Several complaints have been received from customers who have been sent the correct orders with the wrong invoices and the wrong orders with the correct invoices.Please take extra care

37、to ensure that both orders and invoices are correct.I am aware that we have several new members of staff in this department and I am not putting the blame onto them.However,if anyone has a problem they should speak to Harry Hawke who will be able to assist them.I am concerned as this problem has never happened before.谢谢你的阅读v知识就是财富v丰富你的人生


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