Unit 2 Vocabularyppt课件-2022高中英语新外研版必修第三册.pptx

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1、1.make a difference2.look across3.under control4.earn money 5.turn out6.set up7.benefit from8.make ones dream reality9.rise to ones feet10.bring to public attention11.keep records of12.at one point13.pass away14.in dangerkey expressions有影响有影响;有作用有作用向对面看,眺望向对面看,眺望在掌握在掌握/控制之中控制之中挣钱挣钱前来观看;结果是,原来是前来观看;结

2、果是,原来是建立建立得益于得益于使梦想成真使梦想成真 站起身来站起身来把把.公之于众公之于众记录记录.一度一度;在某一时刻在某一时刻;在某处在某处去世去世在危险中在危险中1.The amount of r_ and comfprt experienced by the sick after the skin has been carefully washed and dried,is one of the commonest observations made at a sick bed.2.Now tick the solutions that you think are most e_ t

3、o supply Africa with fresh water.3.He started to ask for help from his classmates and neighbours and persuaded them to d_ money.4.Later,Ryans experience led him to set up a f_ to encourage more people to help.5.Many i_ people gave him their support.6.Today,over 800,000 poeple in 16 countries across

4、Africa have b_ from the life-changing gift of clean,safe water.7.Shes usually very shy,but shes generous and never h_ to help.8.And hes c_.He often comes up with good ideas.Review some of the key words in the textseliefffectiveonateoundationnspiredenefitedesitatesreative1.The world is _(v.观察;遵守;庆祝)h

5、ow the US will deal with gun violence problem.Most information of gun violence was collected by direct _(n.观察)by journalists.2.The US citizens will never _(vt.减轻;缓解)in this weekend for several gun violences in which many people were killed.Nothing can be a _(n.解脱;宽慰;轻松)for the parents whom lost thei

6、r child in this horrible gun violence.observingobservationrelieverelief3.Every 100 citizens have 120 guns in the US.At present,about 311,000 students have been _(v.影响;深深打动)by gun violence,not including 185 killed and 369 wounded.Do the laws controlling guns have no _(n.效应;影响;结果)on gun violence?Are t

7、here any _(adj.有效的)way to control guns?4.Many people in developing countries are _(adj.短的;个子矮的)of food during this food crisis caused by Ukraine crisis,and even some developed countries suffer food _(n.不足;缺少).affectedeffect effective shortshortagethe victims family members5.Chinese are _(vt.使高兴 n.高兴

8、;愉快)by US congressman mistakes Vietnan deputy prime minister as Chinese delegate to the special address by Zelensky,who criticizes China didnt show anyone Chinese.6.Can the children impacted by gun violence find the _(dj.温暖的;暖和的)sun in the rest of their life?Who can comfort them _(adv.热情地;亲切地)in the

9、 shadow of gun violence?Can they feel _(n.温暖;暖和)from the society?delightedwarmwarmly warmth7.It is said that Ukraine _ (vt.对待;治疗)Russian prisoners of war badly.The new drug is a major step forward in the _(n.治疗;疗法)of the disease.8.Many non-governmental organizations have appealed to the public to _(

10、vt.捐赠)money.500 blood _(n.捐赠者)received related psychological knowledge.The work of the charity is funded by voluntary _(n.捐赠物;捐赠).treatstreatment donate donorsdonations9.Millions of Chinese teens will be _(inspire)by the post-90s female scientist Wan Ruixue(万蕊雪万蕊雪)because of her _(inspire)experience

11、s on science work.She will be one of the _(inspire)for younger generatios to become scientists without going abroad for furthure education.10.China will never _(v.犹豫)to defending its sovereignty(主权主权).The great majority of players would,of course,sign the contract without _(n.犹豫;疑虑).inspiredinspirin

12、ginspirationshesitatehesitation11.Its _(adv.真正地;事实上)a big joke that US congressman criticizes China didnt show anyone Chinese in the special address by Zelensky,Present of Ukrain,which is a _(adj.真实的;真正的)scheme to slander(污蔑污蔑)China,but this failure has become _(n.现实;事实).12.You need people working f

13、or the _(n.利益;益处)of the community.Walking is extremely _(adj.有益的;有利的)to your body shape.real really reality benefitbeneficial13.China _(v.帮助;协助)African countries with developping economy.The charity aims to provide _(n.帮助;援助)to people in need.He worked as an _(n.助理;助手;助教)to one Mr Ming.14.Their marr

14、iage was _(vt.建立)on love and mutual respect.The explosion had weakened the buildings _(n.地基;基础).He is the _(n.创建者)of International Sports Management Limited.assistsassistance assistantfoundedfounderfoundation15.There are many who will work hard to _(v.实现;完成)these goals.Zhong Nanshang has made a grea

15、t _(n.成就;成绩)against covid-19 pandemic.16.The government plans to _(vt.创造;创作)more jobs for young people.The _(n.创造;创作)of an efficient and sustainable transport system is critical to the future.Shes very _(adj.有创造性的有创造性的)she writes poetry and paints.achieveachievementcreate creation creativeevery litt

16、le white flag stands for a US citizen died in covid-19 pandemic 1._ v.观观察察;遵守遵守;庆祝庆祝 _ n.观察观察;观测观测2._ n.宽宽慰慰;轻轻松减松减轻轻 _ vt.减轻减轻;缓和缓和 3._ adj.短的短的;个子矮的个子矮的 _ n.不足不足;缺少缺少;短缺短缺 4._ v.影影响响;侵袭侵袭;深深深打动深打动 _ n.效应效应;影响影响 _ adj.有效的有效的5._ vt.捐捐赠赠 _ n.捐赠物捐赠物;捐赠捐赠 _ n.捐赠者捐赠者 6._ n.高兴高兴;愉愉快快 vt.使高使高兴兴 _ adj.高兴的高

17、兴的;愉快的愉快的 7._ adj.温暖的温暖的;暖和的暖和的 v.(使使)温温暖暖;变变暖和暖和 _ adv.热情地热情地;亲切地亲切地 _ n.温暖温暖;暖和暖和;热情热情 8._ adj.真真实的实的;真正真正的的_ adv.真正地真正地;事实上事实上 _ n.现实现实;事实事实 9._ n.利利益益;益益处处v.得得益于益于;得利于得利于 _ adj.有益的有益的;有利的有利的 10._ vt.激励激励;鼓舞鼓舞 _ adj.受到启发的受到启发的 _ adj.鼓舞人鼓舞人心的心的;启发灵感的启发灵感的 _ n.灵感灵感;启发灵感的人启发灵感的人(或事物或事物)observeobserv

18、ationrelievereliefeffectaffect effective shortageshortdelightwarmwarmly warmthdelighteddonate donordonationreal really reality benefitbeneficialinspireinspiredinspirationinspiring 11._ v.犹犹豫豫 _ n.犹豫犹豫;疑虑疑虑 12._ v.帮助帮助;协助协助;援援助助 _ n.帮助帮助;援助援助 _ n.助理助理;助手助手;助教助教 13._ vt.建立建立 _ n.创始人创始人;创建者创建者 _ n.地基地基

19、;基础基础;基本原理基本原理;基金会基金会 14._ v.实现实现;完成完成 _ n.成就成就;成绩成绩;功绩功绩15._ vt.创造创造;创创作作 _ n.创造创造;创作创作;创建创建 _ n.创造者创造者;创作者创作者 _ adj.有创造性的有创造性的 16._ vt.对待对待;治疗治疗;把把看作看作;招招待待 n.款待款待;乐事乐事 _ n.治疗治疗;疗法疗法 treattreatmenthesitatehesitationassistassistance assistantfoundfounderfoundationachieveachievementcreate creation creative creator


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