Unit 4 Scientists who changed the world Revision ppt课件-(2020版)新牛津译林版高中英语必修第三册.pptx

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1、B3U4 Revision 2Integrated skills-Project Revision of the words and their word formation:Revision of the words and their word formation:1.adj.科学的,关于科学的;细致严谨的科学的,关于科学的;细致严谨的2.adj.道德的;品行端正的道德的;品行端正的 n.品行,道德;寓意品行,道德;寓意3.v.应用;申请;涂;有关应用;申请;涂;有关4.n.无知无知5.v.允许,准许,许可;允许,准许,许可;n.许可证许可证6.n.责任,负责;职责,义务责任,负责;职责,

2、义务7.n.国籍;民族国籍;民族8.n.结婚,婚姻;已婚状态结婚,婚姻;已婚状态1.scientific2.moral3.apply4.ignorance5.permit6.responsibility7.nationality8.marriage1.scientific2.moral3.apply4.ignorance 5.permit6.responsibility7.nationality8.marriagescience;scientistimmoralapplication;applicantignorant;ignoreresponsiblenational;nationmarry

3、;marriedpermissionn.ant.n.a.&v.n.a.a.&n.v.&a.Revision of the words and their word formation:Revision of the words and their word formation:1.Im writing to ask for your _(permit)to translate your latest novel into Chinese.2.Committed to _(science)research,he couldnt spare any time to go on vacation.3

4、.There is a heated discussion about who should take more _(responsible)for children.4.I take my time over every spoonful,gently rolling the silky dessert around my mouth and enjoying the perfect _(marry)of rice and milk.5.He_(ignorance)all the No Smoking signs and lit up a cigarette.6.His _(apply)fo

5、r membership of the organization was rejected.permissionscientificresponsibilitymarriageignoredapplication Application of the words and their word formation:Application of the words and their word formation:1.show off 1.show off 2.work on2.work on3.as to3.as to4.put forward4.put forward5.get involve

6、d in5.get involved in6.6.让某人让某人失望失望7.7.认为认为是是理所当然理所当然8.8.很成功;引入注目很成功;引入注目9.9.某人值得赞扬某人值得赞扬 10.10.有价值的有价值的1.1.炫耀,卖弄;显示,展示炫耀,卖弄;显示,展示2.2.从事从事3.3.关于关于4.4.提出,提议提出,提议5.5.涉及;卷入涉及;卷入6.let sb.down6.let sb.down7.take it for granted7.take it for granted8.with a bang8.with a bang9.to ones credit9.to ones credit

7、10.be of value10.be of value Revision of the phrases:Revision of the phrases:1.1.So many failures didnt_.Instead,I was So many failures didnt_.Instead,I was more confident.more confident.2.2.To be honest,Im at a loss_how to conduct the To be honest,Im at a loss_how to conduct the experiment.experime

8、nt.3.3.Many teenagers now have their own opinions;you cant Many teenagers now have their own opinions;you cant _that theyll listen to their _that theyll listen to their parents.parents.4.4.Most of the staff are in favour of the plan Most of the staff are in favour of the plan _ at the meeting._ at t

9、he meeting.5.5.He went abroad two years ago,making up his mind to He went abroad two years ago,making up his mind to _the international business._the international business.6.6.He has spent the last two years _ a book He has spent the last two years _ a book about environmental protection.about envi

10、ronmental protection.7.7.The team won their last four games,ending the season The team won their last four games,ending the season _._.8.8.Jane has just bought a new skirt but she doesnt have a Jane has just bought a new skirt but she doesnt have a chance to _ her new clothes.chance to _ her new clo

11、thes.let me downas totake it for grantedput forwardget involved inworking onwith a bangshow off Application of the phrases:Application of the phrases:show off;to ones credit;as to;take it for granted;get involved in;work on;let sb.down;put forward;with a bang;be of value;1.involveWhat will this job_

12、?这份工作包括什么?这份工作包括什么?How many people _ _ _ the staff cutbacks?有多少人被裁员了?有多少人被裁员了?To his_,Jack refused to _ _.值得赞扬的是值得赞扬的是Jack拒绝参加。拒绝参加。【链接写作链接写作】补全句子补全句子 _ _ _,we were extremely excited and couldnt resist the desire to _it.一听到这个消息,我们都非常兴奋,无法抑制想要参与其中的欲望一听到这个消息,我们都非常兴奋,无法抑制想要参与其中的欲望。involvewere involved

13、increditget involved get/be involved in Focus on the core words:Focus on the core words:On hearing that2.apply v.n.application/applicant apply for a post 申请一个职位申请一个职位 The law doesnt apply to foreigners.这条法律不适用于外这条法律不适用于外国人。国人。with the application of 5G technology 随着随着5G技术的应技术的应用用 call for the applic

14、ation of modern technology 呼吁现代科呼吁现代科技的应用技的应用2.apply v.The rules of safe driving_ _ _,without exception.安全驾驶规则适用于每个人,没有例外。安全驾驶规则适用于每个人,没有例外。The new technology,if _(apply)to rice growing,will help increase the grain output.With the _(apply)of his discovery,millions of people have been cured of differ

15、ent sicknesses.apply to everyoneappliedapplication【链接写作链接写作】补全句子补全句子_(learn)your keen interest in the Chinese culture,I suggest you _ _ Peking University,one of the best universities in China.鉴于你对中国文化浓厚的兴趣,我建议你申请中国最好的大学之一鉴于你对中国文化浓厚的兴趣,我建议你申请中国最好的大学之一北京大学。北京大学。Learningapply for Focus on the core word

16、s:Focus on the core words:3.ignorance n.v.ignore/a.ignorantHe _ the doctors advice,because he is in _ of his serious illness;that is to say,he is _ of the fact that he is in danger.(ignore)ignoresignoranceignorant【链接写作链接写作】补全句子补全句子The Internet _ _ _ _ in our daily life and brings us many benefits,bu

17、t its disadvantages _.互联网在人们的生活中起着重要的作用,但也有一些负面影响互联网在人们的生活中起着重要的作用,但也有一些负面影响不容忽略。不容忽略。plays an important part/roleshould also notbe ignored Focus on the core words:Focus on the core words:4.responsibility n.take the responsibility for your own life decisions 为自己的人生决定负责 take on(shoulder)the responsib

18、ility承担责任 escape from my responsibility逃避责任 a.responsible 反反 irresponsible You alone are responsible for realizing your great potential.只有你自己对实现你的巨大潜力负有责任。The World Cup is also chiefly responsible for sleep deprivation.世界杯也是睡眠不足的主要原因。【链接写作链接写作】补全句子补全句子Through the activity,what I felt is that I am ab

19、le to _ and make us stronger and _.通过这次活动,我感觉到我能够承担起责任,让我们变得更坚强,更有决心。shoulder the responsibilitymore determined Focus on the core words:Focus on the core words:5.put forward put forward put up put off put aside put up with put another way 换句话说 把放在一边;储存备用 推迟;使失去兴趣 公布;张贴;住宿 把提前;提出 忍受;容忍 Focus on the c

20、ore phrases:Focus on the core phrases:1.I decide to_some money for a rainy day.2.Dont _ todays work till tomorrow.3.I cant _ working overtime every day.4.The officer_ a strategy to improve the education system.5.He was too trusting or,to_,he had no head for business.6.He decided that he would drive

21、all the way home instead of _ at a hotel for the night.put asideput offput up withput forwardput another wayput up【链接写作链接写作】补全句子补全句子_(learn)that you are about to pay a visit to Chinese friend and _(对对感到困惑感到困惑)the Chinese customs,I am writing to _(给你提出一些建议给你提出一些建议).Learningconfused aboutput forward s

22、ome suggestions Focus on the core phrases:Focus on the core phrases:put another way,put forward,put off,put aside,put up,put up with假设你是某国际学校的学生会主席李华,你校学生会近期将要举办“校园科学节”(the School Science Festival”,以展示学生们的科技小装置。请你给校长Mr Smith写一封信,介绍校园科学节计划,内容包括:1.时间、地点和活动目的;2.主要活动。注意:1.词数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。参考词汇:

23、科技小装置technology gadgets Writing:Writing:假设你是某国际学校的学生会主席李华,你校学生会近期将要举办“校园科学节”(the School Science Festival”,以展示学生们的科技小装置。请你给校长Mr Smith写一封信,介绍校园科学节计划,内容包括:1.时间、地点和活动目的;2.主要活动。随着校园科学节的临近,我写信告诉你计划。_the School Science Festival _,Im writing to tell you the plan for it.Withapproaching Writing:Writing:要点梳理要点

24、梳理假设你是某国际学校的学生会主席李华,你校学生会近期将要举办“校园科学节”(the School Science Festival”,以展示学生们的科技小装置。请你给校长Mr Smith写一封信,介绍校园科学节计划,内容包括:1.时间、地点和活动目的;2.主要活动。_the School Science Festival _,Im writing to tell you the plan for it.Withapproaching 校园科学节定于下周一上午8时至11时在操场举行,预计将持续3小时。The School Science Festival _ _ _ _ _on the pla

25、yground from 8 a.m.to 11a.m.next Monday and it_ _ _ last three hours.is scheduled to take placeexpected tois Writing:Writing:要点梳理要点梳理假设你是某国际学校的学生会主席李华,你校学生会近期将要举办“校园科学节”(the School Science Festival”,以展示学生们的科技小装置。请你给校长Mr Smith写一封信,介绍校园科学节计划,内容包括:1.时间、地点和活动目的;2.主要活动。With the School Science Festival ap

26、proaching,Im writing to tell you the plan for it.The School Science Festival is scheduled to take place on the playground from 8 a.m.to 11a.m.next Monday and it is expected to last three hours.它的目的是鼓励我们学生进行创造性思考并且与他人分享我们的作品。Its purpose is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and share our works with others.to encourage us

27、 students to think creatively Writing:Writing:要点梳理要点梳理假设你是某国际学校的学生会主席李华,你校学生会近期将要举办“校园科学节”(the School Science Festival”,以展示学生们的科技小装置。请你给校长Mr Smith写一封信,介绍校园科学节计划,内容包括:1.时间、地点和活动目的;2.主要活动。With the School Science Festival approaching,Im writing to tell you the plan for it.The School Science Festival is

28、 scheduled to take place on the playground from 8 a.m.to 11a.m.next Monday and it is expected to last three hours.Its purpose is to encourage us students to think creatively and share our works with others.在这个节日上,学生们可以欣赏各种各样的小装置,它们在我们的日常生活中非常有用。At this festival,the students can appreciate _ _ _ gadg

29、ets _ _ _ _ in our daily life.a variety ofwhich are very useful Writing:Writing:要点梳理要点梳理假设你是某国际学校的学生会主席李华,你校学生会近期将要举办“校园科学节”(the School Science Festival”,以展示学生们的科技小装置。请你给校长Mr Smith写一封信,介绍校园科学节计划,内容包括:1.时间、地点和活动目的;2.主要活动。With the School Science Festival approaching,Im writing to tell you the plan for

30、 it.The School Science Festival is scheduled to take place on the playground from 8 a.m.to 11a.m.next Monday and it is expected to last three hours.Its purpose is to encourage us students to think creatively and share our works with others.At this festival,the students can appreciate a variety of ga

31、dgets which are very useful in our daily life.around the corner,Scheduled to take place on the playground from 8 a.m.to 11a.m.next Monday,the School Science Festival is expected to last three hours.of great use,Writing:Writing:句式升格句式升格假设你是某国际学校的学生会主席李华,你校学生会近期将要举办“校园科学节”(the School Science Festival”

32、,以展示学生们的科技小装置。请你给校长Mr Smith写一封信,介绍校园科学节计划,内容包括:1.时间、地点和活动目的;2.主要活动。注意:1.词数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。参考词汇:科技小装置technology gadgets Writing:Writing:Dear Mr Smith,With the School Science Festival around the corner,Im writing to tell you the plan for it.Scheduled to take place on the playground from 8 a.m.

33、to 11 a.m.next Monday,the School Science Festival is expected to last three hours.Its purpose is to encourage us students to think creatively and share our works with others.At this festival,the students can appreciate a variety of gadgets which are of great use in our daily life.Besides,some excellent student inventors will introduce the functions of their gadgets and perform them on the spot.Id appreciate it if you could provide your advice.Im looking forward to your reply.Yours,Li Hua Writing:My Writing:My versionversionFinish and polish up your writing.HomeworkHomeworkThank you!


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