Unit 9 Topic Talk-Lesson 1 课件2 -(2022)新北师大版《高中英语》必修第三册.pptx

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1、单单词词课课堂堂A word is a microcosm of human consciousness.Vygotsky版本:版本:新北师新北师单元:必修单元:必修三三 Unit 9(TOPIC TALK LESSON 1)likely纪录片Most Likely to Succeed极有可能成功是关于High Tech High学校。在这所学校里,没有教科书、没有上下课铃声、没有考试,孩子们每天都忙于一些自主选择的特定项目,为了一年一度的大型展览废寝忘食;结果是:98%的大学入学率。likely 反反 unlikely adj 常与常与more,most连用连用 可能的可能的 probab

2、le:If you can find suitable learning methods,your learning efficiency is likely to improve.2011 上海改 be likely to do sth:The more exposed young people are to financial issues,the more likely they are to become responsible.2008 上海改注:注:在不少词典和词汇书中给出的在不少词典和词汇书中给出的likely作形容词时的汉语释义是作形容词时的汉语释义是“很可很可能的能的”,并并

3、不准确。不准确。likely作形容词时,作形容词时,其英语释义是其英语释义是probable,因此,因此,likely的精准汉语释义应该是的精准汉语释义应该是“可能的可能的”。it is likely+(that)从句:从句:It is likely that you could suffer from bad health if you keep smoking.If one is late for a job interview,it is not likely that he will get the job.2015 陕西 注:注:likely的主语既可以是人或物,也可以是的主语既可以

4、是人或物,也可以是it。其结构为。其结构为sb/sth is likely to do sth 和和 it is likely+(that)从句。从句。adv 常与常与most,more,very连用连用 可能:可能:When one wolf starts to howl,very likely others will follow.2011 湖北Not likely!表示强烈的否定表示强烈的否定 绝不可能!才不呢!绝不可能!才不呢!Would she mind playing against her former teammates?Not likely!2010 浙江改adj 不太可能的

5、不太可能的 反反 likely;只用于名词前只用于名词前 非想象中的:非想象中的:I met him at the most unlikely place.(be)unlikely to do sth:Someone who lacks staying power and perseverance is unlikely to make a good researcher.it is unlikely+(that)从句从句:Its unlikely that shell arrive before seven.unlikely 不用于进行时 给留下极深的印象:impress sb with/b

6、y sth:impress vt One candidate in particular impressed us with her knowledge.正式用语 使意识到:The teacher impressed the importance of English on/upon me.词源:impress由前缀im-(in-)“向内”+”+press“按;压”构成;基本义为“向内压”。impress 语义网络语义网络向内压向内压impress基本义向内压到思想里 给留下极深的印象 使意识到向思想里压的结果程程度度的的递递进进impressimpressionimpressionistim

7、pressionismimpressivelyimpressedimpressive同族词He made a deep impression on me./He left me with a deep impression.2015 江苏改 印象;感觉:impression n C动词虚化I had the impression(that)we had met before.【词汇拓展】impressive adj 给人深刻印象的;令人钦佩的:She was very impressive in the interview.impressed adj (对)印象深刻的 /钦佩的:(be)imp

8、ressed with/by:Li Kang is very impressed with the teachers and the technology in his new school.press词根记词汇pressv 压impress v 盖印;使留下深刻印象 (im进+press压进去盖印印 入头脑使留下深刻印象)express v 表达;特快 (ex把+press思想挤出来表达)depress v 压下;使沮丧 (de向下+press向下压使情绪低下)pressure n 压力 (press+-ure行为的结果压的结果压力)本单元金句汇总本单元金句汇总1.As Teachers D

9、ay was approaching,our class decided to hold a party to celebrate the important day.2012 陕西书面表达2.I reflect on/upon how my days gone and think about the rest of the week.2019 全国改3.I got into a heated argument with a friend.2013 重庆改4.Assuming(that)youre chosen to be the leader,what will you do?5.Good

10、job candidates must show a flexible approach to problems.6.The teacher impressed the importance of English on/upon me.7.He made a deep impression on me./He left me with a deep impression.2015 江苏改8.Li Kang is very impressed with the teachers and the technology in his new school.随堂检测随堂检测14一、根据句意写出一、根据

11、句意写出 approach 的最佳释义。的最佳释义。_ 1.A moment later,the man came out of the washroom and approached our table.(2013 陕西)_ 2.It might be possible to approach the problem in a different way._ 3.He approached me to create and design the restaurant._ 4.The temperatures are approaching 37C.靠近 处理 与接洽 接近 approach1

12、5二、根据所给汉语用二、根据所给汉语用 approach 完成句子。完成句子。1.I d like to talk about _(处理困难的方法)in learning.2.There were differences in _ _(他们教育孩子的方法).3.I expect _(秋天的来临).4.There is a _(去市里的新路).my approach to difficultiestheir approach to educatingthe approach of autumnnew approach to the citytheir children 一、写出下列句子中refl

13、ect的汉语释义。1.This passage is to tell people to reflect more on life._2.He wanted the glass surfaces to reflect the sky and the city.(2014 湖北改)_3.The play to be produced next month aims mainly to reflect the local culture.(2009 安徽改)_ 4.Mirrors reflect light._reflect反思映出反映反射二、在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。1.

14、He looked at his face _(reflect)in the mirror.2.Wear something white it _(reflect)the heat.3.He had time to reflect _ his successes and failures.4.All riders are equipped with _(reflect)vests and safety lights.(2018 全国)5.In Greek mythology(神话),Narcissus fell in love with his own _(reflect)in a pool

15、of water.reflectedreflectson/uponreflection纳西索斯Narcissus是希腊神话中最俊美的男子人物。有一天纳西索斯在水中发现了自己的影子,然而却不知那就是他本人,爱慕不己、难以自拔,终于有一天他赴水求欢溺水死亡。众神出于同情,让他死后化为水仙花。reflective一、一、写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。1.It is no use arguing with Bill because he will never change his mind._2.Some people choose not to eat meat

16、 because they believe that it is cruel to eat animals,but others argue that they can eat meat and still be kind to animals.(2012 广东)_argue争论争论 /争吵争吵论证论证 /争辩争辩二、在空白处填入二、在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。1.They have argued _ each other for years _ the best way to grow potatoes.2.I got into a

17、heated _(argue)with a friend.3.When you present reasons why you believe in something,you argue _ it.4.The main argument _ smoking is that its bad for your health.with about/overfor argumentagainst 将下列句子译成英语。将下列句子译成英语。1.普遍认为,压力为工作过重所致。_2.在失业率和犯罪率高的地方,我们可以假定高犯罪率是由高失业率造成的。Where unemployment and crime a

18、re high,_ the latter is due to the former.assumeIt is generally assumed(that)stress is caused by too much work.it can be assumed that一、根据句意,选出下列句子中flexible的释义。a.可变通的;灵活的b.易弯曲的;柔韧的1.The inventors said the material becomes flexible when wet,so theyre exploring ways to use it in wet environments.(2012

19、湖南)_ 2.Schedules tend to be flexible,with business meetings sometimes starting later than planned.(2014 浙江)_二、翻译下列句子。1.弹性的工作时间是女性择业考虑的重要因素。_ are a major career consideration for women.2.他在这个问题上寸步不让。Hes completely _ on the subject.flexiblebaFlexible working hoursinflexiblepromote一、写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。一、

20、写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。1.All our projects aim to promote the development of poor and remote communities.(2019 北京)_2.While waiting for the chance to get promoted,Henry did his best to do his duty.(2014 安徽改)_3.In the Middle Ages,merchants employed“town criers”(街头公告员)to read public messages aloud to promote

21、their goods.(2011 全国)_二二、在空白处填入、在空白处填入1 1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。1.She worked hard and was soon _(promote).2.The new job is _ promotion for him.3.Her promotion _ Sales Manager took everyone by surprise.促进促进晋升晋升推销推销promotedatowork out写出下列句子中写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。画线部分的汉语释义。1.Lets work out how m

22、uch beer we need._2.The travelling expenses work out at 12 dollars per day each._3.Can you work out what these words mean?_4.Things just didnt work out as planned._5.Work out at a gym or swim twice a week._总共达总共达进展顺利进展顺利弄清楚弄清楚锻炼锻炼算出算出一、用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。一、用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。1.If the stress in your life is

23、too much,you are likely _(get)ill.(2016 上海改)2.The harder you try to beat him,the _(likely)you will get hit.(2014 辽宁)3.Stephen Hawking believes that the earth is _(likely)to be the only planet where life has developed gradually.(2010 福建改)to getmore likelyunlikelylikely&unlikely斯蒂芬霍金(Stephen Hawking,1

24、942.1-2018.3.14),英国剑桥大学著名物理学家,现代最伟大的物理学家之一,主要研究领域是宇宙论和黑洞(black hole)。霍金21岁时患上肌肉萎缩性侧索硬化症,全身瘫痪,不能言语,手部只有三根手指可以活动。其著作时间简史(A Brief History of Time)已成为全球科学著作的里程碑。二、根据所给汉语完成下列句子。二、根据所给汉语完成下列句子。1.This passage _(不大可能出自)a popular sales book.2.Brian is gifted in writing music;he _(很有可能成为)a Beethoven.(2015 四川改

25、)3.Students who take a well-planned year out _(更有可能对满意),and complete,their chosen course.(2015 全国改)4.Although the police thought he was _(最有可能的一个),since they had no exact proof about it,they could not arrest(逮捕)him.(2009 湖南改)unlikely comes from/is unlikely from is very likely to beare more likely to

26、 be satisfied withthe most likely one三、英汉互译。三、英汉互译。1.Its more than likely that the thieves dont know how much it is worth._2.Do you want to come running with me?Not likely._3.他似乎是这项工作最适宜的人选了。_4.今晚她很可能给我打电话。_盗贼很可能不知道此物值多少钱。盗贼很可能不知道此物值多少钱。你想和我一起跑步吗?你想和我一起跑步吗?才不呢。才不呢。He seems the most likely person for

27、 the job.She is very likely to call me tonight./It is very likely that shell call me tonight.1.I think what _(impress)me about his painting is the colors he uses.(2014 天津)2.What was so _(impress)about Jasmine Westlands victory was that she came first in the marathon bare-footed.(2014 湖北)3.My first _

28、(impress)of him was that he wasa kind and thoughtful young man.(2012 山东改)4.Williams was impressed _ Benjamin and gave him two classic books on painting to take home.(2017 浙江)impress一、在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。impressive impressionimpresses with/by二、根据所给提示,翻译下列句子。1.最让我印象深刻的是他的名言,“天才是百分之一的灵感加上百分之九十九的汗水

29、。”(impress/impressed)(2008 湖南书面表达)_ is his famous saying,“Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration”.2.她的勇气和对成功的强烈渴望让人印象深刻。(impress/impressed)(2012 天津)_ her courage and strong desire to succeed.What impresses me most/What Im most impressed by She impressed the world with/The world was impressed with/by 3.今天我上了第一堂课,它给我留下了深刻的印象。(impression)(2009 湖南书面表达)I gave my first lesson today and it _.4.让我印象深刻的是他记得每一个人的名字。_ that he remembered everyones name.It impressed meleft me with a deep impression谢谢谢谢观观赏赏


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