Unit 3 Developing ideas单词用法讲解ppt课件(2022)高中英语新外研版必修第一册.pptx

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1、单词课堂版本:新外研版本:新外研 单元:必修一单元:必修一 Unit 3(Developing ideas)本单元词汇梳理本单元词汇梳理1.admire:词块:admire sb for sth,admire the moon2.judge:一词多义:基本义“判断”派生词:judg(e)ment3.settle:一词多义:词源义come to rest,基本义“定下来”词块:settle down,settle for 派生词:settlement,settler4.feature:基本义:特征;名词动词化5.typically:typical+-ly6.style:一词多义:基本义“风格”词

2、块 in/out of style7.extra:ex-(out 向外),联系初中词 express,expect,explain8.detail:de-(entirely 完全)+-tail(cut into pieces 切碎)完全切碎 细节 词块:in detail,go into details 派生词:detailed9.contain:con-(together 共同)+-tain-(to hold 握,持有)共同持有 包含 熟词生义:抑制;防止蔓延 Wuhan is on lockdown to contain the spread of a new coronavirus ou

3、tbreak.10.summary:来自sum 词块:in summary=to sum up 派生词:summarise11.powerful:power+-ful 12.triathlon:tri-(three 三)+athlon(contest 竞赛)同源词:athlete 同词缀词:triangle(三角形),tricycle(三轮脚踏车)13.series:单复数同形,词块:a series of,TV series 14.in the lead,take the lead15.track:一词多义:词源义/基本义:足迹;轨迹 意为“足迹”常用复数 词块:track and fiel

4、d events 名词动词化:“追踪”track down16.media:medium的复数;词块:social media17.obviously:obvious+-ly 同义词:clearly,句子副词18.despite:同义词:in spite of19.entire:同义词:complete 派生词:entirely20.enormously:enormous(近义词huge)+-ly 21.positive:精准的汉语释义“积极乐观的”熟词生义:“阳性的”反义词:negative 词块:be positive about22.million:词块millions of,拓展bil

5、lion23.disqualify:dis-+qualify qualify:quality(B1U4 优质的)+-ify(使得 to make)24.medal:词块:a gold/silver/bronze medal25.somehow,indeed:句子副词一词多义一词多义重难点词精讲trackstylejudge一词多义一词多义一词多义一词多义一词多义一词多义一词多义一词多义positivesettlefeature精准的汉语释义精准的汉语释义一词多义一词多义句子句子副词副词话题词汇话题词汇judge“不要以貌取人”这句话还有很多说法。其中一个著名的版本出自圣经约翰福音第7章。原文是

6、“Never judge from appearances,but judge with right judgment.”“不可按外貌定是非,总要按公平断定是非”。即不可以貌取人,判断事物不应受表面现象蒙蔽。Dont judge a book by its cover.You might miss out an amazing story!vi&vt 判断判断 to form an opinion about sb/sth:Judging from her accent,she must be from Sichuan.vt 估计 to guess the size,amount,etc.of

7、 sth:Its difficult to judge how long the journey will take.judge v.vt&vi 评价评价 to be critical about sb,to decide whether sb is good or bad:Ive learnt a good lesson:not to judge people.vt 审判;判决:审判;判决:judge a case/judge sb guilty vt&vi 裁判;评判:裁判;评判:She was asked to judge the English speech contest.judge

8、语义网络图判断judge(基本义)根据所见、所闻、所学判断判断某事物判断判断大小、数量等不公正或批评地对某人作出判断判断判断判断比赛结果判断判断案件判断判断估计估计评价评价裁判裁判审判;判决审判;判决裁判员法官动词名词judg(e)ment U 判断力;辨别力判断力;辨别力 the ability to form opinions or to make sensible decisions:He showed excellent judgement in choosing a friend.C&U 意见;看法;评价意见;看法;评价 an opinion that you form after

9、thinking carefully:make a judgement on/aboutIn her judgment,it was a wrong thing to give children so much pocket money.settle猜猜settle的释义 Remember that everything can be settled by discussion.Im glad to learn that youve settled down in Boston and are getting used to the local of life.T h e y s e t t

10、l e d i n a t a comfortable East Side cafe and within minutes,another customer was approaching their table.vi&vt 坐下;坐下;(使使)处于舒适的位置处于舒适的位置 to get into or put sb into a comfortable position:She settled herself into her chair and started to read.vi&vt(移民、殖民移民、殖民)定居定居(于于)to make a place your permanent h

11、ome:This region was settled by the Dutch in the 19th century.vi&vt 对某事达成一致意见;解决对某事达成一致意见;解决:settle an argument/a problem vt 常用于被动语态常用于被动语态 确定;决定确定;决定:It was settled that they would get married in June.settle v 词源义come to rest1.She breathed deeply to settle her nerves.2.A butterfly settled on a red f

12、lower.3.Back in the hotel,an air of sadness settled over the group.4.Depression settled over her like a heavy black cloud.5.The house had been empty for years,and dust had settled on all the furniture.根据settle的基本义come to rest,猜猜下列句子中settle的意思。使平静使平静降落降落围绕围绕围绕围绕降落降落停止移动、停止移动、定下来定下来settle基本义基本义人停止移动人停

13、止奔波停止或结束争论分歧等对某事达成一致意见;解决定居坐下;(使)处于舒适的位置计划、安排、行程等定下来(使)平静;(使)安定情绪等定下来抽象事物停止移动降落;停留围绕;充满物停止移动确定;决定settle的语义网络 舒适地坐下舒适地坐下/躺下:躺下:They put up the tent,and settled down to eat the sandwiches.安顿下来;安定下来安顿下来;安定下来:When are you going to get married and settle down?(使使)安静;安静;(使使)平静:平静:She didnt start the lesso

14、n until the pupils settled down.settle(down)to 开始专心于;着手认真做:开始专心于;着手认真做:With so much noise outside,I couldnt settle down to my work.重要搭配重要搭配 settle downThey failed to reach a settlement,because they disagreed too much with each other.19feature近年来网上出现了一种新的审美标准网红脸(也称蛇精脸),什么是网红脸?网红脸的面部特征(facial feature)

15、是锥子脸,大眼睛,高鼻梁,一字眉的标准配置。feature n C 面貌的一部分面貌的一部分(指眼、口、鼻等指眼、口、鼻等);(面貌特征面貌特征)a part of sbs face:have nice featuresHer eyes are her best feature.特征;特点特征;特点 an important or noticeable part of sth:An important feature of Van Goghs paintings is their bright colors.事物的特征人的面部特征文森特梵高(Vincent van Gogh,1853年3月30

16、日1890年7月29日),荷兰后印象派画家。代表作有星月夜(The Starry Night)、自画像系列、向日葵(Sunflowers)系列等。梵高是一位色彩主义画家,他对色彩的偏好几乎达到了一种癫狂的状态,他的画作中的色彩都是较为奔放、夸张的。文化拓展(报纸、杂志等的报纸、杂志等的)特写;专题节目特写;专题节目 a special article or programme about sb/sthShe showed great interest in a special feature on education in todays newspaper.新闻媒体具有特征的部分特征(基本义)

17、featurefeature语义网络图事物的特征特征人的面部特征特征特点;特征特点;特征面貌的一部分面貌的一部分 (指(指眼、口、鼻等);眼、口、鼻等);面貌面貌 (特征特征)特写;专题节目特写;专题节目新闻媒体具有特特征征的部分feature v vt 是是 的特征;以的特征;以为特色为特色 to include sb/sth as an important part:This store features round-the-clock service.The film featured Allen Rickman as a professor.vi 起重要作用;占重要地位起重要作用;占重

18、要地位 to have an important part in sth:Fish features in the Japanese diet.曾经风靡全球的江南style是韩国音乐人PSY的一首K-Pop单曲。2012年12月21日,江南style成为互联网历史上第一个点击量超过10亿次的视频。“Gangnam Style”是一个韩国新词,指的是首尔江南区富裕时尚、豪华奢靡的生活方式。style古罗马人是用一种叫做 stylus 的尖头铁笔在蜡板上写字的,要写得好,就需要有驾驭铁笔的能力。英语单词 style 一词就是从 stylus 来的,现在用来指一位作家的“文体”、“文风”,其实也就是

19、他驾驭钢笔的能力。在现代,style 更多指一个人衣着打扮的风格和格调。style词源词源 n.style C&U(文学艺术音乐建筑等的)风格;文体:Baroque styleHui style architecture Different areas have different styles of old Irish songs.The new houses have been built in a traditional style.C&U(人行为、工作或待人的)方式;作风 the particular way in which sb usually behaves or works:C

20、hildren have different styles of learning:some learn by seeing,some by hearing,some by doing.C&U(设计的)款式;流行式样:Umbrellas have not changed much in style,but they do become much lighter.Long skirts are back in style.U(人或事物的)格调;气派 a quality that people admire or think is attractive:You may not like her,b

21、ut she certainly has style.style 语义网络语义网络风格基本义文学艺术音乐建筑等的“风格”人做事情的“风格”衣服等东西的“风格”令人敬佩的“风格”(文学艺术音乐建筑等的)风格;文体 (人行为、工作或待人的)方式;作风 (设计的)款式;流行式样 (人或事物的)格调;气派 tracktrack n C 常用复数常用复数 足迹;轨迹;车辙:足迹;轨迹;车辙:follow sbs tracks We saw wild animals tracks near the cave.小路;小径:小路;小径:It takes me only a few minutes to wal

22、k to school down a muddy track.(铁路铁路)轨道;滑轨:轨道;滑轨:railway tracks 跑道;径赛运动:跑道;径赛运动:They ran five times round the track.track and field events 田径项目田径项目keep track of 与与保持联系;了解保持联系;了解的的动态动态:They read the newspapers every day to keep track of current events.lose track of 失去失去的线索;与的线索;与失失去联系;忘记:去联系;忘记:The p

23、olice have lost track of the criminals.I had so much fun that I lost track of time.vt 跟踪;追踪:跟踪;追踪:Zac tracks down the medals rightful owners,and returns them.2019 浙江改名词动词化名词动词化track语义网络图语义网络图足迹;痕迹足迹;痕迹基本义基本义人、动物、车人、动物、车辆等经过后辆等经过后留下的留下的痕迹痕迹足迹;轨迹;足迹;轨迹;车辙车辙被踩出的被踩出的痕迹痕迹运动员运动的运动员运动的痕迹痕迹径赛运动径赛运动小路;小径小路;小

24、径跑道跑道和跑道有关的和跑道有关的体育运动体育运动跟踪;跟踪;追踪追踪vpositive积极的心态寻找解决问题的办法;消极的心态寻找逃避问题的各种借口。positive adj 正面的;积极乐观的;有益的正面的;积极乐观的;有益的 (反反 negative):She tires to be more positive about her new job.I believe that the Internet has positive effects on our lives.People with high EQs usually have positive attitudes towards

25、 life.确实的;确信的确实的;确信的:She was quite positive about the amount of money involved.正的;阳性的正的;阳性的(反反 negative):a positive number Anyone,once tested positive for the bird flu virus,willreceive free medical treatment from our government.obviously adv 显而易见地(clearly):The answer is obviously wrong.Obviously,th

26、e ability to talk is something that marks humans off from animals.修饰整个句子句子副词句子副词修饰形容词somehow adv 以某种方式;用某种方法:以某种方式;用某种方法:Dont worry.Well get the money back somehow.句子副词句子副词 就个人而言:就个人而言:Somehow the right chance never seemed to present itself.修饰get back修饰整个句子indeed adv 真正地;当然;确实:句子副词句子副词 强调陈述或回答强调陈述或回

27、答:Do you agree with the plan?Yes,indeed!句子副词句子副词 补充内容,强调或支持说过的话补充内容,强调或支持说过的话:I dont mind.Indeed,I am delighted to help.与与very和形容词或副词连用和形容词或副词连用 强调陈述或描述强调陈述或描述:Thank you very much indeed.句子副词修饰整个句子,多置于句首,也可以在句中甚至可以在句末,通常表示说话人的态度或语气。在高考的语篇填空、短文改错和书面表达等题型中,常有对句子副词直接考查的情况。特别是在写作中,句子副词让文章衔接更流畅、观点更清晰。什么是

28、句子副词?1.Actually,on second thoughts,I dont think I want to go out tonight.2.Admittedly,it is rather expensive but you dont need to use much.3.A fire broke out in the market yesterday,but fortunately no one was hurt.4.Hopefully,Ill be able to stay at home for three weeks this time.5.The composition is

29、 all right;theres room for improvement,however.找出句子副词并仔细体会找出句子副词并仔细体会外貌特征外貌特征话题词汇思维导图话题词汇思维导图beard,cheek,ear,eye,jaw,lips,mouth,nose,etc.black,blond,grey,red,etc.curly,straight,wavy,etc.long,shoulder-length,etc.dark,fair,light,pale,etc.rough,smooth,etc.appearanceheadskinfeaturehairbuildheightaverage

30、,medium,etc.weightheavy,muscle,overweight,weight,etc.figurebroad-shouldered,fit,skinny,slim,thin,etc.ageyoung,middle-aged,elderly,inones thirties,etc.随堂检测settle一、根据句意写出画线部分的汉语释义。一、根据句意写出画线部分的汉语释义。1.Some governments have realized how serious the dangerous waste problem is and are now trying to settle

31、 this problem._2.Dust had settled on everything._3.An uneasy silence settled over the room._4.It always takes the class a while to settle down at the start of the lesson._5.They failed to reach a settlement,because they disagreed too much with each other._解决解决降落降落/停留停留安静下来安静下来弥漫;充满弥漫;充满达成和平协议达成和平协议二

32、、根据所给汉语,用含有二、根据所给汉语,用含有settle的词块完成下列句子。的词块完成下列句子。1.She came down last year and _(定居在这个村子里).2.She doesnt _(勉强接受)anything but the best.3.Mr.and Mrs.Brown would like to see their daughter _(安顿下来),get married,and have kids.settled down in the villagesettle forsettled downjudge一、根据句意写出画线词的汉语释义。一、根据句意写出画线

33、词的汉语释义。1.Judging from the writing style of the passage,it is a piece of advertisement._2.I judged him to be about 50._3.We should avoid judging people by their appearances._4.Ive been asked to judge the essay competition._5.She is a famous judge in court._判断判断估计估计评价评价担任裁判担任裁判法官法官二、在空白处填入二、在空白处填入1 1个

34、适当的单词或括号内单词的正确个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。形式。1.The crowd around me were obviously enjoying their day out at the races,_(judge)by their happy faces.2.I respect his _(judge)and Ill follow any advice he gives me.3.He refused to make a judgement _ the situation.judg(e)mentjudgingabout/onfeature根据句意写出画线词的汉语释义。根据句意

35、写出画线词的汉语释义。1.An interesting feature of the city is the old market._2.He has wonderful strong features._3.We are delighted to see the Sunday Times running a long feature on global warming._特征特征容貌容貌专题专题一、根据句意选出style的最佳释义。(文学艺术音乐建筑等的)风格;文体 方式;作风 款式;流行式样 基础训练基础训练style二、根据句意写出画线部分的汉语释义。_ 1.In my view,new

36、 architectural styles can exist perfectly well alongside an older style._ 2.People develop a preference for a particular style of learning at an early age and these preferences affect learning._ 3.The furniture,with its modern style and bright colors,suits modern houses and their gardens.建筑风格方式款式Hed

37、 had his hair styled at an expensive salon._三、翻译句子中的画线部分。能力提升能力提升做头发1.We _(跟着熊留下的足迹)in the snow.2.As a journalist,he has to _(了解)events all over the Middle East.3.Celebrities famous people worry constantly about their public appearance.Eventually,they start to _(忘记)who they really are,seeing themsel

38、ves the way their fans imagine them.4.She suffered a lot of defeats at the previous _(径赛运动会).一、根据所给提示,完成下列句子。一、根据所给提示,完成下列句子。trackfollowed the bears tracks keep track of lose track of track meets 二、写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。二、写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。1.After my graduation,Dads business was getting back on track._2.W

39、ithin two years after her arrival in Canada,Diana at last achieved her original goal when her new store opened its doors in Torontos Sheppard Centre.She was on the fast-track to success._ 3.The president of the Australasian Society for the Study of Obesity said parents needed help in doing their job

40、 and the Opposition Partys policy might be on the right track._ 步入正轨步入正轨 成功在望成功在望 做法对路做法对路 positive一、写出下列句子中一、写出下列句子中positive的释义。的释义。1.Shes got a really positive attitude of life._2.The rural environment had a positive effect on the childrens health._3.Two is a positive number._二、根据所给汉语及提示,翻译下列句子。二、根据所给汉语及提示,翻译下列句子。海伦凯勒从未放弃过,一直对生活保持积极的态度。(take a.attitude toward.)_积极乐观的正面的正数Helen Keller never gave up and always took a positive attitude toward(s)/to life.谢谢观赏


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