寒假讲义-上海牛津版高一-状语从句+综合复习 - T.docx

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1、课程主题: 状语从句+综合复习6授课时间:学习目标教学内容一、高考翻译练习1. 听到那一激动人心的消息,我情不自禁地大哭起来。(burst) At the exciting news, I couldnt help bursting into tears.2. 做幼儿园老师需要极大的耐心。(call)Working as a teacher in the kindergarten calls for a lot of patience.3. 恐怕他们遇到交通堵塞了。(catch)Im afraid that they have been caught in a traffic jam.4. 作

2、为班上的尖子学生,她有能力解答这些数学题。(capable)As a top student in the class,she is capable of working out these maths problems.5. 现在年轻人所缺乏的,不是书本知识,而是实践经验。(not.but)What young people lack now is not book knowledge but practical experience.6. 父母双方必须对养育子女承担同等的责任。(bring)Parents must be equally responsible for bringing u

3、p children.7. 她的计划听上去很好,可是我们实施起来将困难重重。(carry)Her plan sounds good, but well have many difficulties carrying it out.8. 上周因为生病我缺了一些课,但是我会努力赶上大家的。(catch)Because of my illness last week, I missed some lessons, but I will try to catch up with others.9. 如果您方便的话,今晚我想去您府上拜访。(call) If it is convenient for yo

4、u, I want to call on you tonight. If it is convenient for you, I want to call at your house tonight. 10.这位作家专心致志于写作,以致忘了自己重病在身。(bury)The writer was so buried in his writing that he forgot his serious illness.11.她不在乎报酬,对她来说重要的是她的实验。(care)She doesnt care about the reward, and what matters to her is he

5、r experiment.12.我会待在宾馆,以防有电话。(incase)Ill stay in the hotel in case there is a telephone call.13.警方正在竭尽全力查明火灾的导因。(cause)The police are trying their best to find out the cause of the tire.14.他不仅意识到了自己的弱点,而且想克服它。(not only. but also) He not only realized his weakness but also desired to overcome it. Not

6、 only did he realize his weakness, but also he desired to overcome it.15.救援队在地震发生后不久就设法赶到了那里。(break)The rescue team managed to get there soon after the earthquake broke out.16.为了承担得起出国的费用,你无论怎样节俭都是不过分的。(cannot.too) In order to afford to go abroad,you cannot be too economical.17.在空调房间待太久会使人生病。(cause)

7、Staying in an air-conditioned room for too long may cause people to fall ill.18.小心点,别从车上摔下来,你才刚学会骑车。(careful)Be careful not to fall off the bike, as youve just learned to ride.19.除了等待进一步通知,我们别无他法。(but) We can do nothing but wait for further notice.20.不要打扰James,他正忙于学校音乐会的操练。(busy) Dont disturb James,

8、 as he is busy practicing for the school concert. Dont disturb James, as he is busy with the practice for the school concert.二、状语从句梳理知识点1:分类状语从句是副词性从句,它在句子中担任状语,修饰主句的动词、形容词、副词或句子。状语从句可以分为以下九种:1、时间状语从句 2、地点状语从句 3、原因状语从句 4、目的状语从句 5、结果状语从句 6、条件状语从句 7、方式状语从句 8、让步状语从句 9、比较状语从句知识点2:具体用法1) 时间状语从句:时间状语从句连词例

9、句说明when wheneverWhen I came into the room, he was writing a letter.当我进屋时,他正在写信。We shall go there whenever we are free.我们什么时间有空,我们就去那里。 when指的是“某一具体的时间”。 whenever指的是“在任何一个不具体的时间”。while While it was raining, they went out.正当天下雨的时候时,他们出去了。I stayed while he was away.他不在的时候而我在。(然而)All of us are working h

10、ard while he is sleeping.(然而,并列连词)while指“在某一段时间里”,“在期间”,while引导的动作必须是持续性的。 as He hurried home, looking behind as he went.他赶快回家,一边走一边向后看。 As time goes by, I like China better.随着时间的流逝,我越来越喜欢中国。as (“一边一边”)引导持续性动作,强调主句和从句的动作同时发生;10. “随着” before We had sailed 4 days before we saw land.It will be two year

11、s before he leaves this school.The tailor had measured me before I could get in a word .( 还没来得及就) I finished my task before I went home.我做完作业才回家。 Be a pupil before you become a teacher.先做学生,再做先生。before的常用句式:肯定句:“好久才”;否定句:“不久就”主语+had (not) done sth for something before It was (not) + 一段时间 + before.11

12、. It will (not) be + 一段时间 + before肯定:“要过多久才”否定:“不久就”主句+before sb. can(could) do“还没来得及就”afterHe arrived after the game started.比赛开始后,他到了。after“在之后”till untilWe waited till(until)he came back .我们一直等到他回来。She didnt stop working until eleven oclock .她到11点钟才停止工作。Until he had passed out of sight, she stood

13、 there.她站在那里看着,直到看不见他的身影。12. 如主句动词是持续性动作,常用肯定式,表示“直到为止”;13. 如主句动词是瞬间动词,要用否定式。notuntil表示“直到才”“在以前不”。 如果从句放在句首表示强调,一般用until。by也可以表示时间,意为“到为止,不晚于” since Great changes have taken place in China since 1978.自从1978年以来中国发生了巨大的变化。 主句动词为持续性的,从句动词为瞬间的。如果状语从句在主句之前时一般用逗号与主句分开;如果从句在主句之后则不必用标点符号。as soon asHardly/s

14、carcely hadwhenNo sooner hadthan.the moment.the instantthe secondimmediatelydirectlyinstantlyAs soon as I arrive in Shanghai, Ill write to you.我一到上海就给你写信。 Hardly (scarcely) had I got home when it began to rain. 我刚一到家就下雨了。No sooner had we got to the station than the train left.我们刚到车站,火车就走了。We had jus

15、t begun the moment we were told to stop. 我们刚开始就被叫停。I felt cheerful immediately I heard the song.我一听到这首歌就感到很愉快。hardlywhen和no soonerthan的意义相当于as soon as,但只表示过去发生的事情,主句为过去完成时,从句为过去时,如hardly或no sooner位于句首时语气强,而且主句的谓语要用部分倒装。名词短语连词:“一就”主句+ the moment从句主句+the instant从句主句+the second从句 副词短语连词:主句+ immediately

16、 +从句主句+ directly +从句主句+ instantly+从句every time=each timelast timenext timethe first timeby the time. Every time I traveled by boat, I got seasick.我每次乘船都晕船。Last time we saw you, you were too thin.上次我们见到你的时候,你太瘦了。Next time you come, bring your loved son.下次来的时候,带着你可爱的儿子。 I thought her nice and honest t

17、he first time I met her.第一次见面的时候,我就觉得她诚实善良。You will see by the time you receive the gift.收到礼物的时候你就知道了。 every time=each time“每次;每当”last time“上次”next time“下次”the first time“第一次”by the time.“到时”如果在“时间、条件”状语从句中,主句已经是将来时,那么从句就不能用将来时或过去将来时,而要用一般现在时或一般过去时代替将来时。2) 地点状语从句和原因状语从句:从句连词例句说明地点状语从句where whereverW

18、here there is a will, there is a way.有志者,事竟成。 Where there is water there is life.哪里有水,哪里就有生命。You are free to go wherever you want to.你可以随意到你喜欢的任何地方去。Wherever you go, you must obey the law.无论你去哪都要遵守法律。where与wherever意义基本相同,但后者语气较强,多用于书面语。where “在哪里”wherever“无论哪里” 原因状语从句becauseI came back late yesterda

19、y because I was on duty.昨天我回来晚了,因为我值班。because用来回答why 的问题,语气最强一般放在主句之后。sinceSince everyone is here, lets begin our meeting.既然大家都到了,我们开始开会。since表示既然或全已知的理由,稍加分析即可表明的原因,多放句首。as比较:并列连词forAs he didnt know much English,helooked up the word in the dictionary.由于他英语懂得不多,他在字典中查阅这个单词。It must have rained last n

20、ight, for the ground is still wet.昨天一定下过雨,地还湿呢。as引导的从句常放在句首,说明次要的原因,主句说明结果,常用于口语中。for连接的是并列句。now that seeing thatconsidering that.Now (that)the weather has cleared up, we can start our journey.鉴于天气已经晴朗,我们可以启程了。Seeing (that) he was badly ill, we sent for the doctor.鉴于他病情严重,我们派人去请医生去了。considering that

21、, seeing (that), now that和since 意义相似,都有“鉴于某个事实”的意思,that可以省去。3) 目的状语从句和结果状语从句:从句连词例句说明目的状语从句 so that in order that lest = for fear that(2) I shall write down your telephone number so that I may not forget it.我要把你的电话号码记下来,以免忘记。Well tell you the truth so that you can judge for yourself.我把真实情况告诉你,以便你能自己

22、做出判断。They worked harder than usual in order that they could finish the work ahead of time.他们比往常更加努力工作,为了能提前完成工作。Put on more clothes lest (= for fear that ) you should catch a cold. 多穿点衣服,以免患感冒。目的状语从句中常用情态动词may (might) can (could),should 等放在动词之前,从句往往放在主句之后,主从句之间不用任何标点符号。注意:1.so that和in order that的从句与

23、so as to和in order to可以转换(简单句)。2.lest后面常用虚拟语气。结果状语从句 so that sothat suchthat We turned up the radio, so that everyone heard the news.我们把收音机的音量放大,结果大家都听到了新闻。 He was so excited that he couldnt say a word.他十分激动,以致一句话都说不出来。so that前有逗号为结果状语从句。sothat的so后面跟形容词或副词。He gave such important reasons that he was e

24、xcused.他说出了这么重要的理由,得到大家的谅解。It is such an interesting novel that all of us want to read it.=It is so interesting a novel that all of us want to read it.这是一本十分有意思的书,大家都想看。suchthat的such后面跟名词,如果名词是单数就要用such a /anthat还可以转换用sothat,语气较强。4) 条件状语从句和方式状语从句:从句连词例句说明条件状语从句if unless as/so long as in case so/as f

25、ar asonceDifficulties are nothing if we are not afraid of them.如果我们不怕困难,困难就算不了什么了。We shall go there tomorrow unless it rains.除非下雨,否则我们明天就去那里。= We shall go there tomorrow if it does no train.So long as you work hard, you will succeed.只要你努力工作,你就一定能成功。In case I forget, please remind me about it.万一我忘了,请

26、提醒我一下。 So far as I know, the book will be published next month.据我所知,那本书下月出版。Once you decide to do something, you should try your best.一旦你决定做某件事情,你就应该全力以赴。 unless从句的谓语只能用肯定式。unless和ifnot同义,unless是书面语,ifnot是口语,通常二者可以换用。条件状语从句中的谓语动词的时态一般要用现在时或过去时代替一般将来时或过去将来时。方式状语从句as as if=as thoughDraw a cat as I tau

27、ght you yesterday.按照我昨天教你的画只猫。 Do as you are told to.按照人家告诉你做的去做。 She looks as if she is ill.看上去她好像是生病了。He acted as if (though) nothing had happened.他的行动就好像什么也没有发生。They treat the black boy as if (though) he were an animal.他们对待这黑孩子仿佛他是一头牲口。 此处as译为“按照”或“正如” as if或as though的意义和用法基本一样。从句中可以用现在时表示可能符合事实,

28、也可以用虚拟语气。同时也要注意跟even if/though(即使,尽管)的意义区别。5) 让步状语从句和比较状语从句:从句连词例句说明让步状语从句though although Although (Though) he was over sixty, (yet) he began to learn French.虽然他六十多岁了,但仍开始学习法语。We were not tired though (although) we had worked all day.虽然我们干了一天活,但并不累。在句子中一般用了“虽然”就不能再用“但是”(but)但可以与yet或still连用。though/al

29、though意义相同,用法基本一样,前者通俗,口语化,后者正式多放主句的前面。even if=even thoughIll go even if (though) it rains tomorrow.即使明天下雨,我也要去。even if 和even though的意思为“即使”“纵使”,有退一步设想的意味,多用于书面语中。asChild as he is, he knows a lot.(名词短语提前,零冠词)虽然他是一个孩子,但他懂得很多。Cold as it is, (= Though it is cold,) the children play outdoors. 虽然天气冷,但孩子们

30、仍在户外玩。Try as you might, you cant catch me.尽管努力,你也抓不到我。as引出的状语从句多用于书面语,它比用though或although引导的从句,语气强,更有表现力。 如果从句常放在句首,语序部分倒装。no matter (who,what when,where which,how)Do it no matter what others say.不管别人怎么说,尽管干。No matter how busy he was,he studied English every day.不管他多忙,他都每天坚持学习英语 No matter who takes u

31、p the matter for me ,I shall be very grateful.不管谁为我处理这件事,我都将非常感激。no matter与 who-ever引导的让步状语从句意义基本一 样,no matter引导的从句可是以位于主句前或主句后。 Wh-+ever (whatever whoever whenever whichever however)Whatever happens / may happen , we shall not lose heart.无论发生什么,我们都不要失去信心。Whoever comes, he will be welcome.无论谁来,都会受到欢

32、迎。Wh-+ ever从句中的动词有时可以和may连用。判断wh-+ ever引导的是让步状语从句还是名词性从句的一点是:名词性从句,主句中一定有一个成分要在从句担任,一般从句与主句之间没有逗号。不可将no matter与wh-+ ever连用。比较状语从句asas not so/asasthe sameassuchasMary is as old as my sister.玛利和我姐姐一样大。He doesnt run so (as) fast as Jack (does).他不如杰克跑得那样快。His book is the same as mine.他的书和我的一样。 Henry is

33、not such a good worker as Peter.享利这个工人不如彼得那样好。连词表示同程度级的比较,肯定句用asas,否定句可用not asas 或not soas。thanShe has made greater progress this year than she did last year. 她今年比去年进步更大。 He bought fewer books than I (did).他买的书比我买的少。 He runs less fast than me.他没有我跑得快。表示不同程度之比较,主句中用比较级的形容词或副词。the more the moreThe mor

34、e you read, the better you understand.你看的书越多,你懂得的就越多。 The more tickets you sell, the more money you will get. 你卖的票越多,你的收入也越多。The harder you work, the greater progress you will make.你工作越努力,你取得的进步就越大the morethe more 意思为“越越”,通常的语序为从句在前主句在后,这两个the都是。表示程度的副词,用在比较级的形容词或副词前面。句子意思明显,句子的主语和动词都可省略。 倍数的表达方式倍数+

35、as.as.+主+谓倍数+比较级+than+主+谓倍数+the+n(size, length, width.)+of+主+谓倍数+what.+主+谓句型结构中倍数都是在最前面的,后面会用到原级、比较级以及名词和句子。状语从句一、状语从句常用引导词归纳:引导状语从句的词语叫从属连词。不同的状语从句通常由不同的从属连词来引导。如:1. 时间状语从句的从属连词主要有when, while, as, whenever, before, after, since, until, till, as soon as, the moment, the minute, the second, the insta

36、nt, immediately, directly, instantly, once等。2. 条件状语从句的从属连词主要有if, unless, as so long as等。3. 目的状语从句的从属连词主要有 in order that, so that, in case, for fear that等。4. 结果状语从句的从属连词主要有so that, sothat, suchthat等。5. 原因状语从句的从属连词主要有because, as, since, seeing that, now that, in that, considering (that) 等。6. 让步状语从句的从属

37、连词主要有although, though, even though, even if, while, however, whatever, whoever, whenever, wherever等。7. 方式状语从句的从属连词主要有as, as if, as though等。8. 地点状语从句的从属连词主要有where, wherever等。9. 比较状语从句的从属连词主要有than和asas等。二、状语从句分类解析:F 1. 时间状语从句:(1) when, while, as (when + do; while + doing) 1. when 有突然性,强调突然: Sb. be abo

38、ut to do when Sb. be going to do when 表示“每当的时候”(暗示一种规律性),一般要用 when:For example: Its cold when it snows. 下雪时天冷。He smiles when you praise him. 你夸奖他时他总是笑笑。2. while 当后面常用延续性动词 For instance: While Mary was writing a letter, the children were playing outside.3. as 表示随着 For instance: As the sun rose, the f

39、og dispersed. 太阳一出来,雾随之消失。 (2) 1. It be +时间段+since表示“自从以来有多久了”,但若从句谓语是延续性动词时,则意为“(多久) 不做了”。It is (has been) three years since I joined the Party. 我入党有三年了。It is (has been) three years since he lived here. 他不住这里有三年了。2. It will be+时间段+before表示“过之后才”,若will be是否定式,则表示“没过就”。It will be years before we meet

40、 again. 要过几年之后我们才能重相聚。It was not long before he came back. 没过多久他就回来了。3. It be +时间点+before表示“在之前,时间是”。It was evening before they got here. 他们到达这里之前就已经天黑了。4. It be +时间点+when表示“当时,时间是”。It was five oclock when he got home. 他回到家时已是五点了。(比较强调结构:It was at five oclock that he got home. ) (3) before / until F

41、or instance: 1. I started my meal before Adam arrived. 2. I hadnt waited long before he came. 3. I dislike Eric until I got to know him. 4. I wont know until I get a letter from him. 辨析:before和until用法的区别:第一,与until从句连用的主句,如果是肯定句,则谓语动词必须是持续性动词(诸如be, wait, live, love, like, last, work等),而不能是非持续性动词(诸如st

42、art, arrive, join)。第二,与until从句连用的主句,如果是否定句,则until从句表示主句动作的起点,而在before从句中却并非如此。例如:I wont know until I get a letter from him. 从句“I get a letter from him”是 “我知道”这个动作的开始。所以翻译成中文是“等我收到他的信以后我才会知道。” 注意:当肯定的主句的谓语动词为持续性动词时,则before与until可以互换: For example: It was an hour before (until) the police arrived. (4)

43、表示“一就”除用 as soon as 外,还可用 the minute, the second, the instant, immediately, directly, instantly, no soonerthan, hardlywhen 等。For example: I came immediately you called. 你一来电话我就来了。Hardly had she arrived when it began to snow. 她刚到就下起了雪。The moment I have finished Ill give you a call. 我一忙完就给你电话。 No soon

44、erthan & Hardlywhen 放句首,要引起部分倒装。口诀为前倒后不倒。 No sooner + 过去完成时 than + 一般过去时 Hardly + 过去完成时 when + 一般过去时 (5) every time, each time, (the) next time, (the) last time, by the time, the first time, any time 等以 time 结尾的词语也可用作连词,直接引导时间状语从句,后面千万不要加when。 For instance: Next time you come in, please close the door.He didnt tell me anything the last time I saw him. By the time I got home, she had already gone to bed. F 2. 条件状语从句:(1) i


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