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1、 Unit OneTeenage Life主讲教师:马成霞 特级教师北京理工大学附属中学 人教版新版高一教材人教版新版高一教材2 人教版人教版Book 1Teenage Life单元课时教学设计(单元课时教学设计(语法课语法课2 2)Assessing Your Progress指导思想单元分析学情分析目标分析教法学法教学过程指导思想文化品格学习能力思维品质语言能力指导思想接触大量的英语国家社会现象和文化背景,评价语篇反映的文化传统和社会文化现象 借助英语形成新的概念,加深对世界的认识 学生能在社会情境中借助语言进行理解和表达掌握英语学习的要领,形成有效的英语学习策略 高中英语课程标准 4 1

2、.教材内容分析基于Welcome Unit句子结构和短语,本课的学习主要引领学生能够区分和使用名词性短语、形容词性短语和副词性短语,识别句子成分和意群的划分,以及句子基本结构,句子基本类型。在此基础上,拓展段落的分层和结构的分析,可以说让学生对本单元的词组学习有了更进一步的认识,提升学生从词组到句子、段落的准确理解和使用的能力,为今后的语法探索打下良好的基础。5 1)兴趣)兴趣拓展能力拓展能力 在撰写阅读感悟和实践活动反思的情况下,可以用大量的短语来提升写作水平和表达能力。2)基本)基本认知能力认知能力 通过三项词组的学习,学生综合语言的运用能力和语言应用转述运用方面有了极大的进步,学生能够挑

3、战故事转述,并解决刚进入学校所遇到的问题。3)实践创实践创新能力新能力 通过教师的积极引导,无论口语还是书面表达学生都会有很大提高。同时激发学生进行思考,让学生积极参与进来。2.2.学习者学习者分析分析6 铺垫 一是提升学生交友能力,为话题的相关背景知识与词汇积累做好铺垫。基础 二是引导学生关注同学交友,并针对同学之间问题现状进行分析,提高学生解决问题的能力。平台 三是提升学生的跨文化交际能力,学会通过书面表达和打造交流的平台。3.3.学习目学习目 标分析标分析7 语言运用 1)在语言运用准确方 面有所提升,能够充分运用本单元所学的名词性短语,形容词性短语和副词性短语。语言丰富 2)在语言丰富

4、方面可以运用不同的句式,做到句式多样化,避免语言太单调,用相对丰富的句式替代单句。文体结构 3)能够判断出文体结构简单句内构成基本部分和句子类别、类型以及高级句式的表达。4.4.重点与重点与难点分析难点分析8 新问探究:学会概览9 语法部分以输入为主,学习Assessing Your Progress聚焦校园设施,校园师生,校园交友中的困惑为主题学习语法:名词短语,形容词短语和副词短语完成文本主题语境中对相关短语的理解并学会写与主题相关的读后感或者文章评论3214Teaching Emphasis完成文本主题语境中对相关短语的词汇理解并学会写与主题相关的读后感或者文章评论Teaching Di

5、fficultiesTeaching MethodsTeaching Time45m具体分配 教学方法是与一定教学目标和任务相关的具体操作程序,它规定了教学参与者在教学任务中的角色、不同角色之间的相互关系以及每一角色的具体任务。问思论察效Teaching ProcessLearning about languageDiscovering Useful Structures设计意图设计意图:常规活动,导入话题。:常规活动,导入话题。活动意图说明:活动意图说明:通过通过Discovering Useful StructureDiscovering Useful Structure中中名词性、形容词

6、性和副词性名词性、形容词性和副词性短语短语的重点学习的重点学习,引发学生引发学生进入进入句子理解的学习句子理解的学习从而导入本课话题,激活学生从而导入本课话题,激活学生对对相关话题相关话题的的兴趣兴趣,学生可根据,学生可根据所给汉语提示在翻译中理解所给汉语提示在翻译中理解短语短语的使用,的使用,不断提升学生语言学习能力。不断提升学生语言学习能力。_1.I recommend that you talk to your friends about his behavior._2.It is not unusual for teenagers of your generation to be at

7、tracted to computer games and the online world._3.Spending too much time online is unhealthy and makes it very difficult to focus on other things in life._4.Some students even become addicted to the internet and cannot concentrate on life,school and family life._5.You should encourage your friend to

8、 try new hobbies.Analyze basic sentence structures S(subject)V(verb)O(object)P(predictive)A(adverbial)DO(direct object)IO(indirect object)C(objective complement)SVOSVPSSVP+VOASVOCSVP+VO设计意图设计意图:拓展拓展新知,新知,培养学生长难句断句阅读能力,提升学生词培养学生长难句断句阅读能力,提升学生词组及运用的优美表达能力组及运用的优美表达能力。Circle the correct word(s)in each s

9、entence.1.Todays teenagers seem to prefer/like the Internet more than TV.2.Martin did not enjoy pop music until he became a generation/teenager.3.Which course did your teacher recommend to/with you?4.Dont quit trying/to try if there is still hope.5.I think he is addicted/attracted to smoking.He just

10、 cant seem to quit.6.The library project has already fallen behind schedule/plan.7.The research has focused on/for the relationship between a teenagers sleep and health.8.The instructions on the box made him confusing/confused,and he did not know what to do.like teenager to tryingaddictedscheduleonc

11、onfused设计意图设计意图:拓展拓展新知,新知,培养学生长难句断句阅读能力,提升学生词培养学生长难句断句阅读能力,提升学生词组及运用的优美表达能力组及运用的优美表达能力。_1.like the Internet more than TV _ 2.became a teenager_ 3.recommend to_ 4.quit trying_ 5.is attracted to smoking_ 6.is addicted to smoking_ 7.behind schedule_ 8.focused on_ 9.made him confused 动词短语(verb phrase),又

12、叫动词词组,是指以实意动词为中心的分句构成单位。根据现代英语语法,分句是由一个或者一个以上的词组(phrase又叫短语)构成,词组由一个或者一个以上的词构成。因此,I like him.He will come.The letter has been typed.这三个句子中的like him,will come,has been typed分别都是动词词组(动词短语),就好像名词词组,形容词词组,介词词组,副词词组等分别以名词、形容词、介词、副词为中心的分句构成的单位。这里作谓语!或者有时作非谓语!设计意图设计意图:拓展拓展新知,新知,培养学生长难句断句阅读能力,提升学生词培养学生长难句断句

13、阅读能力,提升学生词组及运用的优美表达能力组及运用的优美表达能力。名词词组名词词组 副词词组副词词组 动词词组动词词组 数量词词组数量词词组the number of childrenquite quicklydrop out of school one eleventh millions of children and teenagers very easilyfeel like one in 11 childrenone of the lucky ones out of schoolthink about the children about 9 percent difficult hom

14、ework have the chance to too poor get a good educationmake the most of your education(S)(A)(VO)(S)(S)(A)(P)(VO)(VO)(P)(VO)(VO)(Attr)(O)(P)(S)(P)Find the noun/adjective/adverb phrases in the passage and state their function.设计意图设计意图:拓展拓展新知,新知,培养学生长难句断句阅读能力,提升学生词培养学生长难句断句阅读能力,提升学生词组及运用的优美表达能力组及运用的优美表达

15、能力。(What)What is the story mainly about?(How)How does it happen?(Why)What do you learn from it?If you have learned some math at school,you can quickly work out that one eleventh is about 9 percent.But did you know that 9 percent is also the number of children who are not at school?Thats right-one in

16、 11 children is not studying and probably even cannot do the simple maths.They drop out of school because their families are too poor and they have to work like adults.In 2013,millions of children and teenagers were out of school.Most live in poor countries but there are also some boys and girls who

17、 cannot go to school in rich countries.If you are one of the lucky If you are one of the lucky ones who can go to a senior ones who can go to a senior high school,you should be high school,you should be grateful for the opportunity.grateful for the opportunity.So the next time you feel like you do n

18、ot want to do boring,difficult homeworkhomework or go to class,think about the children who dont have the chance to get a good good education.Make the most of your education Make the most of your education and make the world a better and make the world a better place.place.How many parts of it can y

19、ou divided into?设计意图设计意图:拓展拓展新知,新知,培养学生长难句断句阅读能力,提升学生词培养学生长难句断句阅读能力,提升学生词组及运用的优美表达能力组及运用的优美表达能力。文章概要写作方法文章概要写作方法(议论文)(议论文)1.首先抓主旨(论点),即文章或一本书的简略的主要内容,称为概要。用the text tells us或者the text is mainly about引入。2.抓文章细节,即主题的具体内容(议论文的论据),用it includes或者including引入。主题的理由用because for the reason that 引入。3.抓文章主题意义(

20、结论)用from the text that引入。4.要学会用每一部分的中心内容,做文章思维导图,以便形成良好的逻辑思维能力。5.同时要注意使用合理的过渡词语或者句型,将段落衔接起来,使得文章连贯和流畅。设计意图设计意图:写作方法引入,:写作方法引入,培养学生中心意识和段落主题句的意培养学生中心意识和段落主题句的意识以及段落构成的逻辑组织能力识以及段落构成的逻辑组织能力。设计意图设计意图:综合运用综合运用新知,拓展语言知识组织能力和整体新知,拓展语言知识组织能力和整体表达能力。表达能力。设计意图设计意图:综合运用综合运用新知,给予半开放性表达,激发学生语新知,给予半开放性表达,激发学生语言知识

21、综合表达能力。言知识综合表达能力。设计意图设计意图:高考直通车高考直通车,加大语言思维逻辑能力和技巧的学习热情。,加大语言思维逻辑能力和技巧的学习热情。1.高考(江苏)Recently,Li Jiang and Su Hua have talked about whether the group of exchange students who are visiting their school next month will be wearing a traditional Chinese dress or not.Just as every individual has its own t

22、houghts,so does every culture.Each culture has their own feature.In order to spread our culture among worldwide,we need to select the main part of each dimension.Apparently,both Su Hua and Li Jiang are correct,however,from my perspective,I am for Li Jiang who advises students to wear traditional dre

23、ss during the welcome ceremony.Another reason why I support Li Jiang is that Chinese culture is far more important than any other school culture.Firstly,we are Chinese,then students.For instance,our Chairman Xi is always seen to be wearing a Zhong Shan suit during every international occasion which

24、not only shows the Chinese costumes but also spread Chinese culture.That is the reason I have a strong preference of wearing traditional clothes than our school uniform.AssignmentReflecting Which reading in this unit did you find the most interesting?Why?What new things did you learn about teenage l

25、ife from this unit?What new vocabularies and structures did you learn in this unit?Do you use any of them in your language activities?How well could you use them?Do you think scheming was useful for you to understand the text?What problems do you and your friends have with this unit?How did you solv

26、e the problem?What advice did you give each other?Prepare the written work for a discussion Conclusion学生通过本次作文能够发现自身写作语言层面的问题,能够做到1)问:问:在准确运用词组方面的能力有所提升,能够逐步领会本单元所学的名词性短语,形容词性短语和副词性词组等拓展的动词词组、介词词组以及数量词词组在句子和文章的运用。在句子和文章的运用。2)思:思:巧妙运用词组和句型,使学生逐步理解西方文化在语言中的丰富内涵,用以充分表达情感和升化思想表达情感和升化思想。3)论:论:能够判断和交流英语议论

27、文阅读写作,逐步领会议论文三中心,文章中心(论点)、段落中心(主题句)以及句子中心(要点)并学会运用学会运用。4)察:察:能够有意识地准确使用恰当的主题句,充分理解和运用本单元所学的谚语体现段落中心关系中心关系。5)效:效:能够在新学文本世界上9%的孩子上不起学的基础上逐步进行分段训练和读后感(议论文式文本概要)主题活动逐步学会用词组和丰富的句式,提升表达能力和学科思维能力学科思维能力。Teaching Reflection 创设词组语境语境,激发词组运用运用。做好学情学情分析,合理整合整合材料。课前巧设支架支架,激活相关任务任务。小组合作启发启发,教师减少干涉干涉。捕捉思维思维火花,生成引导引导重要。积极联系联系自我,内化提升素养素养。运用升华情感情感,互动升华思想思想。学中学前学后


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