Unit 1 A new start Starting Out & Understanding Ideas ppt课件 (2022)高中英语新外研版必修第一册.pptx

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1、 Unit 1 A new startStarting out1.How did you feel on your first day at senior high?2.What was your first impression of your new school?3.Whos the first person youve got to know?How did you get to know each other?4.What do you like most about your new school?5.What have you found most impressive abou

2、t senior high?Starting out adj.高级的;年长的;地位较高的;资格较老的 n.上司;较年长者;毕业班学生Words and expressions:senior high 高中I have to discuss the issue with the senior managers.He is my senior by two years.Starting out adj.好奇的好奇的curiously adv.好奇地好奇地curiosity n.好奇心好奇心Words and expressions:Children are usually curious abou

3、t everything.The man over there looked at us curiously.Father explained the reasons to me to satisfy my curiosity.Starting out n.印象,感想印象,感想 impressive adj.给人印象深刻的给人印象深刻的;令人钦佩令人钦佩的的Words and expressions:Her kindness has given me a deep impression.The Great Wall is the most impressive architecture I h

4、ave ever seen.Starting out n.校园;大学校园;大学 Words and expressions:The new gym will be built at the back of the campus.What do you think of campus life?Starting out n.传统传统traditional adj.传统的传统的Words and expressions:Eating dumplings at the Spring Festival is a tradition in China.I think traditional clothe

5、s are more beautiful but not fashionable.Starting out n.设施设施Words and expressions:There are fitness facilities in every park.Understanding ideasIf you have to write a diary about your first day at senior high,what are you going to include in it?The school campus?The new teachers?Discuss it with your

6、 classmates and share it with the whole class.Understanding ideasWarming upUnderstanding ideasn.作者;作家Do you know the author of the book The Old Man and the Sea?Understanding ideasn.热切;渴望I.rushed out of the door in my eagerness to get to know my new school.(P 2)Lily waits for her pen friends reply wi

7、th eagerness.【同根词】eager adj.渴望的;热切的;热心的Understanding ideasexplorev.考察;探险.,so I decided to explore a bit.(P 2)She cant wait to explore the mountains.As soon as we arrived on the island we were eager to explore.Im going to explore the possibility of a part-time job.【同根词】exploration n.探索;探险;勘探Understan

8、ding ideas依次地;一个接一个的Please come to the front one by one.(P 3)The teacher asks the kids to retell the story one by one.Understanding ideasn.发动机;引擎I tried to turn on my brain but the engine just wouldnt start.(P 3)Can you tell me how the engine works?Understanding ideasinsectn.昆虫There are many kinds o

9、f insects in this area.Understanding ideasn.(一批)收藏品Something about my insect collection.(P 3)The collection of these postcards took me fifteen years.【同根词】collect v.收集;采集;聚集Understanding ideasv.组织I was organising my words in my head.(P 3)Peters friends want to organize a concert for his birthday.【同根词

10、】organisation n.组织;机构;团体Understanding ideas情绪紧张,心里发慌This expression describes the feeling you get in your stomach when you are nervous.With butterflies in my stomach,I breathed deeply.I still remember the first time I took part in a speech contest.I got butterflies in my stomach at that time.Underst

11、anding ideasUnderstanding ideasv.呼吸;吸气;呼气Most people dont realize that they are breathing polluted air.The air was so cold that we could hardly breathe.【同根词】breathn.呼吸;气息to take a deep breath Understanding ideasn.惊慌;惊恐v.惊慌;使恐慌in(a)panic 惊慌地I looked at them in panic.The words on the wall flew away in

12、 panic.Whatever you do,dont panic.Understanding ideasn.挑战;质疑v.向挑战;对质疑Challenges like this might sometimes put you under pressure.(P 3)Mike always likes to challenge himself.【同根词】challengingadj.具有挑战性的Boys tend to prefer challenging jobs as expected.Understanding ideasn.压力Can you work under pressure?L

13、ike it or not,there is always pressure of one kind or another.Understanding ideasadj.镇静的;沉着的n.冷静;宁静;安静v.使平静下来;使镇定Keep calm and be prepared.The hall was very quiet,but it was the calm before the storm.We have to calm peoples fears first.Understanding ideasn.描述;描写;叙述;形容I really enjoy the description o

14、f the scenery in this novel.This is the best description to our history.【同根词】describev.描述;描写Could you describe this picture in your own words?Understanding ideasadj.有信心的;自信的Are you confident about your future?I am confident that everything will come out right in time.【同根词】confidencen.信心;自信心I have co

15、nfidence in my players.Understanding ideas 再三地;重复地 急切地Understanding ideasUnderstanding ideas=When I turned around,I saw a white-haired man.在这里,现在分词短语Turning around作时间状语。Example:Looking(=WhenIlooked)atthepicture,Icouldnthelpmissingmymiddleschooldays.Understanding ideas区分区分find out、find、look forlook f

16、or 意为“寻找”,强调找的动作和过程。find 意为“找到;发现”,强调找的结果。find out 意为“查出;获知;弄清楚”,强调经过研究、调查而得知。Mom,I looked for the pet around the house,but I didnt find it.(look for指动作,find指结果)Can you find out when the early plane will fly?Understanding ideasUnderstanding ideas感叹句常见的句式结构:感叹句常见的句式结构:Understanding ideasExamples:What

17、 a lovely cat!What kind woman they are!What fine weather it is!How beautiful Beijing is!Understanding ideasintroduce oneself 自我介绍自我介绍 Can you introduce yourself to me?Understanding ideasUnderstanding ideas在这里,作者把自己的大脑比作一台发动机,形象地描述出了作者由于紧张而大脑一片空白的状态。留下良好的第一印象Understanding ideasUnderstanding ideas在第六段

18、,通过一系列描写情绪的词汇,作者向读者展现了自己从紧张、不安、尴尬,到放松下来的心情的转变过程。注意too.to.结构Understanding ideas有时候,这样的挑战会有时候,这样的挑战会让我们承受着(巨大让我们承受着(巨大的)压力。但是,这完的)压力。但是,这完全取决于我们做什么。全取决于我们做什么。保持冷静,做好准备。保持冷静,做好准备。这样,你才能充分地利这样,你才能充分地利用好高中生活的(宝用好高中生活的(宝贵)时光。贵)时光。Understanding ideasunder pressure 面临压力,在压力之下People usually think senior high

19、 school teachers work under great pressure.depend on 取决于We should depend on ourselves,not our parents.make the most of sth./get the most out of sth.最大限度地利用某物Understanding ideasUnderstanding ideas1.Before going to school2.Arriving at school3.During the English class4.After the English class Understanding ideas


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