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1、建筑英语主讲:杜鹃ARCHITECTURE ENGLISHArchitecture School of SIASUNIT TWO UNIT TWO ARCHITECTURAL HISTORYThe history of architecture traces the changes in architecture through various traditions,regions,overarching stylistic trends,and dates.The branches of architecture are civil,sacred,naval,military and lan

2、dscape architecture.Architecture TimelineHow did the worlds great buildings evolve?Architecture in Prehistoric TimesAncient Egypt (3,050 BC to 900 BC)Classical (850 BC to 476 AD)Byzantine (527 to 565 AD)Romanesque (800 to 1200 AD)Gothic Architecture (1100 to 1450 AD)To be continued World MapThe Brie

3、f History of World Architecture IThe Brief History of World Architecture I世界建筑简史课文翻译课文翻译 Paragraph1 is the practice of building design and its resulting products;customary usage refers only to those designs and structures that are culturally significant.Architecture must satisfy its intended uses,mu

4、st be technically and must convey aesthetic meaning.The best buildings are often so well constructed that they outlast their original use,surviving not only as beautiful objects,but as documents of the history of culture.建筑是修建设计的实践和最终产物;习惯用法仅指具有文化重要性的设计和结构。建筑必须要满足其使用目的,必须技术上可靠,而且必须传达美学意义。一些最为杰出的建筑物通

5、常修建巧妙,以至于已经超出了其最初的使用目的,不仅仅作为一件美丽的物体存在,还记载了文化历史。Sound:adj.有效的;合理的;可靠的课文翻译课文翻译 Paragraph2For Western readers,the architecture of the ancient world,of the Orient,and of the pre-Columbian Americas may be divided into two groups:indigenousarchitecture and classical architecture.Indigenous architecture in

6、cludes ways of building that appear to have developed independently in isolated,local cultural conditions.Classical architecture includes the systems and building methods of Greece and Rome.对西方读者来说,源于古代、东方东方,以及哥伦布哥伦布到达美洲以前的到达美洲以前的建筑可以分为两类:本土建筑和古典建筑。本土建筑包括看上去似乎在孤立的地方文化条件当中独立发展出的一些修建方式。古典建筑则涵盖了希腊和罗马的建

7、筑方式及体系。课文翻译课文翻译 Paragraph3The oldest designed environments stable enough to have left architectural traces date from the first development of cities.The Assyrian city of Khorsabad,built during the reign of Sargon II and excavated as early as 1842,became the basis for the study of Mesopotamian archit

8、ecture.Over a long period,the urban culture of Egypt erected the most awesome of the worlds ancient monuments.The largest and best preserved pyramids-used for royal tombs-are those of Khufu and Khafre at 最早的人造环境相当稳定,保留了自最早城市发展以来的建筑痕迹。霍萨巴德霍萨巴德的亚述城建立于萨尔贡二世萨尔贡二世在位期间(公元前722-705年)并于1842年被发掘,成为了研究美美索不达米亚索

9、不达米亚建筑的基础。很长一段时间,埃及城市文明树立起世界古代遗址最令人敬畏的丰碑。现存最大最完整的金字塔皇家墓葬分别属于胡夫胡夫和吉萨的哈夫拉哈夫拉法老(Pharaoh)。Map of Giza pyramid Pyramid of Khufu refers to the Great Pyramid.课文翻译课文翻译 Paragraph4Early Indian stone architecture,which was elaborately carved,was more like sculpture than building.At sites such as and,northeast

10、of,are great series of artificial caves,sculpted out of the solid rock of cliffs.The Chinese house,built inand fashion,reflects a traditional focus on social order.Japanese house design is more concerned with achieving a satisfying relationship with earth,water,rocks,and trees.This approach is epito

11、mized in the 早期的印度石建筑通过精心的雕刻更像是雕塑而非建筑。在诸如孟买东北部的和景点就有大量的人工洞穴,于峭壁的岩石雕凿而成。中国房屋以结构方式修建,反映了以社会秩序为中心的传统。日本的房屋设计更注重达到与土地、水流、岩石以及树木和谐相处的关系。便是这种方法的集中体现。epitomize:v.概括;成为.的缩影;作为典范Ajanta Cave&Katsura Detached Palace 课文翻译课文翻译 Paragraph5-1The Teotihuacan culture of Mexico contained two immense pyramids embedded

12、in what was a vast city.The Mayan civilizations greatest building periods fall within the 4th to the 11th century.The Mayacreated impressive structures through extensive earth moving.Their bold architectural sculpture is either integral with the stone monuments or is added as stucco ornamentation.墨西

13、哥提奥帝华坎文化提奥帝华坎文化(公元前100年到公元700年)拥有两座巨型金字塔镶嵌于一座庞大的城市当中。玛雅玛雅文明最伟大的建筑时期是公元4世纪到公元11世纪。通过大范围的迁徙途中,玛雅人创造出了许多令人印象深刻的建筑物。他们粗犷的建筑雕刻中既有整体岩石雕琢也有涂以灰泥为装饰。The Mayan Pyramid and the ancient Maya Region 课文翻译课文翻译 Paragraph5-2was centered in the and flourished from about 1200 to 1533.Inca masonry craftsmanship is unex

14、celled;enormous pieces of stone were transported over mountainous terrain and fitted together with precision.印加古国位于秘鲁安第斯山脉中心,繁荣于1200年至1533年这段时期。印加石匠们的技艺无可比拟;巨大的岩石穿过崇山峻岭被运来而且精确的被组装起来。masonry:n.砖石建筑;石工行业 terrain:n.地带;地形 课文翻译课文翻译 Paragraph 6-1The building systems and forms of ancient Greece and Rome di

15、rectly determined the course of Western architecture.Forms of the Greek temple,the archetypal shrine of all time,range from the tiny Temple of Nike Apteros(427-424 BC)of about 6 by 9 meter(about 20by 30 ft),on the Acropolis in Athens,to the gigantic Temple of Zeus(500?BC)at Agrigento in Sicily,which

16、 covered more than one hectare(more than two acres).古代希腊和罗马的建筑体系以及建筑形式直接决定了西方建筑的进程。希腊庙宇的形式,即所有时期的典型神殿,范围从位于雅典卫城卫城的小到6至9米的胜利女神胜利女神神庙,到西西里岛阿格里琴托城阿格里琴托城里大到1公顷(相当于2英亩)的宙斯宙斯神庙。Shrine:n.圣地;神龛;庙Acropolis:雅典卫城Temple of Nike Apteros (wingless victory)AcropolisParthenonOld Temple of AthenaStatue of Athena Pro

17、machosTemple of Athena NikePropylaeaErechtheionTemple of Zeus 课文翻译课文翻译 Paragraph 6-2Two Greek architectural orders developed more or less concurrently.The Doric order predominated on the mainland and in the western colonies.The acknowledged Doric masterpiece is the Parthenon(447-432 BC),which crowns

18、 the Athens Acropolis.The Ionic order originated in the cities on the islands and coasts of Asia Minor.It featured capitals with spiral volutes,slender shafts,and elaborate bases.The Corinthian order,a later development,introduced Ionic capitals detailed with acanthus leaves.希腊的两大结构几乎在同一时期发展起来。多立克柱式

19、多立克柱式在大陆和西方殖民的占主导地位。帕特农神庙帕特农神庙被公认是多立克柱型建筑风格的代表作,使雅典卫城达到了顶峰。爱奥尼柱式爱奥尼柱式起源于岛屿和小亚细亚沿岸的城市。它以螺旋涡形的柱头柱头,细长的柱身柱身以及精致的底座底座而著称。科林斯柱式科林斯柱式风格,较晚出现,采用毛莨叶形装饰的爱奥尼式柱顶。ParthenonParthenonDoric orderCornice:檐口Frieze:檐壁,横饰带Architrave:额枋Capital:柱头,柱顶Shaft:柱身Stylobate:基座Triglyph:三拢版;三槽间饰带Metope:垅间壁;柱间壁Ionic orderPediment

20、:山花;三角楣饰Entablature:檐部,柱顶盘Column:立柱Raking cornice:斜挑檐Moldings:(檐口)线脚Abacus:(圆柱)顶板Volute:涡形;螺旋型;Flute:(柱上的)凹槽Fillet:平缘,木摺Base:柱础 Corinthian orderDentil:齿状装饰Boss:浮雕,圆形突出物,凸饰Rosette:圆形花饰Acanthus leaf:毛茛叶 课文翻译课文翻译 Paragraph 7-1Rome became a powerful,well-organized empire,marked by great engineering work

21、s-roads,canals,bridges,and aqueducts.Two Roman inventions allowed for greater architectural flexibility:the dome and the groin vault-formed by the intersection of two identical barrel vaults over a square plan.罗马成为实力强大,组织完善的王国,以大量的工程作品著称:道路、运河、桥梁以及高架渠。两组罗马特色的发明使得建筑更加灵活起来:穹顶以及通过两个独立筒形拱顶交叉于一个正方形设计上的交叉

22、交叉拱顶拱顶 课文翻译课文翻译 Paragraph 7-2 The Romans also introduced the commemorative or triumphal arch and the Colosseum or stadium.Rome was noteworthy for grandiose urban design,demonstrated through the forum,complete with basilica,temple,and other features.The most remarkable forum is Hadrians Villa(125-132

23、)near Tivoli.罗马人还创造了作为纪念而建造的凯旋门、用于公开讨论的广场和露天竞技场露天竞技场。罗马值得注意的有宏伟的城市设计,用于集会的广场,完美的教堂,庙宇以及其他特色建筑。最著名的广场是位于提沃利提沃利的哈德哈德良寝宫良寝宫。Forum 于1460年进入英语,源自古典拉丁语的forum,意为公共场所、市场。在这里指古罗马城镇的广场,当时是古罗马的城市中心,包括一些罗马最古老与最重要的建筑。现指论坛。Agora:原意为市集,泛指古希腊以及古罗马城市中经济、社交、文化的中心。通常地处城市中心,为露天广场。城市男性居民聚集在那里进行商业交易。此外,Agora还是居民谈论政治、谈论哲学

24、以及相互结识的场所,以至于古罗马时代Agora被称为Forum。Rome Triumphal Arch&Colosseum&Roman Forum Roman Agora&Hadrians Villa 课文翻译课文翻译 Paragraph 8 In the 4th century,Roman Emperor Constantine the Great converted to Christianity and created a Christian empire,prompting the building of many new churches.The surviving basilica

25、s in Rome that most clearly evoke the Early Christian character include Sant Agnese Fuori le Mura and Santa Sabina(422-432).Byzantine churches,domed and decorated with mosaics,proliferated throughout the Byzantine Empire;most notable is the Hagia Sophia(532-537),built by Eastern emperor Justinian I

26、at Constantinople.公元4世纪,罗马国王康斯康斯坦丁大帝坦丁大帝皈依了基督教基督教,并且建立了国教为基督教的王国,兴建了许多新式教堂建筑。巴西利卡式教堂在罗马延续了下来,极明显地促进了早期基督教风格的发展,包括圣阿格涅斯圣阿格涅斯和圣萨圣萨比纳教堂比纳教堂。拜占庭风格的教堂有穹顶并装饰有马赛克马赛克并在拜占庭帝国迅速大量的产生;最著名的有圣索菲亚大教堂圣索菲亚大教堂(532-537年),由东罗马帝国国王查士丁尼一世在君士坦丁堡君士坦丁堡修建。Sant Agnese Fuori le MuraByzantine church Hagia Sophia 课文翻译课文翻译 Parag

27、raph 9The basilican plan was elaborated in Romanesque architecture.Some greatest monastic Romanesque churches did not survive the French Revolution(1789-1799)but has been reconstructed in drawings.Its design influenced Romanesque and Gothic churches in Burgundy and beyond.巴西利卡巴西利卡式式建筑风格在罗马罗马式式建筑风格中变

28、得复杂起来。一些最伟大的罗马修道院在法国大法国大革命革命期间没能幸免于难,但是人们根据绘画作品进行了重建。其设计对位于勃艮地勃艮地以及更远地区的罗马和哥特式教堂产生了影响。Monastic:n.僧侣;修道士 adj.修士的;修道院的 课文翻译课文翻译 Paragraph 10At the beginning of the 12th century,Romanesque was transformed into Gothic architecture.Although the change was a response to a growing rationalism in Christian

29、theology,it was also the result of technical developments in vaulting.About 1100,the builders of Durham Cathedral in England invented a new method that gave a new geometric articulation-the ribbed vault.12世纪早期,罗马建筑演变成了哥特式建筑。尽管这种改变回应了在基督教神学理论中成长起来的理性主义,它也是拱形结构技术发展的结果。大约在1100年,英国都都汉姆大教堂汉姆大教堂的修建者们创造了一种

30、新的几何连接方法,即肋拱肋拱。geometric:adj.几何学的;几何学图形的 articulation:n 表达;接合;连接;Durham Cathedral 课文翻译课文翻译 Paragraph 11Other developments were the pointed arch and vault,and the flying buttress,which allowed construction of more elegant,higher,and apparently lighter structures.The major French Gothic cathedrals inc

31、lude those at Paris(see Notre-Dame),Chartres,Reims,and Amiens.The English Gothic cathedrals include Canterbury,Lincoln,York Minster,and Exeter.其他新发明主要是尖券和尖拱,以及飞券,他们使得建筑物更加美观,高大,而且结构明显更加轻巧。法国主要的哥特式大教堂包括位于巴黎,夏特尔,兰斯兰斯,以及亚眠等地的教堂。英国哥特式教堂包括坎特伯雷,林肯市,坎特伯雷,林肯市,约克约克以及艾克赛特大教堂艾克赛特大教堂。Cathdrale Notre-Dame:n.(巴黎)圣母院Pointed Arch and Vault&Flying ButrressCathdrale Notre-Dame


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