Unit 1 Lesson 2 Understanding and Coping with Stress课件 -(2022)新北师大版《高中英语》必修第一册.zip

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Lesson 2 Understanding and Coping with Stressrelaxationstress stressfulstressedrelaxrelaxingrelaxedDo you find these situations stressful or relaxing?Study/Work:examsSocial Situations:meeting a friend in a caf downtownLeisure Activities:doing exercisewaiting for exam Listen for understanding You are going to listen to a radio interview about stress.Tick the information you think will be discussed.causes of stress kinds of people suffering from stress different levels of stress stress and success ways to reduce stress Listen to the interview.Check your predictions.Write the aspects mentioned in the left column in Activity 4.kinds of kinds of people suffering people suffering from stressfrom stress causes of causes of stressstress ways to reduce ways to reduce stressstress Listen again.Take notes with detailed information of each aspects.Then compare your notes with your partner.kinds of people suffering from stress causes causes of stressof stressways ways to reduce to reduce stressstressteachers,doctors,factory workers,newspaper editors,the police,the military1 1.pressure.pressure from work or studyfrom work or study2 2.social situation(.social situation(shy people)shy people)1 1.organise.organise work and studieswork and studies2 2.eat well .eat well 3.exercise 3.exercise oftenoften4 4.talk.talk to a friend,teacher or to a friend,teacher or family member family member5 5.seek.seek professional helpprofessional helpRecall1.What kind of people often suffer from stress?Everyone may suffer from stress,such as teachers,doctors,factory workers,newspaper editors,the police,the military and students.2.When do students suffer from stress?Students with lots of homework can feel very stressed.They may feel they dont have enough time to finish everything.3.What are the causes of stress?There are two main causes.The first one is the pressure from work or study.The second one is social situation,especially for shy people.4.How to reduce stress?a.Organise work or study.b.Eat well.c.Exercise often.d.Talk to a friend,teacher or family members.e.Seek professional help.P13第第6题题 Complete the summary with words from interview.1.suffers from2.newspaper editors 3.positions4.military 5.stress6.due to 7.very stressed8.extent 9.reduce 10.tension 11.organise 12.function 13.professional重点词汇总结重点词汇总结1.expert2.suffer from3.to be frank/honest4.remove from5.entirely6.due to7.to some extent/on some level8.tension9.reduce stress10.in other words11.function12.properly13.professional1.专家专家2.遭受遭受(痛苦)(痛苦)3.坦白来说坦白来说4.把把从从中中移除移除5.完全地,彻底地完全地,彻底地6.因为,由于因为,由于7.在某种程度上在某种程度上8.紧张,焦虑紧张,焦虑9.减缓压力减缓压力10.换句话说换句话说11.发挥发挥作用作用12.适当适当地,恰当地地,恰当地13.专业专业的的 Listen to a student talking about stress.Complete the table.Stressful ActivitiesRelaxing Activitiesexamsgoing to partiestalking in front of the class in French lessonstalking to friendslistening to musicreadingsitting around and doing nothing at allExpressing likes and dislikes.1.I really _ doing exams.2.I _ going to parties very much.3.I _ meeting people in small groups.4.I _ talking in front of the class.5.I _ talking to my friends.6.I _ listening to music.7.I _ reading.8.I _ sitting around and doing nothing.hate dont likedont mindcant standloveenjoylikequite like Use the expressions to talk about your stressful and relaxing activities.love like enjoy quite like dont mind dont like cant stand hateI quite like studying,but I hate exams.Enjoy a poem and enjoy your life!Life can be good,Life can be bad,Life is the mostly cheerful but sometimes sad.Life can be dreams,Life can be great thoughts,Life can mean a person sitting in court.Life can be dirty,Life can even be painful,But life is what we make,so try to make it beautiful.Your best friend Chris is studying in a key high school now.As a freshman,he feels quite stressful and nervous in his study and life.You will write a letter to give him some suggestions on how to reduce stress and live a happy life.Homework Language PointsLanguage Points 【点拨】【点拨】suffer hunger 挨饿挨饿 sufferer n.受苦者受苦者;受难者受难者 _ n.痛苦痛苦;苦难苦难;折磨折磨suffering 【原句原句】So,what kind of people often suffer from stress?(P 101)那么什么样的人经那么什么样的人经常遭受压力呢?常遭受压力呢?1.suffer from/for/with 受受的的苦苦;遭遭受受(痛苦痛苦)【典例】【典例】Im afraid that you must suffer from the disease until it has stopped naturally.恐怕恐怕你你得忍受这种病直到它得忍受这种病直到它自然自然痊愈痊愈。She received many letters of support from fellow sufferers.她她收到许多病人的支持信收到许多病人的支持信。This war has caused widespread human suffering.这这场战争造成了广泛的人类苦难。场战争造成了广泛的人类苦难。2.reduce 减少;降低减少;降低 【原句原句】ways to reduce stress (P 12)减少减少压力的方法压力的方法 【点拨点拨】reduce from+起点起点 从从降低,减少降低,减少 _+终点终点 减少到减少到 reduce by+程度程度 减少了减少了 _ 沦落为沦落为reduce tobe reduced to doing sth 【典例】【典例】I cant believe I was reduced to begging for my job when they threatened to fire me.我我不敢相信当他们威胁要解雇我不敢相信当他们威胁要解雇我时时,我我竟然竟然沦落到沦落到乞乞求求工作工作的地步的地步。We bought a TV that was reduced from 500 to 350 in the sales.我们我们买了一台买了一台电视机电视机,销售销售价从价从500英镑减到英镑减到350英镑。英镑。【点拨】【点拨】to be frank=_ 坦率坦率地说地说generally speaking 一般来说一般来说_ 严格严格地说地说honestly speaking=_说说实话实话frankly speakingstrictly speakingto be honest3.to be frank 坦白说,坦率地说坦白说,坦率地说 【原句】【原句】Well,to be frank,everyone suffers from stress at some times in their life.(P101)说说实话,每个人在生活中都有压力的时候。实话,每个人在生活中都有压力的时候。【典例】【典例】Have the courage to be honest with yourself as well as others.要要有勇气对自己有勇气对自己坦诚坦诚,同时同时对别人也要开诚布公对别人也要开诚布公。The warmer a place is,generally speaking,the more types of plants and animals it will usually support.一般而言一般而言,一一个地方越个地方越暖和暖和,能能生存的生存的动植物种类通常也就越多。动植物种类通常也就越多。4.due to 由于由于 【原句】【原句】But more often than not,its due to pressure from work or study.(P 101)但多但多半是因为工作或学习的压力。半是因为工作或学习的压力。【点拨】【点拨】be due to do sth 预期到(预期到(时候)做时候)做某事某事 be due for 应得到应得到 【典例】【典例】The next meeting is due to be held in three months.下次下次会议将在三个月后会议将在三个月后举行举行。Due to the outbreak of COVID-19,the opening of schools has been put off。由于新冠由于新冠肺炎病毒的暴发,学校的开学时间被推迟了。肺炎病毒的暴发,学校的开学时间被推迟了。5.in other words 换句话说,也就是说换句话说,也就是说 【原句】【原句】In other words,you can make a list and do all the important things first.(P 101)换句话说,你可以列一个清单,先做所有换句话说,你可以列一个清单,先做所有重要的事情。重要的事情。【点拨】【点拨】in a word 总之,简言之总之,简言之 have a word with sb 和某人谈一谈和某人谈一谈 break ones word 违背诺言违背诺言 keep ones word 信守诺言信守诺言 word came that消息消息传来传来 【典例】【典例】They asked him to leave in other words,he was fired.他们他们让他离开,换句话说,让他离开,换句话说,他被解雇了他被解雇了。Michael is an honest young man who always keeps his word.迈迈克尔是一位总是信守诺言诚克尔是一位总是信守诺言诚实的年轻人实的年轻人。Word came that our duties would be changed.消息消息传来,我们的职责会被改变。传来,我们的职责会被改变。6.seek v.(sought,sought)寻求寻求,请求请求;试试图图,设法设法;寻找寻找,追求追求 【原句原句】You should seek professional help.(P 101)你应该寻求专业帮助。你应该寻求专业帮助。【拓展拓展】seek help from sb 向某人向某人请求帮助请求帮助 seek for 寻求寻求,寻找寻找 seek out 找出找出,挑挑出出 seek to do sth 试图试图去做某事去做某事 seek ones advice 向某人向某人征求意见征求意见 seeker n.搜索者搜索者;探求探求者者 【典例典例】From this experience I have learnt that questioning can serve as a bridge that helps us to seek the truth.从从这段经历中,我了解到这段经历中,我了解到质疑可以作为帮助我们寻求真相的桥梁质疑可以作为帮助我们寻求真相的桥梁。Local schools are seeking to reduce the dropout rate.当地当地学校在寻求办法以降低辍学学校在寻求办法以降低辍学率。率。
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