Unit9 Lesson1 Active Learning课件-(2022)新北师大版《高中英语》必修第三册.zip

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Lesson 1 P52-55新新北师大必修北师大必修Book 3 Unit 9 LEARNING Learning?Types of learning?Active learning?Passive learning?Pre-readingThink about the following questions independently and then share your opinions in class.1.How do you underatand“active learning”literally?2.How do you understand“passive learning”literally?3.Active learning vs passive learning:Whats the best way to learn for you?Active learning is a method of learning that is not only about listening to lectures and trying to remember what the teacher has said.The oppoiste method is“passive learning”.What do active learners do?Think about who may be an active learner in your class.Use the phrases below to help you.1Discussto take notesto focus onto ask questionsto reflect onto pay attention toto be curiousto be open-mindedto listen to a different point of view 1.What do active learners do?2.Who may be an active learner in your class?The phrases below can help you.Do our brains learn by themselves?How can we become active learners?Read the first paragraph and answer the questions?1.What do most people believe about the human brain?Is it true?Most people believe that our brain learns automatically.But,its not true.22.What is active learning?Active learning is training ourselves to be better learners,to actively take part in the learning process.3.What is Kevin Daum going to talk about in the article?Kevin Daum is going to talk about how to take an active role in your learning.Read the text quickly.Write the subheadings before the corresponding paragraphs.3While-readingAsk questionsGet to the truthListen to the outer voiceFocus on the messageArgue with your inner voiceRead the first suggestion.Identify the learning actions,reasons and learning effects in the diagram.Then,do the same for the other four suggestions.Active Learning1.Listen to the outer voice2.Argue with your inner voice3.Ask questions4.Get to the truth5.Focus on the message41.Listen to the outer voiceLearning effects:_Learning actions:_Reasons:_In a better position to make decisionsFocus on what the speaker/writer is saying,not on what their brain is saying in the background.The outer voice tells you about opinions from what you hear or read.Now do the same for the other three suggestions.Learning effectsLearning actionsReasons2.Argue with your inner voice3.Ask questions4.Get to the truth5.Focus on the messageGroup work.Each student chooses one suggestion and introduces it to others.5Pick one of the suggestions.Write a short paragraph on your suggestion using the information in the diagram.Think of additional information that would make your presentation more interesting and personalised.1.Which is the most important suggestion?2.The advantages and disadvantages of each suggestion.You can discuss:After-readingAre the following ways of learning correct according to Kevin Daum?Write T or F.If not,what should we do?Why?1.When in class,focus on the voice expressing your own opinion.()2.If you think a speaker is wrong,argue with him/her.()3.Be curious to find more information about the topic.()4.Believe what is said in books.()5.Only engage in classes of your favourite teachers.()FFFFT6Which of the suggestions in the text do you think is the most useful for you?Why?Do you have any questions about those suggestions?Example:I think“argue with your inner voice”is the most useful,because it makes me consider the other side of an arguement.7Now share your answers about the question.Read the summary.Use the phrases below to replace the underlined parts.in short based on at the heart of attempt to argue with achieve a higher level of understanding get in the way of learning8Whats“synonym”?A word or phrase that has the same or nearly the same meaning as another word or phrase in the same language.There are many things we can do to become better learners.We all have two voices.Our inner voice tells us personal opinions and our outer voice deals with others opinions and things we have heard.If we listen to our inner voice too much,it can 1.block us from learning,If your inner voice is too difficult to control,you can 2.disagree with it.One of the best ways to promote active learning is to ask questions.This helps you 3.gain more knowledge about a topic.4.In a word,we should never stop being curious.Active learners also 5.try to question the world around them and understand the truth 6.deep within every idea.Finally,as avtive learners,we should never form opinions about people 7.on the basis of first impressions.1.get in the way of2.argue with3.achieve a higher level of understanding 4.In short5.attempt to6.at the heart of 7.based on新北师大必修新北师大必修Book 3 Unit 9 LEARNINGLanguage points P52-53课文回顾:1.Whats the main idea of the passage?The passage is mainly about what active learning is.2.What is the text type of the passage?Expository Writing3.Whats the main idea of each paragraph?Para.1:What is active learning?Para.2:Listen to the outer voice.Para.3:Argue with your inner voice.Para.4:Ask questions.Para.5:Get to the truth.Para.6:Focus on the message.Answer the questions according to the text.Choose the best answer according to the text.1)Most people believe that _.A.we need to train ourselves to be better learners.B.the human brain learns all by itself.C.we need to actively take part in the learning process.D.it isnt always true that the human brain is set on“automatic”2)How many suggestions are given in the text to take an active role in learning?A.Five B.Four C.Three D.Six3)Which one is the easiest way to promote active learning?A.Listening to the outer voice.B.Arguing with your inner voice.C.Asking questions.D.Getting to the truth.4)What can we learn from the text?A.The outer voice expresses your personal opinions.B.Active learners focus on what their brain is saying in the background.C.Active learners accept everything they learn.D.Active learners dont judge people based on first impressions or personal feelings.Your inner voiceYour inner voice expresses your personal opinions,whilewhile the outer voice tells you about opinions from the outer voice tells you about opinions from what you hear or read.what you hear or read.while意为“当的时候,和同时”时引导时间状语从句。例句:He fell asleep while he was doing his homework.他做着作业时睡着了。while的用法的用法:句意:内心声音表达你的个人意见,而外部的声音告诉你关于听到或者读到的观点。while意为“虽然,尽管”时引导让步状语从句,常位于句首。例句:While I admit that the problems are difficult,I dont agree that they cant be solved.虽然我承认这些问题很难,但是我并不同意无法解决它们。while意为“而,然而”(对比两件事物)时用来连接两个并列分句,强调前后对比,常位于句中。例句:Some are rich,while others are poor.有些人很有钱,有些人却很穷。1)You like sports,_.你喜欢体育,而我却喜欢读书。2)He was taking a bath _.我准备晚餐的时候他在洗澡。3)只要活着就有希望。_.随堂练while Id rather readwhile I was preparing dinnerWhile theres life theres hopeIt is true that we cant help disliking some people-this is human nature,after all.句意:确实,我们难免会不喜欢某些人 毕竟这是人的本性。“It is+adj.+that从句”句型中,it 替代后面that 引导的主语从句作形式主语。可用于该句型的形容词有clear,obvious,true,possible,necessary,natural,important 等。例句:Its obvious that he was suffering great pain when he talked.显然,他说话的时候正遭受着巨大的痛苦。常见常见it作形式主语替代后面从句的句型有:作形式主语替代后面从句的句型有:1)It is+名词+that从句,此类名词有a pity,a shame,ones duty,no wonder等。例句:Its a pity that you cant stay longer.很遗憾,你不能待更久。2)It is+过去分词+that从句,此类过去分词有said,reported,known,believed,announced,suggested,required等。例句:It is known to all that Taiwan belongs to China.众所周知,台湾属于中国。3)It+不及物动词+that 从句,此类不及物动词有happen,occur,appear,seem等。例句:It happened to me that I met my former teacher in the cinema.在电影院我碰巧遇到了我以前的老师。随堂练1)_ the film is instructive and full of emotion.人们相信这部电影是有教育意义的,充满了感情。2)_ I cant go to the bookstore with you on Friday aternoon.很遗憾,星期五下午我不能和你一起去书店了。3)_ you should hand in your article before 28th,June.你必须在6月28日前交论文,这是很重要的。It is believed thatIt is a pity that It is important thatThis goes the other way as well-do not just This goes the other way as well-do not just assumeassume that some people are always right because that some people are always right because of who they are or just because they are your of who they are or just because they are your friends.friends.句意:反之亦然不要仅仅因为某些人的身份或仅仅因为他们是你的朋友就认为他们总是正确。assume vt.认为;假定;假设认为;假定;假设assume sb./sth.to be 假定某人/某事为Its assumed that.人们认为;假定assuming(that).假定/假设assumption n.假定,假设 make an assumption 认为;假定on the assumption that.在假定的情况下例句:If mistakes occured,they were assumed to be the fault of the commander on the spot.如果出现了错误,就会被认为是现场指挥官的错误。It is assumed that you are interested in achieving greater self-awareness.这是假定你想要更加了解自己。You would be making an assumption thats not based on any fact you could report.你会做出不以你能报道的任何事实为依据的一种假设。Assuming(that)hes still alive,how old would he be now?假定他还活着,现在有多大年纪了?随堂练1)_ is generally assumed that stress is caused by too much work.2)A lot of people make the _(assume)that poverty only exists in the third world.3)We must _until he is proved guilty.尚未证实他有罪,我们就得假定他是清白的。4)_ you are right,What should we do next?假定你是对的,我们下一步该做什么?Itassumptionassume him to be innocentAssuming thatActive learners dont judge people based on first impressions or personal feelings.be based on.以以为根据为根据base v.以为基地 n.基地;基础base sth.on/upon sth.以为基础basis n.基础;根据on the basis of 以为根据句意:主动学习者不会根据第一印象或个人感受来判断人。例句:He based his conclusions on the evidence given by the captured prisioners.他根据被俘虏人员提供的证据得出了这个结论。They are making judgements based on a narrowly focused vision of the world.他们的判断是基于一种狭隘的价值观。She used her familys history as a base for her novel.她以她的家族史作为小说的素材。Some videos have been banned on the basis that they are too violent.有些录像因为暴力镜头而被查禁。随堂练1)Edison based his ideas _ scientific experiments.2)Statement should be made on the basis _ fact.3)Judgement should _,not on hearsay.判断应该以事实为依据,而不应该依靠道听途说。4)Our products are priced _.我们产品的定价是以合理利润为基础的。onofbe based on factson the basis of reasonable profitIf you find your inner voice difficult to control,you can argue with it as most active learners do.句意:如果你发现内心的声音难以控制,可以像大多数主动学习者那样和它争论。argue vi.争论,争吵争论,争吵 vt.坚决主张,提出理由证明;说服,劝说坚决主张,提出理由证明;说服,劝说argue with sb.about/over sth.就某事与某人争论argue that.主张/认为argue for/that.为赞成/反对而辩论argue sb.into doing sth.说服某人做某事argue sb.out of doing sth.说服某人不做某事argument n.争论,辩论;论据,论点have an argument about/over sth.争论某事have an argument with sb.与某人争论beyond argument 无可争辩例句:Theyre always arguing with each other about trivial matters.他们总是为琐事争论。The committee is concerned about players behaviour,especially arguing with referees.委员会很关注运动员的行为,特别是与裁判争吵的行为。After some heated argument a decision was finally taken.激烈辩论之后终于作出了决定。随堂练1)What Im going to try to do in this class is arguing _ those views.2)Theyre always _(argue)with their parents about pocket money.3)Ive made this _(argue),and not a few people would disagree with me.4)He was upset because his mother _.他因为母亲反对他的选择而心烦意乱。5)It is _(无可争辩)that there are still millions of people leading a hard life with hunger and coldness.forarguingarguementargued against his choicebeyond argument新北师大必修新北师大必修Book 3Book 3 Unit 9 LEARNINGGrammar P55Look at the coloured verbs in the article.Complete the table.Add the following verbs to the table above.Use a dictionary to help you.Verb+verb-ing formVerb+infinitiveadvise,agree,avoid,cant stand,dont mind,enjoy,start,help,like,manage,practise,regret,seem,rememberLead-in9suggest,keep,risk,end up,stop,try,cant help,advise,avoid,cant stand,dont mind,enjoy,start,practise,like,regret,rememberneed,attempt,try,refuse,agree,start,help,manage,like,seem,regret,rememberSummary接动词-ing或不定式的动词Verbs followed by verb-ing form or infinitive1.定义:接动词-ing或不定式的动词,即动词-ing或不定式作动词的宾语。2.跟动词-ing 形式作宾语的动词(短语)考虑建议盼原谅,承认推迟没得想consider,suggest/advice,look forward to,excuse/pardon;admit,delay/put off,fancy避免错过继续练,否认完成就欣赏avoid,miss,keep/keep on,practice;deny,finish,enjoy/appreciate禁止想象才冒险,不禁介意准逃亡forbid,imagine,risk;cant help,mind,allow/permit,escape例句:He tries to avoid eating sweets because they are unhealthy.他尽量不吃甜食,因为他们不利健康。I am looking forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.我期待着尽快收到你的来信。3.跟动词不定式作宾语的动词(短语)决心学会想希望,拒绝设法愿假装decide/determine,learn,want,expect/hope/wish;refuse,manage,care,pretend主动答应选计划同意请求帮一帮offer,promise,choose,plan;agree,ask/beg,help例句:She failed to come to school yeaterday.她昨天没来上学。You promised to buy me a gift.你曾答应给我买一件礼物。1)The applause grew louder and louder and he kept _(stay).2)All of us are looking forward to _(live)in a harmonious society.3)He pretended _(study)when his mother stepped into the room.4)Stop criticizing your children like this,or they will refuse _(tell)you their true feelings.随堂练stayinglivingto be studyingto tellComplete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.Recently,Ive managed _(become)a more active learner.When Im reading a book or listening to my teacher,I try _(forget)what Ive learnt before or what I think about the book or the person giving me the information and practise _(concentrate)on the information itself.At the beginning,I found it difficult to do this and I couldnt help _(question)the ideas I was reading or hearing.But now Ive learnt to avoid _(listen)to my inner voice all the time and sometimes I even argue with it.to becometo forgetconcentratingquestioninglistening10On the other hand,I also attempt _(ask)as many questions as I can.I ask my teachers a lot of questions and Ive noticed that the answers to the questions have really helped me understand the topic a lot better.to askGroup work.What other ways of active learning do you know?How will you learn actively in the future?Make a list and explain them.Compare and discuss your list with your group members.11Thank you!
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