Unit 5 Section Ⅱ Lesson 2 Professional Rescue Team & Lesson 3 Race to the Pole -(2022)新北师大版《高中英语》必修第二册.pptx

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Unit 5 Section Ⅱ Lesson 2 Professional Rescue Team & Lesson 3 Race to the Pole -(2022)新北师大版《高中英语》必修第二册.pptx_第1页
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1、Section Lesson 2 Professional Rescue Team&Lesson 3 Race to the Pole走近新课走近新课一起读文一起读文阅读鉴赏阅读鉴赏一起思考一起思考一、单词英汉互译一、单词英汉互译1.rescue/reskju/n.&vt._ 2.attempt/tempt/n.&vt._ 3.interrupt/Intrpt/vt._ 4.measure/me/vt._ 5.conduct/kndkt/vt._vi.&vt._6.breathe/bri/vi.&vt._7.anxiously/ksli/adv._ 8.ambition/mbIn/n._ 9.

2、continent/kntInnt/n._ 10.sincerity/sInserti/n._ 营救营救;救援救援 努力努力,尝试尝试,企图企图 打断打断讲话讲话 估量估量,衡量衡量;测量测量 实施实施;进行进行;执行执行 指挥指挥 呼吸呼吸 焦虑地焦虑地;不安不安地地 抱负抱负,雄心雄心;追求追求,夙愿夙愿 洲洲,大洲大洲;大陆大陆 真诚真诚,真挚真挚,诚实诚实 11._/tr p/vt.困住困住,使陷于危险中使陷于危险中 12._/ls/n.丧失丧失;死亡死亡 13._/prses/n.过程过程,进程进程 14._/iksplr/n.探险者探险者;勘察者勘察者 15._/prepreIn/

3、n.预备预备,准备准备 16._/beIs/n.基地基地,大本营大本营;基础基础 vt.以以为基地为基地17._/pruv/vt.证明证明;证实证实 18._/dIstnt/adj.久远的久远的;遥远的遥远的 19._/nsti/n.坦诚坦诚;诚实诚实,正直正直 20._/brevri/n.勇气勇气;勇敢的行为勇敢的行为 traplossprocessexplorerpreparationbaseprovedistanthonestybravery二、短语英汉互译二、短语英汉互译1.stay away from _2.make rapid progress _ 3.in the distant

4、 past _ 4.the act of a brave man _ 5.pay a price _ 6._用完用完;耗尽耗尽 7._为为做准备做准备 8._在在路上路上 9._停止停止运转运转,出故障出故障 10._为为而自豪而自豪 远离远离 取得快速的取得快速的进步进步 在遥远的在遥远的过去过去 一个勇敢者的一个勇敢者的行为行为 付出付出代价代价 run outin preparation foron the waybreak downbe proud of一、阅读课文一、阅读课文“RACE TO THE POLE”,判断正判断正(T)误误(F)1.When Captain Scott l

5、eft London,it was winter in Britain.()2.Captain Scott had teams of dogs pulling the sledges.()3.The rocks brought along by Amundsen made him hard to walk on.()4.Captain Scott and his team were quite close to their food base when they died.()FFFT二、阅读课文二、阅读课文“RACE TO THE POLE”,选择正确答案选择正确答案1.One of the

6、 reasons why Captain Scott couldnt make rapid progress is that.A.he used horses to pull the sledgesB.he didnt prepare a food baseC.he set off at the wrong timeD.he didnt have a strong team2.What season was it when the two teams started to head for Antarctica?A.Spring.B.Summer.C.Autumn.D.Winter.3.Why

7、 was Captain Scott shocked when he arrived at the South Pole?A.His sledges broke down half way.B.He lost his dream and goal.C.Amundsen and his team won the race.D.The return journey was too long and hard.4.Who wrote a diary that gave us the account of the journey back?A.Amundsen.B.Captain Scott.C.Ca

8、ptain Oates.D.Edgar Evans.三、仔细阅读课文三、仔细阅读课文“RACE TO THE POLE”,并根据课文内并根据课文内容将短文补充完整容将短文补充完整Captain Scott and Amundsen started their races to the South Pole in 1911.Both of the team prepared for food bases and they had the dream and goal to become the first 1._(reach)Antarctica.Captain Scott had horses

9、 2._(pull)the sledges while Amundsen chose dogs.It turned out dogs were better choices and Amundsen finished the journey ten days ahead of their 3._(plan)schedule.to reach pulling planned However,the story for Captain Scott and his team was a different and sad one.Their two sledges broke 4._ and the

10、 horses had serious difficulties with the snow and the cold.After realising they had lost the race,they began the return journey,upset and 5._(disappoint).down disappointed They 6._(begin)to run out of food and the team members died one after another.To make things 7._(bad),they met a terrible storm

11、.Although they were quite close to the food base,they didnt make 8._.The world was shocked at their death.9._ Captain Scott and his team didnt win the race,the courage shown by Scott and his men made them 10._(hero).began worse itWhileheroes 1.Trained dogs are used to help search for anyone who is s

12、till alive.(Page 34)训练有素的狗被用于帮助寻找仍然活着的人。训练有素的狗被用于帮助寻找仍然活着的人。search vt.寻找寻找Mary has been searching the classroom for the missing book.玛丽在教室找那本丢掉的书。玛丽在教室找那本丢掉的书。I went through this searching process.我经历了这个寻找的过程。我经历了这个寻找的过程。【合作探究】【合作探究】读一读读一读细观察细观察阅读下列句子阅读下列句子,写出句中黑体词的词组和含义写出句中黑体词的词组和含义I was searching

13、for these three western lowland gorillas Id been observing.词组词组 search for含义含义 寻找寻找 Not long after Eric the Red had landed in Greenland,a man called Biarni set sail from Iceland in search of Erics party.词组词组 in search of含义含义 寻找寻找 说一说说一说勤归纳勤归纳【即学即用】【即学即用】单句语法填空单句语法填空They continued sailing further wes

14、t,_(search)for their friends.He moved abroad _ search of a better life.Dogs have a very good sense of smell and are often used to search _ survivors in an earthquake.searching infor完成句子完成句子那只可怜的猫在垃圾桶里翻找那只可怜的猫在垃圾桶里翻找,搜寻食物。搜寻食物。The poor cat went through the trash can,_ _ food.他们到大城市寻求知识和财富。他们到大城市寻求知识和

15、财富。They came to major cities _ _ _ knowledge and fortune.searching for in search of 2.Rescue teams try to save people trapped under buildings.(Page 34)救援队伍尽力去拯救困在楼里的人们。救援队伍尽力去拯救困在楼里的人们。trap vt.困住困住;使陷于危险中使陷于危险中Teenagers delivered water and food to elderly people trapped in powerless high-rise buildi

16、ngs.青少年给困在断电的高楼里的老人送水和食物。青少年给困在断电的高楼里的老人送水和食物。When trapped in the lift,dont be afraid and stay calm.Rescue is on the way.当困在电梯里的时候当困在电梯里的时候,不要害怕不要害怕,保持冷静。救援马上就到。保持冷静。救援马上就到。【合作探究】【合作探究】读一读读一读细观察细观察阅读下列句子阅读下列句子,写出句中黑体词的词组和含义写出句中黑体词的词组和含义When the rescue team arrived,the lost child had been trapped in

17、the hole for three days.词组词组 be trapped in含义含义 被困在被困在 The salesman trapped me into buying the useless product.词组词组 trap sb into doing sth含义含义 欺骗某人做某事欺骗某人做某事 阅读下面句子阅读下面句子,写出句中黑体词的词性和含义写出句中黑体词的词性和含义The rabbit was scared and directly fell into the trap set by the hunter.词性词性 名词名词含义含义 陷阱陷阱,圈套圈套说一说说一说勤归纳

18、勤归纳【即学即用】【即学即用】单句语法填空单句语法填空I had a feeling that he had trapped me _ buying the apartment.He,as well as his classmates,_(trap)in the building when the earthquake struck.into was trapped 单句改错单句改错He couldnt show up because he was trapped on the lift._He made up a story,trapped his wife into signing the

19、 document._onintrappedtrapping3.In a rescue attempt during the Nepal earthquake.(Page 34)在尼泊尔地震中的一次救援尝试中在尼泊尔地震中的一次救援尝试中attempt n.&vt.努力努力,尝试尝试,企图企图I describe this attempt as a failure.我把这次尝试描述成一次失败。我把这次尝试描述成一次失败。Every year about 40,000 people attempt to climb Kilimanjaro,the highest mountain in Afri

20、ca.每年大约有每年大约有4万人企图攀登乞力马扎罗山万人企图攀登乞力马扎罗山非洲最高峰。非洲最高峰。【合作探究】【合作探究】读一读读一读细观察细观察阅读下面句子阅读下面句子,写出句中黑体词的用法和意义写出句中黑体词的用法和意义Mrs Wang attempted to make a second shot.用法用法 attempt to do意义意义 企图做企图做,试图做试图做 阅读下列句子阅读下列句子,写出句中黑体词的词性、词组和含义写出句中黑体词的词性、词组和含义China is banning free plastic bags in supermarkets in an attempt

21、 to help the environment.词组词组 in an attempt to do含义含义 带着带着的目的的目的 She made an attempt to explain why she needs the books but they simply would not give them away.词组词组 make an attempt to do含义含义 企图做企图做,试图做试图做He was charged with attempted murder.词性词性 形容词形容词含义含义 企图的企图的,未遂的未遂的说一说说一说勤归纳勤归纳【即学即用】【即学即用】单句语法填

22、空单句语法填空The writer did not attempt _(write)the article.Jessica failed _ the attempt to rescue her cat from the burning house but a firefighter managed to save it.to write in翻译句子翻译句子他第一次尝试就成功了。他第一次尝试就成功了。_他尝试跟我说了起因。他尝试跟我说了起因。_He succeeded in his first attempt.He made an attempt to tell the cause./He a

23、ttempted to explain to me the cause.4.But what if Im trapped?(Page 103)但如果我被困住了呢但如果我被困住了呢?剖析剖析 what if意为意为“如果如果会怎样会怎样?”,可以看作可以看作“What will happen if.?”的省略形式。的省略形式。What if a student is found to have told his password to others?如果一个学生被发现他将密码告诉别人如果一个学生被发现他将密码告诉别人,会怎样会怎样?【合作探究】【合作探究】读一读读一读细观察细观察阅读并翻译下列句

24、子阅读并翻译下列句子,体会其中黑体部分的用法体会其中黑体部分的用法What if we invite them to come here for a party instead?翻译翻译 如果我们邀请他们来参加聚会如果我们邀请他们来参加聚会,会怎样会怎样?What if a student is found cheating in the exam?翻译翻译 如果一个学生被发现考试作弊如果一个学生被发现考试作弊,会怎样会怎样?【即学即用】【即学即用】翻译句子翻译句子要是我不能完成作业要是我不能完成作业,会怎样会怎样?_万一我在山里迷路万一我在山里迷路,会怎样会怎样?_What if I can

25、not finish my homework?What if I get lost in the mountain?5.unfortunately,weve run out of time.(Page 103)不幸不幸的是的是,我们已经用尽时间了。我们已经用尽时间了。run out 用完用完;耗尽耗尽He is such a stubborn man that I have run out of my patience.他是这么固执的一个人他是这么固执的一个人,我的耐心都用尽了。我的耐心都用尽了。We need to find alternative energy before the res

26、ources run out.在资源耗尽之前在资源耗尽之前,我们需要找到替代能源。我们需要找到替代能源。【合作探究】【合作探究】读一读读一读细观察细观察阅读下列句子阅读下列句子,写出句中黑体词的词组和含义写出句中黑体词的词组和含义Yesterday,I ran into former students.词组词组 run into含义含义 偶遇偶遇 The company provides students with hands-on business training and awards of up to$3,000 to start and run their own summer bus

27、inesses.词组词组 run businesses含义含义 经营企业经营企业Be careful and dont run the red light.词组词组 run the red light含义含义 闯红灯闯红灯 He has made a decision to run for the presidency.词组词组 run for含义含义 竞选竞选 The new policy will benefit more people in the long run.词组词组 in the long run含义含义 长远来看长远来看说一说说一说勤归纳勤归纳【即学即用】【即学即用】单句语法

28、填空单句语法填空We need to hurry.Time is running _.You will save more money _the long run.翻译句子翻译句子我那天在街上偶遇一位老朋友。我那天在街上偶遇一位老朋友。_out inI ran into an old friend on the street the other day.6.Here is an account of two teams journeys to the South Pole.(Page 36)这是对两个去往南极队伍旅程的叙述。这是对两个去往南极队伍旅程的叙述。account n.叙述叙述,描述描

29、述v.看作看作,视为视为She gave the police a full account of the incident.她把事件向警方做了详细叙述。她把事件向警方做了详细叙述。The event was accounted a success.人们认为这次活动是成功的。人们认为这次活动是成功的。【合作探究】【合作探究】读一读读一读细观察细观察阅读下列句子阅读下列句子,写出句中黑体词的词组和含义写出句中黑体词的词组和含义He couldnt get a bank account because of his credit crisis.词组词组 a bank account含义含义 一个银

30、行账户一个银行账户 You need to take the time and money spent into account.词组词组 take sth into account含义含义 考虑到考虑到,顾及顾及Recent pressure at school may account for his rude and impatient behaviour.词组词组 account for含义含义 解释解释 According to the World Bank,that country accounts for about 30 percent of total global consu

31、mption.词组词组 account for含义含义 占占 说一说说一说勤归纳勤归纳【即学即用】【即学即用】单句语法填空单句语法填空The gene they discovered today doesnt account _ all those cases.When you make a decision,you should take all the possibilities_ account.for into 完成句子完成句子当他做预算的时候当他做预算的时候,他没有把可能的延迟考虑在内。他没有把可能的延迟考虑在内。When he was planning the budget,he

32、didnt _the possible delay _ _.你怎么解释这家公司高得惊人的人员流动率你怎么解释这家公司高得惊人的人员流动率?How do you _ _the companys alarmingly high staff turnover?take into account account for 7.First,his two sledges broke down and then the horses began to have serious difficulties with the snow and the cold.(Page 36)先是他的两辆雪橇坏了先是他的两辆雪

33、橇坏了,后来马匹开始在大雪和严寒的天气后来马匹开始在大雪和严寒的天气下出现严重困难。下出现严重困难。break down 停止运转停止运转,出故障出故障The car broke down on the way to work and he was late for an hour.去上班的路上去上班的路上,车抛锚了车抛锚了,他迟到了一个小时。他迟到了一个小时。【合作探究】【合作探究】读一读读一读细观察细观察阅读下列句子阅读下列句子,写出句中黑体词的词组和含义写出句中黑体词的词组和含义Relax or you will soon break down under so much pressur

34、e.词组词组 break down含义含义 崩溃崩溃 The talk between the two countries broke down for various reasons.词组词组 break down含义含义 失败失败 They officially broke up after they had settled many disagreements.词组词组 break up含义含义 分手分手,关系破裂关系破裂 The thief broke into the house and stole many valuable things.词组词组 break into含义含义 破

35、门而入破门而入 He was 29 when the war broke out.词组词组 break out含义含义 爆发爆发 说一说说一说勤归纳勤归纳【即学即用】【即学即用】单句语法填空单句语法填空It is hard to believe that Mary and Jack broke _.They seemed a happy couple.up 完成完成句子句子在洪水袭击这个地区并带走在洪水袭击这个地区并带走22条生命后条生命后,疾病爆发了。疾病爆发了。The disease _ _after the flood struck the area and claimed 22 liv

36、es.下班回家时他发现有人闯入他的房屋。下班回家时他发现有人闯入他的房屋。He found the house _ _ _ _ when he came back from work.broke out had been broken into 8.Putting on our shoes in the morning is getting slower and slower.(Page 37)早晨穿鞋子的速度越来越慢了。早晨穿鞋子的速度越来越慢了。剖析剖析 Putting on our shoes in the morning是动词是动词-ing形式做形式做主语主语,谓语动词在一般现在时的情

37、况下使用第三人称单数形谓语动词在一般现在时的情况下使用第三人称单数形式。式。For many people,learning English as a second language is a painful experience.对于许多人来说对于许多人来说,把英语作为第二语言学习是一段痛苦的经把英语作为第二语言学习是一段痛苦的经历。历。【合作探究】【合作探究】读一读读一读细观察细观察阅读并翻译下列句子阅读并翻译下列句子,体会其中黑体部分的用法体会其中黑体部分的用法Skipping breakfast does harm to your health and makes you unable

38、 to concentrate.翻译翻译 不吃早餐对你的健康有害不吃早餐对你的健康有害,使你无法集中精力。使你无法集中精力。Playing computer games takes up much of your time.翻译翻译 玩电脑游戏占了你很多时间。玩电脑游戏占了你很多时间。【即学即用】【即学即用】单句语法填空单句语法填空_(be)busy makes me happy and gives me a sense of achievement.Learning English _(call)for patience and persistence(坚持坚持).Being calls 翻译句子翻译句子看太多电视对你眼睛不好。看太多电视对你眼睛不好。_听音乐是一种很好的放松方式。听音乐是一种很好的放松方式。_Watching too much TV does harm to your eyes.Listening to music is a good way to relax.


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