Unit 1Laugh out loud Using language 课件-(2022)新外研版高中《英语》选择性必修第一册.pptx

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1、Unit 1Laugh out loud!To know the usage of non-defining attributive clauses To write with non-defining attributive clausesNon-defining attributive clauses1 Look at the sentences from the reading passage and answer the questions.a I walk through the doors into the waiting area,where theres familiar at

2、mosphere of boredom and tension.b.laughter produces chemicals to make people feel better,which means clown doctors can be helpful.c I spent much of the time when I was there feeling frightened.1.What do“where”,“which”and“when”refer to in each sentence?“where”refers to in the waiting area,“which”refe

3、rs to the fact that laughter produces chemicals to make people feel better,“when”refers to the time.2.Which sentences contain clause with essential information and which with extra information?If you take away the clauses,do the sentences still make sense?The last one contains clause with essential

4、information,and the other two contain clauses with extra information.If you take away the clauses,the last sentence makes no sense.3.Which clauses are separated by a comma,the ones with essential information or the ones with extra information?The clauses with extra information are separated by a com

5、ma.We may conclude:Non-defining attributive clauses contain extra information that is not so essential.Non-defining attributive clauses are separated by a comma.Now look for more sentences with non-defining attributive clauses in the reading passage,and summarise their uses in your own words.People

6、sit uncomfortably on plastic chairs,looking through old magazines,all of which have been read hundreds of times previously.I speak with the on-duty nurse,who tells me that Laras parents rushed her to the hospital after she fell off her bicycle.We have to be very sensitive and work closely with the d

7、octors and nurses,who keep us updated on each patient.the usage of non-defining attributive clausesTeachers who are kind are popular with the students.友善的老师受学生欢迎。友善的老师受学生欢迎。Mr.Wang,who is kind,is popular with the students.王老师很受学生欢迎,他很友善。王老师很受学生欢迎,他很友善。Teachers who are kind are popular with the stude

8、nts.Mr.Wang,who is kind,is popular with the students.分析两种定语从句省略后的结果分析两种定语从句省略后的结果:限制性定语从句限制性定语从句省略省略后主语所指就不明确后主语所指就不明确,所以不能省略所以不能省略。非限制性定语从句非限制性定语从句省省略后意义略后意义 仍然完整,仍然完整,所以可以省略。所以可以省略。(1)I saw the guy who delivers my mail in town yesterday.(2)Ill always remember the river where we learned to swim.(3)

9、Do you know the reason why the sky is blue?(4)Shes the person whose daughter goes to Harvard.Group 1:Defining Attributive Clauses Group 2:Non-defining Attributive Clauses(1)Paris,where I spent six months studying,is the most beautiful city in the world.(2)The woman down the street,whose children are

10、 the same age as yours,invited us over for dinner next week.(3)The movie,which is my favorite comedy of all time,is being shown on TV tomorrow night.which guy?which river?the reason for what?which person?若去掉,句子若去掉,句子含义不明确含义不明确若去掉,不影若去掉,不影响句子含义响句子含义无逗号与主无逗号与主句隔开句隔开有逗号与主有逗号与主句隔开句隔开Whats the difference

11、s between defining attributive clauses and non-defining attributive clauses?形式形式作用作用能否能否省略省略翻译翻译限制性限制性定语定语 从从句句非限制非限制性定语性定语从句从句逗号逗号隔开隔开修饰修饰限定限定补充补充解释解释能能不能不能的的两个两个句子句子无无 逗逗号号 非限制性定语从句是先行词的附加说明非限制性定语从句是先行词的附加说明,去掉去掉了也了也 不会影响主句意思不会影响主句意思,它与主句之间通常用它与主句之间通常用逗号分开。逗号分开。引导引导“非限定非限定”的关系词有:的关系词有:1.指人时:指人时:2.

12、指物时:指物时:which(可指某个词也可指整个主句可指某个词也可指整个主句,从句只,从句只 能位于主句之后能位于主句之后)as (表示(表示正如正如,可位于主句前或主句后),可位于主句前或主句后)非限制性定语从句的用法非限制性定语从句的用法 who,whom,whosewhich,as3.指地点时:指地点时:4.指时间时:指时间时:5.指原因时:指原因时:where=相应介词相应介词+whichwhen=相应介词相应介词+whichfor which(切不可用(切不可用why)在在 of which/whom 之前可以使用表达数量之前可以使用表达数量或定位的数词或代词或定位的数词或代词1.I

13、 am doing different types of exercises,all of _ are quite helpful to my health.2.Many people,some of _ are not overweight,are going on diets.3.There are 54 students in my class,three of _ come from US.whichwhomwhomA Reflection from a TeenagerWhats yours?“非限定非限定”使用须知使用须知1.从句中所有的关系词都不可省略从句中所有的关系词都不可省略

14、2.从句通常不能用从句通常不能用that引导引导3.在在“非限定非限定”中中,指人的关系代词作宾语时指人的关系代词作宾语时,只只能用宾格能用宾格whom,不能用不能用who替换替换,也不能省略。也不能省略。4.从句不能用从句不能用why引导引导,要用要用 for which 代替代替why5.从句置于句首时从句置于句首时,不能用不能用which引导引导;而要用关而要用关系代词系代词 as 引导引导(as可放主句前可放主句前,也可放主句后也可放主句后)1)I have a sister who works in a hospital.我有一位在医院工作的姐姐。我有一位在医院工作的姐姐。(不只一位

15、姐姐)(不只一位姐姐)2)I have a sister,who works in a hospital.我有一位姐姐,她在医院工作。我有一位姐姐,她在医院工作。(只有一位姐姐)(只有一位姐姐)有时同一个限制性从句变为非限制性从句会改有时同一个限制性从句变为非限制性从句会改变全句的意思。变全句的意思。as 和和 which 可指代整个主句可指代整个主句as 可放在句中或句首可放在句中或句首,which 只放在句中只放在句中_ we know,smoking is harmful to ones health.The sun heats the earth,_ is very important

16、 to us.Aswhichas/which 引导非限定性定语从句的区别引导非限定性定语从句的区别关系代词关系代词as在定语从句中指代整件事,充当句在定语从句中指代整件事,充当句中的主语或者宾语,它中的主语或者宾语,它经常和经常和the same,such,as一起搭配使用,共同构成一个固定词组。一起搭配使用,共同构成一个固定词组。1.As we all know,he is a famous scientist.2.As is expected,he is a diligent boy.3.She has the same book as you have.as 引导非限制性从句,常意为引导

17、非限制性从句,常意为“正如正如”。可出现在句首、句中、句末。常见结构有:可出现在句首、句中、句末。常见结构有:as is known to all as is often the caseas might/could be expected as has been said beforeas has been mentioned aboveas has been pointed outas can be imaginedas can be seen(from these figures)as often happens as will be shown这是常有的事这是常有的事 正如人们所预料的

18、正如人们所预料的 正如上面所提到的正如上面所提到的 正如前面所说的正如前面所说的 正如所指出的正如所指出的 正如正如所示所示 非限制性定语从句和简单句的比较非限制性定语从句和简单句的比较1.He failed in the exam._ made his parents angry.2.He failed in the exam,_ made his parents angry.3.He has two sons.Both of _ are teachers.4.He has two sons,both of _ are teachers.Thiswhichwhomthem2 Read the

19、 passage and rewrite the tips using non-defining attributive clauses.Add more tips to the list if you can.SECRETS TO HAPPINESSAchieving a positive state of mind isnt easy for everyone.But there are ways to maintain a healthy mind even during times of difficulty.Go for a walk in the countryside.There

20、 you can enjoy the beautiful views and a peaceful atmosphere.Spend time with your family and friends.This will activate chemicals in your brain to make you feel happier.Try to accept your mistakes.You can learn a lot through them.Close your eyes and picture the future.Youve made your dreams come tru

21、e.Go for a walk in the countryside,where you can enjoy the beautiful views and a peaceful atmosphere.Spend time with your family and friends,which will activate chemicals in your brain to make you feel happier.Try to accept your mistakes,through which you can learn a lot.Close your eyes and picture

22、the future.Youve made your dreams come true.3 Complete the joke with the sentence parts in the box using who/which and put commas in the correct position.has lost his patience by nowhe thinks will impress Holmes is lying next to himhe finds annoying1.The earth is round._ is known to all.2.The earth

23、is round,_ is known to all.3._ is known to all,the earth is round.4._ is known to all that the earth is round.5._ is known to all is that the earth is round.Itwhich/as AsItCompare:(定从定从)(形式主语形式主语)What(主语从句)(主语从句)Sherlock Holmes Dr WatsonOne day,Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson go camping.They put up th

24、eir tent under the stars and go to sleep.Suddenly,in the middle of the night,Watson is woken upby Holmes 1_“Watson,”Holmes says,“look up at the stars,and tell me what they tell you.”Not quite sure what he means,Watson thinks Holmes is joking 2_ at this time of night.,who is lying next to him,which h

25、e finds annoyingEven so,he replies,“I see millions of stars and its quite likely there are some planets like Earth.And if so,this means that there might also be life on other planets.”Watson is pleased with his answer 3 _.But Holmes 4 _ shouts,“Watson,look around you!Use your eyes!Somebodys stolen o

26、ur tent!”,which he thinks will impress Holmes,who has lost his patience by now1.We have entered into an age _ dreams have the best chance of coming true.(2019江苏卷江苏卷单项填空单项填空)A.which B.what C.when D.that2.Their child is at the stage_ she can say individual words but not full sentences.(2019天津卷天津卷单项填空单

27、项填空)A.why B.where C.which D.what3.One afternoon where I was in primary school,I was walking by the school playground.(2019新课标新课标卷卷短文改错短文改错)4.Now Irene Astbury works from 9am to 5pm daily at the pet shop in Macclesfield,_ she opened with her late husband Les.(2019新课标新课标卷卷语法填空语法填空)whenwhere5.They were

28、 well trained by their masters _ had great experience with caring for these animals.(2019新课标新课标卷卷语法语法 填空填空)6.In the cafe,customers will enjoy yourselves in the historical environment what is created for them.(2019新课标新课标卷卷短文短文 改错改错)whothat/which7.On the edge of the jacket,there is a piece of cloth _

29、gives off light in the dark.(2019浙江卷浙江卷语法填空语法填空)8.What students do at college seems to matter much more than _ they go.(2019北京卷北京卷语法填空语法填空)that/whichwhere9.The students benefitting most from college are those _ are totally engaged(参参 与与)in academic life.(2019北京卷北京卷语法填语法填 空空)that/who1.The famous bask

30、etball star,_ is an American,came to China yesterday.2.In those days,she used to go to Mr.Black,with _ she had a wonderful time.3.I bought a car yesterday,_ cost me a lot.4.Xian,_ I visited last year,is a nice old city.whowhomwhichwhich5.He will come to see me next July,_ he wont be so busy.6.The sc

31、hool,_ I once studied,was built thirty years ago.7.John said hed been working in the office for an hour,_ was true.8.The managers daughter,_ name is Ann,gave me a patient smile.whenwherewhichwhoseThink of a joke you find funny and write it down using non-defining attributive clauses where appropriate.Then share your joke with the class.


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