Unit 6Lesson3 -Reading Club2 课件 2-(2022)新北师大版《高中英语》选择性必修第二册.pptx

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1、单单词词课课堂堂A word is a microcosm of human consciousness.Vygotsky版本:版本:新北师新北师单元:选择性必修单元:选择性必修二二 Unit 6(LESSON 3 READING CLUB 2)anticipate领导者会提前预测事情并做好准备,而事情发生后再做应对的人注定失败。托尼罗宾斯(励志演讲家)anticipate vt 正式用语先于之前做:Did the Vikings anticipate Columbus in discovering America?预期;预料 to expect sth will happen and be

2、ready for it:A good speaker is able to anticipate an audiences needs.When they arrived in Canada,they did not anticipate seeing suchan open country.人教新选必 4改 期待;期盼(好事)to think about sth that is going to happen,especially sth pleasant(look forward to):We anticipate hearing from you again./We anticipat

3、e that weshall hear from you again.构词:anti-(before 前)+cip(to take/hold 抓住)+-ate(动词后缀)在之前抓住 在之前想到 预期、预料期待;期盼(好事)期待;期盼anticipateanticipation预期;预料预计;预期【词汇拓展】预期;预料:He bought extra food in anticipation of more people coming than hed invited.期待;期盼:期待;期盼:She waited in eager anticipation for Robert to arriv

4、e.anticipation n U根据所给汉语,在空白处填入适当的词块。根据所给汉语,在空白处填入适当的词块。All of us were confident and eager to _ _(参加)the class discussion./join in正式用语正式用语take part in/participate in/engage in正式用语正式用语participate正式用语参与;参加正式用语参与;参加:Ill have to participate in a sporting activity that day.2017 全国书面表达 Any student who is

5、interested is welcome to participate.2016 全国书面表达【词汇拓展词汇拓展】participant n C 参与者;参加者参与者;参加者 (选必三选必三 U9)participation n U 参加;参与:参加;参与:We want more participation in the decision-making.participate vi 同族词:同族词:participate,participant,participation构词:构词:parti-(a part 一部分)+cip(to take/hold 抓住、承担)+-ate(动词后缀)抓

6、住、承担一部分 参与 生活大爆炸中 Sheldon 多次引用“Its a trap!”,模仿星球大战中的阿克巴上将。星球大战6(绝地归来)中,阿克巴上将在一次战役归来时发现自己中了帝国伏击舰队的圈套,说出了“Its a trap!(这是个陷阱)”。阿克巴上将这句略带喜感的台词后来成为了经典,被广大星球大战的粉丝所熟知。traptrap n C(捕鸟兽的)陷阱;夹子;罗网:(捕鸟兽的)陷阱;夹子;罗网:set/lay/place a trap for mice(陷害人的)圈套;诡计:(陷害人的)圈套;诡计:fall into/get out of a trap 牢笼;困境:牢笼;困境:the u

7、nemployment trap Some people feel that marriage is a trap.vt 设陷阱捕捉;夹住;卡住:设陷阱捕捉;夹住;卡住:Its cruel to trap birds.I trapped my coat in the car door.把把困住;使陷入困境:困住;使陷入困境:Having been trapped in traffic,he was late for work.留存;储存(气体留存;储存(气体 /水等)水等):Because of the greenhouse effect the Earth is warmed by gase

8、s trapped in the atmosphere.名词动词化名词动词化trap语义网络图语义网络图陷阱陷阱trap(基本义)(基本义)困住动物的困住动物的“陷阱陷阱”(捕鸟兽的)(捕鸟兽的)陷阱;夹子;陷阱;夹子;罗网罗网牢笼;困境牢笼;困境设陷阱捕捉;设陷阱捕捉;夹住;卡住夹住;卡住 n困住人的困境困住人的困境 /状状态态困住人的困住人的“陷阱陷阱”(陷害人的)(陷害人的)圈套;诡计圈套;诡计把把困住;困住;使陷入困境使陷入困境v不要纠缠于谁对谁错,重要的是要找到解决的办法。亨利福特 亨利福特(Henry Ford,18631947),美国汽车工程师与企业家,福特汽车公司的建立者。他也

9、是世界上第一位使用流水线大批量生产(mass produce)汽车的人。他的生产方式使汽车成为一种大众产品,他不但革命了工业生产方式,而且对现代社会和文化起了巨大的影响。faultfault n U(对错误所负的)责任;过失;过错(对错误所负的)责任;过失;过错 the responsibility for sth wrong that has happened or been done:Im really sorry its all my own fault.Its his fault that we were late.C 缺点;缺陷;故障缺点;缺陷;故障 a weak aspect of

10、 sbs character or sth that is wrong or not perfect:Everybody has his faults.The sweater had a fault in it and I had to take it back.at fault 有责任;有错:有责任;有错:Perhaps the railway authorities are at fault for poor signalling system.2011 浙江指事物时,意为“缺陷;瑕疵缺陷;瑕疵”指人时,意为“缺点;弱缺点;弱点点”,和shortcoming同义find fault(wit

11、h)找茬儿;抱怨;挑剔:找茬儿;抱怨;挑剔:The fault-finder will find fault in everywhere and anytime,even in paradise!Life can be great when you are not busy finding fault with it.2015 福建你知道网球比赛中,专业术语“发球失误”如何表达吗?其实 fault 还有个意思就是“(网球比赛中)发球失误”,而 double fault 就是“双误”,即网球连续两次发球失误,失一分。vt 找找的缺点;指责;挑剔:的缺点;指责;挑剔:Nobody will fau

12、lt you for it.2014 辽宁 faultless adj 无错误的;完美无缺的无错误的;完美无缺的(perfect)faulty adj 有错误的;有缺陷的有错误的;有缺陷的名词动词化名词动词化fault,error,mistake 辨析辨析 fault 指对指对“过失、过错过失、过错”应负的责任,强调应负的责任,强调“过过”。Its my fault that we missed the bus.mistake 在日常英语中用得最为广泛,指用词或数字上的错误、在日常英语中用得最为广泛,指用词或数字上的错误、口误、笔误,也可指决定错误,强调口误、笔误,也可指决定错误,强调“误误”

13、。Im not blaming you we all make mistakes.I picked up your bag by mistake.error 与与 mistake 意义相近,但较为正式。意义相近,但较为正式。There must be an error in our calculations.The letter was sent to you in error.正式用语与非正式用语正式用语与非正式用语Informal/Neutral(中性的)(中性的)Formal/Written令人害怕的电影a scary movie a(n)_ movie参加活动join in/take

14、part in an activity_ _an activity畅所欲言have freedom to say anything_ _to say anything(购)买书buy a book_ a book解雇某人fire sb_ sb激烈的讨论a heated discussiona heated _因此so therefore/_运送货物transport/deliver goods_ goods根据所给提示完成表格。根据所给提示完成表格。frighteningparticipateinatlibertypurchasedismissdebatehenceconvey本单元的词根词缀

15、本单元的词根词缀说出下列单词的词根词缀的汉语释义。说出下列单词的词根词缀的汉语释义。1.Some understanding of grammar is fundamental to learning a language.fundamental:funda(bottom 底部)+-ment(名词后缀)+-al(形容词后缀)在底部的 _2.In England,dinners usually consist of meat or fi sh with vegetables followed by dessert,fruit and coffee.(2011 天津改)consist:con-(t

16、ogether 一起)+sist(to stand _)站在一起 _3.The judges then vote on creativity,technical skills,and visual impact of the designs.(2008 湖南)visual:vis-(to see _)+-ual(与有关的)与看有关的 _基础的基础的站站 /站立站立由由组成组成看看视觉的视觉的4.They did not anticipate seeing such an open country,and were truly amazed.anticipate:anti-(before 前)+

17、cip(to take/hold _)+-ate(动词后缀)在之前抓住 在之前想到 _5.Details of the competition are available at all participating stores.participate:parti-(a part _)+cip(to take/hold 抓住、承担)+-ate(动词后缀)抓住、承担一部分 _6.The car transformed America from a farm-based society into an industrial power.(2018 浙江)transform:trans-(across

18、 从一方到另一方)+form(_)使从一种形态成为另一种形态 _抓住抓住预期预期 /预料预料一部分一部分参与参与形成形成改变改变本单元金句汇总本单元金句汇总1.This programme is not suitable for children.2.Life consists of not only sunshine but also storms.2008 辽宁改3.What we say should be consistent with what we do.4.Theory must be combined with practice.5.Yellow is linked with

19、confidence,self-respect and friendliness.6.We anticipate hearing from you again./We anticipate that weshall hear from you again.7.Any student who is interested is welcome to participate.2016 全国书面表达8.Im really sorry its all my own fault.9.Everybody has his faults.10.Life can be great when you are not

20、 busy finding fault with it.2015 福建随堂检测随堂检测二、用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。二、用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。1.She remembered how difficult it was to choose a _(suit)Christmas present for her father.(2009 广东)2.If you look at all sides of the situation,youll find probably a solution that _(suit)everyone.(2020 江苏改)3.The course is

21、_(suit)for both beginners and advanced students.suitable一、根据所给汉语,用适当的词块完成下列句子。一、根据所给汉语,用适当的词块完成下列句子。This programme is _(儿童不宜).not suitable for childrensuitablesuitssuitable一、在空白处填入一、在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。1.What attracted me most _ the job was the chance to travel.2.Titanic is a

22、classic film which _(attract)lots of viewers.3.Chengdu has dozens of new millionaires,Asias biggest building,and fancy new hotels.But for tourists like me,pandas are its top _(attract).(2016 全国)4.These sports attract few viewers.However,the audience for these sports is _(attract)to certain advertise

23、rs.(2012 广东改)二、根据所给汉语,用适当的词块完成下列句子。二、根据所给汉语,用适当的词块完成下列句子。1.Thousands of foreigners _(被吸引)the Shanghai World Expo the day it opened.2.The debate _(吸引了很多关注).attractwere attracted totoattracts/attracted much/a lot of attentionattractsattractionattractiveconsist&consistent一、在空白处填入一、在空白处填入1 1个适当的单词或括号内单词

24、的正确形式。个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。1.There has been a _(consist)improvement in her attitude.2.The results are entirely consistent _ our earlier research.3.We have argued _(consist)for a change in the law.二、根据所给词块,将下列句子译成英语。二、根据所给词块,将下列句子译成英语。1.生活不仅有阳光,还有风雨。(2008 辽宁改)(consist of)_2.成功在于百折不挠。(2014 福建)(consist in

25、)_Life consists of not only sunshine but also storms.Success consists in the ability to continue efforts through failures.consistentwithconsistently写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。1.This new technique will boost food production._ 2.The publication of this book boost my confidence._ 3.We need a hol

26、iday to boost our spirits._ 4.This will be a great boost to the economy._5.Getting the job gave him a terrific(极好的)boost._ boost提高提高增强增强激发激发推动推动鼓舞鼓舞combine一、在空白处填入一、在空白处填入combine的正确形式。的正确形式。1.In this day and age,women can have children and jobs as well.I cant agree more.Its great to have the two _.(

27、2010 福建)2.In recent years an English word“infosphere”has appeared,_ the sense of“information”and“atmosphere”.(2015 福建)3.The _ weight of the earths bacteria is 400 billion tons.4.I know how I achieved my success.It came from good planning and better doing _.(2016 浙江)5.The _ of Fox and Disney will lea

28、d to billions of dollars in“synergies”(合并).combined combined combined combining combination 二、根据所给提示,用二、根据所给提示,用combine翻译下列句子。翻译下列句子。1.把工作和娱乐结合起来对你来说是件好事。(it作形式主语,business)_2.我们仍在寻找兼具所有必要品质的人选。(定语从句)_We are still looking for someone who combines all the necessary qualities.It will be a good thing for you to combine business and/with pleasure.谢谢谢谢观观赏赏


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